 * Copyright © 2017 Intel Corporation
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
 * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
 * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
 * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
 * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
 * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
 * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

 * @file iris_state.c
 * ============================= GENXML CODE =============================
 *              [This file is compiled once per generation.]
 * =======================================================================
 * This is the main state upload code.
 * Gallium uses Constant State Objects, or CSOs, for most state.  Large,
 * complex, or highly reusable state can be created once, and bound and
 * rebound multiple times.  This is modeled with the pipe->create_*_state()
 * and pipe->bind_*_state() hooks.  Highly dynamic or inexpensive state is
 * streamed out on the fly, via pipe->set_*_state() hooks.
 * OpenGL involves frequently mutating context state, which is mirrored in
 * core Mesa by highly mutable data structures.  However, most applications
 * typically draw the same things over and over - from frame to frame, most
 * of the same objects are still visible and need to be redrawn.  So, rather
 * than inventing new state all the time, applications usually mutate to swap
 * between known states that we've seen before.
 * Gallium isolates us from this mutation by tracking API state, and
 * distilling it into a set of Constant State Objects, or CSOs.  Large,
 * complex, or typically reusable state can be created once, then reused
 * multiple times.  Drivers can create and store their own associated data.
 * This create/bind model corresponds to the pipe->create_*_state() and
 * pipe->bind_*_state() driver hooks.
 * Some state is cheap to create, or expected to be highly dynamic.  Rather
 * than creating and caching piles of CSOs for these, Gallium simply streams
 * them out, via the pipe->set_*_state() driver hooks.
 * To reduce draw time overhead, we try to compute as much state at create
 * time as possible.  Wherever possible, we translate the Gallium pipe state
 * to 3DSTATE commands, and store those commands in the CSO.  At draw time,
 * we can simply memcpy them into a batch buffer.
 * No hardware matches the abstraction perfectly, so some commands require
 * information from multiple CSOs.  In this case, we can store two copies
 * of the packet (one in each CSO), and simply | together their DWords at
 * draw time.  Sometimes the second set is trivial (one or two fields), so
 * we simply pack it at draw time.
 * There are two main components in the file below.  First, the CSO hooks
 * create/bind/track state.  The second are the draw-time upload functions,
 * iris_upload_render_state() and iris_upload_compute_state(), which read
 * the context state and emit the commands into the actual batch.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>

#include <valgrind.h>
#include <memcheck.h>
#define VG(x) x
#ifdef DEBUG
#define __gen_validate_value(x) VALGRIND_CHECK_MEM_IS_DEFINED(&(x), sizeof(x))
#define VG(x)

#include "pipe/p_defines.h"
#include "pipe/p_state.h"
#include "pipe/p_context.h"
#include "pipe/p_screen.h"
#include "util/u_dual_blend.h"
#include "util/u_inlines.h"
#include "util/format/u_format.h"
#include "util/u_framebuffer.h"
#include "util/u_transfer.h"
#include "util/u_upload_mgr.h"
#include "util/u_viewport.h"
#include "util/u_memory.h"
#include "drm-uapi/i915_drm.h"
#include "nir.h"
#include "intel/compiler/brw_compiler.h"
#include "intel/common/intel_aux_map.h"
#include "intel/common/intel_l3_config.h"
#include "intel/common/intel_sample_positions.h"
#include "iris_batch.h"
#include "iris_context.h"
#include "iris_defines.h"
#include "iris_pipe.h"
#include "iris_resource.h"

#include "iris_genx_macros.h"
#include "intel/common/intel_guardband.h"

 * Statically assert that PIPE_* enums match the hardware packets.
 * (As long as they match, we don't need to translate them.)
UNUSED static void pipe_asserts()
#define PIPE_ASSERT(x) STATIC_ASSERT((int)x)

   /* pipe_logicop happens to match the hardware. */

   /* pipe_blend_func happens to match the hardware. */

   /* pipe_blend_func happens to match the hardware. */

   /* pipe_stencil_op happens to match the hardware. */

   /* pipe_sprite_coord_mode happens to match 3DSTATE_SBE */

static unsigned
translate_prim_type(enum pipe_prim_type prim, uint8_t verts_per_patch)
   static const unsigned map[] = {
      [PIPE_PRIM_POINTS]                   = _3DPRIM_POINTLIST,
      [PIPE_PRIM_LINES]                    = _3DPRIM_LINELIST,
      [PIPE_PRIM_LINE_LOOP]                = _3DPRIM_LINELOOP,
      [PIPE_PRIM_LINE_STRIP]               = _3DPRIM_LINESTRIP,
      [PIPE_PRIM_TRIANGLES]                = _3DPRIM_TRILIST,
      [PIPE_PRIM_TRIANGLE_FAN]             = _3DPRIM_TRIFAN,
      [PIPE_PRIM_QUADS]                    = _3DPRIM_QUADLIST,
      [PIPE_PRIM_QUAD_STRIP]               = _3DPRIM_QUADSTRIP,
      [PIPE_PRIM_POLYGON]                  = _3DPRIM_POLYGON,
      [PIPE_PRIM_PATCHES]                  = _3DPRIM_PATCHLIST_1 - 1,

   return map[prim] + (prim == PIPE_PRIM_PATCHES ? verts_per_patch : 0);

static unsigned
translate_compare_func(enum pipe_compare_func pipe_func)
   static const unsigned map[] = {
   return map[pipe_func];

static unsigned
translate_shadow_func(enum pipe_compare_func pipe_func)
   /* Gallium specifies the result of shadow comparisons as:
    *    1 if ref <op> texel,
    *    0 otherwise.
    * The hardware does:
    *    0 if texel <op> ref,
    *    1 otherwise.
    * So we need to flip the operator and also negate.
   static const unsigned map[] = {
   return map[pipe_func];

static unsigned
translate_cull_mode(unsigned pipe_face)
   static const unsigned map[4] = {
      [PIPE_FACE_NONE]           = CULLMODE_NONE,
      [PIPE_FACE_BACK]           = CULLMODE_BACK,
   return map[pipe_face];

static unsigned
translate_fill_mode(unsigned pipe_polymode)
   static const unsigned map[4] = {
   return map[pipe_polymode];

static unsigned
translate_mip_filter(enum pipe_tex_mipfilter pipe_mip)
   static const unsigned map[] = {
   return map[pipe_mip];

static uint32_t
translate_wrap(unsigned pipe_wrap)
   static const unsigned map[] = {
      [PIPE_TEX_WRAP_REPEAT]                 = TCM_WRAP,
      [PIPE_TEX_WRAP_CLAMP]                  = TCM_HALF_BORDER,

      /* These are unsupported. */
      [PIPE_TEX_WRAP_MIRROR_CLAMP]           = -1,
   return map[pipe_wrap];

 * Allocate space for some indirect state.
 * Return a pointer to the map (to fill it out) and a state ref (for
 * referring to the state in GPU commands).
static void *
upload_state(struct u_upload_mgr *uploader,
             struct iris_state_ref *ref,
             unsigned size,
             unsigned alignment)
   void *p = NULL;
   u_upload_alloc(uploader, 0, size, alignment, &ref->offset, &ref->res, &p);
   return p;

 * Stream out temporary/short-lived state.
 * This allocates space, pins the BO, and includes the BO address in the
 * returned offset (which works because all state lives in 32-bit memory
 * zones).
static uint32_t *
stream_state(struct iris_batch *batch,
             struct u_upload_mgr *uploader,
             struct pipe_resource **out_res,
             unsigned size,
             unsigned alignment,
             uint32_t *out_offset)
   void *ptr = NULL;

   u_upload_alloc(uploader, 0, size, alignment, out_offset, out_res, &ptr);

   struct iris_bo *bo = iris_resource_bo(*out_res);
   iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, bo, false, IRIS_DOMAIN_NONE);

                          bo->address + *out_offset, size);

   *out_offset += iris_bo_offset_from_base_address(bo);

   return ptr;

 * stream_state() + memcpy.
static uint32_t
emit_state(struct iris_batch *batch,
           struct u_upload_mgr *uploader,
           struct pipe_resource **out_res,
           const void *data,
           unsigned size,
           unsigned alignment)
   unsigned offset = 0;
   uint32_t *map =
      stream_state(batch, uploader, out_res, size, alignment, &offset);

   if (map)
      memcpy(map, data, size);

   return offset;

 * Did field 'x' change between 'old_cso' and 'new_cso'?
 * (If so, we may want to set some dirty flags.)
#define cso_changed(x) (!old_cso || (old_cso->x != new_cso->x))
#define cso_changed_memcmp(x) \
   (!old_cso || memcmp(old_cso->x, new_cso->x, sizeof(old_cso->x)) != 0)

static void
flush_before_state_base_change(struct iris_batch *batch)
   const struct intel_device_info *devinfo = &batch->screen->devinfo;

   /* Flush before emitting STATE_BASE_ADDRESS.
    * This isn't documented anywhere in the PRM.  However, it seems to be
    * necessary prior to changing the surface state base address.  We've
    * seen issues in Vulkan where we get GPU hangs when using multi-level
    * command buffers which clear depth, reset state base address, and then
    * go render stuff.
    * Normally, in GL, we would trust the kernel to do sufficient stalls
    * and flushes prior to executing our batch.  However, it doesn't seem
    * as if the kernel's flushing is always sufficient and we don't want to
    * rely on it.
    * We make this an end-of-pipe sync instead of a normal flush because we
    * do not know the current status of the GPU.  On Haswell at least,
    * having a fast-clear operation in flight at the same time as a normal
    * rendering operation can cause hangs.  Since the kernel's flushing is
    * insufficient, we need to ensure that any rendering operations from
    * other processes are definitely complete before we try to do our own
    * rendering.  It's a bit of a big hammer but it appears to work.
                              "change STATE_BASE_ADDRESS (flushes)",
                              PIPE_CONTROL_RENDER_TARGET_FLUSH |
                              PIPE_CONTROL_DEPTH_CACHE_FLUSH |
                              PIPE_CONTROL_DATA_CACHE_FLUSH |
                              /* Wa_1606662791:
                               *   Software must program PIPE_CONTROL command
                               *   with "HDC Pipeline Flush" prior to
                               *   programming of the below two non-pipeline
                               *   state :
                               *      * STATE_BASE_ADDRESS
                               *      * 3DSTATE_BINDING_TABLE_POOL_ALLOC
                              ((GFX_VER == 12 && devinfo->revision == 0 /* A0 */ ?
                                PIPE_CONTROL_FLUSH_HDC : 0)));

static void
flush_after_state_base_change(struct iris_batch *batch)
   /* After re-setting the surface state base address, we have to do some
    * cache flusing so that the sampler engine will pick up the new
    * SURFACE_STATE objects and binding tables. From the Broadwell PRM,
    * Shared Function > 3D Sampler > State > State Caching (page 96):
    *    Coherency with system memory in the state cache, like the texture
    *    cache is handled partially by software. It is expected that the
    *    command stream or shader will issue Cache Flush operation or
    *    Cache_Flush sampler message to ensure that the L1 cache remains
    *    coherent with system memory.
    *    [...]
    *    Whenever the value of the Dynamic_State_Base_Addr,
    *    Surface_State_Base_Addr are altered, the L1 state cache must be
    *    invalidated to ensure the new surface or sampler state is fetched
    *    from system memory.
    * The PIPE_CONTROL command has a "State Cache Invalidation Enable" bit
    * which, according the PIPE_CONTROL instruction documentation in the
    * Broadwell PRM:
    *    Setting this bit is independent of any other bit in this packet.
    *    This bit controls the invalidation of the L1 and L2 state caches
    *    at the top of the pipe i.e. at the parsing time.
    * Unfortunately, experimentation seems to indicate that state cache
    * invalidation through a PIPE_CONTROL does nothing whatsoever in
    * regards to surface state and binding tables.  In stead, it seems that
    * invalidating the texture cache is what is actually needed.
    * XXX:  As far as we have been able to determine through
    * experimentation, shows that flush the texture cache appears to be
    * sufficient.  The theory here is that all of the sampling/rendering
    * units cache the binding table in the texture cache.  However, we have
    * yet to be able to actually confirm this.
                              "change STATE_BASE_ADDRESS (invalidates)",
                              PIPE_CONTROL_TEXTURE_CACHE_INVALIDATE |
                              PIPE_CONTROL_CONST_CACHE_INVALIDATE |

static void
_iris_emit_lri(struct iris_batch *batch, uint32_t reg, uint32_t val)
   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(MI_LOAD_REGISTER_IMM), lri) {
      lri.RegisterOffset = reg;
      lri.DataDWord      = val;
#define iris_emit_lri(b, r, v) _iris_emit_lri(b, GENX(r##_num), v)

static void
_iris_emit_lrr(struct iris_batch *batch, uint32_t dst, uint32_t src)
   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(MI_LOAD_REGISTER_REG), lrr) {
      lrr.SourceRegisterAddress = src;
      lrr.DestinationRegisterAddress = dst;

static void
iris_load_register_reg32(struct iris_batch *batch, uint32_t dst,
                         uint32_t src)
   _iris_emit_lrr(batch, dst, src);

static void
iris_load_register_reg64(struct iris_batch *batch, uint32_t dst,
                         uint32_t src)
   _iris_emit_lrr(batch, dst, src);
   _iris_emit_lrr(batch, dst + 4, src + 4);

static void
iris_load_register_imm32(struct iris_batch *batch, uint32_t reg,
                         uint32_t val)
   _iris_emit_lri(batch, reg, val);

static void
iris_load_register_imm64(struct iris_batch *batch, uint32_t reg,
                         uint64_t val)
   _iris_emit_lri(batch, reg + 0, val & 0xffffffff);
   _iris_emit_lri(batch, reg + 4, val >> 32);

 * Emit MI_LOAD_REGISTER_MEM to load a 32-bit MMIO register from a buffer.
static void
iris_load_register_mem32(struct iris_batch *batch, uint32_t reg,
                         struct iris_bo *bo, uint32_t offset)
   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(MI_LOAD_REGISTER_MEM), lrm) {
      lrm.RegisterAddress = reg;
      lrm.MemoryAddress = ro_bo(bo, offset);

 * Load a 64-bit value from a buffer into a MMIO register via
 * two MI_LOAD_REGISTER_MEM commands.
static void
iris_load_register_mem64(struct iris_batch *batch, uint32_t reg,
                         struct iris_bo *bo, uint32_t offset)
   iris_load_register_mem32(batch, reg + 0, bo, offset + 0);
   iris_load_register_mem32(batch, reg + 4, bo, offset + 4);

static void
iris_store_register_mem32(struct iris_batch *batch, uint32_t reg,
                          struct iris_bo *bo, uint32_t offset,
                          bool predicated)
   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(MI_STORE_REGISTER_MEM), srm) {
      srm.RegisterAddress = reg;
      srm.MemoryAddress = rw_bo(bo, offset, IRIS_DOMAIN_OTHER_WRITE);
      srm.PredicateEnable = predicated;

static void
iris_store_register_mem64(struct iris_batch *batch, uint32_t reg,
                          struct iris_bo *bo, uint32_t offset,
                          bool predicated)
   iris_store_register_mem32(batch, reg + 0, bo, offset + 0, predicated);
   iris_store_register_mem32(batch, reg + 4, bo, offset + 4, predicated);

static void
iris_store_data_imm32(struct iris_batch *batch,
                      struct iris_bo *bo, uint32_t offset,
                      uint32_t imm)
   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(MI_STORE_DATA_IMM), sdi) {
      sdi.Address = rw_bo(bo, offset, IRIS_DOMAIN_OTHER_WRITE);
      sdi.ImmediateData = imm;

static void
iris_store_data_imm64(struct iris_batch *batch,
                      struct iris_bo *bo, uint32_t offset,
                      uint64_t imm)
   /* Can't use iris_emit_cmd because MI_STORE_DATA_IMM has a length of
    * 2 in genxml but it's actually variable length and we need 5 DWords.
   void *map = iris_get_command_space(batch, 4 * 5);
   _iris_pack_command(batch, GENX(MI_STORE_DATA_IMM), map, sdi) {
      sdi.DWordLength = 5 - 2;
      sdi.Address = rw_bo(bo, offset, IRIS_DOMAIN_OTHER_WRITE);
      sdi.ImmediateData = imm;

static void
iris_copy_mem_mem(struct iris_batch *batch,
                  struct iris_bo *dst_bo, uint32_t dst_offset,
                  struct iris_bo *src_bo, uint32_t src_offset,
                  unsigned bytes)
   /* MI_COPY_MEM_MEM operates on DWords. */
   assert(bytes % 4 == 0);
   assert(dst_offset % 4 == 0);
   assert(src_offset % 4 == 0);

   for (unsigned i = 0; i < bytes; i += 4) {
      iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(MI_COPY_MEM_MEM), cp) {
         cp.DestinationMemoryAddress = rw_bo(dst_bo, dst_offset + i,
         cp.SourceMemoryAddress = ro_bo(src_bo, src_offset + i);


static void
emit_pipeline_select(struct iris_batch *batch, uint32_t pipeline)
#if GFX_VER >= 8 && GFX_VER < 10
   /* From the Broadwell PRM, Volume 2a: Instructions, PIPELINE_SELECT:
    *   Software must clear the COLOR_CALC_STATE Valid field in
    *   3DSTATE_CC_STATE_POINTERS command prior to send a PIPELINE_SELECT
    *   with Pipeline Select set to GPGPU.
    * The internal hardware docs recommend the same workaround for Gfx9
    * hardware too.
   if (pipeline == GPGPU)
      iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_CC_STATE_POINTERS), t);

   /* From "BXML » GT » MI » vol1a GPU Overview » [Instruction]
    *    "Project: DEVSNB+
    *     Software must ensure all the write caches are flushed through a
    *     stalling PIPE_CONTROL command followed by another PIPE_CONTROL
    *     command to invalidate read only caches prior to programming
    *     MI_PIPELINE_SELECT command to change the Pipeline Select Mode."
                                 "workaround: PIPELINE_SELECT flushes (1/2)",
                                 PIPE_CONTROL_RENDER_TARGET_FLUSH |
                                 PIPE_CONTROL_DEPTH_CACHE_FLUSH |
                                 PIPE_CONTROL_DATA_CACHE_FLUSH |

                                 "workaround: PIPELINE_SELECT flushes (2/2)",
                                 PIPE_CONTROL_TEXTURE_CACHE_INVALIDATE |
                                 PIPE_CONTROL_CONST_CACHE_INVALIDATE |
                                 PIPE_CONTROL_STATE_CACHE_INVALIDATE |

   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(PIPELINE_SELECT), sel) {
#if GFX_VER >= 9
      sel.MaskBits = GFX_VER >= 12 ? 0x13 : 3;
      sel.MediaSamplerDOPClockGateEnable = GFX_VER >= 12;
      sel.PipelineSelection = pipeline;

UNUSED static void
init_glk_barrier_mode(struct iris_batch *batch, uint32_t value)
#if GFX_VER == 9
   /* Project: DevGLK
    *    "This chicken bit works around a hardware issue with barrier
    *     logic encountered when switching between GPGPU and 3D pipelines.
    *     To workaround the issue, this mode bit should be set after a
    *     pipeline is selected."
   iris_emit_reg(batch, GENX(SLICE_COMMON_ECO_CHICKEN1), reg) {
      reg.GLKBarrierMode = value;
      reg.GLKBarrierModeMask = 1;

static void
init_state_base_address(struct iris_batch *batch)
   struct isl_device *isl_dev = &batch->screen->isl_dev;
   uint32_t mocs = isl_mocs(isl_dev, 0, false);

   /* We program most base addresses once at context initialization time.
    * Each base address points at a 4GB memory zone, and never needs to
    * change.  See iris_bufmgr.h for a description of the memory zones.
    * The one exception is Surface State Base Address, which needs to be
    * updated occasionally.  See iris_binder.c for the details there.
   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(STATE_BASE_ADDRESS), sba) {
      sba.GeneralStateMOCS            = mocs;
      sba.StatelessDataPortAccessMOCS = mocs;
      sba.DynamicStateMOCS            = mocs;
      sba.IndirectObjectMOCS          = mocs;
      sba.InstructionMOCS             = mocs;
      sba.SurfaceStateMOCS            = mocs;

      sba.GeneralStateBaseAddressModifyEnable   = true;
      sba.DynamicStateBaseAddressModifyEnable   = true;
      sba.IndirectObjectBaseAddressModifyEnable = true;
      sba.InstructionBaseAddressModifyEnable    = true;
      sba.GeneralStateBufferSizeModifyEnable    = true;
      sba.DynamicStateBufferSizeModifyEnable    = true;
#if (GFX_VER >= 9)
      sba.BindlessSurfaceStateBaseAddress = ro_bo(NULL, IRIS_MEMZONE_BINDLESS_START);
      sba.BindlessSurfaceStateSize = (IRIS_BINDLESS_SIZE >> 12) - 1;
      sba.BindlessSurfaceStateBaseAddressModifyEnable = true;
      sba.BindlessSurfaceStateMOCS    = mocs;
      sba.IndirectObjectBufferSizeModifyEnable  = true;
      sba.InstructionBuffersizeModifyEnable     = true;

      sba.InstructionBaseAddress  = ro_bo(NULL, IRIS_MEMZONE_SHADER_START);
      sba.DynamicStateBaseAddress = ro_bo(NULL, IRIS_MEMZONE_DYNAMIC_START);

      sba.GeneralStateBufferSize   = 0xfffff;
      sba.IndirectObjectBufferSize = 0xfffff;
      sba.InstructionBufferSize    = 0xfffff;
      sba.DynamicStateBufferSize   = 0xfffff;


static void
iris_emit_l3_config(struct iris_batch *batch,
                    const struct intel_l3_config *cfg)
   assert(cfg || GFX_VER >= 12);

#if GFX_VER >= 12

   iris_emit_reg(batch, L3_ALLOCATION_REG, reg) {
#if GFX_VER < 11
      reg.SLMEnable = cfg->n[INTEL_L3P_SLM] > 0;
#if GFX_VER == 11
      /* Wa_1406697149: Bit 9 "Error Detection Behavior Control" must be set
       * in L3CNTLREG register. The default setting of the bit is not the
       * desirable behavior.
      reg.ErrorDetectionBehaviorControl = true;
      reg.UseFullWays = true;
      if (GFX_VER < 12 || cfg) {
         reg.URBAllocation = cfg->n[INTEL_L3P_URB];
         reg.ROAllocation = cfg->n[INTEL_L3P_RO];
         reg.DCAllocation = cfg->n[INTEL_L3P_DC];
         reg.AllAllocation = cfg->n[INTEL_L3P_ALL];
      } else {
#if GFX_VER >= 12
         reg.L3FullWayAllocationEnable = true;

#if GFX_VER == 9
static void
iris_enable_obj_preemption(struct iris_batch *batch, bool enable)
   /* A fixed function pipe flush is required before modifying this field */
   iris_emit_end_of_pipe_sync(batch, enable ? "enable preemption"
                                            : "disable preemption",

   /* enable object level preemption */
   iris_emit_reg(batch, GENX(CS_CHICKEN1), reg) {
      reg.ReplayMode = enable;
      reg.ReplayModeMask = true;

 * Compute an \p n x \p m pixel hashing table usable as slice, subslice or
 * pixel pipe hashing table.  The resulting table is the cyclic repetition of
 * a fixed pattern with periodicity equal to \p period.
 * If \p index is specified to be equal to \p period, a 2-way hashing table
 * will be generated such that indices 0 and 1 are returned for the following
 * fractions of entries respectively:
 *   p_0 = ceil(period / 2) / period
 *   p_1 = floor(period / 2) / period
 * If \p index is even and less than \p period, a 3-way hashing table will be
 * generated such that indices 0, 1 and 2 are returned for the following
 * fractions of entries:
 *   p_0 = (ceil(period / 2) - 1) / period
 *   p_1 = floor(period / 2) / period
 *   p_2 = 1 / period
 * The equations above apply if \p flip is equal to 0, if it is equal to 1 p_0
 * and p_1 will be swapped for the result.  Note that in the context of pixel
 * pipe hashing this can be always 0 on Gfx12 platforms, since the hardware
 * transparently remaps logical indices found on the table to physical pixel
 * pipe indices from the highest to lowest EU count.
UNUSED static void
calculate_pixel_hashing_table(unsigned n, unsigned m,
                              unsigned period, unsigned index, bool flip,
                              uint32_t *p)
   for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      for (unsigned j = 0; j < m; j++) {
         const unsigned k = (i + j) % period;
         p[j + m * i] = (k == index ? 2 : (k & 1) ^ flip);

#if GFX_VER == 11
static void
gfx11_upload_pixel_hashing_tables(struct iris_batch *batch)
   const struct intel_device_info *devinfo = &batch->screen->devinfo;
   assert(devinfo->ppipe_subslices[2] == 0);

   if (devinfo->ppipe_subslices[0] == devinfo->ppipe_subslices[1])

   struct iris_context *ice = batch->ice;
   assert(&ice->batches[IRIS_BATCH_RENDER] == batch);

   unsigned size = GENX(SLICE_HASH_TABLE_length) * 4;
   uint32_t hash_address;
   struct pipe_resource *tmp = NULL;
   uint32_t *map =
      stream_state(batch, ice->state.dynamic_uploader, &tmp,
                   size, 64, &hash_address);
   pipe_resource_reference(&tmp, NULL);

   const bool flip = devinfo->ppipe_subslices[0] < devinfo->ppipe_subslices[1];
   struct GENX(SLICE_HASH_TABLE) table;
   calculate_pixel_hashing_table(16, 16, 3, 3, flip, table.Entry[0]);

   GENX(SLICE_HASH_TABLE_pack)(NULL, map, &table);

   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_SLICE_TABLE_STATE_POINTERS), ptr) {
      ptr.SliceHashStatePointerValid = true;
      ptr.SliceHashTableStatePointer = hash_address;

   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_3D_MODE), mode) {
      mode.SliceHashingTableEnable = true;
#elif GFX_VERx10 == 120
static void
gfx12_upload_pixel_hashing_tables(struct iris_batch *batch)
   const struct intel_device_info *devinfo = &batch->screen->devinfo;
   /* For each n calculate ppipes_of[n], equal to the number of pixel pipes
    * present with n active dual subslices.
   unsigned ppipes_of[3] = {};

   for (unsigned n = 0; n < ARRAY_SIZE(ppipes_of); n++) {
      for (unsigned p = 0; p < ARRAY_SIZE(devinfo->ppipe_subslices); p++)
         ppipes_of[n] += (devinfo->ppipe_subslices[p] == n);

   /* Gfx12 has three pixel pipes. */
   assert(ppipes_of[0] + ppipes_of[1] + ppipes_of[2] == 3);

   if (ppipes_of[2] == 3 || ppipes_of[0] == 2) {
      /* All three pixel pipes have the maximum number of active dual
       * subslices, or there is only one active pixel pipe: Nothing to do.

