REM > bb_NetBSD REM $NetBSD: bb_netbsd,v 1.4 2006/08/31 20:59:24 bjh21 Exp $ REM REM Copyright (c) 1995 Mark Brinicombe REM All rights reserved REM REM Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without REM modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions REM are met: REM 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright REM notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. REM 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright REM notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the REM documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. REM 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software REM must display the following acknowledgement: REM This product includes software developed by Mark Brinicombe. REM 4. The name of the company nor the name of the author may be used to REM endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific REM prior written permission. REM REM THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR REM IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES REM OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. REM IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, REM INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, REM BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS REM OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND REM ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, REM OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF REM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH REM DAMAGE. REM REM NetBSD kernel project REM REM bb_NetBSD REM REM Modifies the filecore bootblock to point to a section of REM the disc reserved for NetBSD. REM REM Created : 24/11/94 REM Last updated : 12/07/95 REM DIM buf% 512 REM Get Filesystem type REPEAT PRINT "ADFS, ATAFS, IDEFS, SCSI or SCSIFS (A/T/I/S/F) ? "; filesys% = GET AND &DF PRINT CHR$(filesys%) UNTIL filesys%=ASC"A" OR filesys%=ASC"T" OR filesys%=ASC"S" OR filesys%=ASC"I" OR filesys%=ASC"F" CASE filesys% OF WHEN ASC"A" : discop$="ADFS_DiscOp" WHEN ASC"I" : discop$="IDEFS_DiscOp" WHEN ASC"T" : discop$="ATAFS_DiscOp" WHEN ASC"S" : discop$="SCSI_DiscOp" WHEN ASC"F" : discop$="SCSIFS_DiscOp" ENDCASE REM Get the drive number INPUT "Drive "d% REM Read in current filecore bootblock SYS discop$,, 1, &c00 + (d% << 29), buf%, 512 SYS "OS_File", 10, "<Wimp$ScrapDir>.OldBB", &FFD,, buf%, buf%+512 PRINT "Old boot block saved in <Wimp$ScrapDir>.OldBB" REM Get the byte size of the filecore partition and the number REM of bytes per cylinder size=buf%!&1d0 clsize=buf%?&1c2 * buf%?&1c1 * (1 << buf%?&1c0) REM A bit of info to the user PRINT "Filecore partition size = ";~size;" bytes" REM Convert the size into cylinders size = (size + clsize - 1) / clsize size = INT(size+0.5) PRINT "Filecore partition size = ";size; " cylinders (0-";size-1;")" REM Check for a RISC iX partition table (e.g. put there by scsidm). IF buf%?&1fc = 1 OR buf%?&1fc = 2 THEN PRINT "RISC iX partition starts at cylinder "; buf%?&1fd + (buf%?&1fe<<8) ENDIF REM We should be clever about here and read the real geometry REM of the disc so that we know the maximum cylinder number REM Get the starting cylinder for the NetBSD part of the disc INPUT "NetBSD Starting Cyl "c% REM Make sure it is after the filecore partition IF (c% < size) THEN PRINT "Filecore occupies cylinders upto ";size-1 INPUT "Are you sure you mean this value "a$ IF (a$ <> "yes" AND a$ <> "YES") THEN END PRINT "This will allow NetBSD to overwrite part of the ADFS partition" INPUT "Are you really sure you mean this value "a$ IF (a$ <> "yes" AND a$ <> "YES") THEN END ENDIF PRINT "Initialising NetBSD partition offset at ";c% PRINT "On drive ";d%;", using ";discop$;" to access drive" PRINT "Press any key to continue, escape to abort" dummy%=GET REM Modifiy the non-ADFS partition descriptor to describe the REM start of the NetBSD part of the disc buf%?&1FC = &42 : REM NetBSD identifier buf%?&1FD = c% AND 255 : REM low byte of start cylinder buf%?&1FE = c% >> 8 : REM high byte of start cylinder REM Recalculate the filecore boot block checksum buf%?&1FF = FNCheckSum(buf%,511) REM Write the boot block back to disc SYS discop$,, 2, &c00 + (d% << 29), buf%, 512 END DEF FNCheckSum(addr%, length%) sum% = 0 FOR n% = 0 TO length% - 1 sum% += addr%?n% IF sum% > 255 THEN sum% -= 255 ENDIF NEXT = sum%