Wish list: Things to do before the stable release: For the stable releases, make the spawn_command fix conditional on compatibility_level. make pre-release-check, HTML validator check. Disable -DSNAPSHOT and -DNONPROD in makedefs. Add a mail_version chek to each pluggable database client. Unify conf/postfix-wrapper and proto/postfix-wrapper (make one a dependency of the other). They have diverged. Should the SMTP client log the queue ID with the TLS status? relay_recipient_maps empty should default to 'no valid recipients'. Subject to compatibility level. Replace static result buffers with per-instance buffers in dict_unix.c, dict_ni*c. The Milter 'quarantine' action should be reported with a call-back function, instead of setting the Milter default reply. However, we still need the existing 'reply' based channel to support "milter_default_action = quarantine". In pipe_command() and spawn_command(), the child process should call initgroups() to corrrectly the access rights of interactive shell users. relay_recipient_maps empty should default to 'no valid recipients'. Subject to compatibility level. In mantools/postlink, allow newline etc. in "<a href". Add an option for a TLSRPT built-in JSON generator. This would simplify TLSRPT adoption by eliminating a build-time and run-time dependency on the libtlsrpt client library. Prior art: this approach was previously used to implement Postfix Milter support. Make TLSRPT support pluggable (postfix-tlsrpt.so, like postfix-ldap.so, postfix-mysql.so and so on). This avods a hard install-time dependency on sys4 libtlsrpt. The sys4 code would still be a required build-time dependency, but it would become an optional install-time dependency. Add smtp_tlsrpt_allow_list feature (default: static:all) to limit the domains for which Postfix generates TLSRPT daily summaries. Rename TLS_SESS_STATE.rpt_reported to skip_tlsrpt_report. Add unit tests for smtp_tlsrpt.c, tlstrpd_wrapper.c, ... Add sample master.cf entries for dovecot-lmtp and dovecot-pipe with flags=DORX as appropriate, and single-recipient hints. Add unit test for extpar.c Add tests for Message-ID extraction in the cleanup daemon. When debug logging is enabled, dict_db_open() logs a newline character after the version info. postsuper fails to write the maillog file while Postfix is down (the fallback to 'direct write' happens after an irreversible set_ugid() call). Possible solution: figure out if we can open the maillog file before dropping privileges. The postdrop code should be more explicit about what attrributes it will pass through. rec_attr_map() is not supposed to be an approver. Many master.cf services don't expect wakeup calls, resulting in weird warnings. Maybe the master daemon could signal the wakeup intent through a child process command-line option, so that the child can log "do not enable wakeups". Or the client could announce to the xxx_server-main() skeleton whether it wants wakeups. Or the child process could special-case messages that consist only of a "W". We're not using FIFOs anymore, and trigger servers could use a proper (attribute, value) protocol. The Sendmail feature _FFR_MDS_NEGOTIATE allows negotiating a larger milter command data size limit. To be investigated: what parts of the protocol are included in this limit when sending a message header (header name, protocol formatting, etc.) and how this will interact with the Postfix built-in header_size_limit (default: 102400). SEND_ATTR_FUNC should send the name of the object being sent, so that SCAN_ATTR_FUNC can check it. Send XFORWARD attributes in the SMTPD policy delegation protocol. With "smtpd_reject_unlisted_mumble = no" the Postfix SMTP server should still reject recipients that resolve to the error or retry transport. bounce/annotate.sh should include the 'QUICK INSTRUCTIONS' into the bounce.cf.default file. Should smtp_tls_wrappermode have an SMTP_TLS_POLICY override? The postsceen NON-SMTP test should log the command in the same format as the BARE NEWLINE and PREGREET tests. Consider logging the entire unadulterated command line. "postconf -d" should not complain about a missing master.cf file. qmgr_message.c should do the right thing when the double_bounce_sender value contains @. migrate rbl -> dnsbl migrate smtpd_sasl_tls_security_options to "noanonymous" (drop the "noplaintext" part). Safety: restrict sender-dependent features to, for example, mail from an authorized client (SASL, TLS, or IP address). If this becomes the default then it needs to be subject to comptibility_level. Make some of the message editing features available for non-Milter configurations (for example, set envelope.from from primary header.from). The postconf command needs more mongodb tests. The mongodb client needs tests. Change Postfix SMTP debug logging to display the entire input, instead of stopping at the first null byte. SRS-friendly envelope.from output rewrite in the SMTP client. TBD: before or after smtp_generic_maps. The two mechanisms are unlikely to be useful in combination. Cleanup: In documentation, replace DBM with LMDB (*.lmdb). Cleanup: Is it time to remove SDBM support? Its iterator was unusable, when the SDBM client was adopted in Postfix 2.2. In documentation and configuration file examples, replace IPv4 address prefixes from Cloud9 with 192.168.* from RFC 1918, and replace IPv6 address prefixes with unique local IPv6 address prefixes fd00:* from RFC 4193. Add a pre-release check for '.' instead of ','. Generalize from grep '[a-zA-Z0-9]\. *[a-z]' proto/*|egrep -v 'i\.e\.|etc\.|e\.g\.|\. *[a-zA-Z0-9]*\(' Update DKIM examples for signing with the benefits of forced MIME converison with "force_mime_input_conversion = yes" Scan Postfix code with github.com/googleprojectzero/weggli (depends on "rust"). Investigate clang-format compatibility as a possible migration away from indent. This requires that the output is stable. Check out https://github.com/milter-manager/milter-manager/ Check out https://github.com/clear-code/cutter (https://cutter.osdn.jp/) for C/C++ unit tests. postscreen hints to smtpd to suppress the server greeting after a remote SMTP client has pregreeted. This makes the PIPELINING detection more meaningful. Multi-recipient support in sender/recipient_bcc_maps and always_bcc. mail_conf_xxx supprt for non-negative numbers (i.e. numbers with a lower bound of zero). Log anvil transgressions with their address range (in addition to the offending IP address. We should not disclose to random clients how we aggregate anvil event counters. Should "postconf -f" pretty-print text inside {}? Is there any code that calls attr_scan*() and that works when the number of attributes received < the expected number? If there is no such code, then we can simplify a few things. Update TLS_README diagram, tlsmgr no longer manages cert info. Consider renaming local_header_rewrite_clients to local_header_canonicalize_clients, as a more accurate name. Optionally support "local_header_canonicalize_classes = rewrite_addresses, add_missing_headers" (default setting). And ditto for remote_header_rewrite_domain, whether it should rewrite address, add missing headers, or both. Add weight factors to randmap, for example randmap:{{result1}*99, {result2}*1}. To parse out weights, see postscreen. randmap already allows randmap:{{result}, ...