   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_SUBSLICE_HASH_TABLE), p) {
      p.SliceHashControl[0] = TABLE_0;

      if (ppipes_of[2] == 2 && ppipes_of[0] == 1)
         calculate_pixel_hashing_table(8, 16, 2, 2, 0, p.TwoWayTableEntry[0]);
      else if (ppipes_of[2] == 1 && ppipes_of[1] == 1 && ppipes_of[0] == 1)
         calculate_pixel_hashing_table(8, 16, 3, 3, 0, p.TwoWayTableEntry[0]);

      if (ppipes_of[2] == 2 && ppipes_of[1] == 1)
         calculate_pixel_hashing_table(8, 16, 5, 4, 0, p.ThreeWayTableEntry[0]);
      else if (ppipes_of[2] == 2 && ppipes_of[0] == 1)
         calculate_pixel_hashing_table(8, 16, 2, 2, 0, p.ThreeWayTableEntry[0]);
      else if (ppipes_of[2] == 1 && ppipes_of[1] == 1 && ppipes_of[0] == 1)
         calculate_pixel_hashing_table(8, 16, 3, 3, 0, p.ThreeWayTableEntry[0]);
         unreachable("Illegal fusing.");

   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_3D_MODE), p) {
      p.SubsliceHashingTableEnable = true;
      p.SubsliceHashingTableEnableMask = true;

static void
iris_alloc_push_constants(struct iris_batch *batch)
   const struct intel_device_info *devinfo = &batch->screen->devinfo;

   /* For now, we set a static partitioning of the push constant area,
    * assuming that all stages could be in use.
    * TODO: Try lazily allocating the HS/DS/GS sections as needed, and
    *       see if that improves performance by offering more space to
    *       the VS/FS when those aren't in use.  Also, try dynamically
    *       enabling/disabling it like i965 does.  This would be more
    *       stalls and may not actually help; we don't know yet.

   /* Divide as equally as possible with any remainder given to FRAGMENT. */
   const unsigned push_constant_kb = devinfo->max_constant_urb_size_kb;
   const unsigned stage_size = push_constant_kb / 5;
   const unsigned frag_size = push_constant_kb - 4 * stage_size;

   for (int i = 0; i <= MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT; i++) {
      iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_PUSH_CONSTANT_ALLOC_VS), alloc) {
         alloc._3DCommandSubOpcode = 18 + i;
         alloc.ConstantBufferOffset = stage_size * i;
         alloc.ConstantBufferSize = i == MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT ? frag_size : stage_size;

#if GFX_VER >= 12
static void
init_aux_map_state(struct iris_batch *batch);

 * Upload initial GPU state for any kind of context.
 * These need to happen for both render and compute.
static void
iris_init_common_context(struct iris_batch *batch)
#if GFX_VER == 11
   iris_emit_reg(batch, GENX(SAMPLER_MODE), reg) {
      reg.HeaderlessMessageforPreemptableContexts = 1;
      reg.HeaderlessMessageforPreemptableContextsMask = 1;

   /* Bit 1 must be set in HALF_SLICE_CHICKEN7. */
   iris_emit_reg(batch, GENX(HALF_SLICE_CHICKEN7), reg) {
      reg.EnabledTexelOffsetPrecisionFix = 1;
      reg.EnabledTexelOffsetPrecisionFixMask = 1;

 * Upload the initial GPU state for a render context.
 * This sets some invariant state that needs to be programmed a particular
 * way, but we never actually change.
static void
iris_init_render_context(struct iris_batch *batch)
   UNUSED const struct intel_device_info *devinfo = &batch->screen->devinfo;


   emit_pipeline_select(batch, _3D);

   iris_emit_l3_config(batch, batch->screen->l3_config_3d);



#if GFX_VER >= 9
   iris_emit_reg(batch, GENX(CS_DEBUG_MODE2), reg) {
      reg.CONSTANT_BUFFERAddressOffsetDisable = true;
      reg.CONSTANT_BUFFERAddressOffsetDisableMask = true;
   iris_emit_reg(batch, GENX(INSTPM), reg) {
      reg.CONSTANT_BUFFERAddressOffsetDisable = true;
      reg.CONSTANT_BUFFERAddressOffsetDisableMask = true;

#if GFX_VER == 9
   iris_emit_reg(batch, GENX(CACHE_MODE_1), reg) {
      reg.FloatBlendOptimizationEnable = true;
      reg.FloatBlendOptimizationEnableMask = true;
      reg.MSCRAWHazardAvoidanceBit = true;
      reg.MSCRAWHazardAvoidanceBitMask = true;
      reg.PartialResolveDisableInVC = true;
      reg.PartialResolveDisableInVCMask = true;

   if (devinfo->is_geminilake)
      init_glk_barrier_mode(batch, GLK_BARRIER_MODE_3D_HULL);

#if GFX_VER == 11
   iris_emit_reg(batch, GENX(TCCNTLREG), reg) {
      reg.L3DataPartialWriteMergingEnable = true;
      reg.ColorZPartialWriteMergingEnable = true;
      reg.URBPartialWriteMergingEnable = true;
      reg.TCDisable = true;

   /* Hardware specification recommends disabling repacking for the
    * compatibility with decompression mechanism in display controller.
   if (devinfo->disable_ccs_repack) {
      iris_emit_reg(batch, GENX(CACHE_MODE_0), reg) {
         reg.DisableRepackingforCompression = true;
         reg.DisableRepackingforCompressionMask = true;


#if GFX_VERx10 == 120

   /* 3DSTATE_DRAWING_RECTANGLE is non-pipelined, so we want to avoid
    * changing it dynamically.  We set it to the maximum size here, and
    * instead include the render target dimensions in the viewport, so
    * viewport extents clipping takes care of pruning stray geometry.
   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_DRAWING_RECTANGLE), rect) {
      rect.ClippedDrawingRectangleXMax = UINT16_MAX;
      rect.ClippedDrawingRectangleYMax = UINT16_MAX;

   /* Set the initial MSAA sample positions. */
   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_SAMPLE_PATTERN), pat) {
#if GFX_VER >= 9

   /* Use the legacy AA line coverage computation. */
   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_AA_LINE_PARAMETERS), foo);

   /* Disable chromakeying (it's for media) */
   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_WM_CHROMAKEY), foo);

   /* We want regular rendering, not special HiZ operations. */
   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_WM_HZ_OP), foo);

   /* No polygon stippling offsets are necessary. */
   /* TODO: may need to set an offset for origin-UL framebuffers */
   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_POLY_STIPPLE_OFFSET), foo);


#if GFX_VER >= 12


static void
iris_init_compute_context(struct iris_batch *batch)
   UNUSED const struct intel_device_info *devinfo = &batch->screen->devinfo;


   /* Wa_1607854226:
    *  Start with pipeline in 3D mode to set the STATE_BASE_ADDRESS.
#if GFX_VER == 12
   emit_pipeline_select(batch, _3D);
   emit_pipeline_select(batch, GPGPU);

   iris_emit_l3_config(batch, batch->screen->l3_config_cs);



#if GFX_VER == 12
   emit_pipeline_select(batch, GPGPU);

#if GFX_VER == 9
   if (devinfo->is_geminilake)
      init_glk_barrier_mode(batch, GLK_BARRIER_MODE_GPGPU);

#if GFX_VER >= 12


struct iris_vertex_buffer_state {
   /** The VERTEX_BUFFER_STATE hardware structure. */
   uint32_t state[GENX(VERTEX_BUFFER_STATE_length)];

   /** The resource to source vertex data from. */
   struct pipe_resource *resource;

   int offset;

struct iris_depth_buffer_state {
   /* Depth/HiZ/Stencil related hardware packets. */
   uint32_t packets[GENX(3DSTATE_DEPTH_BUFFER_length) +
                    GENX(3DSTATE_STENCIL_BUFFER_length) +
                    GENX(3DSTATE_HIER_DEPTH_BUFFER_length) +

#if GFX_VERx10 == 120
   enum iris_depth_reg_mode {

 * Generation-specific context state (ice->state.genx->...).
 * Most state can go in iris_context directly, but these encode hardware
 * packets which vary by generation.
struct iris_genx_state {
   struct iris_vertex_buffer_state vertex_buffers[33];
   uint32_t last_index_buffer[GENX(3DSTATE_INDEX_BUFFER_length)];

   struct iris_depth_buffer_state depth_buffer;

   uint32_t so_buffers[4 * GENX(3DSTATE_SO_BUFFER_length)];

#if GFX_VER == 8
   bool pma_fix_enabled;

#if GFX_VER == 9
   /* Is object level preemption enabled? */
   bool object_preemption;

#if GFX_VERx10 == 120
   enum iris_depth_reg_mode depth_reg_mode;

   struct {
#if GFX_VER == 8
      struct brw_image_param image_param[PIPE_MAX_SHADER_IMAGES];
   } shaders[MESA_SHADER_STAGES];

 * The pipe->set_blend_color() driver hook.
 * This corresponds to our COLOR_CALC_STATE.
static void
iris_set_blend_color(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                     const struct pipe_blend_color *state)
   struct iris_context *ice = (struct iris_context *) ctx;

   /* Our COLOR_CALC_STATE is exactly pipe_blend_color, so just memcpy */
   memcpy(&ice->state.blend_color, state, sizeof(struct pipe_blend_color));
   ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_COLOR_CALC_STATE;

 * Gallium CSO for blend state (see pipe_blend_state).
struct iris_blend_state {
   /** Partial 3DSTATE_PS_BLEND */
   uint32_t ps_blend[GENX(3DSTATE_PS_BLEND_length)];

   /** Partial BLEND_STATE */
   uint32_t blend_state[GENX(BLEND_STATE_length) +
                        BRW_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS * GENX(BLEND_STATE_ENTRY_length)];

   bool alpha_to_coverage; /* for shader key */

   /** Bitfield of whether blending is enabled for RT[i] - for aux resolves */
   uint8_t blend_enables;

   /** Bitfield of whether color writes are enabled for RT[i] */
   uint8_t color_write_enables;

   /** Does RT[0] use dual color blending? */
   bool dual_color_blending;

static enum pipe_blendfactor
fix_blendfactor(enum pipe_blendfactor f, bool alpha_to_one)
   if (alpha_to_one) {
         return PIPE_BLENDFACTOR_ONE;

         return PIPE_BLENDFACTOR_ZERO;

   return f;

 * The pipe->create_blend_state() driver hook.
 * Translates a pipe_blend_state into iris_blend_state.
static void *
iris_create_blend_state(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                        const struct pipe_blend_state *state)
   struct iris_blend_state *cso = malloc(sizeof(struct iris_blend_state));
   uint32_t *blend_entry = cso->blend_state + GENX(BLEND_STATE_length);

   cso->blend_enables = 0;
   cso->color_write_enables = 0;

   cso->alpha_to_coverage = state->alpha_to_coverage;

   bool indep_alpha_blend = false;

   for (int i = 0; i < BRW_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS; i++) {
      const struct pipe_rt_blend_state *rt =
         &state->rt[state->independent_blend_enable ? i : 0];

      enum pipe_blendfactor src_rgb =
         fix_blendfactor(rt->rgb_src_factor, state->alpha_to_one);
      enum pipe_blendfactor src_alpha =
         fix_blendfactor(rt->alpha_src_factor, state->alpha_to_one);
      enum pipe_blendfactor dst_rgb =
         fix_blendfactor(rt->rgb_dst_factor, state->alpha_to_one);
      enum pipe_blendfactor dst_alpha =
         fix_blendfactor(rt->alpha_dst_factor, state->alpha_to_one);

      if (rt->rgb_func != rt->alpha_func ||
          src_rgb != src_alpha || dst_rgb != dst_alpha)
         indep_alpha_blend = true;

      if (rt->blend_enable)
         cso->blend_enables |= 1u << i;

      if (rt->colormask)
         cso->color_write_enables |= 1u << i;

      iris_pack_state(GENX(BLEND_STATE_ENTRY), blend_entry, be) {
         be.LogicOpEnable = state->logicop_enable;
         be.LogicOpFunction = state->logicop_func;

         be.PreBlendSourceOnlyClampEnable = false;
         be.ColorClampRange = COLORCLAMP_RTFORMAT;
         be.PreBlendColorClampEnable = true;
         be.PostBlendColorClampEnable = true;

         be.ColorBufferBlendEnable = rt->blend_enable;

         be.ColorBlendFunction          = rt->rgb_func;
         be.AlphaBlendFunction          = rt->alpha_func;

         /* The casts prevent warnings about implicit enum type conversions. */
         be.SourceBlendFactor           = (int) src_rgb;
         be.SourceAlphaBlendFactor      = (int) src_alpha;
         be.DestinationBlendFactor      = (int) dst_rgb;
         be.DestinationAlphaBlendFactor = (int) dst_alpha;

         be.WriteDisableRed   = !(rt->colormask & PIPE_MASK_R);
         be.WriteDisableGreen = !(rt->colormask & PIPE_MASK_G);
         be.WriteDisableBlue  = !(rt->colormask & PIPE_MASK_B);
         be.WriteDisableAlpha = !(rt->colormask & PIPE_MASK_A);
      blend_entry += GENX(BLEND_STATE_ENTRY_length);

   iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_PS_BLEND), cso->ps_blend, pb) {
      /* pb.HasWriteableRT is filled in at draw time.
       * pb.AlphaTestEnable is filled in at draw time.
       * pb.ColorBufferBlendEnable is filled in at draw time so we can avoid
       * setting it when dual color blending without an appropriate shader.

      pb.AlphaToCoverageEnable = state->alpha_to_coverage;
      pb.IndependentAlphaBlendEnable = indep_alpha_blend;

      /* The casts prevent warnings about implicit enum type conversions. */
      pb.SourceBlendFactor =
         (int) fix_blendfactor(state->rt[0].rgb_src_factor, state->alpha_to_one);
      pb.SourceAlphaBlendFactor =
         (int) fix_blendfactor(state->rt[0].alpha_src_factor, state->alpha_to_one);
      pb.DestinationBlendFactor =
         (int) fix_blendfactor(state->rt[0].rgb_dst_factor, state->alpha_to_one);
      pb.DestinationAlphaBlendFactor =
         (int) fix_blendfactor(state->rt[0].alpha_dst_factor, state->alpha_to_one);

   iris_pack_state(GENX(BLEND_STATE), cso->blend_state, bs) {
      bs.AlphaToCoverageEnable = state->alpha_to_coverage;
      bs.IndependentAlphaBlendEnable = indep_alpha_blend;
      bs.AlphaToOneEnable = state->alpha_to_one;
      bs.AlphaToCoverageDitherEnable = state->alpha_to_coverage;
      bs.ColorDitherEnable = state->dither;
      /* bl.AlphaTestEnable and bs.AlphaTestFunction are filled in later. */

   cso->dual_color_blending = util_blend_state_is_dual(state, 0);

   return cso;

 * The pipe->bind_blend_state() driver hook.
 * Bind a blending CSO and flag related dirty bits.
static void
iris_bind_blend_state(struct pipe_context *ctx, void *state)
   struct iris_context *ice = (struct iris_context *) ctx;
   struct iris_blend_state *cso = state;

   ice->state.cso_blend = cso;

   ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_PS_BLEND;
   ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_BLEND_STATE;
   ice->state.stage_dirty |= ice->state.stage_dirty_for_nos[IRIS_NOS_BLEND];

   if (GFX_VER == 8)
      ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_PMA_FIX;

 * Return true if the FS writes to any color outputs which are not disabled
 * via color masking.
static bool
has_writeable_rt(const struct iris_blend_state *cso_blend,
                 const struct shader_info *fs_info)
   if (!fs_info)
      return false;

   unsigned rt_outputs = fs_info->outputs_written >> FRAG_RESULT_DATA0;

   if (fs_info->outputs_written & BITFIELD64_BIT(FRAG_RESULT_COLOR))
      rt_outputs = (1 << BRW_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS) - 1;

   return cso_blend->color_write_enables & rt_outputs;

 * Gallium CSO for depth, stencil, and alpha testing state.
struct iris_depth_stencil_alpha_state {
   /** Partial 3DSTATE_WM_DEPTH_STENCIL. */
   uint32_t wmds[GENX(3DSTATE_WM_DEPTH_STENCIL_length)];

#if GFX_VER >= 12
   uint32_t depth_bounds[GENX(3DSTATE_DEPTH_BOUNDS_length)];

   unsigned alpha_enabled:1;
   unsigned alpha_func:3;     /**< PIPE_FUNC_x */
   float alpha_ref_value;     /**< reference value */

   /** Outbound to resolve and cache set tracking. */
   bool depth_writes_enabled;
   bool stencil_writes_enabled;

   /** Outbound to Gfx8-9 PMA stall equations */
   bool depth_test_enabled;

 * The pipe->create_depth_stencil_alpha_state() driver hook.
 * We encode most of 3DSTATE_WM_DEPTH_STENCIL, and just save off the alpha
 * testing state since we need pieces of it in a variety of places.
static void *
iris_create_zsa_state(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                      const struct pipe_depth_stencil_alpha_state *state)
   struct iris_depth_stencil_alpha_state *cso =
      malloc(sizeof(struct iris_depth_stencil_alpha_state));

   bool two_sided_stencil = state->stencil[1].enabled;

   cso->alpha_enabled = state->alpha_enabled;
   cso->alpha_func = state->alpha_func;
   cso->alpha_ref_value = state->alpha_ref_value;
   cso->depth_writes_enabled = state->depth_writemask;
   cso->depth_test_enabled = state->depth_enabled;
   cso->stencil_writes_enabled =
      state->stencil[0].writemask != 0 ||
      (two_sided_stencil && state->stencil[1].writemask != 0);

   /* gallium frontends need to optimize away EQUAL writes for us. */
   assert(!(state->depth_func == PIPE_FUNC_EQUAL && state->depth_writemask));

   iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_WM_DEPTH_STENCIL), cso->wmds, wmds) {
      wmds.StencilFailOp = state->stencil[0].fail_op;
      wmds.StencilPassDepthFailOp = state->stencil[0].zfail_op;
      wmds.StencilPassDepthPassOp = state->stencil[0].zpass_op;
      wmds.StencilTestFunction =
      wmds.BackfaceStencilFailOp = state->stencil[1].fail_op;
      wmds.BackfaceStencilPassDepthFailOp = state->stencil[1].zfail_op;
      wmds.BackfaceStencilPassDepthPassOp = state->stencil[1].zpass_op;
      wmds.BackfaceStencilTestFunction =
      wmds.DepthTestFunction = translate_compare_func(state->depth_func);
      wmds.DoubleSidedStencilEnable = two_sided_stencil;
      wmds.StencilTestEnable = state->stencil[0].enabled;
      wmds.StencilBufferWriteEnable =
         state->stencil[0].writemask != 0 ||
         (two_sided_stencil && state->stencil[1].writemask != 0);
      wmds.DepthTestEnable = state->depth_enabled;
      wmds.DepthBufferWriteEnable = state->depth_writemask;
      wmds.StencilTestMask = state->stencil[0].valuemask;
      wmds.StencilWriteMask = state->stencil[0].writemask;
      wmds.BackfaceStencilTestMask = state->stencil[1].valuemask;
      wmds.BackfaceStencilWriteMask = state->stencil[1].writemask;
      /* wmds.[Backface]StencilReferenceValue are merged later */
#if GFX_VER >= 12
      wmds.StencilReferenceValueModifyDisable = true;

#if GFX_VER >= 12
   iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_DEPTH_BOUNDS), cso->depth_bounds, depth_bounds) {
      depth_bounds.DepthBoundsTestValueModifyDisable = false;
      depth_bounds.DepthBoundsTestEnableModifyDisable = false;
      depth_bounds.DepthBoundsTestEnable = state->depth_bounds_test;
      depth_bounds.DepthBoundsTestMinValue = state->depth_bounds_min;
      depth_bounds.DepthBoundsTestMaxValue = state->depth_bounds_max;

   return cso;

 * The pipe->bind_depth_stencil_alpha_state() driver hook.
 * Bind a depth/stencil/alpha CSO and flag related dirty bits.
static void
iris_bind_zsa_state(struct pipe_context *ctx, void *state)
   struct iris_context *ice = (struct iris_context *) ctx;
   struct iris_depth_stencil_alpha_state *old_cso = ice->state.cso_zsa;
   struct iris_depth_stencil_alpha_state *new_cso = state;

   if (new_cso) {
      if (cso_changed(alpha_ref_value))
         ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_COLOR_CALC_STATE;

      if (cso_changed(alpha_enabled))
         ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_PS_BLEND | IRIS_DIRTY_BLEND_STATE;

      if (cso_changed(alpha_func))
         ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_BLEND_STATE;

      if (cso_changed(depth_writes_enabled) || cso_changed(stencil_writes_enabled))
         ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_RENDER_RESOLVES_AND_FLUSHES;

      ice->state.depth_writes_enabled = new_cso->depth_writes_enabled;
      ice->state.stencil_writes_enabled = new_cso->stencil_writes_enabled;

#if GFX_VER >= 12
      if (cso_changed(depth_bounds))
         ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_DEPTH_BOUNDS;

   ice->state.cso_zsa = new_cso;
   ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_CC_VIEWPORT;
   ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_WM_DEPTH_STENCIL;
   ice->state.stage_dirty |=

   if (GFX_VER == 8)
      ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_PMA_FIX;

#if GFX_VER == 8
static bool
want_pma_fix(struct iris_context *ice)
   UNUSED struct iris_screen *screen = (void *) ice->ctx.screen;
   UNUSED const struct intel_device_info *devinfo = &screen->devinfo;
   const struct brw_wm_prog_data *wm_prog_data = (void *)
   const struct pipe_framebuffer_state *cso_fb = &ice->state.framebuffer;
   const struct iris_depth_stencil_alpha_state *cso_zsa = ice->state.cso_zsa;
   const struct iris_blend_state *cso_blend = ice->state.cso_blend;

   /* In very specific combinations of state, we can instruct Gfx8-9 hardware
    * to avoid stalling at the pixel mask array.  The state equations are
    * documented in these places:
    * - Gfx8 Depth PMA Fix:   CACHE_MODE_1::NP_PMA_FIX_ENABLE
    * - Gfx9 Stencil PMA Fix: CACHE_MODE_0::STC PMA Optimization Enable
    * Both equations share some common elements:
    *    no_hiz_op =
    *       !(3DSTATE_WM_HZ_OP::DepthBufferClear ||
    *         3DSTATE_WM_HZ_OP::DepthBufferResolve ||
    *         3DSTATE_WM_HZ_OP::Hierarchical Depth Buffer Resolve Enable ||
    *         3DSTATE_WM_HZ_OP::StencilBufferClear) &&
    *    killpixels =
    *       3DSTATE_WM::ForceKillPix != ForceOff &&
    *       (3DSTATE_PS_EXTRA::PixelShaderKillsPixels ||
    *        3DSTATE_PS_EXTRA::oMask Present to RenderTarget ||
    *        3DSTATE_PS_BLEND::AlphaToCoverageEnable ||
    *        3DSTATE_PS_BLEND::AlphaTestEnable ||
    *        3DSTATE_WM_CHROMAKEY::ChromaKeyKillEnable)
    *    (Technically the stencil PMA treats ForceKillPix differently,
    *     but I think this is a documentation oversight, and we don't
    *     ever use it in this way, so it doesn't matter).
    *    common_pma_fix =
    *       3DSTATE_WM::ForceThreadDispatch != 1 &&
    *       3DSTATE_RASTER::ForceSampleCount == NUMRASTSAMPLES_0 &&
    *       3DSTATE_DEPTH_BUFFER::HIZ Enable &&
    *       3DSTATE_WM::EDSC_Mode != EDSC_PREPS &&
    *       3DSTATE_PS_EXTRA::PixelShaderValid &&
    *       no_hiz_op
    * These are always true:
    *    3DSTATE_RASTER::ForceSampleCount == NUMRASTSAMPLES_0
    *    3DSTATE_PS_EXTRA::PixelShaderValid
    * Also, we never use the normal drawing path for HiZ ops; these are true:
    *    !(3DSTATE_WM_HZ_OP::DepthBufferClear ||
    *      3DSTATE_WM_HZ_OP::DepthBufferResolve ||
    *      3DSTATE_WM_HZ_OP::Hierarchical Depth Buffer Resolve Enable ||
    *      3DSTATE_WM_HZ_OP::StencilBufferClear)
    * This happens sometimes:
    *    3DSTATE_WM::ForceThreadDispatch != 1
    * However, we choose to ignore it as it either agrees with the signal
    * (dispatch was already enabled, so nothing out of the ordinary), or
    * there are no framebuffer attachments (so no depth or HiZ anyway,
    * meaning the PMA signal will already be disabled).

   if (!cso_fb->zsbuf)
      return false;

   struct iris_resource *zres, *sres;
   iris_get_depth_stencil_resources(cso_fb->zsbuf->texture, &zres, &sres);

   if (!zres || !iris_resource_level_has_hiz(zres, cso_fb->zsbuf->u.tex.level))
      return false;

   /* 3DSTATE_WM::EDSC_Mode != EDSC_PREPS */
   if (wm_prog_data->early_fragment_tests)
      return false;

   /* 3DSTATE_WM::ForceKillPix != ForceOff &&
    * (3DSTATE_PS_EXTRA::PixelShaderKillsPixels ||
    *  3DSTATE_PS_EXTRA::oMask Present to RenderTarget ||
    *  3DSTATE_PS_BLEND::AlphaToCoverageEnable ||
    *  3DSTATE_PS_BLEND::AlphaTestEnable ||
    *  3DSTATE_WM_CHROMAKEY::ChromaKeyKillEnable)
   bool killpixels = wm_prog_data->uses_kill || wm_prog_data->uses_omask ||
                     cso_blend->alpha_to_coverage || cso_zsa->alpha_enabled;

   /* The Gfx8 depth PMA equation becomes:
    *    depth_writes =
    *       3DSTATE_WM_DEPTH_STENCIL::DepthWriteEnable &&
    *    stencil_writes =
    *       3DSTATE_WM_DEPTH_STENCIL::Stencil Buffer Write Enable &&
    *    Z_PMA_OPT =
    *       common_pma_fix &&
    *       3DSTATE_WM_DEPTH_STENCIL::DepthTestEnable &&
    *       ((killpixels && (depth_writes || stencil_writes)) ||
    *        3DSTATE_PS_EXTRA::PixelShaderComputedDepthMode != PSCDEPTH_OFF)
   if (!cso_zsa->depth_test_enabled)
      return false;

   return wm_prog_data->computed_depth_mode != PSCDEPTH_OFF ||
          (killpixels && (cso_zsa->depth_writes_enabled ||
                          (sres && cso_zsa->stencil_writes_enabled)));

genX(update_pma_fix)(struct iris_context *ice,
                     struct iris_batch *batch,
                     bool enable)
#if GFX_VER == 8
   struct iris_genx_state *genx = ice->state.genx;

   if (genx->pma_fix_enabled == enable)

   genx->pma_fix_enabled = enable;

   /* According to the Broadwell PIPE_CONTROL documentation, software should
    * emit a PIPE_CONTROL with the CS Stall and Depth Cache Flush bits set
    * prior to the LRI.  If stencil buffer writes are enabled, then a Render        * Cache Flush is also necessary.
    * The Gfx9 docs say to use a depth stall rather than a command streamer
    * stall.  However, the hardware seems to violently disagree.  A full
    * command streamer stall seems to be needed in both cases.
   iris_emit_pipe_control_flush(batch, "PMA fix change (1/2)",
                                PIPE_CONTROL_CS_STALL |
                                PIPE_CONTROL_DEPTH_CACHE_FLUSH |

   iris_emit_reg(batch, GENX(CACHE_MODE_1), reg) {
      reg.NPPMAFixEnable = enable;
      reg.NPEarlyZFailsDisable = enable;
      reg.NPPMAFixEnableMask = true;
      reg.NPEarlyZFailsDisableMask = true;

