/* $NetBSD: run.c,v 1.16 2024/10/04 15:11:09 rillig Exp $ */ /* * Copyright 1997 Piermont Information Systems Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Written by Philip A. Nelson for Piermont Information Systems Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of Piermont Information Systems Inc. may not be used to endorse * or promote products derived from this software without specific prior * written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY PIERMONT INFORMATION SYSTEMS INC. ``AS IS'' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PIERMONT INFORMATION SYSTEMS INC. BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ /* run.c -- routines to interact with other programs. */ /* XXX write return codes ignored. XXX */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "defs.h" #include "menu_defs.h" #include "msg_defs.h" #define MAXBUF 256 #if defined(DEBUG) && defined(DEBUG_SYSTEM) static inline int Xsystem(const char *y) { printf ("%s\n", y); return 0; } #else #define Xsystem(y) system(y) #endif /* * local prototypes */ int log_flip (menudesc *, void *); static int script_flip (menudesc *, void *); #define BUFSIZE 4096 menu_ent logmenu [2] = { { .opt_action=log_flip}, { .opt_action=script_flip} }; static void log_menu_label(menudesc *m, int opt, void *arg) { wprintw(m->mw, "%s: %s", msg_string(opt ? MSG_Scripting : MSG_Logging), msg_string((opt ? script != NULL : logfp != NULL) ? MSG_On : MSG_Off)); } void do_logging(void) { int menu_no; menu_no = new_menu(MSG_Logging_functions, logmenu, 2, -1, 12, 0, 20, MC_SCROLL, NULL, log_menu_label, NULL, MSG_Pick_an_option, MSG_exit_menu_generic); if (menu_no < 0) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Dynamic menu creation failed.\n"); if (logfp) (void)fprintf(logfp, "Dynamic menu creation failed.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } process_menu(menu_no, NULL); free_menu(menu_no); } int /*ARGSUSED*/ log_flip(menudesc *m, void *arg) { time_t tloc; (void)time(&tloc); if (logfp) { fprintf(logfp, "Log ended at: %s\n", safectime(&tloc)); fflush(logfp); fclose(logfp); logfp = NULL; } else { logfp = fopen("/tmp/sysinst.log", "a"); if (logfp != NULL) { fprintf(logfp, "Log started at: %s\n", safectime(&tloc)); fflush(logfp); } else { if (mainwin) { msg_fmt_display(MSG_openfail, "%s%s", "log file", strerror(errno)); } else { fprintf(stderr, "could not open /tmp/sysinst.log: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } } return(0); } static int /*ARGSUSED*/ script_flip(menudesc *m, void *arg) { time_t tloc; (void)time(&tloc); if (script) { scripting_fprintf(NULL, "# Script ended at: %s\n", safectime(&tloc)); fflush(script); fclose(script); script = NULL; } else { script = fopen("/tmp/sysinst.sh", "w"); if (script != NULL) { scripting_fprintf(NULL, "#!/bin/sh\n"); scripting_fprintf(NULL, "# Script started at: %s\n", safectime(&tloc)); fflush(script); } else { msg_fmt_display(MSG_openfail, "%s%s", "script file", strerror(errno)); } } return(0); } int collect(int kind, char **buffer, const char *name, ...) { size_t nbytes; /* Number of bytes in buffer. */ size_t fbytes; /* Number of bytes in file. */ size_t abytes; /* allocated size of buffer */ struct stat st; /* stat information. */ int ch; FILE *f; char fileorcmd[STRSIZE]; va_list ap; char *cp; va_start(ap, name); vsnprintf(fileorcmd, sizeof fileorcmd, name, ap); va_end(ap); if (kind == T_FILE) { /* Get the file information. */ if (stat(fileorcmd, &st)) { *buffer = NULL; return -1; } fbytes = (size_t)st.st_size; /* Open the file. */ f = fopen(fileorcmd, "r"); if (f == NULL) { if (logfp) fprintf(logfp, "%s: failed to open %s\n", __func__, fileorcmd); *buffer = NULL; return -1; } } else { /* Open the program. */ f = popen(fileorcmd, "r"); if (f == NULL) { if (logfp) fprintf(logfp, "%s: failed to open %s\n", __func__, fileorcmd); *buffer = NULL; return -1; } fbytes = 0; } if (fbytes == 0) abytes = BUFSIZE; else abytes = fbytes+1; /* Allocate the buffer size. */ *buffer = cp = malloc(abytes); if (!cp) nbytes = -1; else { /* Read the buffer. */ nbytes = 0; while ((ch = fgetc(f)) != EOF) { if (nbytes >= abytes-1) { if (fbytes > 0 || abytes >= 512*BUFSIZE) { free(cp); *buffer = cp = NULL; nbytes = -1; break; } abytes *= 2; *buffer = cp = realloc(cp, abytes); if (!cp) { nbytes = -1; break; } } cp[nbytes++] = ch; } if (cp) cp[nbytes] = 0; } if (kind == T_FILE) fclose(f); else pclose(f); if (nbytes <= 0 && logfp) fprintf(logfp, "%s: failed for %s\n", __func__, fileorcmd); return nbytes; } /* * system(3), but with a debug wrapper. * use only for curses sub-applications. */ int do_system(const char *execstr) { register int ret; /* * The following may be more than one function call. Can't just * "return Xsystem (command);" */ ret = Xsystem(execstr); return (ret); } static char ** make_argv(char *cmd) { char **argv = 0; int argc = 0; char *cp, *dp, *fn; DIR *dir; struct dirent *dirent; int l; for (; *cmd != 0; cmd = cp + strspn(cp, " "), argc++) { if (*cmd == '\'') cp = strchr(++cmd, '\''); else cp = strchr(cmd, ' '); if (cp == NULL) cp = strchr(cmd, 0); argv = realloc(argv, (argc + 2) * sizeof *argv); if (argv == NULL) err(1, "realloc(argv) for %s", cmd); asprintf(argv + argc, "%.*s", (int)(cp - cmd), cmd); /* Hack to remove %xx encoded ftp password */ dp = strstr(cmd, ":%"); if (dp != NULL && dp < cp) { for (fn = dp + 4; *fn == '%'; fn += 3) continue; if (*fn == '@') memset(dp + 1, '*', fn - dp - 1); } if (*cp == '\'') cp++; if (cp[-1] != '*') continue; /* do limited filename globbing */ dp = argv[argc]; fn = strrchr(dp, '/'); if (fn != NULL) *fn = 0; dir = opendir(dp); if (fn != NULL) *fn++ = '/'; else fn = dp; if (dir == NULL) continue; l = strlen(fn) - 1; while ((dirent = readdir(dir))) { if (dirent->d_name[0] == '.') continue; if (strncmp(dirent->d_name, fn, l) != 0) continue; if (dp != argv[argc]) argc++; argv = realloc(argv, (argc + 2) * sizeof *argv); if (argv == NULL) err(1, "realloc(argv) for %s", cmd); asprintf(argv + argc, "%.*s%s", (int)(fn - dp), dp, dirent->d_name); } if (dp != argv[argc]) free(dp); closedir(dir); } argv[argc] = NULL; return argv; } static void free_argv(char **argv) { char **n, *a; for (n = argv; (a = *n++);) free(a); free(argv); } static WINDOW * show_cmd(const char *scmd, struct winsize *win) { WINDOW *actionwin; int nrow; wclear(stdscr); clearok(stdscr, 1); touchwin(stdscr); refresh(); mvaddstr(0, 4, msg_string(MSG_Status)); standout(); addstr(msg_string(MSG_Running)); standend(); mvaddstr(1, 4, msg_string(MSG_Command)); standout(); printw("%s", scmd); standend(); addstr("\n\n"); hline(0, win->ws_col); refresh(); nrow = getcury(stdscr) + 1; actionwin = subwin(stdscr, win->ws_row - nrow, win->ws_col, nrow, 0); if (actionwin == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "sysinst: failed to allocate output window.