}, to support whitespace and comma in result values, but it should also extract the value from {}. Migrate masquerade_domains from ARGV to STRING_LIST, or deprecate this feature because it breaks table-driven address validation. Enforce var_line_limit in util/attr_scan*c. This is needed if we want to expose Postfix RPC protocols externally. Can tests use LD_PRELOAD to inject fake modules such as fake_dns(3), fake_msg(3), fake_myaddrinfo(3) and so on? One limitation is that functions etc. in a preloaded object always take precedence, even in code that is not being tested. '%l' support, similar to %D in the Dovecot LDAP driver. Subject: Feature request: '%l' expansion for ldap_table, Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2022. Message-ID: <ef7c661c-d86a-2366-6a73-ec8d51d75012@dev.snart.me> WARN_IF_REJECT like prefix that disables the error counter increment. Consider migrating Postfix server sockets from directory $queue_directory/public to $queue_directory/protected. The directory $queue_directory/public can then be used for non-Postfix listeners (one subdirectory per application). FILTER_README needs some text on multi-instance implementations, and existing multi-instance references need to be updated. Fix code that still uses "long" for data_size and data_offset, and sscanf("%ld or strtou?l()). This seems relevant for 32-bit systems. This would use a new REC_TYPE_OFFS with a corresponding data type of off_t, using off_cvt() for conversion from string, and new code to convert off_t to string. A smart query service for live Postfix tables that outputs JSON? If the idea is to introspect on a running Postfix system, this involves adding an RPC endpoint to specific Postfix services. That could work for single-instance services like qmgr, verify, postscreen. JSON logging? default_transport_maps? This would simplify configuration. Add a pointer to https://fabianlee.org/2019/10/23/docker-running-a-postfix-container-for-testing-mail-during-development/ and https://github.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver Add a pointer to https://github.com/tarickb/sasl-xoauth2 and/or http://mmogilvi.users.sourceforge.net/software/oauthbearer.html in documentation or on-line howtos. Read the above links and see how we can improve usability on the Postfix side. Add verp=+= to the qmgr "from=" logging. This is already implemented but not yet integrated. Need canonical Dovecot example that has virtual_mailbox_domains, (virtual_mailbox_maps or reject unverified_recipient), and virtual_transport. Make smtpd_relay_before_recipient_restrictions settable in smtpd_checks tests. Make the DNS resolver library pluggable, so that we can a) plug in a fake resolver library for DNS-related regression tests and make DNS tests hermetic (no external dependency; b) add support for non-libbind resolvers. Gracefully handle requests for unsupported functionality; return an error status, instead of terminating. Add a robust dnssec_probe regression test (success and fail) that does not break existing regression tests. smtp_sasl_tls_security_options = noanonymous, and make smtp_sasl_security_options the default dependent on the smtp_sasl_tls_security_options default (i.e. reverse the dependency). Or make them independent. Try to make the master throttle more distrusting. Currently, the master throttles a service after a child process cannot be created (fork() fails), or if a child process fails upon its first use. The master always unthrottles the service if a process handles a client successfully. This is sufficient to mitigate local errors that break all attempts to use a service. It also slows down stupid remote attacks as long as malicious traffic dominates benign traffic. Perhaps monitor a crashing percentage? If 50% of all connections to a service result in abnormal termination, that would be bad even under a non-attack scenario. More accurate address verification: do a quota check before reporting that a local(8) or virtual(8) recipient is deliverable. Eliminate duplicate mail submission permission checks from sendmail, so that they happen in postdrop only. Then, pass the result through the postdrop-to-sendmail protocol. This requires that postdrop reads all inputs before responding (the local_login_sender_maps check depends on the envelope sender). Then sendmail can save input to dead.letter (no setgid privilege, but it would still have to use safe_open() to avoid clobbering files). Consider removing compat_level_from_numbers() and aliases, because they are no longer used anywhere. Allow '}' at the beginning of a line. This would make multi-line configuration settings easier to enter. This may be true for main.cf, master.cf and similar files (such as database configuration files, but not necessarily elsewhere). So it may have to be a readlline flag. Understand what happens with DNSSEC related status fields in posttls-finger when resolv.conf points to a host that runs no DNS server. Hardening the half-dane behavior: some sites may rely on current behavior which allows original MX domain name for certificate matches. Requires a new (compatibility) parameter setting? Code deduplication: migrate multi_server applications to event_server, because the multi_server and event_server skeletons are much more similar than other skeletons. In addition to the default event_server accept() handler, also register a read event callback for handling post_accept events. But the currrent multi_server API fits typical usage better. When a secondary instance has no multi_instance_name set, postmulti -i won't be able to find it. nbbio: exercise the sanity checks with fake msg(3) functions. optreset (bsd-ism) how badly do we need it? transport policy protocol (clone of check_policy). See also postscreen event-driven client for policy delegation below. smtp_line_length_limit can insert a line break in the middle of a multi-byte character (which is not necessarily UTF-8, so we can't simply look at the 8th bit). Also, note that a multi-byte character may span queue file record boundaries, for example if line_length_limit == smtp_line_length_limit. The only way to fix this is to make the smtp_text_out() routine aware of every possible