$NetBSD: Files,v 1.2 2006/07/23 13:37:43 bjh21 Exp $

List of files of !BtNetBSD :

!Run                    }
!Boot                   }
!Help                   }	
!Sprites                } Standard Application Files
!Sprites22              }
!Edit                   - Edits the `fastboot' file
Banner                  - NetBSD banner module
BtNetBSD                - Old NetBSD bootloader
boot32                  - New NetBSD bootloader
checkro403              - Tests if we're running RO4.03 for MemFix
Docs.FBInstall          - Doc on installing fastboot support
Docs.Legal              - Contains copyright information
MemFix                  - Module repairing memory layout reporting for Kinetic
TestBoot                - Fastboot tester
PreBoot                 - Preboot obey file
native                  - Native filesystem support directory
native.mountufs         - Frontend for mounting ffs partition
native.unixfs_res       - Restricted write Unixfs module
fastboot                - Fastboot (obey) file in text format
src                     - Source code