August 19, 2011 Hello DNS enthusiasts, The BIND 10 team is pleased to announce the thirteenth development release of our BIND 10 suite. This software provides a DNS library in C++ with Python wrappers, authoritative DNS server (with SQLite3 and in-memory backends) and a recursive DNS server (with caching and forwarding). It also includes other separate components for AXFR, configuration management, remote control, statistics collection, and more. We are using the prototype BIND 10 authoritative and recursive servers in production. Notable changes since our July release include access control for XFR-out, TSIG keys for ACLs, and addition of SRV, AFSDB, and MINFO resource record types. (The Changelog is at the bottom of this email.) Over the next two months, we plan to complete IXFR in and out, NSEC for the in-memory data source (already available for SQLite3 backend), a high performance data source, more resource record types, and a DHCPv6 echo server. The latest snapshot tarball and PGP signature can be downloaded at: Users and developers are encouraged to participate on the BIND 10 mailing lists. Please let us know about your experiences with using BIND 10. Jeremy C. Reed BIND 10 Release Engineer ISC p.s. A summary of the significant changes since the previous release include (from the ChangeLog): 281. [func] jelte Added a new type for configuration data: "named set". This allows for similar configuration as the current "list" type, but with strings instead of indices as identifiers. The intended use is for instance /foo/zones/ instead of /foo/zones[2]/bar. Currently this new type is not in use yet. (Trac #926, git 06aeefc4787c82db7f5443651f099c5af47bd4d6) 280. [func] jerry libdns++: Implement the MINFO rrtype according to RFC1035. (Trac #1113, git 7a9a19d6431df02d48a7bc9de44f08d9450d3a37) 279. [func] jerry libdns++: Implement the AFSDB rrtype according to RFC1183. (Trac #1114, git ce052cd92cd128ea3db5a8f154bd151956c2920c) 278. [doc] jelte Add logging configuration documentation to the guide. (Trac #1011, git 2cc500af0929c1f268aeb6f8480bc428af70f4c4) 277. [func] jerry libdns++: Implement the SRV rrtype according to RFC2782. (Trac #1128, git 5fd94aa027828c50e63ae1073d9d6708e0a9c223) 276. [func] stephen Although the top-level loggers are named after the program (e.g. b10-auth, b10-resolver), allow the logger configuration to omit the "b10-" prefix and use just the module name. (Trac #1003, git a01cd4ac5a68a1749593600c0f338620511cae2d) 275. [func] jinmei Added support for TSIG key matching in ACLs. The xfrout ACL can now refer to TSIG key names using the "key" attribute. For example, the following specifies an ACL that allows zone transfer if and only if the request is signed with a TSIG of a key name "key.example": > config set Xfrout/query_acl[0] {"action": "ACCEPT", \ "key": "key.example"} (Trac #1104, git 9b2e89cabb6191db86f88ee717f7abc4171fa979) 274. [bug] naokikambe Add unittests for functions xml_handler, xsd_handler and xsl_handler respectively to make sure their behaviors are correct, regardless of whether type which xml.etree.ElementTree.tostring() after Python3.2 returns is str or byte. (Trac #1021, git 486bf91e0ecc5fbecfe637e1e75ebe373d42509b) 273. [func] vorner It is possible to specify ACL for the xfrout module. It is in the ACL configuration key and has the usual ACL syntax. It currently supports only the source address. Default ACL accepts everything. (Trac #772, git 50070c824270d5da1db0b716db73b726d458e9f7) 272. [func] jinmei libdns++/pydnspp: TSIG signing now handles truncated DNS messages (i.e. with TC bit on) with TSIG correctly. (Trac #910, 8e00f359e81c3cb03c5075710ead0f87f87e3220) 271. [func] stephen Default logging for unit tests changed to severity DEBUG (level 99) with the output routed to /dev/null. This can be altered by setting the B10_LOGGER_XXX environment variables. (Trac #1024, git 72a0beb8dfe85b303f546d09986461886fe7a3d8) 270. [func] jinmei Added python bindings for ACLs using the DNS request as the context. They are accessible via the isc.acl.dns module. (Trac #983, git c24553e21fe01121a42e2136d0a1230d75812b27) 269. [bug] y-aharen Modified IntervalTimerTest not to rely on the accuracy of the timer. This fix addresses occasional failure of build tests. (Trac #1016, git 090c4c5abac33b2b28d7bdcf3039005a014f9c5b) 268. [func] stephen Add environment variable to allow redirection of logging output during unit tests. (Trac #1071, git 05164f9d61006869233b498d248486b4307ea8b6)