Bug: https://bugs.gentoo.org/894514 diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index 3819312..536c20b 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ ifndef AFL_NO_X86 test_x86: @echo "[*] Checking for the ability to compile x86 code..." - @echo 'main() { __asm__("xorb %al, %al"); }' | $(CC) -w -x c - -o .test || ( echo; echo "Oops, looks like your compiler can't generate x86 code."; echo; echo "Don't panic! You can use the LLVM or QEMU mode, but see docs/INSTALL first."; echo "(To ignore this error, set AFL_NO_X86=1 and try again.)"; echo; exit 1 ) + @echo 'int main() { __asm__("xorb %al, %al"); }' | $(CC) -w -x c - -o .test || ( echo; echo "Oops, looks like your compiler can't generate x86 code."; echo; echo "Don't panic! You can use the LLVM or QEMU mode, but see docs/INSTALL first."; echo "(To ignore this error, set AFL_NO_X86=1 and try again.)"; echo; exit 1 ) @rm -f .test @echo "[+] Everything seems to be working, ready to compile."