multi-byte encoding. Replace ad-hoc code for pipe(8) flags handling, with infrastructure that was built for smtp(8). Move map descriptions from postconf(1) to DATABASE_README and point there. The text in DATABASE_README is less complete than that in postconf(1). make tls_pre_jail_init() safe by design for use in programs that implement both clients and servers. In smtpd(8) and postscreen(8), set the ehlo_discard_mask to ~0 so that STARTTLS, BDAT, DSN, etc. work only for clients that send EHLO. Wordsmithing: "replace by X" -> "replace with X" unless X is "responsible" for making the substitution. In postscreen, don't fork after 'postfix reload' when psc_check_queue_length (and psc_post_queue_length?) is zero. After I/O error, store errno in VSTREAM object before errno may be overwritten. Add some tips for logging from container: https://www.projectatomic.io/blog/2016/10/playing-with-docker-logging/; syslog_name = $myhostname/postfix; mkdir queue and data dir; postfix check to create queue subdirectories. Add postwhite as a postscreen-related project. https://github.com/stevejenkins/postwhite/blob/master/README.md XFORWARD attributes in policy protocol? Document postsrsd and postforward for srs-ifying. Would more fine-grained smtp_generic_maps support help? Decide whether to deprecate database configuration pathnames that start with ".", for example, ldap:./file/name. These forms are documented for ldap:, memcache:, mysql:, pgsql:, and sqlite: maps. Postfix daemon processes will look up files relative to the queue directory, but with postmap command-line processes it would be more natural to interpret relative pathnames relative to the current directory of the calling process (it would be a surprise if "postmap hash:./foo" would access "/var/spool/postfix/foo", or if "postmap hash:foo" and or "postmap hash:./foo" would access different files). Convert postalias(1) to store external-form keys, and convert aliases(5) to perform external-first lookup with fallback to internal form, to make it consistent with the rest of Postfix. In several years we may remove the internal-form fallbacks with a compatibility_level safety net. In the bounce daemon, set util_utf8_enable if returning an SMTPUTF8 message. This is wrong; if SMTPUTF8 is disabled, then Postfix must not turn it on. Add a header_body_checks extension callback in smtp_proto.c that implements the PASS action. Propagate SMTPD_PEER_CODE_XXX from smtpd(8) to cleanup(8), so that {client_resolve} and {_} produce consistent results. NO_IP_CYRUS_SASL_AUTH should be a main.cf parameter. Modeline support in config files to enable/disable trailing #comment, and to give hints about how to handle an LHS or RHS. This will not preserve trailing comments in lines that are modified with "postconf -e" and the like. Maintainability: replace lengthy libmilter-API argument lists with named parameters, as with the libtls API. Fix buflen integer overflow detection in dict*sql.c. Fix "make test" bitrot. Move DNS-based tests from porcupine.org to postfix.org, or use a mock DNS library (a library that presents the same API as the real library, but that produces canned responses). Document dns_ncache_ttl_fix_enable use case in POSTSCREEN_README and RELEASE_NOTES. Remove this file from the stable release. Things to do after the stable release: Specify WARN_UNUSED_RESULT for all library functions that pass, deliver, bounce or defer a delivery request. Invent some kind of type-checking wrappers for htable(3), ctable(3) and other modules that take and return a void* pointer. We already did that for variadic functions. TLS certificate provenance: indicate whether a subject name/issuer are verified or not (for example, change the attribute name to unverified_ccert_subject etc.). This is relevant only for fingerprint-based authentication including DANE, and affects logging, SMTPD policy, and Milters. Generalize the daemon '-S' stand-alone mode, so that it can be used with custom configuration settings for request/reply regression testing. This would use the existing "-o name=value" support to override parameters. For example, queue_directory would point to a directory with sockets for fake versions of Postfix-internal services. Update the list of Sendmail macros that Postfix can send to Milters (auth_ssf and TLS-related). Update smtpd command count when rejecting or skipping input before command-table lookup. But then we need to count commands that are rejected (malformed UTF-8, tokenizer error, forbidden command), or skipped (noop). What is the best place to detect spaces in pathnames during installation/upgrade/packaging? postfix-install for early warning, and post-install as a safety net? When the service basename differs from the program file basename, either prepend the service name to the syslogname (as if syslog_name=postfix/service/program), or prepend the service name to the process name (perhaps too confusing). The service indication is desirable for mail delivery transports (smtp versus relay) as it identifies what scheduler parameters are in effect, but it is also desirable for mail receiving services (smtp versus submission verus smtps as configured in the stock master.cf file). This requires exceptions for some program names (exclude smtpd to avoid logging postfix/smtp/smtpd which could result in more confusion, and maybe other program names). UTF8 DNS[BW]L domain name. Consolidate maps flags in mail_params.h instead of having multiple copies scattered across programs. Try to allow UTF-8 myhostname/mydomain, at least in bounce template expansion. In the SMTP server, do not issue an enhanced status code when rejecting a connection before the HELO handshake is completed. Maybe don't whitelist a client that has maxed out its per-MTA connection count limit. Log command=good/bad statistics in postscreen? smtpd_checks tests either must use a DNS dummy resolver (override the res_search API) or all names must be under test.postfix.org (but that does not work for address->name lookups, and cannot simulate some errors). Reporting the original Message-ID in a bounce message In-Reply-To: or References: header. In the cleanup daemon, grab a copy of the Message-ID and export it along with other header-extracted information at the top of the "extracted" queue file segment. In the queue manager, extract this along with other header-extracted information, and forward the Message-ID in the bounce server notification request. Clobber ORCPT when sender is owner-mumble? Add milter_mumble_macros to the list of per-macro features. The pickup daemon logs warnings only when the cleanup daemon dit not provide a "reason" attribute. Is this logic right? up-convert myhostname to UTF-8 in MIME boundary strings? Eliminate code duplication between