   /* After the LRI, a PIPE_CONTROL with both the Depth Stall and Depth Cache
    * Flush bits is often necessary.  We do it regardless because it's easier.
    * The render cache flush is also necessary if stencil writes are enabled.
    * Again, the Gfx9 docs give a different set of flushes but the Broadwell
    * flushes seem to work just as well.
   iris_emit_pipe_control_flush(batch, "PMA fix change (1/2)",
                                PIPE_CONTROL_DEPTH_STALL |
                                PIPE_CONTROL_DEPTH_CACHE_FLUSH |

 * Gallium CSO for rasterizer state.
struct iris_rasterizer_state {
   uint32_t sf[GENX(3DSTATE_SF_length)];
   uint32_t clip[GENX(3DSTATE_CLIP_length)];
   uint32_t raster[GENX(3DSTATE_RASTER_length)];
   uint32_t wm[GENX(3DSTATE_WM_length)];
   uint32_t line_stipple[GENX(3DSTATE_LINE_STIPPLE_length)];

   uint8_t num_clip_plane_consts;
   bool clip_halfz; /* for CC_VIEWPORT */
   bool depth_clip_near; /* for CC_VIEWPORT */
   bool depth_clip_far; /* for CC_VIEWPORT */
   bool flatshade; /* for shader state */
   bool flatshade_first; /* for stream output */
   bool clamp_fragment_color; /* for shader state */
   bool light_twoside; /* for shader state */
   bool rasterizer_discard; /* for 3DSTATE_STREAMOUT and 3DSTATE_CLIP */
   bool half_pixel_center; /* for 3DSTATE_MULTISAMPLE */
   bool line_stipple_enable;
   bool poly_stipple_enable;
   bool multisample;
   bool force_persample_interp;
   bool conservative_rasterization;
   bool fill_mode_point;
   bool fill_mode_line;
   bool fill_mode_point_or_line;
   enum pipe_sprite_coord_mode sprite_coord_mode; /* PIPE_SPRITE_* */
   uint16_t sprite_coord_enable;

static float
get_line_width(const struct pipe_rasterizer_state *state)
   float line_width = state->line_width;

   /* From the OpenGL 4.4 spec:
    * "The actual width of non-antialiased lines is determined by rounding
    *  the supplied width to the nearest integer, then clamping it to the
    *  implementation-dependent maximum non-antialiased line width."
   if (!state->multisample && !state->line_smooth)
      line_width = roundf(state->line_width);

   if (!state->multisample && state->line_smooth && line_width < 1.5f) {
      /* For 1 pixel line thickness or less, the general anti-aliasing
       * algorithm gives up, and a garbage line is generated.  Setting a
       * Line Width of 0.0 specifies the rasterization of the "thinnest"
       * (one-pixel-wide), non-antialiased lines.
       * Lines rendered with zero Line Width are rasterized using the
       * "Grid Intersection Quantization" rules as specified by the
       * "Zero-Width (Cosmetic) Line Rasterization" section of the docs.
      line_width = 0.0f;

   return line_width;

 * The pipe->create_rasterizer_state() driver hook.
static void *
iris_create_rasterizer_state(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                             const struct pipe_rasterizer_state *state)
   struct iris_rasterizer_state *cso =
      malloc(sizeof(struct iris_rasterizer_state));

   cso->multisample = state->multisample;
   cso->force_persample_interp = state->force_persample_interp;
   cso->clip_halfz = state->clip_halfz;
   cso->depth_clip_near = state->depth_clip_near;
   cso->depth_clip_far = state->depth_clip_far;
   cso->flatshade = state->flatshade;
   cso->flatshade_first = state->flatshade_first;
   cso->clamp_fragment_color = state->clamp_fragment_color;
   cso->light_twoside = state->light_twoside;
   cso->rasterizer_discard = state->rasterizer_discard;
   cso->half_pixel_center = state->half_pixel_center;
   cso->sprite_coord_mode = state->sprite_coord_mode;
   cso->sprite_coord_enable = state->sprite_coord_enable;
   cso->line_stipple_enable = state->line_stipple_enable;
   cso->poly_stipple_enable = state->poly_stipple_enable;
   cso->conservative_rasterization =
      state->conservative_raster_mode == PIPE_CONSERVATIVE_RASTER_POST_SNAP;

   cso->fill_mode_point =
      state->fill_front == PIPE_POLYGON_MODE_POINT ||
      state->fill_back == PIPE_POLYGON_MODE_POINT;
   cso->fill_mode_line =
      state->fill_front == PIPE_POLYGON_MODE_LINE ||
      state->fill_back == PIPE_POLYGON_MODE_LINE;
   cso->fill_mode_point_or_line =
      cso->fill_mode_point ||

   if (state->clip_plane_enable != 0)
      cso->num_clip_plane_consts = util_logbase2(state->clip_plane_enable) + 1;
      cso->num_clip_plane_consts = 0;

   float line_width = get_line_width(state);

   iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_SF), cso->sf, sf) {
      sf.StatisticsEnable = true;
      sf.AALineDistanceMode = AALINEDISTANCE_TRUE;
      sf.LineEndCapAntialiasingRegionWidth =
         state->line_smooth ? _10pixels : _05pixels;
      sf.LastPixelEnable = state->line_last_pixel;
      sf.LineWidth = line_width;
      sf.SmoothPointEnable = (state->point_smooth || state->multisample) &&
      sf.PointWidthSource = state->point_size_per_vertex ? Vertex : State;
      sf.PointWidth = CLAMP(state->point_size, 0.125f, 255.875f);

      if (state->flatshade_first) {
         sf.TriangleFanProvokingVertexSelect = 1;
      } else {
         sf.TriangleStripListProvokingVertexSelect = 2;
         sf.TriangleFanProvokingVertexSelect = 2;
         sf.LineStripListProvokingVertexSelect = 1;

   iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_RASTER), cso->raster, rr) {
      rr.FrontWinding = state->front_ccw ? CounterClockwise : Clockwise;
      rr.CullMode = translate_cull_mode(state->cull_face);
      rr.FrontFaceFillMode = translate_fill_mode(state->fill_front);
      rr.BackFaceFillMode = translate_fill_mode(state->fill_back);
      rr.DXMultisampleRasterizationEnable = state->multisample;
      rr.GlobalDepthOffsetEnableSolid = state->offset_tri;
      rr.GlobalDepthOffsetEnableWireframe = state->offset_line;
      rr.GlobalDepthOffsetEnablePoint = state->offset_point;
      rr.GlobalDepthOffsetConstant = state->offset_units * 2;
      rr.GlobalDepthOffsetScale = state->offset_scale;
      rr.GlobalDepthOffsetClamp = state->offset_clamp;
      rr.SmoothPointEnable = state->point_smooth;
      rr.AntialiasingEnable = state->line_smooth;
      rr.ScissorRectangleEnable = state->scissor;
#if GFX_VER >= 9
      rr.ViewportZNearClipTestEnable = state->depth_clip_near;
      rr.ViewportZFarClipTestEnable = state->depth_clip_far;
      rr.ConservativeRasterizationEnable =
      rr.ViewportZClipTestEnable = (state->depth_clip_near || state->depth_clip_far);

   iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_CLIP), cso->clip, cl) {
      /* cl.NonPerspectiveBarycentricEnable is filled in at draw time from
       * the FS program; cl.ForceZeroRTAIndexEnable is filled in from the FB.
      cl.EarlyCullEnable = true;
      cl.UserClipDistanceClipTestEnableBitmask = state->clip_plane_enable;
      cl.ForceUserClipDistanceClipTestEnableBitmask = true;
      cl.APIMode = state->clip_halfz ? APIMODE_D3D : APIMODE_OGL;
      cl.GuardbandClipTestEnable = true;
      cl.ClipEnable = true;
      cl.MinimumPointWidth = 0.125;
      cl.MaximumPointWidth = 255.875;

      if (state->flatshade_first) {
         cl.TriangleFanProvokingVertexSelect = 1;
      } else {
         cl.TriangleStripListProvokingVertexSelect = 2;
         cl.TriangleFanProvokingVertexSelect = 2;
         cl.LineStripListProvokingVertexSelect = 1;

   iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_WM), cso->wm, wm) {
      /* wm.BarycentricInterpolationMode and wm.EarlyDepthStencilControl are
       * filled in at draw time from the FS program.
      wm.LineAntialiasingRegionWidth = _10pixels;
      wm.LineEndCapAntialiasingRegionWidth = _05pixels;
      wm.PointRasterizationRule = RASTRULE_UPPER_RIGHT;
      wm.LineStippleEnable = state->line_stipple_enable;
      wm.PolygonStippleEnable = state->poly_stipple_enable;

   /* Remap from 0..255 back to 1..256 */
   const unsigned line_stipple_factor = state->line_stipple_factor + 1;

   iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_LINE_STIPPLE), cso->line_stipple, line) {
      if (state->line_stipple_enable) {
         line.LineStipplePattern = state->line_stipple_pattern;
         line.LineStippleInverseRepeatCount = 1.0f / line_stipple_factor;
         line.LineStippleRepeatCount = line_stipple_factor;

   return cso;

 * The pipe->bind_rasterizer_state() driver hook.
 * Bind a rasterizer CSO and flag related dirty bits.
static void
iris_bind_rasterizer_state(struct pipe_context *ctx, void *state)
   struct iris_context *ice = (struct iris_context *) ctx;
   struct iris_rasterizer_state *old_cso = ice->state.cso_rast;
   struct iris_rasterizer_state *new_cso = state;

   if (new_cso) {
      /* Try to avoid re-emitting 3DSTATE_LINE_STIPPLE, it's non-pipelined */
      if (cso_changed_memcmp(line_stipple))
         ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_LINE_STIPPLE;

      if (cso_changed(half_pixel_center))
         ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_MULTISAMPLE;

      if (cso_changed(line_stipple_enable) || cso_changed(poly_stipple_enable))
         ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_WM;

      if (cso_changed(rasterizer_discard))
         ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_STREAMOUT | IRIS_DIRTY_CLIP;

      if (cso_changed(flatshade_first))
         ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_STREAMOUT;

      if (cso_changed(depth_clip_near) || cso_changed(depth_clip_far) ||
         ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_CC_VIEWPORT;

      if (cso_changed(sprite_coord_enable) ||
          cso_changed(sprite_coord_mode) ||
         ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_SBE;

      if (cso_changed(conservative_rasterization))
         ice->state.stage_dirty |= IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_FS;

   ice->state.cso_rast = new_cso;
   ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_RASTER;
   ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_CLIP;
   ice->state.stage_dirty |=

 * Return true if the given wrap mode requires the border color to exist.
 * (We can skip uploading it if the sampler isn't going to use it.)
static bool
wrap_mode_needs_border_color(unsigned wrap_mode)
   return wrap_mode == TCM_CLAMP_BORDER || wrap_mode == TCM_HALF_BORDER;

 * Gallium CSO for sampler state.
struct iris_sampler_state {
   union pipe_color_union border_color;
   bool needs_border_color;

   uint32_t sampler_state[GENX(SAMPLER_STATE_length)];

 * The pipe->create_sampler_state() driver hook.
 * We fill out SAMPLER_STATE (except for the border color pointer), and
 * store that on the CPU.  It doesn't make sense to upload it to a GPU
 * buffer object yet, because 3DSTATE_SAMPLER_STATE_POINTERS requires
 * all bound sampler states to be in contiguous memor.
static void *
iris_create_sampler_state(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                          const struct pipe_sampler_state *state)
   struct iris_sampler_state *cso = CALLOC_STRUCT(iris_sampler_state);

   if (!cso)
      return NULL;


   unsigned wrap_s = translate_wrap(state->wrap_s);
   unsigned wrap_t = translate_wrap(state->wrap_t);
   unsigned wrap_r = translate_wrap(state->wrap_r);

   memcpy(&cso->border_color, &state->border_color, sizeof(cso->border_color));

   cso->needs_border_color = wrap_mode_needs_border_color(wrap_s) ||
                             wrap_mode_needs_border_color(wrap_t) ||

   float min_lod = state->min_lod;
   unsigned mag_img_filter = state->mag_img_filter;

   // XXX: explain this code ported from ilo...I don't get it at all...
   if (state->min_mip_filter == PIPE_TEX_MIPFILTER_NONE &&
       state->min_lod > 0.0f) {
      min_lod = 0.0f;
      mag_img_filter = state->min_img_filter;

   iris_pack_state(GENX(SAMPLER_STATE), cso->sampler_state, samp) {
      samp.TCXAddressControlMode = wrap_s;
      samp.TCYAddressControlMode = wrap_t;
      samp.TCZAddressControlMode = wrap_r;
      samp.CubeSurfaceControlMode = state->seamless_cube_map;
      samp.NonnormalizedCoordinateEnable = !state->normalized_coords;
      samp.MinModeFilter = state->min_img_filter;
      samp.MagModeFilter = mag_img_filter;
      samp.MipModeFilter = translate_mip_filter(state->min_mip_filter);
      samp.MaximumAnisotropy = RATIO21;

      if (state->max_anisotropy >= 2) {
         if (state->min_img_filter == PIPE_TEX_FILTER_LINEAR) {
            samp.MinModeFilter = MAPFILTER_ANISOTROPIC;
            samp.AnisotropicAlgorithm = EWAApproximation;

         if (state->mag_img_filter == PIPE_TEX_FILTER_LINEAR)
            samp.MagModeFilter = MAPFILTER_ANISOTROPIC;

         samp.MaximumAnisotropy =
            MIN2((state->max_anisotropy - 2) / 2, RATIO161);

      /* Set address rounding bits if not using nearest filtering. */
      if (state->min_img_filter != PIPE_TEX_FILTER_NEAREST) {
         samp.UAddressMinFilterRoundingEnable = true;
         samp.VAddressMinFilterRoundingEnable = true;
         samp.RAddressMinFilterRoundingEnable = true;

      if (state->mag_img_filter != PIPE_TEX_FILTER_NEAREST) {
         samp.UAddressMagFilterRoundingEnable = true;
         samp.VAddressMagFilterRoundingEnable = true;
         samp.RAddressMagFilterRoundingEnable = true;

      if (state->compare_mode == PIPE_TEX_COMPARE_R_TO_TEXTURE)
         samp.ShadowFunction = translate_shadow_func(state->compare_func);

      const float hw_max_lod = GFX_VER >= 7 ? 14 : 13;

      samp.LODPreClampMode = CLAMP_MODE_OGL;
      samp.MinLOD = CLAMP(min_lod, 0, hw_max_lod);
      samp.MaxLOD = CLAMP(state->max_lod, 0, hw_max_lod);
      samp.TextureLODBias = CLAMP(state->lod_bias, -16, 15);

      /* .BorderColorPointer is filled in by iris_bind_sampler_states. */

   return cso;

 * The pipe->bind_sampler_states() driver hook.
static void
iris_bind_sampler_states(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                         enum pipe_shader_type p_stage,
                         unsigned start, unsigned count,
                         void **states)
   struct iris_context *ice = (struct iris_context *) ctx;
   gl_shader_stage stage = stage_from_pipe(p_stage);
   struct iris_shader_state *shs = &ice->state.shaders[stage];

   assert(start + count <= IRIS_MAX_TEXTURE_SAMPLERS);

   bool dirty = false;

   for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      struct iris_sampler_state *state = states ? states[i] : NULL;
      if (shs->samplers[start + i] != state) {
         shs->samplers[start + i] = state;
         dirty = true;

   if (dirty)
      ice->state.stage_dirty |= IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_SAMPLER_STATES_VS << stage;

 * Upload the sampler states into a contiguous area of GPU memory, for
 * Also fill out the border color state pointers.
static void
iris_upload_sampler_states(struct iris_context *ice, gl_shader_stage stage)
   struct iris_shader_state *shs = &ice->state.shaders[stage];
   const struct shader_info *info = iris_get_shader_info(ice, stage);

   /* We assume gallium frontends will call pipe->bind_sampler_states()
    * if the program's number of textures changes.
   unsigned count = info ? BITSET_LAST_BIT(info->textures_used) : 0;

   if (!count)

   /* Assemble the SAMPLER_STATEs into a contiguous table that lives
    * in the dynamic state memory zone, so we can point to it via the
   unsigned size = count * 4 * GENX(SAMPLER_STATE_length);
   uint32_t *map =
      upload_state(ice->state.dynamic_uploader, &shs->sampler_table, size, 32);
   if (unlikely(!map))

   struct pipe_resource *res = shs->sampler_table.res;
   struct iris_bo *bo = iris_resource_bo(res);

                          bo->address + shs->sampler_table.offset, size);

   shs->sampler_table.offset += iris_bo_offset_from_base_address(bo);

   /* Make sure all land in the same BO */
   iris_border_color_pool_reserve(ice, IRIS_MAX_TEXTURE_SAMPLERS);

   ice->state.need_border_colors &= ~(1 << stage);

   for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      struct iris_sampler_state *state = shs->samplers[i];
      struct iris_sampler_view *tex = shs->textures[i];

      if (!state) {
         memset(map, 0, 4 * GENX(SAMPLER_STATE_length));
      } else if (!state->needs_border_color) {
         memcpy(map, state->sampler_state, 4 * GENX(SAMPLER_STATE_length));
      } else {
         ice->state.need_border_colors |= 1 << stage;

         /* We may need to swizzle the border color for format faking.
          * A/LA formats are faked as R/RG with 000R or R00G swizzles.
          * This means we need to move the border color's A channel into
          * the R or G channels so that those read swizzles will move it
          * back into A.
         union pipe_color_union *color = &state->border_color;
         union pipe_color_union tmp;
         if (tex) {
            enum pipe_format internal_format = tex->res->internal_format;

            if (util_format_is_alpha(internal_format)) {
               unsigned char swz[4] = {
                  PIPE_SWIZZLE_W, PIPE_SWIZZLE_0,
                  PIPE_SWIZZLE_0, PIPE_SWIZZLE_0
               util_format_apply_color_swizzle(&tmp, color, swz, true);
               color = &tmp;
            } else if (util_format_is_luminance_alpha(internal_format) &&
                       internal_format != PIPE_FORMAT_L8A8_SRGB) {
               unsigned char swz[4] = {
                  PIPE_SWIZZLE_X, PIPE_SWIZZLE_W,
                  PIPE_SWIZZLE_0, PIPE_SWIZZLE_0
               util_format_apply_color_swizzle(&tmp, color, swz, true);
               color = &tmp;

         /* Stream out the border color and merge the pointer. */
         uint32_t offset = iris_upload_border_color(ice, color);

         uint32_t dynamic[GENX(SAMPLER_STATE_length)];
         iris_pack_state(GENX(SAMPLER_STATE), dynamic, dyns) {
            dyns.BorderColorPointer = offset;

         for (uint32_t j = 0; j < GENX(SAMPLER_STATE_length); j++)
            map[j] = state->sampler_state[j] | dynamic[j];

      map += GENX(SAMPLER_STATE_length);

static enum isl_channel_select
fmt_swizzle(const struct iris_format_info *fmt, enum pipe_swizzle swz)
   switch (swz) {
   case PIPE_SWIZZLE_X: return fmt->swizzle.r;
   case PIPE_SWIZZLE_Y: return fmt->swizzle.g;
   case PIPE_SWIZZLE_Z: return fmt->swizzle.b;
   case PIPE_SWIZZLE_W: return fmt->swizzle.a;
   default: unreachable("invalid swizzle");

static void
fill_buffer_surface_state(struct isl_device *isl_dev,
                          struct iris_resource *res,
                          void *map,
                          enum isl_format format,
                          struct isl_swizzle swizzle,
                          unsigned offset,
                          unsigned size,
                          isl_surf_usage_flags_t usage)
   const struct isl_format_layout *fmtl = isl_format_get_layout(format);
   const unsigned cpp = format == ISL_FORMAT_RAW ? 1 : fmtl->bpb / 8;

   /* The ARB_texture_buffer_specification says:
    *    "The number of texels in the buffer texture's texel array is given by
    *       floor(<buffer_size> / (<components> * sizeof(<base_type>)),
    *     where <buffer_size> is the size of the buffer object, in basic
    *     machine units and <components> and <base_type> are the element count
    *     and base data type for elements, as specified in Table X.1.  The
    *     number of texels in the texel array is then clamped to the
    *     implementation-dependent limit MAX_TEXTURE_BUFFER_SIZE_ARB."
    * We need to clamp the size in bytes to MAX_TEXTURE_BUFFER_SIZE * stride,
    * so that when ISL divides by stride to obtain the number of texels, that
    * texel count is clamped to MAX_TEXTURE_BUFFER_SIZE.
   unsigned final_size =
      MIN3(size, res->bo->size - res->offset - offset,

   isl_buffer_fill_state(isl_dev, map,
                         .address = res->bo->address + res->offset + offset,
                         .size_B = final_size,
                         .format = format,
                         .swizzle = swizzle,
                         .stride_B = cpp,
                         .mocs = iris_mocs(res->bo, isl_dev, usage));


 * Allocate several contiguous SURFACE_STATE structures, one for each
 * supported auxiliary surface mode.  This only allocates the CPU-side
 * copy, they will need to be uploaded later after they're filled in.
static void
alloc_surface_states(struct iris_surface_state *surf_state,
                     unsigned aux_usages)
   const unsigned surf_size = 4 * GENX(RENDER_SURFACE_STATE_length);

   /* If this changes, update this to explicitly align pointers */

   assert(aux_usages != 0);

   /* In case we're re-allocating them... */

   surf_state->num_states = util_bitcount(aux_usages);
   surf_state->cpu = calloc(surf_state->num_states, surf_size);
   surf_state->ref.offset = 0;
   pipe_resource_reference(&surf_state->ref.res, NULL);


 * Upload the CPU side SURFACE_STATEs into a GPU buffer.
static void
upload_surface_states(struct u_upload_mgr *mgr,
                      struct iris_surface_state *surf_state)
   const unsigned surf_size = 4 * GENX(RENDER_SURFACE_STATE_length);
   const unsigned bytes = surf_state->num_states * surf_size;

   void *map =
      upload_state(mgr, &surf_state->ref, bytes, SURFACE_STATE_ALIGNMENT);

   surf_state->ref.offset +=

   if (map)
      memcpy(map, surf_state->cpu, bytes);

 * Update resource addresses in a set of SURFACE_STATE descriptors,
 * and re-upload them if necessary.
static bool
update_surface_state_addrs(struct u_upload_mgr *mgr,
                           struct iris_surface_state *surf_state,
                           struct iris_bo *bo)
   if (surf_state->bo_address == bo->address)
      return false;

   STATIC_ASSERT(GENX(RENDER_SURFACE_STATE_SurfaceBaseAddress_start) % 64 == 0);
   STATIC_ASSERT(GENX(RENDER_SURFACE_STATE_SurfaceBaseAddress_bits) == 64);

   uint64_t *ss_addr = (uint64_t *) &surf_state->cpu[GENX(RENDER_SURFACE_STATE_SurfaceBaseAddress_start) / 32];

   /* First, update the CPU copies.  We assume no other fields exist in
    * the QWord containing Surface Base Address.
   for (unsigned i = 0; i < surf_state->num_states; i++) {
      *ss_addr = *ss_addr - surf_state->bo_address + bo->address;
      ss_addr = ((void *) ss_addr) + SURFACE_STATE_ALIGNMENT;

   /* Next, upload the updated copies to a GPU buffer. */
   upload_surface_states(mgr, surf_state);

   surf_state->bo_address = bo->address;

   return true;

static void
fill_surface_state(struct isl_device *isl_dev,
                   void *map,
                   struct iris_resource *res,
                   struct isl_surf *surf,
                   struct isl_view *view,
                   unsigned aux_usage,
                   uint32_t extra_main_offset,
                   uint32_t tile_x_sa,
                   uint32_t tile_y_sa)
   struct isl_surf_fill_state_info f = {
      .surf = surf,
      .view = view,
      .mocs = iris_mocs(res->bo, isl_dev, view->usage),
      .address = res->bo->address + res->offset + extra_main_offset,
      .x_offset_sa = tile_x_sa,
      .y_offset_sa = tile_y_sa,

   if (aux_usage != ISL_AUX_USAGE_NONE) {
      f.aux_surf = &res->aux.surf;
      f.aux_usage = aux_usage;
      f.clear_color = res->aux.clear_color;

      if (res->aux.bo)
         f.aux_address = res->aux.bo->address + res->aux.offset;

      if (res->aux.clear_color_bo) {
         f.clear_address = res->aux.clear_color_bo->address +
         f.use_clear_address = isl_dev->info->ver > 9;

   isl_surf_fill_state_s(isl_dev, map, &f);

 * The pipe->create_sampler_view() driver hook.
static struct pipe_sampler_view *
iris_create_sampler_view(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                         struct pipe_resource *tex,
                         const struct pipe_sampler_view *tmpl)
   struct iris_screen *screen = (struct iris_screen *)ctx->screen;
   const struct intel_device_info *devinfo = &screen->devinfo;
   struct iris_sampler_view *isv = calloc(1, sizeof(struct iris_sampler_view));

   if (!isv)
      return NULL;

   /* initialize base object */
   isv->base = *tmpl;
   isv->base.context = ctx;
   isv->base.texture = NULL;
   pipe_reference_init(&isv->base.reference, 1);
   pipe_resource_reference(&isv->base.texture, tex);

   if (util_format_is_depth_or_stencil(tmpl->format)) {
      struct iris_resource *zres, *sres;
      const struct util_format_description *desc =

      iris_get_depth_stencil_resources(tex, &zres, &sres);

      tex = util_format_has_depth(desc) ? &zres->base.b : &sres->base.b;

   isv->res = (struct iris_resource *) tex;

   alloc_surface_states(&isv->surface_state, isv->res->aux.sampler_usages);

   isv->surface_state.bo_address = isv->res->bo->address;

   isl_surf_usage_flags_t usage = ISL_SURF_USAGE_TEXTURE_BIT;

   if (isv->base.target == PIPE_TEXTURE_CUBE ||
       isv->base.target == PIPE_TEXTURE_CUBE_ARRAY)
      usage |= ISL_SURF_USAGE_CUBE_BIT;

   const struct iris_format_info fmt =
      iris_format_for_usage(devinfo, tmpl->format, usage);

   isv->clear_color = isv->res->aux.clear_color;

   isv->view = (struct isl_view) {
      .format = fmt.fmt,
      .swizzle = (struct isl_swizzle) {
         .r = fmt_swizzle(&fmt, tmpl->swizzle_r),
         .g = fmt_swizzle(&fmt, tmpl->swizzle_g),
         .b = fmt_swizzle(&fmt, tmpl->swizzle_b),
         .a = fmt_swizzle(&fmt, tmpl->swizzle_a),
      .usage = usage,

   void *map = isv->surface_state.cpu;

   /* Fill out SURFACE_STATE for this view. */
   if (tmpl->target != PIPE_BUFFER) {
      isv->view.base_level = tmpl->u.tex.first_level;
      isv->view.levels = tmpl->u.tex.last_level - tmpl->u.tex.first_level + 1;

      if (tmpl->target == PIPE_TEXTURE_3D) {
         isv->view.base_array_layer = 0;
         isv->view.array_len = 1;
      } else {
         isv->view.base_array_layer = tmpl->u.tex.first_layer;
         isv->view.array_len =
            tmpl->u.tex.last_layer - tmpl->u.tex.first_layer + 1;

      unsigned aux_modes = isv->res->aux.sampler_usages;
      while (aux_modes) {
         enum isl_aux_usage aux_usage = u_bit_scan(&aux_modes);

         fill_surface_state(&screen->isl_dev, map, isv->res, &isv->res->surf,
                            &isv->view, aux_usage, 0, 0, 0);