\n"); exit(1); } scrollok(actionwin, TRUE); if (has_colors()) { wbkgd(actionwin, getbkgd(stdscr)); wattrset(actionwin, getattrs(stdscr)); } wmove(actionwin, 0, 0); wrefresh(actionwin); return actionwin; } /* * launch a program inside a subwindow, and report its return status when done */ static int launch_subwin(WINDOW **actionwin, char **args, struct winsize *win, int flags, const char *scmd, const char **errstr) { int n, i; int selectfailed; int status, master, slave; fd_set active_fd_set, read_fd_set; pid_t child, pid; char ibuf[MAXBUF]; char pktdata; char *cp, *ncp; struct termios rtt, tt; struct timeval tmo; static int do_tioccons = 2; (void)tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &tt); if (openpty(&master, &slave, NULL, &tt, win) == -1) { *errstr = "openpty() failed"; return -1; } rtt = tt; /* ignore tty signals until we're done with subprocess setup */ ttysig_ignore = 1; ioctl(master, TIOCPKT, &ttysig_ignore); /* Try to get console output into our pipe */ if (do_tioccons) { if (ioctl(slave, TIOCCONS, &do_tioccons) == 0 && do_tioccons == 2) { /* test our output - we don't want it grabbed */ write(1, " \b", 2); ioctl(master, FIONREAD, &do_tioccons); if (do_tioccons != 0) { do_tioccons = 0; ioctl(slave, TIOCCONS, &do_tioccons); } else do_tioccons = 1; } } if (logfp) fflush(logfp); if (script) fflush(script); child = fork(); switch (child) { case -1: ttysig_ignore = 0; refresh(); *errstr = "fork() failed"; return -1; case 0: /* child */ (void)close(STDIN_FILENO); /* silently stop curses */ (void)close(STDOUT_FILENO); (void)open("/dev/null", O_RDWR, 0); dup2(STDIN_FILENO, STDOUT_FILENO); endwin(); (void)close(master); rtt = tt; rtt.c_lflag |= (ICANON|ECHO); (void)tcsetattr(slave, TCSANOW, &rtt); login_tty(slave); if (logfp) { fprintf(logfp, "executing: %s\n", scmd); fclose(logfp); logfp = NULL; } if (script) { fprintf(script, "%s\n", scmd); fclose(script); script = NULL; } if (strcmp(args[0], "cd") == 0 && strcmp(args[2], "&&") == 0) { target_chdir_or_die(args[1]); args += 3; } if (flags & RUN_XFER_DIR) target_chdir_or_die(xfer_dir); /* * If target_prefix == "", the chroot will fail, but * that's ok, since we don't need it then. */ if (flags & RUN_CHROOT && *target_prefix() && chroot(target_prefix()) != 0) warn("chroot(%s) for %s", target_prefix(), *args); else { execvp(*args, args); warn("execvp %s", *args); } _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // break; /* end of child */ default: /* * parent: we've set up the subprocess. * forward tty signals to its process group. */ ttysig_forward = child; ttysig_ignore = 0; break; } /* * Now loop transferring program output to screen, and keyboard * input to the program. */ FD_ZERO(&active_fd_set); FD_SET(master, &active_fd_set); FD_SET(STDIN_FILENO, &active_fd_set); for (selectfailed = 0;;) { if (selectfailed) { const char mmsg[] = "select(2) failed but no child died?"; if (logfp) (void)fprintf(logfp, mmsg); errx(1, mmsg); } read_fd_set = active_fd_set; tmo.tv_sec = flags & RUN_SILENT ? 20 : 2; tmo.tv_usec = 0; i = select(FD_SETSIZE, &read_fd_set, NULL, NULL, &tmo); if (i == 0 && *actionwin == NULL && (flags & RUN_SILENT) == 0) *actionwin = show_cmd(scmd, win); if (i < 0) { if (errno != EINTR) { warn("select"); if (logfp) (void)fprintf(logfp, "select failure: %s\n", strerror(errno)); selectfailed = 1; } } else for (i = 0; i < FD_SETSIZE; ++i) { if (!FD_ISSET(i, &read_fd_set)) continue; n = read(i, ibuf, sizeof ibuf - 1); if (n <= 0) { if (n < 0) warn("read"); continue; } ibuf[n] = 0; cp = ibuf; if (i == STDIN_FILENO) { (void)write(master, ibuf, (size_t)n); if (!