pcf_print_master_field() and pcf_print_master_entry(). Error reporting: see if pcf_check_master_entry() and children can return error descriptions instead of terminating with a fatal error. Add a switch to consider postscreen deep protocol tests as "completed" when receiving "RSET" after "RCPT TO" and the session has passed all tests up to that point. RSET becomes like QUIT except perhaps that it does not hang up. apipe: map, splits results into address lists and performs lookups for the invidual addresses, converting back and forth between external and internal forms. Clarify that receive_override_options have no effect with smtpd_proxy_filter. Document the relative order of header_checks, address rewriting, milters. NOT: Table-driven case folding and case-insensitive string comparison specifically for UTF-8. Use libicu functions instead. When downgrading message/global to 7bit, is quoted-printable the appropriate encoding? Should it be base64? Should we encode headers with RFC 2047, when that is the only reason that Postfix cannot deliver to a non-UTF8SMTP server? Probably not in the general case. What about Postfix as a gateway server that converts UTF8SMTP for delivery to non-UTF8SMTP environments? Document and test restriction_classes example for smtpd_policy_service_default_action. Don't accept AUTH or other features that are not announced in the EHLO response. Suggested at Mailserver conference: Postscreen RDNS-based reputation (but this makes postscreen performance highly unpredicable because it introduces a dependency on random DNS servers). Suggested at Mailserver conference: a way to select a specific field in a table, presumably as the result value. This may be done with a filtermap{i,j,...}: table that propagates only the specified field(s). Discourage the use of "after 220" tests in POSTSCREEN_README and the documentation of individual parameter settings. To un-break "make tests" under src/smtpd, make tests independent from the DNS and native routines for host name/address lookup. Make been_here flag BH_FLAG_FOLD configurable for masochists. Replace some redundant TLS_README sections with pointers to FORWARD_SECRECY_README. Move html/index.html source to proto/. How hard is it to follow canonical or virtual mapping for the purpose of address validation? We must never reject a valid address. Preserve case in smtpd_resolve_addr() and add a structure member for the case-folded address. IIRC some Milter macro needs to show the unfolded address. Per SASL account rate limits. This requires new infrastructure that maintains stats by SASL account instead of client IP address. Watchdog timer in postmap/postalias. Begin code revision, after DANE support stabilizes. This should be one pass that changes only names and no code. recipient_delimiters = $recipient_delimiter for BC All source code must specify its original author and license statement. Some code modules specify Lutz Jaenicke as the original author and fall under his liberal license. Code that is added to such a module has the same license (or at least something that is not more restrictive). Code modules without input from Lutz Jaenicke must state its original author and license (preferably no more restrictive than Postfix's own license). Currently, too many files list Wietse as the original author, and Lutz Jaenicke's license, which is wrong. We have smtp_host_lookup, smtp_dns_resolver_options, and now smtp_dns_support_level. Of these, smtp_dns_resolver_options is orthogonal but the rest has overlap. There needs to be support for automatic migration from the deprecated disable_dns_lookups feature to the preferred smtp_dns_support_level feature. This support needs to exist for several releases before the deprecated feature can be removed. End code revision, after DANE support stabilizes. It would be nice if "bare username" lookup is not hard-coded for domains in the local address class. Don't forget Apple's code donation for fetching mail from IMAP server. Should postconf -o refuse to work without the -x option? Make 30s caching (feature 20070414) configurable, such that 0 means no caching. Make errno white/blacklist for getpwnam_r etc. and mailbox write errors. smtpd_muble_restrictions rule names are case-insensitive. restriction_classes values are case-sensitive but should be case-insensitive for consistency with smtpd_muble_restrictions. Make "rename" the default when postmapping a DB file (later: use copy+rename for postmap -i, postmap -d). Service-name parameters aren't documented in daemon manpages. When faking up the DSN ORCPT, don't send bare usernames from local command-line submission. lmtp_assume_final is broken. A 2XX response does not imply final delivery. The Sieve language implements accept-then-bounce. postscreen event-driven plug-in interface to send out a query in parallel with the Pregreet and DNSBL tests, using a simplified version of the policy delegation protocol. Parallelized queue preprocessing: rip out the queue manager code to read queue files and resolve recipients, and run it in parallel processes. The queue manager then processes their results as they become available. This would eliminate the qmgr<->trivial-rewrite bottleneck. This can also eliminate much of the scheduling disadvantage of a single queue manager compared to hundreds of mail receiving or sending processes (especially if there is a way to scan the queue in parallel). Memory pools for same-type memory objects. This can be used to either increase memory locality for frequently-allocated objects (MRU allocation) or to make use-after-free bugs more detectable (use LRU allocation and wipe the object immediately after free(). Finally, same-type memory pools prevent object type errors with use-after-free bugs. "no-cache" option for selected postscreen tests? Need a new DICT flag to indicate that a map handle supports locking. If it doesn't (as with memcache or proxymap handles), then postscreen etc. don't need to close a cache file after "postfix reload". After a fork() it is OK to keep using a memcache or proxymap handle, because the parent exits immediately. For this to work, the memcache client needs to propagate the flag from a persistent backup map, but the proxymap protocol should not propagate this to the client. Different TTL values for different DNSBL sources? Replace master(8) SIGHUP by very simple socket protocol to allow reload of a specific service. postscreen: in the dummy SMTP engine, log the protocol state at time of violation (like smtpd, set state->where initially to CONNECT, then update it with the name of the last "known" command, or set it to "unimplemented"). The discussion of postscreen cache configuration is in the wrong place (how whitelisting works). Move it to the section about configuring postscreen. Before proxymap can be exposed to the network (primarily to share postscreen or verify caches), need to enforce limits on attribute string name and value length in IPC protocols. 