   } else {
      fill_buffer_surface_state(&screen->isl_dev, isv->res, map,
                                isv->view.format, isv->view.swizzle,
                                tmpl->u.buf.offset, tmpl->u.buf.size,

   return &isv->base;

static void
iris_sampler_view_destroy(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                          struct pipe_sampler_view *state)
   struct iris_sampler_view *isv = (void *) state;
   pipe_resource_reference(&state->texture, NULL);
   pipe_resource_reference(&isv->surface_state.ref.res, NULL);

 * The pipe->create_surface() driver hook.
 * In Gallium nomenclature, "surfaces" are a view of a resource that
 * can be bound as a render target or depth/stencil buffer.
static struct pipe_surface *
iris_create_surface(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                    struct pipe_resource *tex,
                    const struct pipe_surface *tmpl)
   struct iris_screen *screen = (struct iris_screen *)ctx->screen;
   const struct intel_device_info *devinfo = &screen->devinfo;

   isl_surf_usage_flags_t usage = 0;
   if (tmpl->writable)
   else if (util_format_is_depth_or_stencil(tmpl->format))

   const struct iris_format_info fmt =
      iris_format_for_usage(devinfo, tmpl->format, usage);

       !isl_format_supports_rendering(devinfo, fmt.fmt)) {
      /* Framebuffer validation will reject this invalid case, but it
       * hasn't had the opportunity yet.  In the meantime, we need to
       * avoid hitting ISL asserts about unsupported formats below.
      return NULL;

   struct iris_surface *surf = calloc(1, sizeof(struct iris_surface));
   struct pipe_surface *psurf = &surf->base;
   struct iris_resource *res = (struct iris_resource *) tex;

   if (!surf)
      return NULL;

   pipe_reference_init(&psurf->reference, 1);
   pipe_resource_reference(&psurf->texture, tex);
   psurf->context = ctx;
   psurf->format = tmpl->format;
   psurf->width = tex->width0;
   psurf->height = tex->height0;
   psurf->texture = tex;
   psurf->u.tex.first_layer = tmpl->u.tex.first_layer;
   psurf->u.tex.last_layer = tmpl->u.tex.last_layer;
   psurf->u.tex.level = tmpl->u.tex.level;

   uint32_t array_len = tmpl->u.tex.last_layer - tmpl->u.tex.first_layer + 1;

   struct isl_view *view = &surf->view;
   *view = (struct isl_view) {
      .format = fmt.fmt,
      .base_level = tmpl->u.tex.level,
      .levels = 1,
      .base_array_layer = tmpl->u.tex.first_layer,
      .array_len = array_len,
      .swizzle = ISL_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY,
      .usage = usage,

#if GFX_VER == 8
   struct isl_view *read_view = &surf->read_view;
   *read_view = (struct isl_view) {
      .format = fmt.fmt,
      .base_level = tmpl->u.tex.level,
      .levels = 1,
      .base_array_layer = tmpl->u.tex.first_layer,
      .array_len = array_len,
      .swizzle = ISL_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY,

   struct isl_surf read_surf = res->surf;
   uint64_t read_surf_offset_B = 0;
   uint32_t read_surf_tile_x_sa = 0, read_surf_tile_y_sa = 0;
   if (tex->target == PIPE_TEXTURE_3D && array_len == 1) {
      /* The minimum array element field of the surface state structure is
       * ignored by the sampler unit for 3D textures on some hardware.  If the
       * render buffer is a single slice of a 3D texture, create a 2D texture
       * covering that slice.
       * TODO: This only handles the case where we're rendering to a single
       * slice of an array texture.  If we have layered rendering combined
       * with non-coherent FB fetch and a non-zero base_array_layer, then
       * we're going to run into problems.
       * See https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/issues/4904
      isl_surf_get_image_surf(&screen->isl_dev, &res->surf,
                              0, read_view->base_array_layer,
                              &read_surf, &read_surf_offset_B,
                              &read_surf_tile_x_sa, &read_surf_tile_y_sa);
      read_view->base_level = 0;
      read_view->base_array_layer = 0;
      assert(read_view->array_len == 1);
   } else if (tex->target == PIPE_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY) {
      /* Convert 1D array textures to 2D arrays because shaders always provide
       * the array index coordinate at the Z component to avoid recompiles
       * when changing the texture target of the framebuffer.
      assert(read_surf.dim_layout == ISL_DIM_LAYOUT_GFX4_2D);
      read_surf.dim = ISL_SURF_DIM_2D;

   surf->clear_color = res->aux.clear_color;

   /* Bail early for depth/stencil - we don't want SURFACE_STATE for them. */
   if (res->surf.usage & (ISL_SURF_USAGE_DEPTH_BIT |
      return psurf;

   alloc_surface_states(&surf->surface_state, res->aux.possible_usages);
   surf->surface_state.bo_address = res->bo->address;

#if GFX_VER == 8
   alloc_surface_states(&surf->surface_state_read, res->aux.possible_usages);
   surf->surface_state_read.bo_address = res->bo->address;

   if (!isl_format_is_compressed(res->surf.format)) {
      void *map = surf->surface_state.cpu;
      UNUSED void *map_read = surf->surface_state_read.cpu;

      /* This is a normal surface.  Fill out a SURFACE_STATE for each possible
       * auxiliary surface mode and return the pipe_surface.
      unsigned aux_modes = res->aux.possible_usages;
      while (aux_modes) {
         enum isl_aux_usage aux_usage = u_bit_scan(&aux_modes);
         fill_surface_state(&screen->isl_dev, map, res, &res->surf,
                            view, aux_usage, 0, 0, 0);

#if GFX_VER == 8
         fill_surface_state(&screen->isl_dev, map_read, res,
                            &read_surf, read_view, aux_usage,
                            read_surf_tile_x_sa, read_surf_tile_y_sa);
         map_read += SURFACE_STATE_ALIGNMENT;

      return psurf;

   /* The resource has a compressed format, which is not renderable, but we
    * have a renderable view format.  We must be attempting to upload blocks
    * of compressed data via an uncompressed view.
    * In this case, we can assume there are no auxiliary buffers, a single
    * miplevel, and that the resource is single-sampled.  Gallium may try
    * and create an uncompressed view with multiple layers, however.
   assert(res->aux.possible_usages == 1 << ISL_AUX_USAGE_NONE);
   assert(res->surf.samples == 1);
   assert(view->levels == 1);

   struct isl_surf isl_surf;
   uint64_t offset_B = 0;
   uint32_t tile_x_el = 0, tile_y_el = 0;
   bool ok = isl_surf_get_uncompressed_surf(&screen->isl_dev, &res->surf,
                                            view, &isl_surf, view,
                                            &offset_B, &tile_x_el, &tile_y_el);
   if (!ok) {
      return NULL;

   psurf->width = isl_surf.logical_level0_px.width;
   psurf->height = isl_surf.logical_level0_px.height;

   struct isl_surf_fill_state_info f = {
      .surf = &isl_surf,
      .view = view,
      .mocs = iris_mocs(res->bo, &screen->isl_dev,
      .address = res->bo->address + offset_B,
      .x_offset_sa = tile_x_el, /* Single-sampled, so el == sa */
      .y_offset_sa = tile_y_el, /* Single-sampled, so el == sa */

   isl_surf_fill_state_s(&screen->isl_dev, surf->surface_state.cpu, &f);

   return psurf;

#if GFX_VER < 9
static void
fill_default_image_param(struct brw_image_param *param)
   memset(param, 0, sizeof(*param));
   /* Set the swizzling shifts to all-ones to effectively disable swizzling --
    * See emit_address_calculation() in brw_fs_surface_builder.cpp for a more
    * detailed explanation of these parameters.
   param->swizzling[0] = 0xff;
   param->swizzling[1] = 0xff;

static void
fill_buffer_image_param(struct brw_image_param *param,
                        enum pipe_format pfmt,
                        unsigned size)
   const unsigned cpp = util_format_get_blocksize(pfmt);

   param->size[0] = size / cpp;
   param->stride[0] = cpp;
#define isl_surf_fill_image_param(x, ...)
#define fill_default_image_param(x, ...)
#define fill_buffer_image_param(x, ...)

 * The pipe->set_shader_images() driver hook.
static void
iris_set_shader_images(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                       enum pipe_shader_type p_stage,
                       unsigned start_slot, unsigned count,
                       unsigned unbind_num_trailing_slots,
                       const struct pipe_image_view *p_images)
   struct iris_context *ice = (struct iris_context *) ctx;
   struct iris_screen *screen = (struct iris_screen *)ctx->screen;
   gl_shader_stage stage = stage_from_pipe(p_stage);
   struct iris_shader_state *shs = &ice->state.shaders[stage];
#if GFX_VER == 8
   struct iris_genx_state *genx = ice->state.genx;
   struct brw_image_param *image_params = genx->shaders[stage].image_param;

   shs->bound_image_views &=
      ~u_bit_consecutive(start_slot, count + unbind_num_trailing_slots);

   for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      struct iris_image_view *iv = &shs->image[start_slot + i];

      if (p_images && p_images[i].resource) {
         const struct pipe_image_view *img = &p_images[i];
         struct iris_resource *res = (void *) img->resource;

         util_copy_image_view(&iv->base, img);

         shs->bound_image_views |= 1 << (start_slot + i);

         res->bind_history |= PIPE_BIND_SHADER_IMAGE;
         res->bind_stages |= 1 << stage;

         enum isl_format isl_fmt = iris_image_view_get_format(ice, img);

         /* Render compression with images supported on gfx12+ only. */
         unsigned aux_usages = GFX_VER >= 12 ? res->aux.possible_usages :
            1 << ISL_AUX_USAGE_NONE;

         alloc_surface_states(&iv->surface_state, aux_usages);
         iv->surface_state.bo_address = res->bo->address;

         void *map = iv->surface_state.cpu;

         if (res->base.b.target != PIPE_BUFFER) {
            struct isl_view view = {
               .format = isl_fmt,
               .base_level = img->u.tex.level,
               .levels = 1,
               .base_array_layer = img->u.tex.first_layer,
               .array_len = img->u.tex.last_layer - img->u.tex.first_layer + 1,
               .swizzle = ISL_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY,
               .usage = ISL_SURF_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT,

            /* If using untyped fallback. */
            if (isl_fmt == ISL_FORMAT_RAW) {
               fill_buffer_surface_state(&screen->isl_dev, res, map,
                                         isl_fmt, ISL_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY,
                                         0, res->bo->size,
            } else {
               unsigned aux_modes = aux_usages;
               while (aux_modes) {
                  enum isl_aux_usage usage = u_bit_scan(&aux_modes);

                  fill_surface_state(&screen->isl_dev, map, res, &res->surf,
                                     &view, usage, 0, 0, 0);

                  map += SURFACE_STATE_ALIGNMENT;

                                      &image_params[start_slot + i],
                                      &res->surf, &view);
         } else {
            util_range_add(&res->base.b, &res->valid_buffer_range, img->u.buf.offset,
                           img->u.buf.offset + img->u.buf.size);

            fill_buffer_surface_state(&screen->isl_dev, res, map,
                                      isl_fmt, ISL_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY,
                                      img->u.buf.offset, img->u.buf.size,
            fill_buffer_image_param(&image_params[start_slot + i],
                                    img->format, img->u.buf.size);

         upload_surface_states(ice->state.surface_uploader, &iv->surface_state);
      } else {
         pipe_resource_reference(&iv->base.resource, NULL);
         pipe_resource_reference(&iv->surface_state.ref.res, NULL);
         fill_default_image_param(&image_params[start_slot + i]);

   ice->state.stage_dirty |= IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_BINDINGS_VS << stage;
   ice->state.dirty |=
                                   : IRIS_DIRTY_RENDER_RESOLVES_AND_FLUSHES;

   /* Broadwell also needs brw_image_params re-uploaded */
   if (GFX_VER < 9) {
      ice->state.stage_dirty |= IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_CONSTANTS_VS << stage;
      shs->sysvals_need_upload = true;

   if (unbind_num_trailing_slots) {
      iris_set_shader_images(ctx, p_stage, start_slot + count,
                             unbind_num_trailing_slots, 0, NULL);

 * The pipe->set_sampler_views() driver hook.
static void
iris_set_sampler_views(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                       enum pipe_shader_type p_stage,
                       unsigned start, unsigned count,
                       unsigned unbind_num_trailing_slots,
                       bool take_ownership,
                       struct pipe_sampler_view **views)
   struct iris_context *ice = (struct iris_context *) ctx;
   gl_shader_stage stage = stage_from_pipe(p_stage);
   struct iris_shader_state *shs = &ice->state.shaders[stage];
   unsigned i;

   shs->bound_sampler_views &=
      ~u_bit_consecutive(start, count + unbind_num_trailing_slots);

   for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      struct pipe_sampler_view *pview = views ? views[i] : NULL;

      if (take_ownership) {
         pipe_sampler_view_reference((struct pipe_sampler_view **)
                                     &shs->textures[start + i], NULL);
         shs->textures[start + i] = (struct iris_sampler_view *)pview;
      } else {
         pipe_sampler_view_reference((struct pipe_sampler_view **)
                                     &shs->textures[start + i], pview);
      struct iris_sampler_view *view = (void *) pview;
      if (view) {
         view->res->bind_history |= PIPE_BIND_SAMPLER_VIEW;
         view->res->bind_stages |= 1 << stage;

         shs->bound_sampler_views |= 1 << (start + i);

                                    &view->surface_state, view->res->bo);
   for (; i < count + unbind_num_trailing_slots; i++) {
      pipe_sampler_view_reference((struct pipe_sampler_view **)
                                  &shs->textures[start + i], NULL);

   ice->state.stage_dirty |= (IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_BINDINGS_VS << stage);
   ice->state.dirty |=
                                   : IRIS_DIRTY_RENDER_RESOLVES_AND_FLUSHES;

static void
iris_set_compute_resources(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                           unsigned start, unsigned count,
                           struct pipe_surface **resources)
   assert(count == 0);

static void
iris_set_global_binding(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                        unsigned start_slot, unsigned count,
                        struct pipe_resource **resources,
                        uint32_t **handles)
   struct iris_context *ice = (struct iris_context *) ctx;

   assert(start_slot + count <= IRIS_MAX_GLOBAL_BINDINGS);
   for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      if (resources && resources[i]) {
         pipe_resource_reference(&ice->state.global_bindings[start_slot + i],
         struct iris_resource *res = (void *) resources[i];
         uint64_t addr = res->bo->address;
         memcpy(handles[i], &addr, sizeof(addr));
      } else {
         pipe_resource_reference(&ice->state.global_bindings[start_slot + i],

   ice->state.stage_dirty |= IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_BINDINGS_CS;

 * The pipe->set_tess_state() driver hook.
static void
iris_set_tess_state(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                    const float default_outer_level[4],
                    const float default_inner_level[2])
   struct iris_context *ice = (struct iris_context *) ctx;
   struct iris_shader_state *shs = &ice->state.shaders[MESA_SHADER_TESS_CTRL];

   memcpy(&ice->state.default_outer_level[0], &default_outer_level[0], 4 * sizeof(float));
   memcpy(&ice->state.default_inner_level[0], &default_inner_level[0], 2 * sizeof(float));

   ice->state.stage_dirty |= IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_CONSTANTS_TCS;
   shs->sysvals_need_upload = true;

static void
iris_set_patch_vertices(struct pipe_context *ctx, uint8_t patch_vertices)
   struct iris_context *ice = (struct iris_context *) ctx;

   ice->state.patch_vertices = patch_vertices;

static void
iris_surface_destroy(struct pipe_context *ctx, struct pipe_surface *p_surf)
   struct iris_surface *surf = (void *) p_surf;
   pipe_resource_reference(&p_surf->texture, NULL);
   pipe_resource_reference(&surf->surface_state.ref.res, NULL);
   pipe_resource_reference(&surf->surface_state_read.ref.res, NULL);

static void
iris_set_clip_state(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                    const struct pipe_clip_state *state)
   struct iris_context *ice = (struct iris_context *) ctx;
   struct iris_shader_state *shs = &ice->state.shaders[MESA_SHADER_VERTEX];
   struct iris_shader_state *gshs = &ice->state.shaders[MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY];
   struct iris_shader_state *tshs = &ice->state.shaders[MESA_SHADER_TESS_EVAL];

   memcpy(&ice->state.clip_planes, state, sizeof(*state));

   ice->state.stage_dirty |= IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_CONSTANTS_VS |
                             IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_CONSTANTS_GS |
   shs->sysvals_need_upload = true;
   gshs->sysvals_need_upload = true;
   tshs->sysvals_need_upload = true;

 * The pipe->set_polygon_stipple() driver hook.
static void
iris_set_polygon_stipple(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                         const struct pipe_poly_stipple *state)
   struct iris_context *ice = (struct iris_context *) ctx;
   memcpy(&ice->state.poly_stipple, state, sizeof(*state));
   ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_POLYGON_STIPPLE;

 * The pipe->set_sample_mask() driver hook.
static void
iris_set_sample_mask(struct pipe_context *ctx, unsigned sample_mask)
   struct iris_context *ice = (struct iris_context *) ctx;

   /* We only support 16x MSAA, so we have 16 bits of sample maks.
    * st/mesa may pass us 0xffffffff though, meaning "enable all samples".
   ice->state.sample_mask = sample_mask & 0xffff;
   ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_SAMPLE_MASK;

 * The pipe->set_scissor_states() driver hook.
 * This corresponds to our SCISSOR_RECT state structures.  It's an
 * exact match, so we just store them, and memcpy them out later.
static void
iris_set_scissor_states(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                        unsigned start_slot,
                        unsigned num_scissors,
                        const struct pipe_scissor_state *rects)
   struct iris_context *ice = (struct iris_context *) ctx;

   for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_scissors; i++) {
      if (rects[i].minx == rects[i].maxx || rects[i].miny == rects[i].maxy) {
         /* If the scissor was out of bounds and got clamped to 0 width/height
          * at the bounds, the subtraction of 1 from maximums could produce a
          * negative number and thus not clip anything.  Instead, just provide
          * a min > max scissor inside the bounds, which produces the expected
          * no rendering.
         ice->state.scissors[start_slot + i] = (struct pipe_scissor_state) {
            .minx = 1, .maxx = 0, .miny = 1, .maxy = 0,
      } else {
         ice->state.scissors[start_slot + i] = (struct pipe_scissor_state) {
            .minx = rects[i].minx,     .miny = rects[i].miny,
            .maxx = rects[i].maxx - 1, .maxy = rects[i].maxy - 1,

   ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_SCISSOR_RECT;

 * The pipe->set_stencil_ref() driver hook.
 * This is added to 3DSTATE_WM_DEPTH_STENCIL dynamically at draw time.
static void
iris_set_stencil_ref(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                     const struct pipe_stencil_ref state)
   struct iris_context *ice = (struct iris_context *) ctx;
   memcpy(&ice->state.stencil_ref, &state, sizeof(state));
   if (GFX_VER >= 12)
      ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_STENCIL_REF;
   else if (GFX_VER >= 9)
      ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_WM_DEPTH_STENCIL;
      ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_COLOR_CALC_STATE;

static float
viewport_extent(const struct pipe_viewport_state *state, int axis, float sign)
   return copysignf(state->scale[axis], sign) + state->translate[axis];

 * The pipe->set_viewport_states() driver hook.
 * This corresponds to our SF_CLIP_VIEWPORT states.  We can't calculate
 * the guardband yet, as we need the framebuffer dimensions, but we can
 * at least fill out the rest.
static void
iris_set_viewport_states(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                         unsigned start_slot,
                         unsigned count,
                         const struct pipe_viewport_state *states)
   struct iris_context *ice = (struct iris_context *) ctx;

   memcpy(&ice->state.viewports[start_slot], states, sizeof(*states) * count);

   ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_SF_CL_VIEWPORT;

   if (ice->state.cso_rast && (!ice->state.cso_rast->depth_clip_near ||
      ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_CC_VIEWPORT;

 * The pipe->set_framebuffer_state() driver hook.
 * Sets the current draw FBO, including color render targets, depth,
 * and stencil buffers.
static void
iris_set_framebuffer_state(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                           const struct pipe_framebuffer_state *state)
   struct iris_context *ice = (struct iris_context *) ctx;
   struct iris_screen *screen = (struct iris_screen *)ctx->screen;
   struct isl_device *isl_dev = &screen->isl_dev;
   struct pipe_framebuffer_state *cso = &ice->state.framebuffer;
   struct iris_resource *zres;
   struct iris_resource *stencil_res;

   unsigned samples = util_framebuffer_get_num_samples(state);
   unsigned layers = util_framebuffer_get_num_layers(state);

   if (cso->samples != samples) {
      ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_MULTISAMPLE;

      /* We need to toggle 3DSTATE_PS::32 Pixel Dispatch Enable */
      if (GFX_VER >= 9 && (cso->samples == 16 || samples == 16))
         ice->state.stage_dirty |= IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_FS;

   if (cso->nr_cbufs != state->nr_cbufs) {
      ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_BLEND_STATE;

   if ((cso->layers == 0) != (layers == 0)) {
      ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_CLIP;

   if (cso->width != state->width || cso->height != state->height) {
      ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_SF_CL_VIEWPORT;

   if (cso->zsbuf || state->zsbuf) {
      ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_DEPTH_BUFFER;

   util_copy_framebuffer_state(cso, state);
   cso->samples = samples;
   cso->layers = layers;

   struct iris_depth_buffer_state *cso_z = &ice->state.genx->depth_buffer;

   struct isl_view view = {
      .base_level = 0,
      .levels = 1,
      .base_array_layer = 0,
      .array_len = 1,
      .swizzle = ISL_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY,

   struct isl_depth_stencil_hiz_emit_info info = { .view = &view };

   if (cso->zsbuf) {
      iris_get_depth_stencil_resources(cso->zsbuf->texture, &zres,

      view.base_level = cso->zsbuf->u.tex.level;
      view.base_array_layer = cso->zsbuf->u.tex.first_layer;
      view.array_len =
         cso->zsbuf->u.tex.last_layer - cso->zsbuf->u.tex.first_layer + 1;

      if (zres) {
         view.usage |= ISL_SURF_USAGE_DEPTH_BIT;

         info.depth_surf = &zres->surf;
         info.depth_address = zres->bo->address + zres->offset;
         info.mocs = iris_mocs(zres->bo, isl_dev, view.usage);

         view.format = zres->surf.format;

         if (iris_resource_level_has_hiz(zres, view.base_level)) {
            info.hiz_usage = zres->aux.usage;
            info.hiz_surf = &zres->aux.surf;
            info.hiz_address = zres->aux.bo->address + zres->aux.offset;

         ice->state.hiz_usage = info.hiz_usage;

      if (stencil_res) {
         view.usage |= ISL_SURF_USAGE_STENCIL_BIT;
         info.stencil_aux_usage = stencil_res->aux.usage;
         info.stencil_surf = &stencil_res->surf;
         info.stencil_address = stencil_res->bo->address + stencil_res->offset;
         if (!zres) {
            view.format = stencil_res->surf.format;
            info.mocs = iris_mocs(stencil_res->bo, isl_dev, view.usage);

   isl_emit_depth_stencil_hiz_s(isl_dev, cso_z->packets, &info);

   /* Make a null surface for unbound buffers */
   void *null_surf_map =
      upload_state(ice->state.surface_uploader, &ice->state.null_fb,
                   4 * GENX(RENDER_SURFACE_STATE_length), 64);
   isl_null_fill_state(&screen->isl_dev, null_surf_map,
                       .size = isl_extent3d(MAX2(cso->width, 1),
                                            MAX2(cso->height, 1),
                                            cso->layers ? cso->layers : 1));
   ice->state.null_fb.offset +=

   /* Render target change */
   ice->state.stage_dirty |= IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_BINDINGS_FS;

   ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_RENDER_BUFFER;


   ice->state.stage_dirty |=

   if (GFX_VER == 8)
      ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_PMA_FIX;

 * The pipe->set_constant_buffer() driver hook.
 * This uploads any constant data in user buffers, and references
 * any UBO resources containing constant data.
static void
iris_set_constant_buffer(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                         enum pipe_shader_type p_stage, unsigned index,
                         bool take_ownership,
                         const struct pipe_constant_buffer *input)
   struct iris_context *ice = (struct iris_context *) ctx;
   gl_shader_stage stage = stage_from_pipe(p_stage);
   struct iris_shader_state *shs = &ice->state.shaders[stage];
   struct pipe_shader_buffer *cbuf = &shs->constbuf[index];

   /* TODO: Only do this if the buffer changes? */
   pipe_resource_reference(&shs->constbuf_surf_state[index].res, NULL);

   if (input && input->buffer_size && (input->buffer || input->user_buffer)) {
      shs->bound_cbufs |= 1u << index;

      if (input->user_buffer) {
         void *map = NULL;
         pipe_resource_reference(&cbuf->buffer, NULL);
         u_upload_alloc(ice->ctx.const_uploader, 0, input->buffer_size, 64,
                        &cbuf->buffer_offset, &cbuf->buffer, (void **) &map);

         if (!cbuf->buffer) {
            /* Allocation was unsuccessful - just unbind */
            iris_set_constant_buffer(ctx, p_stage, index, false, NULL);

         memcpy(map, input->user_buffer, input->buffer_size);
      } else if (input->buffer) {
         if (cbuf->buffer != input->buffer) {
            ice->state.dirty |= (IRIS_DIRTY_RENDER_MISC_BUFFER_FLUSHES |
            shs->dirty_cbufs |= 1u << index;

         if (take_ownership) {
            pipe_resource_reference(&cbuf->buffer, NULL);
            cbuf->buffer = input->buffer;
         } else {
            pipe_resource_reference(&cbuf->buffer, input->buffer);

         cbuf->buffer_offset = input->buffer_offset;

      cbuf->buffer_size =
              iris_resource_bo(cbuf->buffer)->size - cbuf->buffer_offset);

      struct iris_resource *res = (void *) cbuf->buffer;
      res->bind_history |= PIPE_BIND_CONSTANT_BUFFER;
      res->bind_stages |= 1 << stage;
   } else {
      shs->bound_cbufs &= ~(1u << index);
      pipe_resource_reference(&cbuf->buffer, NULL);

   ice->state.stage_dirty |= IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_CONSTANTS_VS << stage;

static void
upload_sysvals(struct iris_context *ice,
               gl_shader_stage stage,
               const struct pipe_grid_info *grid)
   UNUSED struct iris_genx_state *genx = ice->state.genx;
   struct iris_shader_state *shs = &ice->state.shaders[stage];

   struct iris_compiled_shader *shader = ice->shaders.prog[stage];
   if (!shader || (shader->num_system_values == 0 &&
                   shader->kernel_input_size == 0))

   assert(shader->num_cbufs > 0);

   unsigned sysval_cbuf_index = shader->num_cbufs - 1;
   struct pipe_shader_buffer *cbuf = &shs->constbuf[sysval_cbuf_index];
   unsigned system_values_start =
      ALIGN(shader->kernel_input_size, sizeof(uint32_t));
   unsigned upload_size = system_values_start +
                          shader->num_system_values * sizeof(uint32_t);
   void *map = NULL;

   assert(sysval_cbuf_index < PIPE_MAX_CONSTANT_BUFFERS);
   u_upload_alloc(ice->ctx.const_uploader, 0, upload_size, 64,
                  &cbuf->buffer_offset, &cbuf->buffer, &map);

   if (shader->kernel_input_size > 0)
      memcpy(map, grid->input, shader->kernel_input_size);

   uint32_t *sysval_map = map + system_values_start;
   for (int i = 0; i < shader->num_system_values; i++) {
      uint32_t sysval = shader->system_values[i];
      uint32_t value = 0;

