/* $NetBSD: xyreg.h,v 1.7 2011/02/01 19:36:24 chuck Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1995 Charles D. Cranor * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * x y r e g . h * * this file contains the description of the Xylogics 450/451's hardware * data structures. * * author: Chuck Cranor <chuck@netbsd> */ #define XYC_MAXDEV 2 /* max devices per controller */ #define XYC_CTLIOPB XYC_MAXDEV /* controller's iopb */ #define XYC_RESETUSEC 1000000 /* max time for xyc reset (same as xdc?) */ #define XYC_MAXIOPB (XYC_MAXDEV+1) /* max # of iopbs that can be active */ #define XYC_MAXTIME (4*1000000) /* four seconds before we give up and reset */ #define XYC_MAXTRIES 4 /* max number of times to retry an operation */ #define XYC_INTERLEAVE 1 /* interleave (from disk label?) */ #define XYFM_BPS 0x200 /* must be 512! */ /* * xyc device interface * (lives in VME address space) [note: bytes are swapped!] */ struct xyc { volatile u_char xyc_reloc_hi; /* iopb relocation (low byte) */ volatile u_char xyc_reloc_lo; /* iopb relocation (high byte) */ volatile u_char xyc_addr_hi; /* iopb address (low byte) */ volatile u_char xyc_addr_lo; /* iopb address (high byte) */ volatile u_char xyc_rsetup; /* reset/update reg */ volatile u_char xyc_csr; /* control and status register */ }; /* * xyc_csr */ #define XYC_GBSY 0x80 /* go/busy */ #define XYC_ERR 0x40 /* error */ #define XYC_DERR 0x20 /* double error! */ #define XYC_IPND 0x10 /* interrupt pending */ #define XYC_ADRM 0x08 /* 24-bit addressing */ #define XYC_AREQ 0x04 /* attention request */ #define XYC_AACK 0x02 /* attention ack. */ #define XYC_DRDY 0x01 /* drive ready */ /* * Input/Output Parameter Block (iopb) * * all controller commands are done via iopb's. to start a command you * must do this: * [1] allocate space in DVMA space for the iopb * [2] fill out all the fields of the iopb * [3] if the controller isn't busy, start the iopb by loading the address * and reloc in the xyc's registers and setting the "go" bit [done] * [4] controller busy: set AREQ bit, and wait for AACK bit. * add iopb to the chain, and clear AREQ to resume I/O * * when the controller is done with a command it may interrupt (if you * ask it to) and it will set the XYC_IPND bit in the csr. clear * the interrupt by writing one to this bit. * * the format of the iopb is described in section 2.4 of the manual. * note that it is byte-swapped on the sun. */ struct xy_iopb { /* section 2.4.2: byte 1 */ volatile u_char resv1:1; /* reserved */ volatile u_char iei:1; /* interrupt on each IOPB done */ volatile u_char ierr:1; /* interrupt on error (no effect on 450) */ volatile u_char hdp:1; /* hold dual port drive */ volatile u_char asr:1; /* autoseek retry */ volatile u_char eef:1; /* enable extended fn. (overlap seek) */ volatile u_char ecm:2; /* ECC correction mode */ #define XY_ECM 2 /* use mode 2 (see section 2.4.2) */ /* section 2.4.1: byte 0 */ volatile u_char aud:1; /* auto-update iopb */ volatile u_char relo:1; /* enable multibus relocation (>16bit addrs)*/ volatile u_char chen:1; /* chain enable, "next iopb" is valid */ volatile u_char ien:1; /* interrupt enable */ volatile u_char com:4; /* command */ #define XYCMD_NOP 0x0 /* no-op */ #define XYCMD_WR 0x1 /* write */ #define XYCMD_RD 0x2 /* read */ #define XYCMD_WTH 0x3 /* write track headers */ #define XYCMD_RTH 0x4 /* read track headers */ #define XYCMD_SK 0x5 /* seek */ #define XYCMD_RST 0x6 /* drive reset */ #define XYCMD_WFM 0x7 /* write format */ #define XYCMD_RDH 0x8 /* read header, data, and ECC */ #define XYCMD_RDS 0x9 /* read drive status */ #define XYCMD_WRH 0xa /* write header, data, and ECC */ #define XYCMD_SDS 0xb /* set drive size */ #define XYCMD_ST 0xc /* self test */ #define XYCMD_R 0xd /* reserved */ #define XYCMD_MBL 0xe /* maint. buffer load */ #define XYCMD_MBD 0xf /* main. buffer dump */ /* section 2.4.4: byte 3 */ volatile u_char errnum; /* error or completion code */ /* section 2.4.3: byte 2 */ volatile u_char errs:1; /* error summary bit */ volatile u_char resv2:2; /* reserved */ volatile u_char ctyp:3; /* controller type */ #define XYCT_450 1 /* the 450 controller */ volatile u_char resv3:1; /* reserved */ volatile u_char done:1; /* done! */ /* section 2.4.6: byte 5 */ volatile u_char dt:2; /* drive type */ #define XYC_MAXDT 3 /* largest drive type possible */ volatile u_char resv4:4; /* reserved */ volatile u_char unit:2; /* unit # */ /* section 2.4.5: byte 4 */ volatile u_char bw:1; /* byte(1)/word(0) xfer size */ volatile u_char intlv:4; /* interleave factor (0=1:1, 1=2:1, etc.) */ volatile u_char thro:3; /* DMA throttle (0=2,1=4,2=8, etc...) */ #define XY_THRO 4 /* 4 == 32 DMA cycles */ /* section 2.4.8: byte 7 */ volatile u_char sect; /* sector # */ /* section 2.4.7: byte 6 */ volatile u_char head; /* head # */ /* section 2.4.9: byte 8,9 */ volatile u_short cyl; /* cyl # */ /* section 2.4.10: byte a,b */ volatile u_short scnt; /* sector count, also drive status */ #define xy_dr_status scnt #define XYS_ONCL 0x80 /* on-cylinder (active LOW) */ #define XYS_DRDY 0x40 /* drive ready (active LOW) */ #define XYS_WRPT 0x20 /* write protect */ #define XYS_DPB 0x10 /* dual-port busy */ #define XYS_SKER 0x08 /* hard seek error */ #define XYS_DFLT 0x04 /* disk fault */ /* section 2.4.11: byte c,d */ volatile u_short dataa; /* data address */ /* section 2.4.12: byte e,f */ volatile u_short datar; /* data relocation pointer */ /* section 2.4.14: byte 11 */ volatile u_char subfn; /* sub-function */ /* section 2.4.13: byte 10 */ volatile u_char hoff; /* head offset for fixed/removable drives */ /* section 2.4.15: byte 12,13 */ volatile u_short nxtiopb; /* next iopb address (same relocation) */ /* section 2.4.16: byte 14,15 */ volatile u_short eccpat; /* ecc pattern */ /* section 2.4.17: byte 16,17 */ volatile u_short eccaddr; /* ecc address */ }; /* * errors (section */ /* software error codes */ #define XY_ERR_FAIL 0xff /* general total failure */ #define XY_ERR_DERR 0xfe /* double error */ /* no error */ #define XY_ERR_AOK 0x00 /* success */ #define XY_ERR_IPEN 0x01 /* interrupt pending */ #define XY_ERR_BCFL 0x03 /* busy conflict */ #define XY_ERR_TIMO 0x04 /* operation timeout */ #define XY_ERR_NHDR 0x05 /* header not found */ #define XY_ERR_HARD 0x06 /* hard ECC error */ #define XY_ERR_ICYL 0x07 /* illegal cylinder address */ #define XY_ERR_ISEC 0x0a /* illegal sector address */ #define XY_ERR_SMAL 0x0d /* last sector too small */ #define XY_ERR_SACK 0x0e /* slave ACK error (non-existent memory) */ #define XY_ERR_CHER 0x12 /* cylinder and head/header error */ #define XY_ERR_SRTR 0x13 /* auto-seek retry successful */ #define XY_ERR_WPRO 0x14 /* write-protect error */ #define XY_ERR_UIMP 0x15 /* unimplemented command */ #define XY_ERR_DNRY 0x16 /* drive not ready */ #define XY_ERR_SZER 0x17 /* sector count zero */ #define XY_ERR_DFLT 0x18 /* drive faulted */ #define XY_ERR_ISSZ 0x19 /* illegal sector size */ #define XY_ERR_SLTA 0x1a /* self test a */ #define XY_ERR_SLTB 0x1b /* self test b */ #define XY_ERR_SLTC 0x1c /* self test c */ #define XY_ERR_SOFT 0x1e /* soft ECC error */ #define XY_ERR_SFOK 0x1f /* soft ECC error recovered */ #define XY_ERR_IHED 0x20 /* illegal head */ #define XY_ERR_DSEQ 0x21 /* disk sequencer error */ #define XY_ERR_SEEK 0x25 /* seek error */ /* error actions */ #define XY_ERA_PROG 0x10 /* program error: quit */ #define XY_ERA_SOFT 0x30 /* soft error: we recovered */ #define XY_ERA_HARD 0x40 /* hard error: retry */ #define XY_ERA_RSET 0x60 /* hard error: reset, then retry */ #define XY_ERA_WPRO 0x90 /* write protected */