10-20KB seems OK. We need to enforce content sanity checks (for example, no control characters; Postfix does not pass around multi-line data in table lookups). The VSTREAM library already supports read/write deadlines. We need to use attack-resistant code for numeric conversion. move flush_init() etc. from defer service clients to the bounce daemon? Postfix works best when work can be spread out over many clients, instead of over a few servers. multi_connect() function that takes a list of inet:host:port and/or unix:pathname specs, with an explicit "inet" prefix argument to handle applications that use host:port only. This will simplify multi-host implementation for memcache client, dovecot client, and other. dict_memcache: treat "bad" key as cache miss, i.e. read/write the backup database as if the cache did not exist. This does not help because most Postfix maps (virtual, canonical, access, transport, ...) also don't support spaces in keys. postscreen: keep the cache open after "postfix reload" when it is remote (type memcache: or proxy:). This does not work because memcache can use a non-proxied file as backup). What is the feasibility of adding an mta_name (personality) attribute that is propagated via queue files and delivery agent requests? It would default to myhostname. Major performance improvement opportunity (that is until everyone runs Postfix queues on SSDs). Investigate the viability of a daemon that produces incoming and postdrop queue files on request (in reality it would maintain a limited queue of "spare" files). Central queue file allocation reduces the I/O performance disadvantage that qmgr has when 100 smtpd processes are receiving mail, or when lots of mail is submitted with the sendmail command line. When an smtpd process accepts MAIL FROM, a cleanup daemon requests a queue file and receives a queue ID + file handle from the queue file daemon. If the queue file daemon is down, the cleanup daemon creates the file itself like it does now; this can be hidden in the mail_stream library module. If the mail transaction is aborted, then the cleanup daemon gives the queue file back to the queue file daemon's "spare" file pool, saving most of the overhead of creating and deleting a queue file (the file would still need to be renamed at the start of the next mail transaction). If the cleanup daemon is unable to give a file back, then it can delete the file like it does now; this can be hidden in the mail_stream library module. The whole thing can be transparently added to Postfix by adding calls to a queue-file-service client to the mail_queue_enter() and mail_queue_remove() library routines. Other advantages: 1) negligible performance hit when queue file allocation happens earlier, so that logging and milters have a queue ID for the whole transaction not just the first valid recipient; 2) by not removing every queue files we get most of the performance gain of a queue based on append/truncate instead of the much more expensive create/delete. Investigate viability of Sendmail dns maps. Make the rules for how to use close-on-exec more explicit. Provide separate timeout control for dict_proxy client, rewrite client, resolve client, cleanup client, and so on. Perhaps a timeout argument to the mail_connect() routines. Trick from amavisd: save listen socket/fifo/etc state, clear their close-on-exec flags, exec the same program file to re-initialize (with saved socket state on command line or in environment), then restore the listen socket/fifo/etc close-on-exec flags. This could be a way to mitigate the impact of memory/file leaks, and to implement "postfix reload" support for master(8) features that currently don't support this. Sub-second time resolution. The first benefit is to make per-destination rate delays more usable. Other applications will come up once the support exists. The straightforward approach is to represent all time intervals in milliseconds, and to update all code that makes system calls with a time argument (as well as the compiled-in upper and lower time parameter bounds, which are currently in seconds). Unfortunately, that limits he maximum time interval to less than 25 days on 32-bit systems, and is likely to break compatibility (for starters, it cannot even deal with the compiled-in 100d upper bound on the queue file lifetime). A second option is to have a "compatibility" time base switch between milliseconds and seconds; this means extra changes to all code that makes system calls with a time argument, and the way that the compiled-in upper and lower bounds are specified. Some of this can be encapsulated in macros like time_to_sec(t), time_to_msec(t) and sec_to_time(t). Finally, it is relatively easy to replace the events(3) interface to use "double" for the time delay arguments, but it is a major pain to convert all main.cf time parameters into doubles (converting only some leads to a documentation nightmare). Address verify cache: allow a negative cache "refresh" result to purge a "positive" cache entry in some safe manner. Currently, the negative cache "refresh" result is discarded, address verify cache lookup returns OK, and each lookup forces a "refresh" probe until the entry expires. Some Sendmail configurations trigger sub-optimal behavior when the postscreen_whitelist_interfaces parameter lists primary MX addresses only. When postscreen's "deep protocol tests" are successful on the primary MX address (i.e. they result in 4XX responses to RCPT TO), some Sendmail configurations keep the primary MX connection open until AFTER they finish talking to the backup MX address. The problem is that the backup connection runs into a WHITELIST VETO condition because the whitelisting database has not yet been updated with the PASS NEW result for the primary MX connection. Unfortunately postscreen can't update the whitelisting database before the primary MX connection is closed, because a client may still make a mistake. In the SMTP server, check if the connection is closed before replying to ".", and discard the message if the reply can't be sent. This reduces the time window for RFC 1047 message duplication, and may even prevent the delivery of some spam. http://www.exim.org/lurker/message/20070416.103159.9d5ff0ce.en.html This requires splitting the SMTP server's commit operation into two operations: first, a tentative commit operation that performs most of the I/O and processing in milters and in the cleanup server; second, a final commit operation that is executed only if the remote SMTP client hasn't hung up in the mean