#if GFX_VER == 8
         unsigned img = BRW_PARAM_IMAGE_IDX(sysval);
         unsigned offset = BRW_PARAM_IMAGE_OFFSET(sysval);
         struct brw_image_param *param =

         assert(offset < sizeof(struct brw_image_param));
         value = ((uint32_t *) param)[offset];
      } else if (sysval == BRW_PARAM_BUILTIN_ZERO) {
         value = 0;
      } else if (BRW_PARAM_BUILTIN_IS_CLIP_PLANE(sysval)) {
         int plane = BRW_PARAM_BUILTIN_CLIP_PLANE_IDX(sysval);
         int comp  = BRW_PARAM_BUILTIN_CLIP_PLANE_COMP(sysval);
         value = fui(ice->state.clip_planes.ucp[plane][comp]);
      } else if (sysval == BRW_PARAM_BUILTIN_PATCH_VERTICES_IN) {
         if (stage == MESA_SHADER_TESS_CTRL) {
            value = ice->state.vertices_per_patch;
         } else {
            assert(stage == MESA_SHADER_TESS_EVAL);
            const struct shader_info *tcs_info =
               iris_get_shader_info(ice, MESA_SHADER_TESS_CTRL);
            if (tcs_info)
               value = tcs_info->tess.tcs_vertices_out;
               value = ice->state.vertices_per_patch;
      } else if (sysval >= BRW_PARAM_BUILTIN_TESS_LEVEL_OUTER_X &&
                 sysval <= BRW_PARAM_BUILTIN_TESS_LEVEL_OUTER_W) {
         unsigned i = sysval - BRW_PARAM_BUILTIN_TESS_LEVEL_OUTER_X;
         value = fui(ice->state.default_outer_level[i]);
      } else if (sysval == BRW_PARAM_BUILTIN_TESS_LEVEL_INNER_X) {
         value = fui(ice->state.default_inner_level[0]);
      } else if (sysval == BRW_PARAM_BUILTIN_TESS_LEVEL_INNER_Y) {
         value = fui(ice->state.default_inner_level[1]);
      } else if (sysval >= BRW_PARAM_BUILTIN_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_X &&
                 sysval <= BRW_PARAM_BUILTIN_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_Z) {
         unsigned i = sysval - BRW_PARAM_BUILTIN_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_X;
         value = ice->state.last_block[i];
      } else if (sysval == BRW_PARAM_BUILTIN_WORK_DIM) {
         value = grid->work_dim;
      } else {
         assert(!"unhandled system value");

      *sysval_map++ = value;

   cbuf->buffer_size = upload_size;
   iris_upload_ubo_ssbo_surf_state(ice, cbuf,

   shs->sysvals_need_upload = false;

 * The pipe->set_shader_buffers() driver hook.
 * This binds SSBOs and ABOs.  Unfortunately, we need to stream out
 * SURFACE_STATE here, as the buffer offset may change each time.
static void
iris_set_shader_buffers(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                        enum pipe_shader_type p_stage,
                        unsigned start_slot, unsigned count,
                        const struct pipe_shader_buffer *buffers,
                        unsigned writable_bitmask)
   struct iris_context *ice = (struct iris_context *) ctx;
   gl_shader_stage stage = stage_from_pipe(p_stage);
   struct iris_shader_state *shs = &ice->state.shaders[stage];

   unsigned modified_bits = u_bit_consecutive(start_slot, count);

   shs->bound_ssbos &= ~modified_bits;
   shs->writable_ssbos &= ~modified_bits;
   shs->writable_ssbos |= writable_bitmask << start_slot;

   for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      if (buffers && buffers[i].buffer) {
         struct iris_resource *res = (void *) buffers[i].buffer;
         struct pipe_shader_buffer *ssbo = &shs->ssbo[start_slot + i];
         struct iris_state_ref *surf_state =
            &shs->ssbo_surf_state[start_slot + i];
         pipe_resource_reference(&ssbo->buffer, &res->base.b);
         ssbo->buffer_offset = buffers[i].buffer_offset;
         ssbo->buffer_size =
            MIN2(buffers[i].buffer_size, res->bo->size - ssbo->buffer_offset);

         shs->bound_ssbos |= 1 << (start_slot + i);

         isl_surf_usage_flags_t usage = ISL_SURF_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT;

         iris_upload_ubo_ssbo_surf_state(ice, ssbo, surf_state, usage);

         res->bind_history |= PIPE_BIND_SHADER_BUFFER;
         res->bind_stages |= 1 << stage;

         util_range_add(&res->base.b, &res->valid_buffer_range, ssbo->buffer_offset,
                        ssbo->buffer_offset + ssbo->buffer_size);
      } else {
         pipe_resource_reference(&shs->ssbo[start_slot + i].buffer, NULL);
         pipe_resource_reference(&shs->ssbo_surf_state[start_slot + i].res,

   ice->state.stage_dirty |= IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_BINDINGS_VS << stage;

static void
iris_delete_state(struct pipe_context *ctx, void *state)

 * The pipe->set_vertex_buffers() driver hook.
 * This translates pipe_vertex_buffer to our 3DSTATE_VERTEX_BUFFERS packet.
static void
iris_set_vertex_buffers(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                        unsigned start_slot, unsigned count,
                        unsigned unbind_num_trailing_slots,
                        bool take_ownership,
                        const struct pipe_vertex_buffer *buffers)
   struct iris_context *ice = (struct iris_context *) ctx;
   struct iris_screen *screen = (struct iris_screen *)ctx->screen;
   struct iris_genx_state *genx = ice->state.genx;

   ice->state.bound_vertex_buffers &=
      ~u_bit_consecutive64(start_slot, count + unbind_num_trailing_slots);

   for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      const struct pipe_vertex_buffer *buffer = buffers ? &buffers[i] : NULL;
      struct iris_vertex_buffer_state *state =
         &genx->vertex_buffers[start_slot + i];

      if (!buffer) {
         pipe_resource_reference(&state->resource, NULL);

      /* We may see user buffers that are NULL bindings. */
      assert(!(buffer->is_user_buffer && buffer->buffer.user != NULL));

      if (buffer->buffer.resource &&
          state->resource != buffer->buffer.resource)
         ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_VERTEX_BUFFER_FLUSHES;

      if (take_ownership) {
         pipe_resource_reference(&state->resource, NULL);
         state->resource = buffer->buffer.resource;
      } else {
         pipe_resource_reference(&state->resource, buffer->buffer.resource);
      struct iris_resource *res = (void *) state->resource;

      state->offset = (int) buffer->buffer_offset;

      if (res) {
         ice->state.bound_vertex_buffers |= 1ull << (start_slot + i);
         res->bind_history |= PIPE_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER;

      iris_pack_state(GENX(VERTEX_BUFFER_STATE), state->state, vb) {
         vb.VertexBufferIndex = start_slot + i;
         vb.AddressModifyEnable = true;
         vb.BufferPitch = buffer->stride;
         if (res) {
            vb.BufferSize = res->base.b.width0 - (int) buffer->buffer_offset;
            vb.BufferStartingAddress =
               ro_bo(NULL, res->bo->address + (int) buffer->buffer_offset);
            vb.MOCS = iris_mocs(res->bo, &screen->isl_dev,
#if GFX_VER >= 12
            vb.L3BypassDisable       = true;
         } else {
            vb.NullVertexBuffer = true;

   for (unsigned i = 0; i < unbind_num_trailing_slots; i++) {
      struct iris_vertex_buffer_state *state =
         &genx->vertex_buffers[start_slot + count + i];

      pipe_resource_reference(&state->resource, NULL);

   ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_VERTEX_BUFFERS;

 * Gallium CSO for vertex elements.
struct iris_vertex_element_state {
   uint32_t vertex_elements[1 + 33 * GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE_length)];
   uint32_t vf_instancing[33 * GENX(3DSTATE_VF_INSTANCING_length)];
   uint32_t edgeflag_ve[GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE_length)];
   uint32_t edgeflag_vfi[GENX(3DSTATE_VF_INSTANCING_length)];
   unsigned count;

 * The pipe->create_vertex_elements() driver hook.
 * This translates pipe_vertex_element to our 3DSTATE_VERTEX_ELEMENTS
 * and 3DSTATE_VF_INSTANCING commands. The vertex_elements and vf_instancing
 * arrays are ready to be emitted at draw time if no EdgeFlag or SGVs are
 * needed. In these cases we will need information available at draw time.
 * We setup edgeflag_ve and edgeflag_vfi as alternatives last
 * draw time if we detect that EdgeFlag is needed by the Vertex Shader.
static void *
iris_create_vertex_elements(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                            unsigned count,
                            const struct pipe_vertex_element *state)
   struct iris_screen *screen = (struct iris_screen *)ctx->screen;
   const struct intel_device_info *devinfo = &screen->devinfo;
   struct iris_vertex_element_state *cso =
      malloc(sizeof(struct iris_vertex_element_state));

   cso->count = count;

   iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_VERTEX_ELEMENTS), cso->vertex_elements, ve) {
      ve.DWordLength =
         1 + GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE_length) * MAX2(count, 1) - 2;

   uint32_t *ve_pack_dest = &cso->vertex_elements[1];
   uint32_t *vfi_pack_dest = cso->vf_instancing;

   if (count == 0) {
      iris_pack_state(GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE), ve_pack_dest, ve) {
         ve.Valid = true;
         ve.SourceElementFormat = ISL_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT;
         ve.Component0Control = VFCOMP_STORE_0;
         ve.Component1Control = VFCOMP_STORE_0;
         ve.Component2Control = VFCOMP_STORE_0;
         ve.Component3Control = VFCOMP_STORE_1_FP;

      iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_VF_INSTANCING), vfi_pack_dest, vi) {

   for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      const struct iris_format_info fmt =
         iris_format_for_usage(devinfo, state[i].src_format, 0);
      unsigned comp[4] = { VFCOMP_STORE_SRC, VFCOMP_STORE_SRC,
                           VFCOMP_STORE_SRC, VFCOMP_STORE_SRC };

      switch (isl_format_get_num_channels(fmt.fmt)) {
      case 0: comp[0] = VFCOMP_STORE_0; FALLTHROUGH;
      case 1: comp[1] = VFCOMP_STORE_0; FALLTHROUGH;
      case 2: comp[2] = VFCOMP_STORE_0; FALLTHROUGH;
      case 3:
         comp[3] = isl_format_has_int_channel(fmt.fmt) ? VFCOMP_STORE_1_INT
                                                       : VFCOMP_STORE_1_FP;
      iris_pack_state(GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE), ve_pack_dest, ve) {
         ve.EdgeFlagEnable = false;
         ve.VertexBufferIndex = state[i].vertex_buffer_index;
         ve.Valid = true;
         ve.SourceElementOffset = state[i].src_offset;
         ve.SourceElementFormat = fmt.fmt;
         ve.Component0Control = comp[0];
         ve.Component1Control = comp[1];
         ve.Component2Control = comp[2];
         ve.Component3Control = comp[3];

      iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_VF_INSTANCING), vfi_pack_dest, vi) {
         vi.VertexElementIndex = i;
         vi.InstancingEnable = state[i].instance_divisor > 0;
         vi.InstanceDataStepRate = state[i].instance_divisor;

      ve_pack_dest += GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE_length);
      vfi_pack_dest += GENX(3DSTATE_VF_INSTANCING_length);

   /* An alternative version of the last VE and VFI is stored so it
    * can be used at draw time in case Vertex Shader uses EdgeFlag
   if (count) {
      const unsigned edgeflag_index = count - 1;
      const struct iris_format_info fmt =
         iris_format_for_usage(devinfo, state[edgeflag_index].src_format, 0);
      iris_pack_state(GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE), cso->edgeflag_ve, ve) {
         ve.EdgeFlagEnable = true ;
         ve.VertexBufferIndex = state[edgeflag_index].vertex_buffer_index;
         ve.Valid = true;
         ve.SourceElementOffset = state[edgeflag_index].src_offset;
         ve.SourceElementFormat = fmt.fmt;
         ve.Component0Control = VFCOMP_STORE_SRC;
         ve.Component1Control = VFCOMP_STORE_0;
         ve.Component2Control = VFCOMP_STORE_0;
         ve.Component3Control = VFCOMP_STORE_0;
      iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_VF_INSTANCING), cso->edgeflag_vfi, vi) {
         /* The vi.VertexElementIndex of the EdgeFlag Vertex Element is filled
          * at draw time, as it should change if SGVs are emitted.
         vi.InstancingEnable = state[edgeflag_index].instance_divisor > 0;
         vi.InstanceDataStepRate = state[edgeflag_index].instance_divisor;

   return cso;

 * The pipe->bind_vertex_elements_state() driver hook.
static void
iris_bind_vertex_elements_state(struct pipe_context *ctx, void *state)
   struct iris_context *ice = (struct iris_context *) ctx;
   struct iris_vertex_element_state *old_cso = ice->state.cso_vertex_elements;
   struct iris_vertex_element_state *new_cso = state;

   /* 3DSTATE_VF_SGVs overrides the last VE, so if the count is changing,
    * we need to re-emit it to ensure we're overriding the right one.
   if (new_cso && cso_changed(count))
      ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_VF_SGVS;

   ice->state.cso_vertex_elements = state;
   ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_VERTEX_ELEMENTS;

 * The pipe->create_stream_output_target() driver hook.
 * "Target" here refers to a destination buffer.  We translate this into
 * a 3DSTATE_SO_BUFFER packet.  We can handle most fields, but don't yet
 * know which buffer this represents, or whether we ought to zero the
 * write-offsets, or append.  Those are handled in the set() hook.
static struct pipe_stream_output_target *
iris_create_stream_output_target(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                                 struct pipe_resource *p_res,
                                 unsigned buffer_offset,
                                 unsigned buffer_size)
   struct iris_resource *res = (void *) p_res;
   struct iris_stream_output_target *cso = calloc(1, sizeof(*cso));
   if (!cso)
      return NULL;

   res->bind_history |= PIPE_BIND_STREAM_OUTPUT;

   pipe_reference_init(&cso->base.reference, 1);
   pipe_resource_reference(&cso->base.buffer, p_res);
   cso->base.buffer_offset = buffer_offset;
   cso->base.buffer_size = buffer_size;
   cso->base.context = ctx;

   util_range_add(&res->base.b, &res->valid_buffer_range, buffer_offset,
                  buffer_offset + buffer_size);

   return &cso->base;

static void
iris_stream_output_target_destroy(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                                  struct pipe_stream_output_target *state)
   struct iris_stream_output_target *cso = (void *) state;

   pipe_resource_reference(&cso->base.buffer, NULL);
   pipe_resource_reference(&cso->offset.res, NULL);


 * The pipe->set_stream_output_targets() driver hook.
 * At this point, we know which targets are bound to a particular index,
 * and also whether we want to append or start over.  We can finish the
 * 3DSTATE_SO_BUFFER packets we started earlier.
static void
iris_set_stream_output_targets(struct pipe_context *ctx,
                               unsigned num_targets,
                               struct pipe_stream_output_target **targets,
                               const unsigned *offsets)
   struct iris_context *ice = (struct iris_context *) ctx;
   struct iris_genx_state *genx = ice->state.genx;
   uint32_t *so_buffers = genx->so_buffers;
   struct iris_screen *screen = (struct iris_screen *)ctx->screen;

   const bool active = num_targets > 0;
   if (ice->state.streamout_active != active) {
      ice->state.streamout_active = active;
      ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_STREAMOUT;

      /* We only emit 3DSTATE_SO_DECL_LIST when streamout is active, because
       * it's a non-pipelined command.  If we're switching streamout on, we
       * may have missed emitting it earlier, so do so now.  (We're already
       * taking a stall to update 3DSTATE_SO_BUFFERS anyway...)
      if (active) {
         ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_SO_DECL_LIST;
      } else {
         uint32_t flush = 0;
         for (int i = 0; i < PIPE_MAX_SO_BUFFERS; i++) {
            struct iris_stream_output_target *tgt =
               (void *) ice->state.so_target[i];
            if (tgt) {
               struct iris_resource *res = (void *) tgt->base.buffer;

               flush |= iris_flush_bits_for_history(ice, res);
               iris_dirty_for_history(ice, res);
#if GFX_VER >= 12
         /* SO draws require flushing of const cache to make SO data
          * observable when VB/IB are cached in L3.
                                      "make streamout results visible", flush);

   for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                               i < num_targets ? targets[i] : NULL);

   /* No need to update 3DSTATE_SO_BUFFER unless SOL is active. */
   if (!active)

   for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++,
        so_buffers += GENX(3DSTATE_SO_BUFFER_length)) {

      struct iris_stream_output_target *tgt = (void *) ice->state.so_target[i];
      unsigned offset = offsets[i];

      if (!tgt) {
         iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_SO_BUFFER), so_buffers, sob) {
#if GFX_VER < 12
            sob.SOBufferIndex = i;
            sob._3DCommandOpcode = 0;
            sob._3DCommandSubOpcode = SO_BUFFER_INDEX_0_CMD + i;

      if (!tgt->offset.res)
         upload_state(ctx->const_uploader, &tgt->offset, sizeof(uint32_t), 4);

      struct iris_resource *res = (void *) tgt->base.buffer;

      /* Note that offsets[i] will either be 0, causing us to zero
       * the value in the buffer, or 0xFFFFFFFF, which happens to mean
       * "continue appending at the existing offset."
      assert(offset == 0 || offset == 0xFFFFFFFF);

      /* When we're first called with an offset of 0, we want the next
       * 3DSTATE_SO_BUFFER packets to reset the offset to the beginning.
       * Any further times we emit those packets, we want to use 0xFFFFFFFF
       * to continue appending from the current offset.
       * Note that we might be called by Begin (offset = 0), Pause, then
       * Resume (offset = 0xFFFFFFFF) before ever drawing (where these
       * commands will actually be sent to the GPU).  In this case, we
       * don't want to append - we still want to do our initial zeroing.
      if (offset == 0)
         tgt->zero_offset = true;

      iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_SO_BUFFER), so_buffers, sob) {
#if GFX_VER < 12
         sob.SOBufferIndex = i;
         sob._3DCommandOpcode = 0;
         sob._3DCommandSubOpcode = SO_BUFFER_INDEX_0_CMD + i;
         sob.SurfaceBaseAddress =
            rw_bo(NULL, res->bo->address + tgt->base.buffer_offset,
         sob.SOBufferEnable = true;
         sob.StreamOffsetWriteEnable = true;
         sob.StreamOutputBufferOffsetAddressEnable = true;
         sob.MOCS = iris_mocs(res->bo, &screen->isl_dev, 0);

         sob.SurfaceSize = MAX2(tgt->base.buffer_size / 4, 1) - 1;
         sob.StreamOutputBufferOffsetAddress =
            rw_bo(NULL, iris_resource_bo(tgt->offset.res)->address +
                        tgt->offset.offset, IRIS_DOMAIN_OTHER_WRITE);
         sob.StreamOffset = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* not offset, see above */

   ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_SO_BUFFERS;

 * An iris-vtable helper for encoding the 3DSTATE_SO_DECL_LIST and
 * 3DSTATE_SO_DECL_LIST is a list of shader outputs we want the streamout
 * hardware to record.  We can create it entirely based on the shader, with
 * no dynamic state dependencies.
 * 3DSTATE_STREAMOUT is an annoying mix of shader-based information and
 * state-based settings.  We capture the shader-related ones here, and merge
 * the rest in at draw time.
static uint32_t *
iris_create_so_decl_list(const struct pipe_stream_output_info *info,
                         const struct brw_vue_map *vue_map)
   struct GENX(SO_DECL) so_decl[MAX_VERTEX_STREAMS][128];
   int buffer_mask[MAX_VERTEX_STREAMS] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
   int next_offset[MAX_VERTEX_STREAMS] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
   int decls[MAX_VERTEX_STREAMS] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
   int max_decls = 0;

   memset(so_decl, 0, sizeof(so_decl));

   /* Construct the list of SO_DECLs to be emitted.  The formatting of the
    * command feels strange -- each dword pair contains a SO_DECL per stream.
   for (unsigned i = 0; i < info->num_outputs; i++) {
      const struct pipe_stream_output *output = &info->output[i];
      const int buffer = output->output_buffer;
      const int varying = output->register_index;
      const unsigned stream_id = output->stream;
      assert(stream_id < MAX_VERTEX_STREAMS);

      buffer_mask[stream_id] |= 1 << buffer;

      assert(vue_map->varying_to_slot[varying] >= 0);

      /* Mesa doesn't store entries for gl_SkipComponents in the Outputs[]
       * array.  Instead, it simply increments DstOffset for the following
       * input by the number of components that should be skipped.
       * Our hardware is unusual in that it requires us to program SO_DECLs
       * for fake "hole" components, rather than simply taking the offset
       * for each real varying.  Each hole can have size 1, 2, 3, or 4; we
       * program as many size = 4 holes as we can, then a final hole to
       * accommodate the final 1, 2, or 3 remaining.
      int skip_components = output->dst_offset - next_offset[buffer];

      while (skip_components > 0) {
         so_decl[stream_id][decls[stream_id]++] = (struct GENX(SO_DECL)) {
            .HoleFlag = 1,
            .OutputBufferSlot = output->output_buffer,
            .ComponentMask = (1 << MIN2(skip_components, 4)) - 1,
         skip_components -= 4;

      next_offset[buffer] = output->dst_offset + output->num_components;

      so_decl[stream_id][decls[stream_id]++] = (struct GENX(SO_DECL)) {
         .OutputBufferSlot = output->output_buffer,
         .RegisterIndex = vue_map->varying_to_slot[varying],
         .ComponentMask =
            ((1 << output->num_components) - 1) << output->start_component,

      if (decls[stream_id] > max_decls)
         max_decls = decls[stream_id];

   unsigned dwords = GENX(3DSTATE_STREAMOUT_length) + (3 + 2 * max_decls);
   uint32_t *map = ralloc_size(NULL, sizeof(uint32_t) * dwords);
   uint32_t *so_decl_map = map + GENX(3DSTATE_STREAMOUT_length);

   iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_STREAMOUT), map, sol) {
      int urb_entry_read_offset = 0;
      int urb_entry_read_length = (vue_map->num_slots + 1) / 2 -

      /* We always read the whole vertex.  This could be reduced at some
       * point by reading less and offsetting the register index in the
       * SO_DECLs.
      sol.Stream0VertexReadOffset = urb_entry_read_offset;
      sol.Stream0VertexReadLength = urb_entry_read_length - 1;
      sol.Stream1VertexReadOffset = urb_entry_read_offset;
      sol.Stream1VertexReadLength = urb_entry_read_length - 1;
      sol.Stream2VertexReadOffset = urb_entry_read_offset;
      sol.Stream2VertexReadLength = urb_entry_read_length - 1;
      sol.Stream3VertexReadOffset = urb_entry_read_offset;
      sol.Stream3VertexReadLength = urb_entry_read_length - 1;

      /* Set buffer pitches; 0 means unbound. */
      sol.Buffer0SurfacePitch = 4 * info->stride[0];
      sol.Buffer1SurfacePitch = 4 * info->stride[1];
      sol.Buffer2SurfacePitch = 4 * info->stride[2];
      sol.Buffer3SurfacePitch = 4 * info->stride[3];

   iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_SO_DECL_LIST), so_decl_map, list) {
      list.DWordLength = 3 + 2 * max_decls - 2;
      list.StreamtoBufferSelects0 = buffer_mask[0];
      list.StreamtoBufferSelects1 = buffer_mask[1];
      list.StreamtoBufferSelects2 = buffer_mask[2];
      list.StreamtoBufferSelects3 = buffer_mask[3];
      list.NumEntries0 = decls[0];
      list.NumEntries1 = decls[1];
      list.NumEntries2 = decls[2];
      list.NumEntries3 = decls[3];

   for (int i = 0; i < max_decls; i++) {
      iris_pack_state(GENX(SO_DECL_ENTRY), so_decl_map + 3 + i * 2, entry) {
         entry.Stream0Decl = so_decl[0][i];
         entry.Stream1Decl = so_decl[1][i];
         entry.Stream2Decl = so_decl[2][i];
         entry.Stream3Decl = so_decl[3][i];

   return map;

static void
iris_compute_sbe_urb_read_interval(uint64_t fs_input_slots,
                                   const struct brw_vue_map *last_vue_map,
                                   bool two_sided_color,
                                   unsigned *out_offset,
                                   unsigned *out_length)
   /* The compiler computes the first URB slot without considering COL/BFC
    * swizzling (because it doesn't know whether it's enabled), so we need
    * to do that here too.  This may result in a smaller offset, which
    * should be safe.
   const unsigned first_slot =
      brw_compute_first_urb_slot_required(fs_input_slots, last_vue_map);

   /* This becomes the URB read offset (counted in pairs of slots). */
   assert(first_slot % 2 == 0);
   *out_offset = first_slot / 2;

   /* We need to adjust the inputs read to account for front/back color
    * swizzling, as it can make the URB length longer.
   for (int c = 0; c <= 1; c++) {
      if (fs_input_slots & (VARYING_BIT_COL0 << c)) {
         /* If two sided color is enabled, the fragment shader's gl_Color
          * (COL0) input comes from either the gl_FrontColor (COL0) or
          * gl_BackColor (BFC0) input varyings.  Mark BFC as used, too.
         if (two_sided_color)
            fs_input_slots |= (VARYING_BIT_BFC0 << c);

         /* If front color isn't written, we opt to give them back color
          * instead of an undefined value.  Switch from COL to BFC.
         if (last_vue_map->varying_to_slot[VARYING_SLOT_COL0 + c] == -1) {
            fs_input_slots &= ~(VARYING_BIT_COL0 << c);
            fs_input_slots |= (VARYING_BIT_BFC0 << c);

   /* Compute the minimum URB Read Length necessary for the FS inputs.
    * From the Sandy Bridge PRM, Volume 2, Part 1, documentation for
    * 3DSTATE_SF DWord 1 bits 15:11, "Vertex URB Entry Read Length":
    * "This field should be set to the minimum length required to read the
    *  maximum source attribute.  The maximum source attribute is indicated
    *  by the maximum value of the enabled Attribute # Source Attribute if
    *  Attribute Swizzle Enable is set, Number of Output Attributes-1 if
    *  enable is not set.
    *  read_length = ceiling((max_source_attr + 1) / 2)
    *  [errata] Corruption/Hang possible if length programmed larger than
    *  recommended"
    * Similar text exists for Ivy Bridge.
    * We find the last URB slot that's actually read by the FS.
   unsigned last_read_slot = last_vue_map->num_slots - 1;
   while (last_read_slot > first_slot && !(fs_input_slots &
          (1ull << last_vue_map->slot_to_varying[last_read_slot])))

   /* The URB read length is the difference of the two, counted in pairs. */
   *out_length = DIV_ROUND_UP(last_read_slot - first_slot + 1, 2);

static void
iris_emit_sbe_swiz(struct iris_batch *batch,
                   const struct iris_context *ice,
                   const struct brw_vue_map *vue_map,
                   unsigned urb_read_offset,
                   unsigned sprite_coord_enables)
   struct GENX(SF_OUTPUT_ATTRIBUTE_DETAIL) attr_overrides[16] = {};
   const struct brw_wm_prog_data *wm_prog_data = (void *)
   const struct iris_rasterizer_state *cso_rast = ice->state.cso_rast;