(rtt.c_lflag & ECHO)) continue; } else { pktdata = ibuf[0]; if (pktdata != 0) { if (pktdata & TIOCPKT_IOCTL) memcpy(&rtt, ibuf, sizeof(rtt)); continue; } cp += 1; } if (*cp == 0 || flags & RUN_SILENT) continue; if (logfp) { fprintf(logfp, "%s", cp); fflush(logfp); } if (*actionwin == NULL) *actionwin = show_cmd(scmd, win); /* posix curses is braindead wrt \r\n so... */ for (ncp = cp; (ncp = strstr(ncp, "\r\n")); ncp += 2) { ncp[0] = '\n'; ncp[1] = '\r'; } waddstr(*actionwin, cp); wrefresh(*actionwin); } pid = wait4(child, &status, WNOHANG, 0); if (pid == child && (WIFEXITED(status) || WIFSIGNALED(status))) break; } close(master); close(slave); if (logfp) fflush(logfp); /* from here on out, we take tty signals ourselves */ ttysig_forward = 0; reset_prog_mode(); if (WIFEXITED(status)) { *errstr = msg_string(MSG_Command_failed); return WEXITSTATUS(status); } if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) { *errstr = msg_string(MSG_Command_ended_on_signal); return WTERMSIG(status); } return 0; } /* * generic program runner. * flags: * RUN_DISPLAY display command name and output * RUN_FATAL program errors are fatal * RUN_CHROOT chroot to target before the exec * RUN_FULLSCREEN display output only * RUN_SILENT do not display program output * RUN_ERROR_OK don't wait for key if program fails * RUN_PROGRESS don't wait for key if program has output * If both RUN_DISPLAY and RUN_SILENT are clear then the program name will * be displayed as soon as it generates output. * Steps are taken to collect console messages, they will be interleaved * into the program output - but not upset curses. */ int run_program(int flags, const char *cmd, ...) { va_list ap; struct winsize win; int ret; WINDOW *actionwin = NULL; char *scmd; char **args; const char *errstr = NULL; va_start(ap, cmd); vasprintf(&scmd, cmd, ap); va_end(ap); if (scmd == NULL) err(1, "vasprintf(&scmd, \"%s\", ...)", cmd); args = make_argv(scmd); /* Make curses save tty settings */ def_prog_mode(); (void)ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &win); /* Apparently, we sometimes get 0x0 back, and that's not useful */ if (win.ws_row == 0) win.ws_row = 24; if (win.ws_col == 0) win.ws_col = 80; if ((flags & RUN_DISPLAY) != 0) { if (flags & RUN_STDSCR) { actionwin = stdscr; wmove(stdscr, msg_row()+2, 0); wrefresh(stdscr); } else if (flags & RUN_FULLSCREEN) { wclear(stdscr); clearok(stdscr, 1); touchwin(stdscr); refresh(); actionwin = stdscr; } else { actionwin = show_cmd(scmd, &win); } } else win.ws_row -= 4; ret = launch_subwin(&actionwin, args, &win, flags, scmd, &errstr); fpurge(stdin); /* If the command failed, show command name */ if (actionwin == NULL && ret != 0 && !(flags & RUN_ERROR_OK)) actionwin = show_cmd(scmd, &win); if (actionwin != NULL) { int y, x; getyx(actionwin, y, x); if (actionwin != stdscr) mvaddstr(0, 4, msg_string(MSG_Status)); if (ret != 0) { if (actionwin == stdscr && x != 0) addstr("\n"); x = 1; /* force newline below */ standout(); addstr(errstr); standend(); } else { if (actionwin != stdscr) { standout(); addstr(msg_string(MSG_Finished)); standend(); } } clrtoeol(); refresh(); if ((ret != 0 && !(flags & RUN_ERROR_OK)) || (y + x != 0 && !(flags & RUN_PROGRESS))) { if (actionwin != stdscr) move(getbegy(actionwin) - 2, 5); else if (x != 0) addstr("\n"); addstr(msg_string(MSG_Hit_enter_to_continue)); refresh(); getchar(); } else { if (y + x != 0) { /* give user 1 second to see messages */ refresh(); sleep(1); } } } /* restore tty setting we saved earlier */ reset_prog_mode(); /* clean things up */ if (actionwin != NULL) { if (actionwin != stdscr) delwin(actionwin); if (errstr == 0 || !(flags & RUN_NO_CLEAR)) { wclear(stdscr); touchwin(stdscr); clearok(stdscr, 1); refresh(); } } free(scmd); free_argv(args); if (ret != 0 && flags & RUN_FATAL) exit(ret); return ret; }