/* $NetBSD: intr.c,v 1.56 2020/11/01 20:58:38 christos Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2008-2010, 2015 Antti Kantee. All Rights Reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: intr.c,v 1.56 2020/11/01 20:58:38 christos Exp $"); #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/atomic.h> #include <sys/cpu.h> #include <sys/kernel.h> #include <sys/kmem.h> #include <sys/kthread.h> #include <sys/malloc.h> #include <sys/intr.h> #include <sys/timetc.h> #include <rump-sys/kern.h> #include <rump/rumpuser.h> /* * Interrupt simulator. It executes hardclock() and softintrs. */ #define SI_MPSAFE 0x01 #define SI_KILLME 0x02 struct softint_percpu; struct softint { void (*si_func)(void *); void *si_arg; int si_flags; int si_level; struct softint_percpu *si_entry; /* [0,ncpu-1] */ }; struct softint_percpu { struct softint *sip_parent; bool sip_onlist; bool sip_onlist_cpu; TAILQ_ENTRY(softint_percpu) sip_entries; /* scheduled */ TAILQ_ENTRY(softint_percpu) sip_entries_cpu; /* to be scheduled */ }; struct softint_lev { struct rumpuser_cv *si_cv; TAILQ_HEAD(, softint_percpu) si_pending; }; static TAILQ_HEAD(, softint_percpu) sicpupending \ = TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(sicpupending); static struct rumpuser_mtx *sicpumtx; static struct rumpuser_cv *sicpucv; kcondvar_t lbolt; /* Oh Kath Ra */ static int ncpu_final; void noclock(void); void noclock(void) {return;} __strong_alias(sched_schedclock,noclock); __strong_alias(cpu_initclocks,noclock); __strong_alias(addupc_intr,noclock); __strong_alias(sched_tick,noclock); __strong_alias(setstatclockrate,noclock); /* * clock "interrupt" */ static void doclock(void *noarg) { struct timespec thetick, curclock; struct clockframe *clkframe; int64_t sec; long nsec; int error; struct cpu_info *ci = curcpu(); error = rumpuser_clock_gettime(RUMPUSER_CLOCK_ABSMONO, &sec, &nsec); if (error) panic("clock: cannot get monotonic time"); curclock.tv_sec = sec; curclock.tv_nsec = nsec; thetick.tv_sec = 0; thetick.tv_nsec = 1000000000/hz; /* generate dummy clockframe for hardclock to consume */ clkframe = rump_cpu_makeclockframe(); for (;;) { int lbolt_ticks = 0; hardclock(clkframe); if (CPU_IS_PRIMARY(ci)) { if (++lbolt_ticks >= hz) { lbolt_ticks = 0; cv_broadcast(&lbolt); } } error = rumpuser_clock_sleep(RUMPUSER_CLOCK_ABSMONO, curclock.tv_sec, curclock.tv_nsec); if (error) { panic("rumpuser_clock_sleep failed with error %d", error); } timespecadd(&curclock, &thetick, &curclock); } } /* * Soft interrupt execution thread. This thread is pinned to the * same CPU that scheduled the interrupt, so we don't need to do * lock against si_lvl. */ static void sithread(void *arg) { struct softint_percpu *sip; struct softint *si; void (*func)(void *) = NULL; void *funarg; bool mpsafe; int mylevel = (uintptr_t)arg; struct softint_lev *si_lvlp, *si_lvl; struct cpu_data *cd = &curcpu()->ci_data; si_lvlp = cd->cpu_softcpu; si_lvl = &si_lvlp[mylevel]; for (;;) { if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&si_lvl->si_pending)) { sip = TAILQ_FIRST(&si_lvl->si_pending); si = sip->sip_parent; func = si->si_func; funarg = si->si_arg; mpsafe = si->si_flags & SI_MPSAFE; sip->sip_onlist = false; TAILQ_REMOVE(&si_lvl->si_pending, sip, sip_entries); if (si->si_flags & SI_KILLME) { softint_disestablish(si); continue; } } else { rump_schedlock_cv_wait(si_lvl->si_cv); continue; } if (!mpsafe) KERNEL_LOCK(1, curlwp); func(funarg); if (!mpsafe) KERNEL_UNLOCK_ONE(curlwp); } panic("sithread unreachable"); } /* * Helper for softint_schedule_cpu() */ static void sithread_cpu_bouncer(void *arg) { struct lwp *me; me = curlwp; me->l_pflag |= LP_BOUND; rump_unschedule(); for (;;) { struct softint_percpu *sip; struct softint *si; struct cpu_info *ci; unsigned int cidx; rumpuser_mutex_enter_nowrap(sicpumtx); while (TAILQ_EMPTY(&sicpupending)) { rumpuser_cv_wait_nowrap(sicpucv, sicpumtx); } sip = TAILQ_FIRST(&sicpupending); TAILQ_REMOVE(&sicpupending, sip, sip_entries_cpu); sip->sip_onlist_cpu = false; rumpuser_mutex_exit(sicpumtx); /* * ok, now figure out which cpu we need the softint to * be handled on */ si = sip->sip_parent; cidx = sip - si->si_entry; ci = cpu_lookup(cidx); me->l_target_cpu = ci; /* schedule ourselves there, and then schedule the softint */ rump_schedule(); KASSERT(curcpu() == ci); softint_schedule(si); rump_unschedule(); } panic("sithread_cpu_bouncer unreasonable"); } static kmutex_t sithr_emtx; static unsigned int sithr_est; static int sithr_canest; /* * Create softint handler threads when the softint for each respective * level is established for the first time. Most rump kernels don't * need at least half of the softint levels, so on-demand saves bootstrap * time and memory resources. Note, though, that this routine may be * called before it's possible to call kthread_create(). Creation of * those softints (SOFTINT_CLOCK, as of writing this) will be deferred * to until softint_init() is called for the main CPU. */ static void sithread_establish(int level) { int docreate, rv; int lvlbit = 1<<level; int i; KASSERT((level & ~SOFTINT_LVLMASK) == 0); if (__predict_true(sithr_est & lvlbit)) return; mutex_enter(&sithr_emtx); docreate = (sithr_est & lvlbit) == 0 && sithr_canest; sithr_est |= lvlbit; mutex_exit(&sithr_emtx); if (docreate) { for (i = 0; i < ncpu_final; i++) { if ((rv = kthread_create(PRI_NONE, KTHREAD_MPSAFE | KTHREAD_INTR, cpu_lookup(i), sithread, (void *)(uintptr_t)level, NULL, "rsi%d/%d", i, level)) != 0) panic("softint thread create failed: %d", rv); } } } void rump_intr_init(int numcpu) { cv_init(&lbolt, "oh kath ra"); mutex_init(&sithr_emtx, MUTEX_DEFAULT, IPL_NONE); ncpu_final = numcpu; } void softint_init(struct cpu_info *ci) { struct cpu_data *cd = &ci->ci_data; struct softint_lev *slev; int rv, i; if (!rump_threads) return; slev = kmem_alloc(sizeof(struct softint_lev) * SOFTINT_COUNT, KM_SLEEP); for (i = 0; i < SOFTINT_COUNT; i++) { rumpuser_cv_init(&slev[i].si_cv); TAILQ_INIT(&slev[i].si_pending); } cd->cpu_softcpu = slev; /* overloaded global init ... */ /* XXX: should be done the last time we are called */ if (ci->ci_index == 0) { int sithr_swap; /* pretend that we have our own for these */ stathz = 1; schedhz = 1; profhz = 1; initclocks(); /* create deferred softint threads */ mutex_enter(&sithr_emtx); sithr_swap = sithr_est; sithr_est = 0; sithr_canest = 1; mutex_exit(&sithr_emtx); for (i = 0; i < SOFTINT_COUNT; i++) { if (sithr_swap & (1<<i)) sithread_establish(i); } } /* well, not really a "soft" interrupt ... */ if ((rv = kthread_create(PRI_NONE, KTHREAD_MPSAFE, ci, doclock, NULL, NULL, "rumpclk%d", ci->ci_index)) != 0) panic("clock thread creation failed: %d", rv); /* not one