time. Unfortunately, SMTP-based before-queue content filters don't support a tentative commit operation. Find out how to reproduce Berkeley DB bogus ENOENT errors. postscreen does not log this with Berkeley DB 1 (FreeBSD 4..8), 4.7.25 (Ubuntu 9.04) and 4.8.24 (Ubuntu 10.04). postconf command-line option to show the compile-time settings (CCARGS, AUXLIBS) in case binary packages don't install the makedefs.out file. events.c: cache the side effects of file descriptor event enable/disable operations in user space, and do bulk kernel updates at event_loop() time. This can eliminate costly system calls with successive event disable/enable operations on the same file descriptor. This can also eliminate the need for tricky code that tries to avoid the expense of successive disable/enable operations. Such code is likely to introduce bugs. When does it pay off to send domains in the active queue to a DNS prefetch daemon? Could this generalize to a dynamic transport map that piggy-backs domains with the same MX host into the same mail delivery transaction? tlsproxy(8) should receive TLS preferences from postscreen(8) and smtpd(8), instead of reading them from main.cf. This means that many tlsproxy_ parameters become postscreen_ parameters, and that tls_server_init() parameters move to to tls_server_start(). That is a significant API change. It also means tlsproxy can't open all files before chroot(). anvil rate limit for sasl_username. Encapsulate nbbio buffer access and update by tlsproxy. Full-duplex support for tlsproxy(8). This requires updating events(3) and nbbio(3). Register automagic destructor for object attached to VSTREAM. Use different ipc time limits for email message transactions (smtpd, pickup)->cleanup and for quick query/reply transactions such as address rewriting/resolution. Beware of large time limits for local or virtual alias expansion. permit_tempfail_action (default: defer_if_reject) to be used as the default value for dnswl_tempfail_action and rhswl_tempfail_action. Steal liberally from the code that implements unverified_recipient_tempfail_action etc. Support filtering of messages that are generated by Postfix: This would apply to postmaster notices and bounce messages (DKIM), and address verification (BATV). Consistency: in postconf.proto make <dt>..</dt> tags bold. Would it help if there were different cleanup_service parameter names for different message paths? smtpd(8) uses the same cleanup_service value for receiving remote mail and for submitting postmaster problem reports. Do we need separate mumble_cleanup_service_name parameters for "inject", "notify" and "forward" (with backwards compatible defaults)? IF/ENDIF support for CIDR tables. Need a regular expression table to translate address verification responses into hard/soft/accept reply codes. Is there a way to make sendmail -V work after local alias expansion? Majordomo-like mailing lists would benefit from this; the example in VERP_README does not work in the general case. When an alias is a member of an :include: list with owner- alias, local(8) needs an option to deliver alias or alias->user indirectly. What happens when an :include: list with owner- alias includes another list? Don't allow empty result values in pcre and regexp maps. Postfix doesn't allow them anywhere else (check this). Make PCRE_MAX_CAPTURE configurable. Add some checks for tokens starting with #. A challenge is to report sensible context from the guts of some low-level parser, without introducing a great deal of clumsiness. Add sendmail macros for {verify} and maybe other TLS info. Find out if we are doing the correct thing by looking at state->milter_reject_text when expanding {rcpt_addr} or {rcpt_host}. Find out why post_mail() etc. block when the qmgr fifo is full (answer: trigger_timeout). How can this cause delays in the queue manager? When a recipient bounces during (transport, nexthop, address) resolution, it is redirected to the error or retry mailer; and bounce-after-delivery is asynchrounous so it can't block the queue manager, either. How to ensure that proxy_read_maps is processed after all its dependencies are initialized, or just bite the bullet and rewrite the parameter initialization code. The cleanup virtual alias expansion limit does not really deliver on its promises. 1) It promises to truncate the result without aborting delivery, which would be undesirable anyway, but that is not what it does, so that is good. 2) It keeps all the recipients from multi-recipient database lookup, then terminates further recursion when the result exceeds the expansion limit. This behavior achieves the original goal that all things shall have a finite size (even though but we don'really care how large they are) but may result in surprises when recipients are listed in virtual alias domains or need expansion for other reasons. In a phone call with Victor, a reasonable way out is to set the limit to some large number (100000) and abort delivery when the result exceeds the limit. Should the postscreen save permanent white/black list lookup results to the temporary cache, and query the temporary cache first? Skipping white/black list lookups will speed up the handling of "good" clients without a permanent whitelist entry. Of course, this means that updates to the white/black lists do not immediately take effect. Workarounds: 1) use a shorter temporary cache TTL for clients on the permanent black/white lists; 2) ignore cached white/black list lookup results after "postfix reload"; 2) adjust the logging, for example "WHITELISTED address (cached)" and "BLACKLISTED address (cached)" to eliminate surprises. Comparing the cache entry time with the white/blacklist file modification time is not foolproof: for example, pcre or CIDR tables are read only once. It would be nice if the generic dict_cache(3) cache manager could postpone process suicide until cache cleanup is completed (but that is not possible when postscreen forks into the background to finish already-accepted connections, and it is not desirable when a host is being shut down). When postscreen drops a connection, a 521 "greeting" should be of the form "521 servername..." and not have an enhanced status code. The "521 5.7.1" form can be used after EHLO. Of course no spammer is going to complain about Postfix SMTP compliance. Find a place to document all the mail routing mechanisms in one place so people can figure out how Postfix works. The access map BCC action is marked "not stable", perhaps because people would also expect BCC actions in header/body_checks. How much would it take to make the queue file editing code generally usable? Move smtpd_command_filter into smtpd_chat_query() and update the session transcript (see smtp_chat_reply() for an