   /* XXX: this should be generated when putting programs in place */

   for (uint8_t idx = 0; idx < wm_prog_data->urb_setup_attribs_count; idx++) {
      const uint8_t fs_attr = wm_prog_data->urb_setup_attribs[idx];
      const int input_index = wm_prog_data->urb_setup[fs_attr];
      if (input_index < 0 || input_index >= 16)

      int slot = vue_map->varying_to_slot[fs_attr];

      /* Viewport and Layer are stored in the VUE header.  We need to override
       * them to zero if earlier stages didn't write them, as GL requires that
       * they read back as zero when not explicitly set.
      switch (fs_attr) {
         attr->ComponentOverrideX = true;
         attr->ComponentOverrideW = true;
         attr->ConstantSource = CONST_0000;

         if (!(vue_map->slots_valid & VARYING_BIT_LAYER))
            attr->ComponentOverrideY = true;
         if (!(vue_map->slots_valid & VARYING_BIT_VIEWPORT))
            attr->ComponentOverrideZ = true;

         /* Override if the previous shader stage didn't write gl_PrimitiveID. */
         if (slot == -1) {
            attr->ComponentOverrideX = true;
            attr->ComponentOverrideY = true;
            attr->ComponentOverrideZ = true;
            attr->ComponentOverrideW = true;
            attr->ConstantSource = PRIM_ID;


      if (sprite_coord_enables & (1 << input_index))

      /* If there was only a back color written but not front, use back
       * as the color instead of undefined.
      if (slot == -1 && fs_attr == VARYING_SLOT_COL0)
         slot = vue_map->varying_to_slot[VARYING_SLOT_BFC0];
      if (slot == -1 && fs_attr == VARYING_SLOT_COL1)
         slot = vue_map->varying_to_slot[VARYING_SLOT_BFC1];

      /* Not written by the previous stage - undefined. */
      if (slot == -1) {
         attr->ComponentOverrideX = true;
         attr->ComponentOverrideY = true;
         attr->ComponentOverrideZ = true;
         attr->ComponentOverrideW = true;
         attr->ConstantSource = CONST_0001_FLOAT;

      /* Compute the location of the attribute relative to the read offset,
       * which is counted in 256-bit increments (two 128-bit VUE slots).
      const int source_attr = slot - 2 * urb_read_offset;
      assert(source_attr >= 0 && source_attr <= 32);
      attr->SourceAttribute = source_attr;

      /* If we are doing two-sided color, and the VUE slot following this one
       * represents a back-facing color, then we need to instruct the SF unit
       * to do back-facing swizzling.
      if (cso_rast->light_twoside &&
          ((vue_map->slot_to_varying[slot] == VARYING_SLOT_COL0 &&
            vue_map->slot_to_varying[slot+1] == VARYING_SLOT_BFC0) ||
           (vue_map->slot_to_varying[slot] == VARYING_SLOT_COL1 &&
            vue_map->slot_to_varying[slot+1] == VARYING_SLOT_BFC1)))
         attr->SwizzleSelect = INPUTATTR_FACING;

   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_SBE_SWIZ), sbes) {
      for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
         sbes.Attribute[i] = attr_overrides[i];

static bool
iris_is_drawing_points(const struct iris_context *ice)
   const struct iris_rasterizer_state *cso_rast = ice->state.cso_rast;

   if (cso_rast->fill_mode_point) {
      return true;

   if (ice->shaders.prog[MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY]) {
      const struct brw_gs_prog_data *gs_prog_data =
         (void *) ice->shaders.prog[MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY]->prog_data;
      return gs_prog_data->output_topology == _3DPRIM_POINTLIST;
   } else if (ice->shaders.prog[MESA_SHADER_TESS_EVAL]) {
      const struct brw_tes_prog_data *tes_data =
         (void *) ice->shaders.prog[MESA_SHADER_TESS_EVAL]->prog_data;
      return tes_data->output_topology == BRW_TESS_OUTPUT_TOPOLOGY_POINT;
   } else {
      return ice->state.prim_mode == PIPE_PRIM_POINTS;

static unsigned
iris_calculate_point_sprite_overrides(const struct brw_wm_prog_data *prog_data,
                                      const struct iris_rasterizer_state *cso)
   unsigned overrides = 0;

   if (prog_data->urb_setup[VARYING_SLOT_PNTC] != -1)
      overrides |= 1 << prog_data->urb_setup[VARYING_SLOT_PNTC];

   for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
      if ((cso->sprite_coord_enable & (1 << i)) &&
          prog_data->urb_setup[VARYING_SLOT_TEX0 + i] != -1)
         overrides |= 1 << prog_data->urb_setup[VARYING_SLOT_TEX0 + i];

   return overrides;

static void
iris_emit_sbe(struct iris_batch *batch, const struct iris_context *ice)
   const struct iris_rasterizer_state *cso_rast = ice->state.cso_rast;
   const struct brw_wm_prog_data *wm_prog_data = (void *)
   const struct shader_info *fs_info =
      iris_get_shader_info(ice, MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT);
   const struct brw_vue_map *last_vue_map =

   unsigned urb_read_offset, urb_read_length;
                                      &urb_read_offset, &urb_read_length);

   unsigned sprite_coord_overrides =
      iris_is_drawing_points(ice) ?
      iris_calculate_point_sprite_overrides(wm_prog_data, cso_rast) : 0;

   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_SBE), sbe) {
      sbe.AttributeSwizzleEnable = true;
      sbe.NumberofSFOutputAttributes = wm_prog_data->num_varying_inputs;
      sbe.PointSpriteTextureCoordinateOrigin = cso_rast->sprite_coord_mode;
      sbe.VertexURBEntryReadOffset = urb_read_offset;
      sbe.VertexURBEntryReadLength = urb_read_length;
      sbe.ForceVertexURBEntryReadOffset = true;
      sbe.ForceVertexURBEntryReadLength = true;
      sbe.ConstantInterpolationEnable = wm_prog_data->flat_inputs;
      sbe.PointSpriteTextureCoordinateEnable = sprite_coord_overrides;
#if GFX_VER >= 9
      for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
         sbe.AttributeActiveComponentFormat[i] = ACTIVE_COMPONENT_XYZW;

   iris_emit_sbe_swiz(batch, ice, last_vue_map, urb_read_offset,

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * Populate VS program key fields based on the current state.
static void
iris_populate_vs_key(const struct iris_context *ice,
                     const struct shader_info *info,
                     gl_shader_stage last_stage,
                     struct iris_vs_prog_key *key)
   const struct iris_rasterizer_state *cso_rast = ice->state.cso_rast;

   if (info->clip_distance_array_size == 0 &&
       (info->outputs_written & (VARYING_BIT_POS | VARYING_BIT_CLIP_VERTEX)) &&
       last_stage == MESA_SHADER_VERTEX)
      key->vue.nr_userclip_plane_consts = cso_rast->num_clip_plane_consts;

 * Populate TCS program key fields based on the current state.
static void
iris_populate_tcs_key(const struct iris_context *ice,
                      struct iris_tcs_prog_key *key)

 * Populate TES program key fields based on the current state.
static void
iris_populate_tes_key(const struct iris_context *ice,
                      const struct shader_info *info,
                      gl_shader_stage last_stage,
                      struct iris_tes_prog_key *key)
   const struct iris_rasterizer_state *cso_rast = ice->state.cso_rast;

   if (info->clip_distance_array_size == 0 &&
       (info->outputs_written & (VARYING_BIT_POS | VARYING_BIT_CLIP_VERTEX)) &&
       last_stage == MESA_SHADER_TESS_EVAL)
      key->vue.nr_userclip_plane_consts = cso_rast->num_clip_plane_consts;

 * Populate GS program key fields based on the current state.
static void
iris_populate_gs_key(const struct iris_context *ice,
                     const struct shader_info *info,
                     gl_shader_stage last_stage,
                     struct iris_gs_prog_key *key)
   const struct iris_rasterizer_state *cso_rast = ice->state.cso_rast;

   if (info->clip_distance_array_size == 0 &&
       (info->outputs_written & (VARYING_BIT_POS | VARYING_BIT_CLIP_VERTEX)) &&
       last_stage == MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY)
      key->vue.nr_userclip_plane_consts = cso_rast->num_clip_plane_consts;

 * Populate FS program key fields based on the current state.
static void
iris_populate_fs_key(const struct iris_context *ice,
                     const struct shader_info *info,
                     struct iris_fs_prog_key *key)
   struct iris_screen *screen = (void *) ice->ctx.screen;
   const struct pipe_framebuffer_state *fb = &ice->state.framebuffer;
   const struct iris_depth_stencil_alpha_state *zsa = ice->state.cso_zsa;
   const struct iris_rasterizer_state *rast = ice->state.cso_rast;
   const struct iris_blend_state *blend = ice->state.cso_blend;

   key->nr_color_regions = fb->nr_cbufs;

   key->clamp_fragment_color = rast->clamp_fragment_color;

   key->alpha_to_coverage = blend->alpha_to_coverage;

   key->alpha_test_replicate_alpha = fb->nr_cbufs > 1 && zsa->alpha_enabled;

   key->flat_shade = rast->flatshade &&
      (info->inputs_read & (VARYING_BIT_COL0 | VARYING_BIT_COL1));

   key->persample_interp = rast->force_persample_interp;
   key->multisample_fbo = rast->multisample && fb->samples > 1;

   key->coherent_fb_fetch = GFX_VER >= 9;

   key->force_dual_color_blend =
      screen->driconf.dual_color_blend_by_location &&
      (blend->blend_enables & 1) && blend->dual_color_blending;

   /* TODO: Respect glHint for key->high_quality_derivatives */

static void
iris_populate_cs_key(const struct iris_context *ice,
                     struct iris_cs_prog_key *key)

static uint64_t
KSP(const struct iris_compiled_shader *shader)
   struct iris_resource *res = (void *) shader->assembly.res;
   return iris_bo_offset_from_base_address(res->bo) + shader->assembly.offset;

#define INIT_THREAD_DISPATCH_FIELDS(pkt, prefix, stage)                   \
   pkt.KernelStartPointer = KSP(shader);                                  \
   pkt.BindingTableEntryCount = shader->bt.size_bytes / 4;                \
   pkt.FloatingPointMode = prog_data->use_alt_mode;                       \
   pkt.DispatchGRFStartRegisterForURBData =                               \
      prog_data->dispatch_grf_start_reg;                                  \
   pkt.prefix##URBEntryReadLength = vue_prog_data->urb_read_length;       \
   pkt.prefix##URBEntryReadOffset = 0;                                    \
   pkt.StatisticsEnable = true;                                           \
   pkt.Enable           = true;                                           \
   if (prog_data->total_scratch) {                                        \
      INIT_THREAD_SCRATCH_SIZE(pkt)                                       \

#if GFX_VERx10 >= 125
#define MERGE_SCRATCH_ADDR(name)                                          \
{                                                                         \
   uint32_t pkt2[GENX(name##_length)] = {0};                              \
   _iris_pack_command(batch, GENX(name), pkt2, p) {                       \
      p.ScratchSpaceBuffer = scratch_addr >> 4;                           \
   }                                                                      \
   iris_emit_merge(batch, pkt, pkt2, GENX(name##_length));                \
#define INIT_THREAD_SCRATCH_SIZE(pkt)                                     \
   pkt.PerThreadScratchSpace = ffs(prog_data->total_scratch) - 11;
#define MERGE_SCRATCH_ADDR(name)                                          \
{                                                                         \
   uint32_t pkt2[GENX(name##_length)] = {0};                              \
   _iris_pack_command(batch, GENX(name), pkt2, p) {                       \
      p.ScratchSpaceBasePointer =                                         \
         rw_bo(NULL, scratch_addr, IRIS_DOMAIN_NONE);                     \
   }                                                                      \
   iris_emit_merge(batch, pkt, pkt2, GENX(name##_length));                \

 * Encode most of 3DSTATE_VS based on the compiled shader.
static void
iris_store_vs_state(const struct intel_device_info *devinfo,
                    struct iris_compiled_shader *shader)
   struct brw_stage_prog_data *prog_data = shader->prog_data;
   struct brw_vue_prog_data *vue_prog_data = (void *) prog_data;

   iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_VS), shader->derived_data, vs) {
      vs.MaximumNumberofThreads = devinfo->max_vs_threads - 1;
      vs.SIMD8DispatchEnable = true;
      vs.UserClipDistanceCullTestEnableBitmask =

 * Encode most of 3DSTATE_HS based on the compiled shader.
static void
iris_store_tcs_state(const struct intel_device_info *devinfo,
                     struct iris_compiled_shader *shader)
   struct brw_stage_prog_data *prog_data = shader->prog_data;
   struct brw_vue_prog_data *vue_prog_data = (void *) prog_data;
   struct brw_tcs_prog_data *tcs_prog_data = (void *) prog_data;

   iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_HS), shader->derived_data, hs) {

#if GFX_VER >= 12
      /* Wa_1604578095:
       *    Hang occurs when the number of max threads is less than 2 times
       *    the number of instance count. The number of max threads must be
       *    more than 2 times the number of instance count.
      assert((devinfo->max_tcs_threads / 2) > tcs_prog_data->instances);
      hs.DispatchGRFStartRegisterForURBData = prog_data->dispatch_grf_start_reg & 0x1f;
      hs.DispatchGRFStartRegisterForURBData5 = prog_data->dispatch_grf_start_reg >> 5;

      hs.InstanceCount = tcs_prog_data->instances - 1;
      hs.MaximumNumberofThreads = devinfo->max_tcs_threads - 1;
      hs.IncludeVertexHandles = true;

#if GFX_VER == 12
      /* Patch Count threshold specifies the maximum number of patches that
       * will be accumulated before a thread dispatch is forced.
      hs.PatchCountThreshold = tcs_prog_data->patch_count_threshold;

#if GFX_VER >= 9
      hs.DispatchMode = vue_prog_data->dispatch_mode;
      hs.IncludePrimitiveID = tcs_prog_data->include_primitive_id;

 * Encode 3DSTATE_TE and most of 3DSTATE_DS based on the compiled shader.
static void
iris_store_tes_state(const struct intel_device_info *devinfo,
                     struct iris_compiled_shader *shader)
   struct brw_stage_prog_data *prog_data = shader->prog_data;
   struct brw_vue_prog_data *vue_prog_data = (void *) prog_data;
   struct brw_tes_prog_data *tes_prog_data = (void *) prog_data;

   uint32_t *ds_state = (void *) shader->derived_data;
   uint32_t *te_state = ds_state + GENX(3DSTATE_DS_length);

   iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_DS), ds_state, ds) {

      ds.MaximumNumberofThreads = devinfo->max_tes_threads - 1;
      ds.ComputeWCoordinateEnable =
         tes_prog_data->domain == BRW_TESS_DOMAIN_TRI;

      ds.UserClipDistanceCullTestEnableBitmask =

   iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_TE), te_state, te) {
      te.Partitioning = tes_prog_data->partitioning;
      te.OutputTopology = tes_prog_data->output_topology;
      te.TEDomain = tes_prog_data->domain;
      te.TEEnable = true;
      te.MaximumTessellationFactorOdd = 63.0;
      te.MaximumTessellationFactorNotOdd = 64.0;

 * Encode most of 3DSTATE_GS based on the compiled shader.
static void
iris_store_gs_state(const struct intel_device_info *devinfo,
                    struct iris_compiled_shader *shader)
   struct brw_stage_prog_data *prog_data = shader->prog_data;
   struct brw_vue_prog_data *vue_prog_data = (void *) prog_data;
   struct brw_gs_prog_data *gs_prog_data = (void *) prog_data;

   iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_GS), shader->derived_data, gs) {

      gs.OutputVertexSize = gs_prog_data->output_vertex_size_hwords * 2 - 1;
      gs.OutputTopology = gs_prog_data->output_topology;
      gs.ControlDataHeaderSize =
      gs.InstanceControl = gs_prog_data->invocations - 1;
      gs.DispatchMode = DISPATCH_MODE_SIMD8;
      gs.IncludePrimitiveID = gs_prog_data->include_primitive_id;
      gs.ControlDataFormat = gs_prog_data->control_data_format;
      gs.ReorderMode = TRAILING;
      gs.ExpectedVertexCount = gs_prog_data->vertices_in;
      gs.MaximumNumberofThreads =
         GFX_VER == 8 ? (devinfo->max_gs_threads / 2 - 1)
                      : (devinfo->max_gs_threads - 1);

      if (gs_prog_data->static_vertex_count != -1) {
         gs.StaticOutput = true;
         gs.StaticOutputVertexCount = gs_prog_data->static_vertex_count;
      gs.IncludeVertexHandles = vue_prog_data->include_vue_handles;

      gs.UserClipDistanceCullTestEnableBitmask =

      const int urb_entry_write_offset = 1;
      const uint32_t urb_entry_output_length =
         DIV_ROUND_UP(vue_prog_data->vue_map.num_slots, 2) -

      gs.VertexURBEntryOutputReadOffset = urb_entry_write_offset;
      gs.VertexURBEntryOutputLength = MAX2(urb_entry_output_length, 1);

 * Encode most of 3DSTATE_PS and 3DSTATE_PS_EXTRA based on the shader.
static void
iris_store_fs_state(const struct intel_device_info *devinfo,
                    struct iris_compiled_shader *shader)
   struct brw_stage_prog_data *prog_data = shader->prog_data;
   struct brw_wm_prog_data *wm_prog_data = (void *) shader->prog_data;

   uint32_t *ps_state = (void *) shader->derived_data;
   uint32_t *psx_state = ps_state + GENX(3DSTATE_PS_length);

   iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_PS), ps_state, ps) {
      ps.VectorMaskEnable = true;
      ps.BindingTableEntryCount = shader->bt.size_bytes / 4;
      ps.FloatingPointMode = prog_data->use_alt_mode;
      ps.MaximumNumberofThreadsPerPSD = 64 - (GFX_VER == 8 ? 2 : 1);

      ps.PushConstantEnable = prog_data->ubo_ranges[0].length > 0;

      /* From the documentation for this packet:
       * "If the PS kernel does not need the Position XY Offsets to
       *  compute a Position Value, then this field should be programmed
       *  to POSOFFSET_NONE."
       * "SW Recommendation: If the PS kernel needs the Position Offsets
       *  to compute a Position XY value, this field should match Position
       *  ZW Interpolation Mode to ensure a consistent position.xyzw
       *  computation."
       * We only require XY sample offsets. So, this recommendation doesn't
       * look useful at the moment.  We might need this in future.
      ps.PositionXYOffsetSelect =
         wm_prog_data->uses_pos_offset ? POSOFFSET_SAMPLE : POSOFFSET_NONE;

      if (prog_data->total_scratch) {

   iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_PS_EXTRA), psx_state, psx) {
      psx.PixelShaderValid = true;
      psx.PixelShaderComputedDepthMode = wm_prog_data->computed_depth_mode;
      psx.PixelShaderKillsPixel = wm_prog_data->uses_kill;
      psx.AttributeEnable = wm_prog_data->num_varying_inputs != 0;
      psx.PixelShaderUsesSourceDepth = wm_prog_data->uses_src_depth;
      psx.PixelShaderUsesSourceW = wm_prog_data->uses_src_w;
      psx.PixelShaderIsPerSample = wm_prog_data->persample_dispatch;
      psx.oMaskPresenttoRenderTarget = wm_prog_data->uses_omask;

#if GFX_VER >= 9
      psx.PixelShaderPullsBary = wm_prog_data->pulls_bary;
      psx.PixelShaderComputesStencil = wm_prog_data->computed_stencil;

 * Compute the size of the derived data (shader command packets).
 * This must match the data written by the iris_store_xs_state() functions.
static void
iris_store_cs_state(const struct intel_device_info *devinfo,
                    struct iris_compiled_shader *shader)
   struct brw_cs_prog_data *cs_prog_data = (void *) shader->prog_data;
   void *map = shader->derived_data;

   iris_pack_state(GENX(INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_DATA), map, desc) {
#if GFX_VERx10 < 125
      desc.ConstantURBEntryReadLength = cs_prog_data->push.per_thread.regs;
      desc.CrossThreadConstantDataReadLength =
      assert(cs_prog_data->push.per_thread.regs == 0);
      assert(cs_prog_data->push.cross_thread.regs == 0);
      desc.BarrierEnable = cs_prog_data->uses_barrier;
#if GFX_VER >= 12
      /* TODO: Check if we are missing workarounds and enable mid-thread
       * preemption.
       * We still have issues with mid-thread preemption (it was already
       * disabled by the kernel on gfx11, due to missing workarounds). It's
       * possible that we are just missing some workarounds, and could enable
       * it later, but for now let's disable it to fix a GPU in compute in Car
       * Chase (and possibly more).
      desc.ThreadPreemptionDisable = true;

static unsigned
iris_derived_program_state_size(enum iris_program_cache_id cache_id)
   assert(cache_id <= IRIS_CACHE_BLORP);

   static const unsigned dwords[] = {
      [IRIS_CACHE_VS] = GENX(3DSTATE_VS_length),
      [IRIS_CACHE_TCS] = GENX(3DSTATE_HS_length),
      [IRIS_CACHE_TES] = GENX(3DSTATE_TE_length) + GENX(3DSTATE_DS_length),
      [IRIS_CACHE_GS] = GENX(3DSTATE_GS_length),
      [IRIS_CACHE_FS] =
         GENX(3DSTATE_PS_length) + GENX(3DSTATE_PS_EXTRA_length),
      [IRIS_CACHE_BLORP] = 0,

   return sizeof(uint32_t) * dwords[cache_id];

 * Create any state packets corresponding to the given shader stage
 * (i.e. 3DSTATE_VS) and save them as "derived data" in the shader variant.
 * This means that we can look up a program in the in-memory cache and
 * get most of the state packet without having to reconstruct it.
static void
iris_store_derived_program_state(const struct intel_device_info *devinfo,
                                 enum iris_program_cache_id cache_id,
                                 struct iris_compiled_shader *shader)
   switch (cache_id) {
   case IRIS_CACHE_VS:
      iris_store_vs_state(devinfo, shader);
      iris_store_tcs_state(devinfo, shader);
      iris_store_tes_state(devinfo, shader);
   case IRIS_CACHE_GS:
      iris_store_gs_state(devinfo, shader);
   case IRIS_CACHE_FS:
      iris_store_fs_state(devinfo, shader);
   case IRIS_CACHE_CS:
      iris_store_cs_state(devinfo, shader);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */

static const uint32_t push_constant_opcodes[] = {
   [MESA_SHADER_VERTEX]    = 21,
   [MESA_SHADER_TESS_CTRL] = 25, /* HS */
   [MESA_SHADER_TESS_EVAL] = 26, /* DS */

static uint32_t
use_null_surface(struct iris_batch *batch, struct iris_context *ice)
   struct iris_bo *state_bo = iris_resource_bo(ice->state.unbound_tex.res);

   iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, state_bo, false, IRIS_DOMAIN_NONE);

   return ice->state.unbound_tex.offset;

static uint32_t
use_null_fb_surface(struct iris_batch *batch, struct iris_context *ice)
   /* If set_framebuffer_state() was never called, fall back to 1x1x1 */
   if (!ice->state.null_fb.res)
      return use_null_surface(batch, ice);

   struct iris_bo *state_bo = iris_resource_bo(ice->state.null_fb.res);

   iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, state_bo, false, IRIS_DOMAIN_NONE);

   return ice->state.null_fb.offset;

static uint32_t
surf_state_offset_for_aux(struct iris_resource *res,
                          unsigned aux_modes,
                          enum isl_aux_usage aux_usage)
   assert(aux_modes & (1 << aux_usage));
          util_bitcount(aux_modes & ((1 << aux_usage) - 1));

#if GFX_VER == 9
static void
surf_state_update_clear_value(struct iris_batch *batch,
                              struct iris_resource *res,
                              struct iris_state_ref *state,
                              unsigned aux_modes,
                              enum isl_aux_usage aux_usage)
   struct isl_device *isl_dev = &batch->screen->isl_dev;
   struct iris_bo *state_bo = iris_resource_bo(state->res);
   uint64_t real_offset = state->offset + IRIS_MEMZONE_BINDER_START;
   uint32_t offset_into_bo = real_offset - state_bo->address;
   uint32_t clear_offset = offset_into_bo +
      isl_dev->ss.clear_value_offset +
      surf_state_offset_for_aux(res, aux_modes, aux_usage);
   uint32_t *color = res->aux.clear_color.u32;

   assert(isl_dev->ss.clear_value_size == 16);

   if (aux_usage == ISL_AUX_USAGE_HIZ) {
      iris_emit_pipe_control_write(batch, "update fast clear value (Z)",
                                   state_bo, clear_offset, color[0]);
   } else {
      iris_emit_pipe_control_write(batch, "update fast clear color (RG__)",
                                   state_bo, clear_offset,
                                   (uint64_t) color[0] |
                                   (uint64_t) color[1] << 32);
      iris_emit_pipe_control_write(batch, "update fast clear color (__BA)",
                                   state_bo, clear_offset + 8,
                                   (uint64_t) color[2] |
                                   (uint64_t) color[3] << 32);

                                "update fast clear: state cache invalidate",
                                PIPE_CONTROL_FLUSH_ENABLE |

static void
update_clear_value(struct iris_context *ice,
                   struct iris_batch *batch,
                   struct iris_resource *res,
                   struct iris_surface_state *surf_state,
                   unsigned all_aux_modes,
                   struct isl_view *view)
   UNUSED struct isl_device *isl_dev = &batch->screen->isl_dev;
   UNUSED unsigned aux_modes = all_aux_modes;

   /* We only need to update the clear color in the surface state for gfx8 and
    * gfx9. Newer gens can read it directly from the clear color state buffer.
#if GFX_VER == 9
   /* Skip updating the ISL_AUX_USAGE_NONE surface state */
   aux_modes &= ~(1 << ISL_AUX_USAGE_NONE);

   while (aux_modes) {
      enum isl_aux_usage aux_usage = u_bit_scan(&aux_modes);

      surf_state_update_clear_value(batch, res, &surf_state->ref,
                                    all_aux_modes, aux_usage);
#elif GFX_VER == 8
   /* TODO: Could update rather than re-filling */
   alloc_surface_states(surf_state, all_aux_modes);

   void *map = surf_state->cpu;

   while (aux_modes) {
      enum isl_aux_usage aux_usage = u_bit_scan(&aux_modes);
      fill_surface_state(isl_dev, map, res, &res->surf, view, aux_usage,
                         0, 0, 0);

   upload_surface_states(ice->state.surface_uploader, surf_state);