either, but at least a softint helper */ rumpuser_mutex_init(&sicpumtx, RUMPUSER_MTX_SPIN); rumpuser_cv_init(&sicpucv); if ((rv = kthread_create(PRI_NONE, KTHREAD_MPSAFE, NULL, sithread_cpu_bouncer, NULL, NULL, "sipbnc")) != 0) panic("softint cpu bouncer creation failed: %d", rv); } void * softint_establish(u_int flags, void (*func)(void *), void *arg) { struct softint *si; struct softint_percpu *sip; int level = flags & SOFTINT_LVLMASK; int i; si = malloc(sizeof(*si), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK); si->si_func = func; si->si_arg = arg; si->si_flags = flags & SOFTINT_MPSAFE ? SI_MPSAFE : 0; si->si_level = level; KASSERT(si->si_level < SOFTINT_COUNT); si->si_entry = malloc(sizeof(*si->si_entry) * ncpu_final, M_TEMP, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); for (i = 0; i < ncpu_final; i++) { sip = &si->si_entry[i]; sip->sip_parent = si; } sithread_establish(level); return si; } static struct softint_percpu * sitosip(struct softint *si, struct cpu_info *ci) { return &si->si_entry[ci->ci_index]; } /* * Soft interrupts bring two choices. If we are running with thread * support enabled, defer execution, otherwise execute in place. */ void softint_schedule(void *arg) { struct softint *si = arg; struct cpu_info *ci = curcpu(); struct softint_percpu *sip = sitosip(si, ci); struct cpu_data *cd = &ci->ci_data; struct softint_lev *si_lvl = cd->cpu_softcpu; if (!rump_threads) { si->si_func(si->si_arg); } else { if (!sip->sip_onlist) { TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&si_lvl[si->si_level].si_pending, sip, sip_entries); sip->sip_onlist = true; } } } /* * Like softint_schedule(), except schedule softint to be handled on * the core designated by ci_tgt instead of the core the call is made on. * * Unlike softint_schedule(), the performance is not important * (unless ci_tgt == curcpu): high-performance rump kernel I/O stacks * should arrange data to already be on the right core at the driver * layer. */ void softint_schedule_cpu(void *arg, struct cpu_info *ci_tgt) { struct softint *si = arg; struct cpu_info *ci_cur = curcpu(); struct softint_percpu *sip; KASSERT(rump_threads); /* preferred case (which can be optimized some day) */ if (ci_cur == ci_tgt) { softint_schedule(si); return; } /* * no? then it's softint turtles all the way down */ sip = sitosip(si, ci_tgt); rumpuser_mutex_enter_nowrap(sicpumtx); if (sip->sip_onlist_cpu) { rumpuser_mutex_exit(sicpumtx); return; } TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&sicpupending, sip, sip_entries_cpu); sip->sip_onlist_cpu = true; rumpuser_cv_signal(sicpucv); rumpuser_mutex_exit(sicpumtx); } /* * flimsy disestablish: should wait for softints to finish. */ void softint_disestablish(void *cook) { struct softint *si = cook; int i; for (i = 0; i < ncpu_final; i++) { struct softint_percpu *sip; sip = &si->si_entry[i]; if (sip->sip_onlist) { si->si_flags |= SI_KILLME; return; } } free(si->si_entry, M_TEMP); free(si, M_TEMP); } void rump_softint_run(struct cpu_info *ci) { struct cpu_data *cd = &ci->ci_data; struct softint_lev *si_lvl = cd->cpu_softcpu; int i; if (!rump_threads) return; for (i = 0; i < SOFTINT_COUNT; i++) { if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&si_lvl[i].si_pending)) rump_schedlock_cv_signal(ci, si_lvl[i].si_cv); } } bool cpu_intr_p(void) { return false; }