example). SMTP connection caching without storing connections, to improve TLS mail delivery performance. Should not milter8_mail_event() unset the "hold" default reply? Better, the default reply should not be used for this purpose. Don't send MASTER_STAT_TAKEN/MASTER_STAT_AVAIL when a server runs with process limit of 1. But this means the master never learns that the process is successful and will always pause $service_throttle_time before restarting a failed service. Don't bother maintaining a per-service lockfile when a server runs with process limit of 1. The purpose of the lockfile is to avoid thundering herd problems when the kernel wakes up multiple processes for each new client connection. Implement PREPEND action for milter_header_checks. Save the to-be-prepended text to buffer, then emit it along with the new header. Fix the header_body_checks API, so that the name of the map class (e.g. milter_header_checks) is available for logging. Fix the mime_state and header_body_checks APIs, so that they use VSTRINGs. This simplifies REPLACE actions. Update FILTER_README for multi-instance support, and rename the old document to FILTER_LEGACY_README. Need to sign delivery status notifications, to avoid surprises when eventually people start enforcing DKIM etc. signatures. Either document or remove the internal_mail_filter_classes feature (it's disabled by default). Make the "unknown recipient" test configurable as first|last|never, with "yes"=="last" for backwards compatibility. The "first" setting is good for performance (stress=yes) when all users are defined in local files; but it may perform worse when users are in networked tables. Cleanup: make DNSBL query format configurable beyond the client's reversed IP address. Maybe change maps_rbl_reject_code default to 521, and update wording in STRESS_README. Encapsulate time_t comparisons so that they can be made system dependent (use difftime() where available). Encapsulate time_t conversions (e.g. REC_TYPE_TIME) so that they can be made system dependent. Plan for time_t larger than long, or wait for LP64 to dominate the world? Write delivery rate delay example (which _README?) and auth failure cache example (SASL_README). Then include them in SOHO_README. Look for alternatives for the use of non_smtpd_milters. This involves some way to force local submissions to go through a local SMTP client and server, without triggering "mail loops back to myself" false alarms. The advantage is that it makes smtpd_mumble_restrictions available for local and remote mail; the disadvantage is that it makes local submissions more dependent on networking. One possibility is to use "pickup -o content_filter=smtp:", or a dedicated SMTP client/server on UNIX-domain sockets; we could also decide to always suppress "mail loop" detection for loopback connections. Another option is to have the pickup or cleanup server drive an SMTP client directly; this would require extension of the mail_stream() interface, plus a way to handle bounced/deferred recipients intelligently, but it would be at odds with Postfix design where delivery agents access queue files directly; exposing delivery agents to raw queue files violates another Postfix design principle. Consolidate duplicated code in *_server_accept_{pass,inet}(). Consolidate duplicated code in {inet,unix,upass}_trigger.c. In the SMTP client, handle 421 replies in smtp_loop() by having the input function raise a flag after detecting 421 (kill connection caching and be sure to do the right thing with RSET probes), leave the smtp_loop() per-command reply handlers unchanged, and have the smtp_loop() reader loop bail out with smtp_site_fail("server disconnected after %s", where), but only in the case that it isn't already in the final state. But first we need to clean up the handling of do/don't cache, expired, bad and dead sessions. Combine smtpd_peer.c and qmqpd_peer.c into a single function that produces a client context object, and provide attribute print/scan routines that pass these client context objects around. With this, we no longer have to update multiple pieces of code when a client attribute is added. Ditto for SASL and TLS context. Don't log "warning: XXXXX: undeliverable postmaster notification discarded" for spam from outside. Really need a cleanup driver that allows testing against Milter applications instead of synthetic events. This would have to provide stubs for clients that talk to Postfix daemon processes. See if this approach can also be used for other daemons. smtpd(8) exempts $address_verify_sender from access controls, but it doesn't know whether cleanup(8) or delivery agents modify the sender. Would it be possible to "calibrate" this exemption, perhaps by having delivery agents pass the probe sender to the verify server, keeping in mind that the probe sender may differ per delivery agent due to output rewriting. Update attr_print/scan() so they can send/receive file descriptors. This simplifies kludgy code in many daemons. Would there be a problem adding $smtpd_mumble_restrictions and $smtpd_sender_login_maps to the default proxy_read_maps settings? Remove defer(8) and trace(8) references and man pages. These are services not program names. On the other hand we have man pages for lmtp(8) and smtp(8), but not for relay(8). Likewise, retry(8) does not have a man page. Bind all deliveries to the same local delivery process, making Postfix perform as poorly as monolithic mailers, but giving a possibility to eliminate duplicate deliveries. Maybe declare loop when resolve_local(mxhost) is true? Update message content length when adding/removing headers. Need scache size limit. REDIRECT should override original recipient info, and probably override DSN as well. Update FILTER_README with mailing list suggestions to tag with a badness indicator and then filter down-stream. Make null local-part handling configurable: either expand into mailer-daemon (current behavior) or disallow (strict behavior, currently implemented only in the SMTP server). Add M flag (enable multi-recipient delivery) to pipe daemon. The usage of TLScontext->cache_type is unclear. It specifies a TLS session cache type (smtpd, smtp, or lmtp), but it is sometimes used as an indicator that TLS session caching is unavailable. In reality, that decision is made by not registering call-back functions for cache maintenance. Postfix TLS library code should copy any strings that it receives from the application, instead of passing them around as pointers. TLScontext->cache_type is a case in point. Are transport:nexthop null fields the same as in the case of default_transport etc. parameters? Don't lose bits when converting st_dev into maildir file name. It's 64 bits on Linux. Found with the BEAM source code