 * Add a surface to the validation list, as well as the buffer containing
 * the corresponding SURFACE_STATE.
 * Returns the binding table entry (offset to SURFACE_STATE).
static uint32_t
use_surface(struct iris_context *ice,
            struct iris_batch *batch,
            struct pipe_surface *p_surf,
            bool writeable,
            enum isl_aux_usage aux_usage,
            bool is_read_surface,
            enum iris_domain access)
   struct iris_surface *surf = (void *) p_surf;
   struct iris_resource *res = (void *) p_surf->texture;
   uint32_t offset = 0;

   if (GFX_VER == 8 && is_read_surface && !surf->surface_state_read.ref.res) {

   if (!surf->surface_state.ref.res) {

   if (memcmp(&res->aux.clear_color, &surf->clear_color,
              sizeof(surf->clear_color)) != 0) {
      update_clear_value(ice, batch, res, &surf->surface_state,
                         res->aux.possible_usages, &surf->view);
      if (GFX_VER == 8) {
         update_clear_value(ice, batch, res, &surf->surface_state_read,
                            res->aux.possible_usages, &surf->read_view);
      surf->clear_color = res->aux.clear_color;

   if (res->aux.clear_color_bo)
      iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, res->aux.clear_color_bo, false, access);

   if (res->aux.bo)
      iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, res->aux.bo, writeable, access);

   iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, res->bo, writeable, access);

   if (GFX_VER == 8 && is_read_surface) {
      iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, iris_resource_bo(surf->surface_state_read.ref.res), false,
   } else {
      iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, iris_resource_bo(surf->surface_state.ref.res), false,

   offset = (GFX_VER == 8 && is_read_surface)
               ? surf->surface_state_read.ref.offset
               : surf->surface_state.ref.offset;

   return offset +
          surf_state_offset_for_aux(res, res->aux.possible_usages, aux_usage);

static uint32_t
use_sampler_view(struct iris_context *ice,
                 struct iris_batch *batch,
                 struct iris_sampler_view *isv)
   enum isl_aux_usage aux_usage =
      iris_resource_texture_aux_usage(ice, isv->res, isv->view.format);

   if (!isv->surface_state.ref.res)
      upload_surface_states(ice->state.surface_uploader, &isv->surface_state);

   if (memcmp(&isv->res->aux.clear_color, &isv->clear_color,
              sizeof(isv->clear_color)) != 0) {
      update_clear_value(ice, batch, isv->res, &isv->surface_state,
                         isv->res->aux.sampler_usages, &isv->view);
      isv->clear_color = isv->res->aux.clear_color;

   if (isv->res->aux.clear_color_bo) {
      iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, isv->res->aux.clear_color_bo,
                         false, IRIS_DOMAIN_OTHER_READ);

   if (isv->res->aux.bo) {
      iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, isv->res->aux.bo,
                         false, IRIS_DOMAIN_OTHER_READ);

   iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, isv->res->bo, false, IRIS_DOMAIN_OTHER_READ);
   iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, iris_resource_bo(isv->surface_state.ref.res), false,

   return isv->surface_state.ref.offset +
          surf_state_offset_for_aux(isv->res, isv->res->aux.sampler_usages,

static uint32_t
use_ubo_ssbo(struct iris_batch *batch,
             struct iris_context *ice,
             struct pipe_shader_buffer *buf,
             struct iris_state_ref *surf_state,
             bool writable, enum iris_domain access)
   if (!buf->buffer || !surf_state->res)
      return use_null_surface(batch, ice);

   iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, iris_resource_bo(buf->buffer), writable, access);
   iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, iris_resource_bo(surf_state->res), false,

   return surf_state->offset;

static uint32_t
use_image(struct iris_batch *batch, struct iris_context *ice,
          struct iris_shader_state *shs, const struct shader_info *info,
          int i)
   struct iris_image_view *iv = &shs->image[i];
   struct iris_resource *res = (void *) iv->base.resource;

   if (!res)
      return use_null_surface(batch, ice);

   bool write = iv->base.shader_access & PIPE_IMAGE_ACCESS_WRITE;

   iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, res->bo, write, IRIS_DOMAIN_NONE);
   iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, iris_resource_bo(iv->surface_state.ref.res),
                      false, IRIS_DOMAIN_NONE);

   if (res->aux.bo)
      iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, res->aux.bo, write, IRIS_DOMAIN_NONE);

   enum isl_aux_usage aux_usage =
      iris_image_view_aux_usage(ice, &iv->base, info);

   return iv->surface_state.ref.offset +
      surf_state_offset_for_aux(res, res->aux.possible_usages, aux_usage);

#define push_bt_entry(addr) \
   assert(addr >= binder_addr); \
   assert(s < shader->bt.size_bytes / sizeof(uint32_t)); \
   if (!pin_only) bt_map[s++] = (addr) - binder_addr;

#define bt_assert(section) \
   if (!pin_only && shader->bt.used_mask[section] != 0) \
      assert(shader->bt.offsets[section] == s);

 * Populate the binding table for a given shader stage.
 * This fills out the table of pointers to surfaces required by the shader,
 * and also adds those buffers to the validation list so the kernel can make
 * resident before running our batch.
static void
iris_populate_binding_table(struct iris_context *ice,
                            struct iris_batch *batch,
                            gl_shader_stage stage,
                            bool pin_only)
   const struct iris_binder *binder = &ice->state.binder;
   struct iris_compiled_shader *shader = ice->shaders.prog[stage];
   if (!shader)

   struct iris_binding_table *bt = &shader->bt;
   UNUSED struct brw_stage_prog_data *prog_data = shader->prog_data;
   struct iris_shader_state *shs = &ice->state.shaders[stage];
   uint32_t binder_addr = binder->bo->address;

   uint32_t *bt_map = binder->map + binder->bt_offset[stage];
   int s = 0;

   const struct shader_info *info = iris_get_shader_info(ice, stage);
   if (!info) {
      /* TCS passthrough doesn't need a binding table. */
      assert(stage == MESA_SHADER_TESS_CTRL);

   if (stage == MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE &&
       shader->bt.used_mask[IRIS_SURFACE_GROUP_CS_WORK_GROUPS]) {
      /* surface for gl_NumWorkGroups */
      struct iris_state_ref *grid_data = &ice->state.grid_size;
      struct iris_state_ref *grid_state = &ice->state.grid_surf_state;
      iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, iris_resource_bo(grid_data->res), false,
      iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, iris_resource_bo(grid_state->res), false,

   if (stage == MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT) {
      struct pipe_framebuffer_state *cso_fb = &ice->state.framebuffer;
      /* Note that cso_fb->nr_cbufs == fs_key->nr_color_regions. */
      if (cso_fb->nr_cbufs) {
         for (unsigned i = 0; i < cso_fb->nr_cbufs; i++) {
            uint32_t addr;
            if (cso_fb->cbufs[i]) {
               addr = use_surface(ice, batch, cso_fb->cbufs[i], true,
                                  ice->state.draw_aux_usage[i], false,
            } else {
               addr = use_null_fb_surface(batch, ice);
      } else if (GFX_VER < 11) {
         uint32_t addr = use_null_fb_surface(batch, ice);

#define foreach_surface_used(index, group) \
   bt_assert(group); \
   for (int index = 0; index < bt->sizes[group]; index++) \
      if (iris_group_index_to_bti(bt, group, index) != \

   foreach_surface_used(i, IRIS_SURFACE_GROUP_RENDER_TARGET_READ) {
      struct pipe_framebuffer_state *cso_fb = &ice->state.framebuffer;
      uint32_t addr;
      if (cso_fb->cbufs[i]) {
         addr = use_surface(ice, batch, cso_fb->cbufs[i],
                            false, ice->state.draw_aux_usage[i], true,

   foreach_surface_used(i, IRIS_SURFACE_GROUP_TEXTURE) {
      struct iris_sampler_view *view = shs->textures[i];
      uint32_t addr = view ? use_sampler_view(ice, batch, view)
                           : use_null_surface(batch, ice);

   foreach_surface_used(i, IRIS_SURFACE_GROUP_IMAGE) {
      uint32_t addr = use_image(batch, ice, shs, info, i);

   foreach_surface_used(i, IRIS_SURFACE_GROUP_UBO) {
      uint32_t addr = use_ubo_ssbo(batch, ice, &shs->constbuf[i],
                                   &shs->constbuf_surf_state[i], false,

   foreach_surface_used(i, IRIS_SURFACE_GROUP_SSBO) {
      uint32_t addr =
         use_ubo_ssbo(batch, ice, &shs->ssbo[i], &shs->ssbo_surf_state[i],
                      shs->writable_ssbos & (1u << i), IRIS_DOMAIN_NONE);

#if 0
      /* XXX: YUV surfaces not implemented yet */
      bt_assert(plane_start[1], ...);
      bt_assert(plane_start[2], ...);

static void
iris_use_optional_res(struct iris_batch *batch,
                      struct pipe_resource *res,
                      bool writeable,
                      enum iris_domain access)
   if (res) {
      struct iris_bo *bo = iris_resource_bo(res);
      iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, bo, writeable, access);

static void
pin_depth_and_stencil_buffers(struct iris_batch *batch,
                              struct pipe_surface *zsbuf,
                              struct iris_depth_stencil_alpha_state *cso_zsa)
   if (!zsbuf)

   struct iris_resource *zres, *sres;
   iris_get_depth_stencil_resources(zsbuf->texture, &zres, &sres);

   if (zres) {
      const enum iris_domain access = cso_zsa->depth_writes_enabled ?
      iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, zres->bo, cso_zsa->depth_writes_enabled,
      if (zres->aux.bo) {
         iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, zres->aux.bo,
                            cso_zsa->depth_writes_enabled, access);

   if (sres) {
      const enum iris_domain access = cso_zsa->stencil_writes_enabled ?
      iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, sres->bo, cso_zsa->stencil_writes_enabled,

static uint32_t
pin_scratch_space(struct iris_context *ice,
                  struct iris_batch *batch,
                  const struct brw_stage_prog_data *prog_data,
                  gl_shader_stage stage)
   uint32_t scratch_addr = 0;

   if (prog_data->total_scratch > 0) {
      struct iris_bo *scratch_bo =
         iris_get_scratch_space(ice, prog_data->total_scratch, stage);
      iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, scratch_bo, true, IRIS_DOMAIN_NONE);

#if GFX_VERx10 >= 125
      const struct iris_state_ref *ref =
         iris_get_scratch_surf(ice, prog_data->total_scratch);
      iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, iris_resource_bo(ref->res),
                         false, IRIS_DOMAIN_NONE);
      scratch_addr = ref->offset +
                     iris_resource_bo(ref->res)->address -
      assert((scratch_addr & 0x3f) == 0 && scratch_addr < (1 << 26));
      scratch_addr = scratch_bo->address;

   return scratch_addr;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * Pin any BOs which were installed by a previous batch, and restored
 * via the hardware logical context mechanism.
 * We don't need to re-emit all state every batch - the hardware context
 * mechanism will save and restore it for us.  This includes pointers to
 * various BOs...which won't exist unless we ask the kernel to pin them
 * by adding them to the validation list.
 * We can skip buffers if we've re-emitted those packets, as we're
 * overwriting those stale pointers with new ones, and don't actually
 * refer to the old BOs.
static void
iris_restore_render_saved_bos(struct iris_context *ice,
                              struct iris_batch *batch,
                              const struct pipe_draw_info *draw)
   struct iris_genx_state *genx = ice->state.genx;

   const uint64_t clean = ~ice->state.dirty;
   const uint64_t stage_clean = ~ice->state.stage_dirty;

   if (clean & IRIS_DIRTY_CC_VIEWPORT) {
      iris_use_optional_res(batch, ice->state.last_res.cc_vp, false,

   if (clean & IRIS_DIRTY_SF_CL_VIEWPORT) {
      iris_use_optional_res(batch, ice->state.last_res.sf_cl_vp, false,

   if (clean & IRIS_DIRTY_BLEND_STATE) {
      iris_use_optional_res(batch, ice->state.last_res.blend, false,

      iris_use_optional_res(batch, ice->state.last_res.color_calc, false,

   if (clean & IRIS_DIRTY_SCISSOR_RECT) {
      iris_use_optional_res(batch, ice->state.last_res.scissor, false,

   if (ice->state.streamout_active && (clean & IRIS_DIRTY_SO_BUFFERS)) {
      for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
         struct iris_stream_output_target *tgt =
            (void *) ice->state.so_target[i];
         if (tgt) {
            iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, iris_resource_bo(tgt->base.buffer),
                               true, IRIS_DOMAIN_OTHER_WRITE);
            iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, iris_resource_bo(tgt->offset.res),
                               true, IRIS_DOMAIN_OTHER_WRITE);

   for (int stage = 0; stage <= MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT; stage++) {
      if (!(stage_clean & (IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_CONSTANTS_VS << stage)))

      struct iris_shader_state *shs = &ice->state.shaders[stage];
      struct iris_compiled_shader *shader = ice->shaders.prog[stage];

      if (!shader)

      struct brw_stage_prog_data *prog_data = (void *) shader->prog_data;

      for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
         const struct brw_ubo_range *range = &prog_data->ubo_ranges[i];

         if (range->length == 0)

         /* Range block is a binding table index, map back to UBO index. */
         unsigned block_index = iris_bti_to_group_index(
            &shader->bt, IRIS_SURFACE_GROUP_UBO, range->block);
         assert(block_index != IRIS_SURFACE_NOT_USED);

         struct pipe_shader_buffer *cbuf = &shs->constbuf[block_index];
         struct iris_resource *res = (void *) cbuf->buffer;

         if (res)
            iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, res->bo, false, IRIS_DOMAIN_OTHER_READ);
            iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, batch->screen->workaround_bo, false,

   for (int stage = 0; stage <= MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT; stage++) {
      if (stage_clean & (IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_BINDINGS_VS << stage)) {
         /* Re-pin any buffers referred to by the binding table. */
         iris_populate_binding_table(ice, batch, stage, true);

   for (int stage = 0; stage <= MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT; stage++) {
      struct iris_shader_state *shs = &ice->state.shaders[stage];
      struct pipe_resource *res = shs->sampler_table.res;
      if (res)
         iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, iris_resource_bo(res), false,

   for (int stage = 0; stage <= MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT; stage++) {
      if (stage_clean & (IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_VS << stage)) {
         struct iris_compiled_shader *shader = ice->shaders.prog[stage];

         if (shader) {
            struct iris_bo *bo = iris_resource_bo(shader->assembly.res);
            iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, bo, false, IRIS_DOMAIN_NONE);

            pin_scratch_space(ice, batch, shader->prog_data, stage);

   if ((clean & IRIS_DIRTY_DEPTH_BUFFER) &&
       (clean & IRIS_DIRTY_WM_DEPTH_STENCIL)) {
      struct pipe_framebuffer_state *cso_fb = &ice->state.framebuffer;
      pin_depth_and_stencil_buffers(batch, cso_fb->zsbuf, ice->state.cso_zsa);

   iris_use_optional_res(batch, ice->state.last_res.index_buffer, false,

      uint64_t bound = ice->state.bound_vertex_buffers;
      while (bound) {
         const int i = u_bit_scan64(&bound);
         struct pipe_resource *res = genx->vertex_buffers[i].resource;
         iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, iris_resource_bo(res), false,

static void
iris_restore_compute_saved_bos(struct iris_context *ice,
                               struct iris_batch *batch,
                               const struct pipe_grid_info *grid)
   const uint64_t stage_clean = ~ice->state.stage_dirty;

   const int stage = MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE;
   struct iris_shader_state *shs = &ice->state.shaders[stage];

   if (stage_clean & IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_BINDINGS_CS) {
      /* Re-pin any buffers referred to by the binding table. */
      iris_populate_binding_table(ice, batch, stage, true);

   struct pipe_resource *sampler_res = shs->sampler_table.res;
   if (sampler_res)
      iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, iris_resource_bo(sampler_res), false,

   if ((stage_clean & IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_SAMPLER_STATES_CS) &&
       (stage_clean & IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_BINDINGS_CS) &&
       (stage_clean & IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_CONSTANTS_CS) &&
       (stage_clean & IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_CS)) {
      iris_use_optional_res(batch, ice->state.last_res.cs_desc, false,

   if (stage_clean & IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_CS) {
      struct iris_compiled_shader *shader = ice->shaders.prog[stage];

      if (shader) {
         struct iris_bo *bo = iris_resource_bo(shader->assembly.res);
         iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, bo, false, IRIS_DOMAIN_NONE);

         if (GFX_VERx10 < 125) {
            struct iris_bo *curbe_bo =
            iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, curbe_bo, false, IRIS_DOMAIN_NONE);

         pin_scratch_space(ice, batch, shader->prog_data, stage);

 * Possibly emit STATE_BASE_ADDRESS to update Surface State Base Address.
static void
iris_update_surface_base_address(struct iris_batch *batch,
                                 struct iris_binder *binder)
   if (batch->last_surface_base_address == binder->bo->address)

   struct isl_device *isl_dev = &batch->screen->isl_dev;
   uint32_t mocs = isl_mocs(isl_dev, 0, false);



#if GFX_VER == 12
   /* Wa_1607854226:
    *  Workaround the non pipelined state not applying in MEDIA/GPGPU pipeline
    *  mode by putting the pipeline temporarily in 3D mode..
   if (batch->name == IRIS_BATCH_COMPUTE)
      emit_pipeline_select(batch, _3D);

   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(STATE_BASE_ADDRESS), sba) {
      sba.SurfaceStateBaseAddressModifyEnable = true;
      sba.SurfaceStateBaseAddress = ro_bo(binder->bo, 0);

      /* The hardware appears to pay attention to the MOCS fields even
       * if you don't set the "Address Modify Enable" bit for the base.
      sba.GeneralStateMOCS            = mocs;
      sba.StatelessDataPortAccessMOCS = mocs;
      sba.DynamicStateMOCS            = mocs;
      sba.IndirectObjectMOCS          = mocs;
      sba.InstructionMOCS             = mocs;
      sba.SurfaceStateMOCS            = mocs;
#if GFX_VER >= 9
      sba.BindlessSurfaceStateMOCS    = mocs;

#if GFX_VER == 12
   /* Wa_1607854226:
    *  Put the pipeline back into compute mode.
   if (batch->name == IRIS_BATCH_COMPUTE)
      emit_pipeline_select(batch, GPGPU);


   batch->last_surface_base_address = binder->bo->address;

static inline void
iris_viewport_zmin_zmax(const struct pipe_viewport_state *vp, bool halfz,
                        bool window_space_position, float *zmin, float *zmax)
   if (window_space_position) {
      *zmin = 0.f;
      *zmax = 1.f;
   util_viewport_zmin_zmax(vp, halfz, zmin, zmax);

#if GFX_VER >= 12
genX(invalidate_aux_map_state)(struct iris_batch *batch)
   struct iris_screen *screen = batch->screen;
   void *aux_map_ctx = iris_bufmgr_get_aux_map_context(screen->bufmgr);
   if (!aux_map_ctx)
   uint32_t aux_map_state_num = intel_aux_map_get_state_num(aux_map_ctx);
   if (batch->last_aux_map_state != aux_map_state_num) {
      /* HSD 1209978178: docs say that before programming the aux table:
       *    "Driver must ensure that the engine is IDLE but ensure it doesn't
       *    add extra flushes in the case it knows that the engine is already
       *    IDLE."
       * An end of pipe sync is needed here, otherwise we see GPU hangs in
       * dEQP-GLES31.functional.copy_image.* tests.
      iris_emit_end_of_pipe_sync(batch, "Invalidate aux map table",

      /* If the aux-map state number increased, then we need to rewrite the
       * register. Rewriting the register is used to both set the aux-map
       * translation table address, and also to invalidate any previously
       * cached translations.
      iris_load_register_imm32(batch, GENX(GFX_CCS_AUX_INV_num), 1);
      batch->last_aux_map_state = aux_map_state_num;

static void
init_aux_map_state(struct iris_batch *batch)
   struct iris_screen *screen = batch->screen;
   void *aux_map_ctx = iris_bufmgr_get_aux_map_context(screen->bufmgr);
   if (!aux_map_ctx)

   uint64_t base_addr = intel_aux_map_get_base(aux_map_ctx);
   assert(base_addr != 0 && align64(base_addr, 32 * 1024) == base_addr);
   iris_load_register_imm64(batch, GENX(GFX_AUX_TABLE_BASE_ADDR_num),

struct push_bos {
   struct {
      struct iris_address addr;
      uint32_t length;
   } buffers[4];
   int buffer_count;
   uint32_t max_length;

static void
setup_constant_buffers(struct iris_context *ice,
                       struct iris_batch *batch,
                       int stage,
                       struct push_bos *push_bos)
   struct iris_shader_state *shs = &ice->state.shaders[stage];
   struct iris_compiled_shader *shader = ice->shaders.prog[stage];
   struct brw_stage_prog_data *prog_data = (void *) shader->prog_data;

   uint32_t push_range_sum = 0;

   int n = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      const struct brw_ubo_range *range = &prog_data->ubo_ranges[i];

      if (range->length == 0)

      push_range_sum += range->length;

      if (range->length > push_bos->max_length)
         push_bos->max_length = range->length;

      /* Range block is a binding table index, map back to UBO index. */
      unsigned block_index = iris_bti_to_group_index(
         &shader->bt, IRIS_SURFACE_GROUP_UBO, range->block);
      assert(block_index != IRIS_SURFACE_NOT_USED);

      struct pipe_shader_buffer *cbuf = &shs->constbuf[block_index];
      struct iris_resource *res = (void *) cbuf->buffer;

      assert(cbuf->buffer_offset % 32 == 0);

      push_bos->buffers[n].length = range->length;
      push_bos->buffers[n].addr =
         res ? ro_bo(res->bo, range->start * 32 + cbuf->buffer_offset)
         : batch->screen->workaround_address;

   /* From the 3DSTATE_CONSTANT_XS and 3DSTATE_CONSTANT_ALL programming notes:
    *    "The sum of all four read length fields must be less than or
    *    equal to the size of 64."
   assert(push_range_sum <= 64);

   push_bos->buffer_count = n;

static void
emit_push_constant_packets(struct iris_context *ice,
                           struct iris_batch *batch,
                           int stage,
                           const struct push_bos *push_bos)
   UNUSED struct isl_device *isl_dev = &batch->screen->isl_dev;
   struct iris_compiled_shader *shader = ice->shaders.prog[stage];
   struct brw_stage_prog_data *prog_data = (void *) shader->prog_data;

   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_CONSTANT_VS), pkt) {
      pkt._3DCommandSubOpcode = push_constant_opcodes[stage];
#if GFX_VER >= 12
      pkt.MOCS = isl_mocs(isl_dev, 0, false);
      if (prog_data) {
         /* The Skylake PRM contains the following restriction:
          *    "The driver must ensure The following case does not occur
          *     without a flush to the 3D engine: 3DSTATE_CONSTANT_* with
          *     buffer 3 read length equal to zero committed followed by a
          *     3DSTATE_CONSTANT_* with buffer 0 read length not equal to
          *     zero committed."
          * To avoid this, we program the buffers in the highest slots.
          * This way, slot 0 is only used if slot 3 is also used.
         int n = push_bos->buffer_count;
         assert(n <= 4);
         const unsigned shift = 4 - n;
         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            pkt.ConstantBody.ReadLength[i + shift] =
            pkt.ConstantBody.Buffer[i + shift] = push_bos->buffers[i].addr;

#if GFX_VER >= 12
static void
emit_push_constant_packet_all(struct iris_context *ice,
                              struct iris_batch *batch,
                              uint32_t shader_mask,
                              const struct push_bos *push_bos)
   struct isl_device *isl_dev = &batch->screen->isl_dev;

   if (!push_bos) {
      iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_CONSTANT_ALL), pc) {
         pc.ShaderUpdateEnable = shader_mask;

   const uint32_t n = push_bos->buffer_count;
   const uint32_t max_pointers = 4;
   const uint32_t num_dwords = 2 + 2 * n;
   uint32_t const_all[2 + 2 * max_pointers];
   uint32_t *dw = &const_all[0];

   assert(n <= max_pointers);
   iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_CONSTANT_ALL), dw, all) {
      all.DWordLength = num_dwords - 2;
      all.MOCS = isl_mocs(isl_dev, 0, false);
      all.ShaderUpdateEnable = shader_mask;
      all.PointerBufferMask = (1 << n) - 1;
   dw += 2;

   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      _iris_pack_state(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_CONSTANT_ALL_DATA),
                       dw + i * 2, data) {
         data.PointerToConstantBuffer = push_bos->buffers[i].addr;
         data.ConstantBufferReadLength = push_bos->buffers[i].length;
   iris_batch_emit(batch, const_all, sizeof(uint32_t) * num_dwords);

genX(emit_depth_state_workarounds)(struct iris_context *ice,
                                   struct iris_batch *batch,
                                   const struct isl_surf *surf)
#if GFX_VERx10 == 120
   const bool fmt_is_d16 = surf->format == ISL_FORMAT_R16_UNORM;

   switch (ice->state.genx->depth_reg_mode) {
      if (!fmt_is_d16)
      if (fmt_is_d16)

   /* We'll change some CHICKEN registers depending on the depth surface
    * format. Do a depth flush and stall so the pipeline is not using these
    * settings while we change the registers.
                              "Workaround: Stop pipeline for 14010455700",
                              PIPE_CONTROL_DEPTH_STALL |

   /* Wa_14010455700
    * To avoid sporadic corruptions “Set 0x7010[9] when Depth Buffer
    * Surface Format is D16_UNORM , surface type is not NULL & 1X_MSAA”.
   iris_emit_reg(batch, GENX(COMMON_SLICE_CHICKEN1), reg) {
      reg.HIZPlaneOptimizationdisablebit = fmt_is_d16 && surf->samples == 1;
      reg.HIZPlaneOptimizationdisablebitMask = true;

   /* Wa_1806527549
    * Set HIZ_CHICKEN (7018h) bit 13 = 1 when depth buffer is D16_UNORM.
   iris_emit_reg(batch, GENX(HIZ_CHICKEN), reg) {
      reg.HZDepthTestLEGEOptimizationDisable = fmt_is_d16;
      reg.HZDepthTestLEGEOptimizationDisableMask = true;

   ice->state.genx->depth_reg_mode =

static void
iris_upload_dirty_render_state(struct iris_context *ice,
                               struct iris_batch *batch,
                               const struct pipe_draw_info *draw)
   const uint64_t dirty = ice->state.dirty;
   const uint64_t stage_dirty = ice->state.stage_dirty;

   if (!(dirty & IRIS_ALL_DIRTY_FOR_RENDER) &&
       !(stage_dirty & IRIS_ALL_STAGE_DIRTY_FOR_RENDER))

   struct iris_genx_state *genx = ice->state.genx;
   struct iris_binder *binder = &ice->state.binder;
   struct brw_wm_prog_data *wm_prog_data = (void *)

   if (dirty & IRIS_DIRTY_CC_VIEWPORT) {
      const struct iris_rasterizer_state *cso_rast = ice->state.cso_rast;
      uint32_t cc_vp_address;

