$NetBSD: NetBSD-upgrade,v 1.2 2019/09/13 13:39:13 roy Exp $

dhcpcd releases can be found at https://roy.marples.name/downloads/dhcpcd/

For the import there is a handy autoamated approach
	tar -xf dhcpcd-X.Y.Z.tar.xz
	cd dhcpcd-X.Y.Z
	make import-src
	cd /tmp/dhcpcd-X.Y.Z
	cvs import src/external/bsd/dhcpcd/dist ROY dhcpcd-X_Y_Z

To make local changes to dhcpcd, simply patch and commit
to the main branch (aka HEAD).  Never make local changes on the
vendor (ROY) branch.

All local changes should be submitted to Roy Marples for inclusion in
the next vendor release.