analyzer. Is this really a problem, or are they just using 64 bits for upwards compatibility with LP64 systems? Do or don't introduce unknown_reverse_client_reject_code. Check that "UINT32 == unsigned int" choice is ok (i.e. LP64 UNIX). Tempfail when a Milter application tries to negotiate content access, while it is configured in an SMTP server that runs before the smtpd_proxy filter. Log DSN original recipient when rejecting mail. Keep whitespace between label and ":"? Make the map case folding/locking options configurable, if not at run-time then at least at compile time so we get consistent behavior across applications. Investigate what it would take to eliminate oqmgr, and to make the old behavior configurable in a unified queue manager. This would shave another 2.7 KLOC from the source footprint. Document the case folding strategy for match_list like features. Eliminate the (incoming,deferred)->active rename operation. This requires an in-memory hash of queue file names to avoid duplicate open() operations. Softbounce fallback-to-ISP for SOHO users. This heuristic assumes that when direct-to-MX delivery fails with 5XX, delivery via the ISP may still succeed. This could be implemented by enabling soft bounces for destinations other than the smtp_fallback_relay. So the only benefit of this over the existing soft_bounce feature is that it has no effect on smtp_fallback_relay deliveries. Centralize main.cf parameter input so that defaults work consistently. What about parameter names that are prefixed with mail delivery transport names? Fix default time unit handling so that we can have a default bounce lifetime of $maximal_queue_lifetime, without causing panics when a non-default maximal_queue_lifetime setting includes no time unit. After the 20051222 ISASCII paranoia, lowercase() lowercases ASCII text only. Privacy: remove local command/pathname details from remote delivery status reports, and log them via local msg_warn(). Is it safe to cache a connection after it has been used for more than some number of address verification probes? Try to recognize that Resent- headers appear in blocks, newest block first. But don't break on incorrect header block organization. Hard limits on cache sizes (anvil, specifically). Laptop friendliness: make the qmgr remember when the next deferred queue scan needs to be done, and have the pickup server stat() the maildrop directory before searching it. Low: replace_sender/replace_recipient actions in access maps, so they can be used in policy servers? Low: configurable order of local(8) delivery methods. Med: smtp_connect_timeout_budget (default: 3x smtp_connect_timeout) to limit the total time spent trying to connect. Med: transform IPv4-in-IPv6 address literals to IPv4 form when comparing against local IP addresses? Med: transform IPv4-in-IPv6 address literals to IPv4 form when eliminating MX mailer loops? Med: Postfix requires [] around IPv6 address information in match lists such as mynetworks, debug_peer_list etc., but the [] must not be specified in access(5) maps. Other places don't care. For now, this gotcha is documented in IPV6_README and in postconf(5) with each feature that may use IPv6 address information. The general recommendation is not to use [] unless absolutely necessary. Med: the partial address matching of IPv6 addresses in access(5) maps is a bit lame: it repeatedly truncates the last ":octetpair" from the printable address representation until a match is found or until truncation is no longer possible. Since one or more ":" are usually omitted from the printable IPv6 address representation, this does not really try all the possibilities that one might expect to be tried. For now, this gotcha is documented in access(5). Low: reject HELO with any domain name or IP address that this MTA is the final destination for. Low: should the Delivered-To: test in local(8) be configurable? Low: make mail_addr_find() lookup configurable. Low: update events.c so that 1-second timer requests do not suffer from rounding errors. This is needed for 1-second SMTP session caching time limits. A 1-second interval would become arbitrarily short when an event is scheduled just before the current second rolls over. Low: configurable internal/system locking method. Low: add INSTALL section for pre-existing Postfix systems. Low: add INSTALL section for pre-existing RPM Postfixes. Low: disallow smtpd_recipient_limit < 100 (the RFC minimum). Low: noise filter: allow smtp(8) to retry immediately if all MXes return a quick ECONNRESET or 4xx reply during the initial handshake. Retry once? How many times? Low: make post-install a "postfix-only script" so it can take data from the environment instead of main.cf. Low: randomize deferred mail backoff. Med: separate ulimit for delivery to command? Med: postsuper -r should do something with recipients in bounce logfiles, to make sure the sender will be notified. To be perfectly safe, no process other than the queue manager should move a queue file away from the active queue. This could involve tagging a queue file, and use up another permission bit (postsuper tags a "hot" file, qmgr requeues it). Low: postsuper re-run after renaming files, but only a limited number of times. Low: smtp-source may block when sending large test messages. Med: find a way to log the sender address when MAIL FROM is rejected due to lack of disk space. Low: revise other local delivery agent duplicate filters. Low: all table lookups should consistently use internalized (unquoted) or externalized (quoted) forms as lookup keys. smtpd, qmgr, local, etc. use unquoted address forms as keys. cleanup uses quoted forms. Low: have a configurable list of errno values for mailbox or maildir delivery that result in deferral rather than bouncing mail. What about "killed by signal" exits? Low: after reorganizing configuration parameters, add flags to all parameters whose value can be read from file. Medium: need in-process caching for map lookups. LDAP servers seem to need this in particular. Need a way to expire cached results that are too old. Low: generic showq protocol, to allow for more intelligent processing than just mailq. Maybe marry this with postsuper. Low: default domain for appending to unqualified recipients, so that unqualified names can be delivered locally. Low: The $process_id_directory setting is not used anywhere in Postfix. Problem reported by Michael Smith, texas.net. This should be documented, or better, the code should warn about attempts to set read-only parameters. Low: while converting 8bit text to quoted-printable, perhaps use =46rom to avoid having to produce >From when delivering to mailbox. virtual_mailbox_path expression like forward_path, so that people can specify prefix and suffix.