      /* XXX: could avoid streaming for depth_clip [0,1] case. */
      uint32_t *cc_vp_map =
         stream_state(batch, ice->state.dynamic_uploader,
                      4 * ice->state.num_viewports *
                      GENX(CC_VIEWPORT_length), 32, &cc_vp_address);
      for (int i = 0; i < ice->state.num_viewports; i++) {
         float zmin, zmax;
         iris_viewport_zmin_zmax(&ice->state.viewports[i], cso_rast->clip_halfz,
                                 &zmin, &zmax);
         if (cso_rast->depth_clip_near)
            zmin = 0.0;
         if (cso_rast->depth_clip_far)
            zmax = 1.0;

         iris_pack_state(GENX(CC_VIEWPORT), cc_vp_map, ccv) {
            ccv.MinimumDepth = zmin;
            ccv.MaximumDepth = zmax;

         cc_vp_map += GENX(CC_VIEWPORT_length);

      iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_VIEWPORT_STATE_POINTERS_CC), ptr) {
         ptr.CCViewportPointer = cc_vp_address;

   if (dirty & IRIS_DIRTY_SF_CL_VIEWPORT) {
      struct pipe_framebuffer_state *cso_fb = &ice->state.framebuffer;
      uint32_t sf_cl_vp_address;
      uint32_t *vp_map =
         stream_state(batch, ice->state.dynamic_uploader,
                      4 * ice->state.num_viewports *
                      GENX(SF_CLIP_VIEWPORT_length), 64, &sf_cl_vp_address);

      for (unsigned i = 0; i < ice->state.num_viewports; i++) {
         const struct pipe_viewport_state *state = &ice->state.viewports[i];
         float gb_xmin, gb_xmax, gb_ymin, gb_ymax;

         float vp_xmin = viewport_extent(state, 0, -1.0f);
         float vp_xmax = viewport_extent(state, 0,  1.0f);
         float vp_ymin = viewport_extent(state, 1, -1.0f);
         float vp_ymax = viewport_extent(state, 1,  1.0f);

         intel_calculate_guardband_size(cso_fb->width, cso_fb->height,
                                        state->scale[0], state->scale[1],
                                        state->translate[0], state->translate[1],
                                        &gb_xmin, &gb_xmax, &gb_ymin, &gb_ymax);

         iris_pack_state(GENX(SF_CLIP_VIEWPORT), vp_map, vp) {
            vp.ViewportMatrixElementm00 = state->scale[0];
            vp.ViewportMatrixElementm11 = state->scale[1];
            vp.ViewportMatrixElementm22 = state->scale[2];
            vp.ViewportMatrixElementm30 = state->translate[0];
            vp.ViewportMatrixElementm31 = state->translate[1];
            vp.ViewportMatrixElementm32 = state->translate[2];
            vp.XMinClipGuardband = gb_xmin;
            vp.XMaxClipGuardband = gb_xmax;
            vp.YMinClipGuardband = gb_ymin;
            vp.YMaxClipGuardband = gb_ymax;
            vp.XMinViewPort = MAX2(vp_xmin, 0);
            vp.XMaxViewPort = MIN2(vp_xmax, cso_fb->width) - 1;
            vp.YMinViewPort = MAX2(vp_ymin, 0);
            vp.YMaxViewPort = MIN2(vp_ymax, cso_fb->height) - 1;

         vp_map += GENX(SF_CLIP_VIEWPORT_length);

      iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_VIEWPORT_STATE_POINTERS_SF_CLIP), ptr) {
         ptr.SFClipViewportPointer = sf_cl_vp_address;

   if (dirty & IRIS_DIRTY_URB) {
      for (int i = MESA_SHADER_VERTEX; i <= MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY; i++) {
         if (!ice->shaders.prog[i]) {
            ice->shaders.urb.size[i] = 1;
         } else {
            struct brw_vue_prog_data *vue_prog_data =
               (void *) ice->shaders.prog[i]->prog_data;
            ice->shaders.urb.size[i] = vue_prog_data->urb_entry_size;
         assert(ice->shaders.urb.size[i] != 0);

                           ice->shaders.prog[MESA_SHADER_TESS_EVAL] != NULL,
                           ice->shaders.prog[MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY] != NULL,

      for (int i = MESA_SHADER_VERTEX; i <= MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY; i++) {
         iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_URB_VS), urb) {
            urb._3DCommandSubOpcode += i;
            urb.VSURBStartingAddress     = ice->shaders.urb.start[i];
            urb.VSURBEntryAllocationSize = ice->shaders.urb.size[i] - 1;
            urb.VSNumberofURBEntries     = ice->shaders.urb.entries[i];

   if (dirty & IRIS_DIRTY_BLEND_STATE) {
      struct iris_blend_state *cso_blend = ice->state.cso_blend;
      struct pipe_framebuffer_state *cso_fb = &ice->state.framebuffer;
      struct iris_depth_stencil_alpha_state *cso_zsa = ice->state.cso_zsa;
      const int header_dwords = GENX(BLEND_STATE_length);

      /* Always write at least one BLEND_STATE - the final RT message will
       * reference BLEND_STATE[0] even if there aren't color writes.  There
       * may still be alpha testing, computed depth, and so on.
      const int rt_dwords =
         MAX2(cso_fb->nr_cbufs, 1) * GENX(BLEND_STATE_ENTRY_length);

      uint32_t blend_offset;
      uint32_t *blend_map =
         stream_state(batch, ice->state.dynamic_uploader,
                      4 * (header_dwords + rt_dwords), 64, &blend_offset);

      uint32_t blend_state_header;
      iris_pack_state(GENX(BLEND_STATE), &blend_state_header, bs) {
         bs.AlphaTestEnable = cso_zsa->alpha_enabled;
         bs.AlphaTestFunction = translate_compare_func(cso_zsa->alpha_func);

      blend_map[0] = blend_state_header | cso_blend->blend_state[0];
      memcpy(&blend_map[1], &cso_blend->blend_state[1], 4 * rt_dwords);

      iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_BLEND_STATE_POINTERS), ptr) {
         ptr.BlendStatePointer = blend_offset;
         ptr.BlendStatePointerValid = true;

      struct iris_depth_stencil_alpha_state *cso = ice->state.cso_zsa;
#if GFX_VER == 8
      struct pipe_stencil_ref *p_stencil_refs = &ice->state.stencil_ref;
      uint32_t cc_offset;
      void *cc_map =
         stream_state(batch, ice->state.dynamic_uploader,
                      sizeof(uint32_t) * GENX(COLOR_CALC_STATE_length),
                      64, &cc_offset);
      iris_pack_state(GENX(COLOR_CALC_STATE), cc_map, cc) {
         cc.AlphaTestFormat = ALPHATEST_FLOAT32;
         cc.AlphaReferenceValueAsFLOAT32 = cso->alpha_ref_value;
         cc.BlendConstantColorRed   = ice->state.blend_color.color[0];
         cc.BlendConstantColorGreen = ice->state.blend_color.color[1];
         cc.BlendConstantColorBlue  = ice->state.blend_color.color[2];
         cc.BlendConstantColorAlpha = ice->state.blend_color.color[3];
#if GFX_VER == 8
	 cc.StencilReferenceValue = p_stencil_refs->ref_value[0];
	 cc.BackfaceStencilReferenceValue = p_stencil_refs->ref_value[1];
      iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_CC_STATE_POINTERS), ptr) {
         ptr.ColorCalcStatePointer = cc_offset;
         ptr.ColorCalcStatePointerValid = true;

   /* Wa_1604061319
    *    3DSTATE_CONSTANT_* needs to be programmed before BTP_*
    * Testing shows that all the 3DSTATE_CONSTANT_XS need to be emitted if
    * any stage has a dirty binding table.
   const bool emit_const_wa = GFX_VER >= 11 &&
      ((dirty & IRIS_DIRTY_RENDER_BUFFER) ||

#if GFX_VER >= 12
   uint32_t nobuffer_stages = 0;

   for (int stage = 0; stage <= MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT; stage++) {
      if (!(stage_dirty & (IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_CONSTANTS_VS << stage)) &&

      struct iris_shader_state *shs = &ice->state.shaders[stage];
      struct iris_compiled_shader *shader = ice->shaders.prog[stage];

      if (!shader)

      if (shs->sysvals_need_upload)
         upload_sysvals(ice, stage, NULL);

      struct push_bos push_bos = {};
      setup_constant_buffers(ice, batch, stage, &push_bos);

#if GFX_VER >= 12
      /* If this stage doesn't have any push constants, emit it later in a
       * single CONSTANT_ALL packet with all the other stages.
      if (push_bos.buffer_count == 0) {
         nobuffer_stages |= 1 << stage;

      /* The Constant Buffer Read Length field from 3DSTATE_CONSTANT_ALL
       * contains only 5 bits, so we can only use it for buffers smaller than
       * 32.
      if (push_bos.max_length < 32) {
         emit_push_constant_packet_all(ice, batch, 1 << stage, &push_bos);
      emit_push_constant_packets(ice, batch, stage, &push_bos);

#if GFX_VER >= 12
   if (nobuffer_stages)
      emit_push_constant_packet_all(ice, batch, nobuffer_stages, NULL);

   for (int stage = 0; stage <= MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT; stage++) {
      /* Gfx9 requires 3DSTATE_BINDING_TABLE_POINTERS_XS to be re-emitted
       * in order to commit constants.  TODO: Investigate "Disable Gather
       * at Set Shader" to go back to legacy mode...
      if (stage_dirty & ((IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_BINDINGS_VS |
                          (GFX_VER == 9 ? IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_CONSTANTS_VS : 0))
                            << stage)) {
         iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_BINDING_TABLE_POINTERS_VS), ptr) {
            ptr._3DCommandSubOpcode = 38 + stage;
            ptr.PointertoVSBindingTable = binder->bt_offset[stage];

   if (GFX_VER >= 11 && (dirty & IRIS_DIRTY_RENDER_BUFFER)) {
      // XXX: we may want to flag IRIS_DIRTY_MULTISAMPLE (or SAMPLE_MASK?)
      // XXX: see commit 979fc1bc9bcc64027ff2cfafd285676f31b930a6

      /* The PIPE_CONTROL command description says:
       *   "Whenever a Binding Table Index (BTI) used by a Render Target
       *    Message points to a different RENDER_SURFACE_STATE, SW must issue a
       *    Render Target Cache Flush by enabling this bit. When render target
       *    flush is set due to new association of BTI, PS Scoreboard Stall bit
       *    must be set in this packet."
      // XXX: does this need to happen at 3DSTATE_BTP_PS time?
      iris_emit_pipe_control_flush(batch, "workaround: RT BTI change [draw]",
                                   PIPE_CONTROL_RENDER_TARGET_FLUSH |

   for (int stage = 0; stage <= MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT; stage++) {
      if (stage_dirty & (IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_BINDINGS_VS << stage)) {
         iris_populate_binding_table(ice, batch, stage, false);

   for (int stage = 0; stage <= MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT; stage++) {
      if (!(stage_dirty & (IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_SAMPLER_STATES_VS << stage)) ||

      iris_upload_sampler_states(ice, stage);

      struct iris_shader_state *shs = &ice->state.shaders[stage];
      struct pipe_resource *res = shs->sampler_table.res;
      if (res)
         iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, iris_resource_bo(res), false,

      iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_SAMPLER_STATE_POINTERS_VS), ptr) {
         ptr._3DCommandSubOpcode = 43 + stage;
         ptr.PointertoVSSamplerState = shs->sampler_table.offset;

   if (ice->state.need_border_colors)
      iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, ice->state.border_color_pool.bo, false,

   if (dirty & IRIS_DIRTY_MULTISAMPLE) {
      iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_MULTISAMPLE), ms) {
         ms.PixelLocation =
            ice->state.cso_rast->half_pixel_center ? CENTER : UL_CORNER;
         if (ice->state.framebuffer.samples > 0)
            ms.NumberofMultisamples = ffs(ice->state.framebuffer.samples) - 1;

   if (dirty & IRIS_DIRTY_SAMPLE_MASK) {
      iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_SAMPLE_MASK), ms) {
         ms.SampleMask = ice->state.sample_mask;

   for (int stage = 0; stage <= MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT; stage++) {
      if (!(stage_dirty & (IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_VS << stage)))

      struct iris_compiled_shader *shader = ice->shaders.prog[stage];

      if (shader) {
         struct brw_stage_prog_data *prog_data = shader->prog_data;
         struct iris_resource *cache = (void *) shader->assembly.res;
         iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, cache->bo, false, IRIS_DOMAIN_NONE);

         uint32_t scratch_addr =
            pin_scratch_space(ice, batch, prog_data, stage);

         if (stage == MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT) {
            UNUSED struct iris_rasterizer_state *cso = ice->state.cso_rast;
            struct pipe_framebuffer_state *cso_fb = &ice->state.framebuffer;

            uint32_t ps_state[GENX(3DSTATE_PS_length)] = {0};
            _iris_pack_command(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_PS), ps_state, ps) {
               ps._8PixelDispatchEnable = wm_prog_data->dispatch_8;
               ps._16PixelDispatchEnable = wm_prog_data->dispatch_16;
               ps._32PixelDispatchEnable = wm_prog_data->dispatch_32;

              /* The docs for 3DSTATE_PS::32 Pixel Dispatch Enable say:
               *    "When NUM_MULTISAMPLES = 16 or FORCE_SAMPLE_COUNT = 16,
               *     SIMD32 Dispatch must not be enabled for PER_PIXEL dispatch
               *     mode."
               * 16x MSAA only exists on Gfx9+, so we can skip this on Gfx8.
               if (GFX_VER >= 9 && cso_fb->samples == 16 &&
                   !wm_prog_data->persample_dispatch) {
                  assert(ps._8PixelDispatchEnable || ps._16PixelDispatchEnable);
                  ps._32PixelDispatchEnable = false;

               ps.DispatchGRFStartRegisterForConstantSetupData0 =
                  brw_wm_prog_data_dispatch_grf_start_reg(wm_prog_data, ps, 0);
               ps.DispatchGRFStartRegisterForConstantSetupData1 =
                  brw_wm_prog_data_dispatch_grf_start_reg(wm_prog_data, ps, 1);
               ps.DispatchGRFStartRegisterForConstantSetupData2 =
                  brw_wm_prog_data_dispatch_grf_start_reg(wm_prog_data, ps, 2);

               ps.KernelStartPointer0 = KSP(shader) +
                  brw_wm_prog_data_prog_offset(wm_prog_data, ps, 0);
               ps.KernelStartPointer1 = KSP(shader) +
                  brw_wm_prog_data_prog_offset(wm_prog_data, ps, 1);
               ps.KernelStartPointer2 = KSP(shader) +
                  brw_wm_prog_data_prog_offset(wm_prog_data, ps, 2);

#if GFX_VERx10 >= 125
               ps.ScratchSpaceBuffer = scratch_addr >> 4;
               ps.ScratchSpaceBasePointer =
                  rw_bo(NULL, scratch_addr, IRIS_DOMAIN_NONE);

            uint32_t psx_state[GENX(3DSTATE_PS_EXTRA_length)] = {0};
            iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_PS_EXTRA), psx_state, psx) {
#if GFX_VER >= 9
               if (!wm_prog_data->uses_sample_mask)
                  psx.InputCoverageMaskState  = ICMS_NONE;
               else if (wm_prog_data->post_depth_coverage)
                  psx.InputCoverageMaskState = ICMS_DEPTH_COVERAGE;
               else if (wm_prog_data->inner_coverage &&
                  psx.InputCoverageMaskState = ICMS_INNER_CONSERVATIVE;
                  psx.InputCoverageMaskState = ICMS_NORMAL;
               psx.PixelShaderUsesInputCoverageMask =

            uint32_t *shader_ps = (uint32_t *) shader->derived_data;
            uint32_t *shader_psx = shader_ps + GENX(3DSTATE_PS_length);
            iris_emit_merge(batch, shader_ps, ps_state,
            iris_emit_merge(batch, shader_psx, psx_state,
         } else if (scratch_addr) {
            uint32_t *pkt = (uint32_t *) shader->derived_data;
            switch (stage) {
         } else {
            iris_batch_emit(batch, shader->derived_data,
      } else {
         if (stage == MESA_SHADER_TESS_EVAL) {
            iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_HS), hs);
            iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_TE), te);
            iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_DS), ds);
         } else if (stage == MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY) {
            iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_GS), gs);

   if (ice->state.streamout_active) {
      if (dirty & IRIS_DIRTY_SO_BUFFERS) {
         for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            struct iris_stream_output_target *tgt =
               (void *) ice->state.so_target[i];
            const uint32_t dwords = GENX(3DSTATE_SO_BUFFER_length);
            uint32_t *so_buffers = genx->so_buffers + i * dwords;
            bool zero_offset = false;

            if (tgt) {
               zero_offset = tgt->zero_offset;
               iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, iris_resource_bo(tgt->base.buffer),
                                  true, IRIS_DOMAIN_OTHER_WRITE);
               iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, iris_resource_bo(tgt->offset.res),
                                  true, IRIS_DOMAIN_OTHER_WRITE);

            if (zero_offset) {
               /* Skip the last DWord which contains "Stream Offset" of
                * 0xFFFFFFFF and instead emit a dword of zero directly.
               STATIC_ASSERT(GENX(3DSTATE_SO_BUFFER_StreamOffset_start) ==
                             32 * (dwords - 1));
               const uint32_t zero = 0;
               iris_batch_emit(batch, so_buffers, 4 * (dwords - 1));
               iris_batch_emit(batch, &zero, sizeof(zero));
               tgt->zero_offset = false;
            } else {
               iris_batch_emit(batch, so_buffers, 4 * dwords);

      if ((dirty & IRIS_DIRTY_SO_DECL_LIST) && ice->state.streamout) {
         uint32_t *decl_list =
            ice->state.streamout + GENX(3DSTATE_STREAMOUT_length);
         iris_batch_emit(batch, decl_list, 4 * ((decl_list[0] & 0xff) + 2));

      if (dirty & IRIS_DIRTY_STREAMOUT) {
         const struct iris_rasterizer_state *cso_rast = ice->state.cso_rast;

         uint32_t dynamic_sol[GENX(3DSTATE_STREAMOUT_length)];
         iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_STREAMOUT), dynamic_sol, sol) {
            sol.SOFunctionEnable = true;
            sol.SOStatisticsEnable = true;

            sol.RenderingDisable = cso_rast->rasterizer_discard &&
            sol.ReorderMode = cso_rast->flatshade_first ? LEADING : TRAILING;


         iris_emit_merge(batch, ice->state.streamout, dynamic_sol,
   } else {
      if (dirty & IRIS_DIRTY_STREAMOUT) {
         iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_STREAMOUT), sol);

   if (dirty & IRIS_DIRTY_CLIP) {
      struct iris_rasterizer_state *cso_rast = ice->state.cso_rast;
      struct pipe_framebuffer_state *cso_fb = &ice->state.framebuffer;

      bool gs_or_tes = ice->shaders.prog[MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY] ||
      bool points_or_lines = cso_rast->fill_mode_point_or_line ||
         (gs_or_tes ? ice->shaders.output_topology_is_points_or_lines
                    : ice->state.prim_is_points_or_lines);

      uint32_t dynamic_clip[GENX(3DSTATE_CLIP_length)];
      iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_CLIP), &dynamic_clip, cl) {
         cl.StatisticsEnable = ice->state.statistics_counters_enabled;
         if (cso_rast->rasterizer_discard)
            cl.ClipMode = CLIPMODE_REJECT_ALL;
         else if (ice->state.window_space_position)
            cl.ClipMode = CLIPMODE_ACCEPT_ALL;
            cl.ClipMode = CLIPMODE_NORMAL;

         cl.PerspectiveDivideDisable = ice->state.window_space_position;
         cl.ViewportXYClipTestEnable = !points_or_lines;

         if (wm_prog_data->barycentric_interp_modes &
            cl.NonPerspectiveBarycentricEnable = true;

         cl.ForceZeroRTAIndexEnable = cso_fb->layers <= 1;
         cl.MaximumVPIndex = ice->state.num_viewports - 1;
      iris_emit_merge(batch, cso_rast->clip, dynamic_clip,

   if (dirty & (IRIS_DIRTY_RASTER | IRIS_DIRTY_URB)) {
      struct iris_rasterizer_state *cso = ice->state.cso_rast;
      iris_batch_emit(batch, cso->raster, sizeof(cso->raster));

      uint32_t dynamic_sf[GENX(3DSTATE_SF_length)];
      iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_SF), &dynamic_sf, sf) {
         sf.ViewportTransformEnable = !ice->state.window_space_position;

#if GFX_VER >= 12
         sf.DerefBlockSize = ice->state.urb_deref_block_size;
      iris_emit_merge(batch, cso->sf, dynamic_sf,

   if (dirty & IRIS_DIRTY_WM) {
      struct iris_rasterizer_state *cso = ice->state.cso_rast;
      uint32_t dynamic_wm[GENX(3DSTATE_WM_length)];

      iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_WM), &dynamic_wm, wm) {
         wm.StatisticsEnable = ice->state.statistics_counters_enabled;

         wm.BarycentricInterpolationMode =

         if (wm_prog_data->early_fragment_tests)
            wm.EarlyDepthStencilControl = EDSC_PREPS;
         else if (wm_prog_data->has_side_effects)
            wm.EarlyDepthStencilControl = EDSC_PSEXEC;

         /* We could skip this bit if color writes are enabled. */
         if (wm_prog_data->has_side_effects || wm_prog_data->uses_kill)
            wm.ForceThreadDispatchEnable = ForceON;
      iris_emit_merge(batch, cso->wm, dynamic_wm, ARRAY_SIZE(cso->wm));

   if (dirty & IRIS_DIRTY_SBE) {
      iris_emit_sbe(batch, ice);

   if (dirty & IRIS_DIRTY_PS_BLEND) {
      struct iris_blend_state *cso_blend = ice->state.cso_blend;
      struct iris_depth_stencil_alpha_state *cso_zsa = ice->state.cso_zsa;
      const struct shader_info *fs_info =
         iris_get_shader_info(ice, MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT);

      uint32_t dynamic_pb[GENX(3DSTATE_PS_BLEND_length)];
      iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_PS_BLEND), &dynamic_pb, pb) {
         pb.HasWriteableRT = has_writeable_rt(cso_blend, fs_info);
         pb.AlphaTestEnable = cso_zsa->alpha_enabled;

         /* The dual source blending docs caution against using SRC1 factors
          * when the shader doesn't use a dual source render target write.
          * Empirically, this can lead to GPU hangs, and the results are
          * undefined anyway, so simply disable blending to avoid the hang.
         pb.ColorBufferBlendEnable = (cso_blend->blend_enables & 1) &&
            (!cso_blend->dual_color_blending || wm_prog_data->dual_src_blend);

      iris_emit_merge(batch, cso_blend->ps_blend, dynamic_pb,

      struct iris_depth_stencil_alpha_state *cso = ice->state.cso_zsa;
#if GFX_VER >= 9 && GFX_VER < 12
      struct pipe_stencil_ref *p_stencil_refs = &ice->state.stencil_ref;
      uint32_t stencil_refs[GENX(3DSTATE_WM_DEPTH_STENCIL_length)];
      iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_WM_DEPTH_STENCIL), &stencil_refs, wmds) {
         wmds.StencilReferenceValue = p_stencil_refs->ref_value[0];
         wmds.BackfaceStencilReferenceValue = p_stencil_refs->ref_value[1];
      iris_emit_merge(batch, cso->wmds, stencil_refs, ARRAY_SIZE(cso->wmds));
      /* Use modify disable fields which allow us to emit packets
       * directly instead of merging them later.
      iris_batch_emit(batch, cso->wmds, sizeof(cso->wmds));

#if GFX_VER >= 12
      iris_batch_emit(batch, cso->depth_bounds, sizeof(cso->depth_bounds));

   if (dirty & IRIS_DIRTY_STENCIL_REF) {
#if GFX_VER >= 12
      /* Use modify disable fields which allow us to emit packets
       * directly instead of merging them later.
      struct pipe_stencil_ref *p_stencil_refs = &ice->state.stencil_ref;
      uint32_t stencil_refs[GENX(3DSTATE_WM_DEPTH_STENCIL_length)];
      iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_WM_DEPTH_STENCIL), &stencil_refs, wmds) {
         wmds.StencilReferenceValue = p_stencil_refs->ref_value[0];
         wmds.BackfaceStencilReferenceValue = p_stencil_refs->ref_value[1];
         wmds.StencilTestMaskModifyDisable = true;
         wmds.StencilWriteMaskModifyDisable = true;
         wmds.StencilStateModifyDisable = true;
         wmds.DepthStateModifyDisable = true;
      iris_batch_emit(batch, stencil_refs, sizeof(stencil_refs));

   if (dirty & IRIS_DIRTY_SCISSOR_RECT) {
      /* Wa_1409725701:
       *    "The viewport-specific state used by the SF unit (SCISSOR_RECT) is
       *    stored as an array of up to 16 elements. The location of first
       *    element of the array, as specified by Pointer to SCISSOR_RECT,
       *    should be aligned to a 64-byte boundary.
      uint32_t alignment = 64;
      uint32_t scissor_offset =
         emit_state(batch, ice->state.dynamic_uploader,
                    sizeof(struct pipe_scissor_state) *
                    ice->state.num_viewports, alignment);

      iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_SCISSOR_STATE_POINTERS), ptr) {
         ptr.ScissorRectPointer = scissor_offset;

   if (dirty & IRIS_DIRTY_DEPTH_BUFFER) {
      struct iris_depth_buffer_state *cso_z = &ice->state.genx->depth_buffer;

      /* Do not emit the cso yet. We may need to update clear params first. */
      struct pipe_framebuffer_state *cso_fb = &ice->state.framebuffer;
      struct iris_resource *zres = NULL, *sres = NULL;
      if (cso_fb->zsbuf) {
                                          &zres, &sres);

      if (zres && ice->state.hiz_usage != ISL_AUX_USAGE_NONE) {
         uint32_t *clear_params =
            cso_z->packets + ARRAY_SIZE(cso_z->packets) -

         iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_CLEAR_PARAMS), clear_params, clear) {
            clear.DepthClearValueValid = true;
            clear.DepthClearValue = zres->aux.clear_color.f32[0];

      iris_batch_emit(batch, cso_z->packets, sizeof(cso_z->packets));

      if (zres)
         genX(emit_depth_state_workarounds)(ice, batch, &zres->surf);

      if (GFX_VER >= 12) {
         /* Wa_1408224581
          * Workaround: Gfx12LP Astep only An additional pipe control with
          * post-sync = store dword operation would be required.( w/a is to
          * have an additional pipe control after the stencil state whenever
          * the surface state bits of this state is changing).
         iris_emit_pipe_control_write(batch, "WA for stencil state",
                                      batch->screen->workaround_address.offset, 0);

      /* Listen for buffer changes, and also write enable changes. */
      struct pipe_framebuffer_state *cso_fb = &ice->state.framebuffer;
      pin_depth_and_stencil_buffers(batch, cso_fb->zsbuf, ice->state.cso_zsa);

      iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_POLY_STIPPLE_PATTERN), poly) {
         for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
            poly.PatternRow[i] = ice->state.poly_stipple.stipple[i];

   if (dirty & IRIS_DIRTY_LINE_STIPPLE) {
      struct iris_rasterizer_state *cso = ice->state.cso_rast;
      iris_batch_emit(batch, cso->line_stipple, sizeof(cso->line_stipple));

   if (dirty & IRIS_DIRTY_VF_TOPOLOGY) {
      iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_VF_TOPOLOGY), topo) {
         topo.PrimitiveTopologyType =
            translate_prim_type(draw->mode, ice->state.vertices_per_patch);

      int count = util_bitcount64(ice->state.bound_vertex_buffers);
      uint64_t dynamic_bound = ice->state.bound_vertex_buffers;

      if (ice->state.vs_uses_draw_params) {

         struct iris_vertex_buffer_state *state =
         pipe_resource_reference(&state->resource, ice->draw.draw_params.res);
         struct iris_resource *res = (void *) state->resource;

         iris_pack_state(GENX(VERTEX_BUFFER_STATE), state->state, vb) {
            vb.VertexBufferIndex = count;
            vb.AddressModifyEnable = true;
            vb.BufferPitch = 0;
            vb.BufferSize = res->bo->size - ice->draw.draw_params.offset;
            vb.BufferStartingAddress =
               ro_bo(NULL, res->bo->address +
                           (int) ice->draw.draw_params.offset);
            vb.MOCS = iris_mocs(res->bo, &batch->screen->isl_dev,
#if GFX_VER >= 12
            vb.L3BypassDisable       = true;
         dynamic_bound |= 1ull << count;

      if (ice->state.vs_uses_derived_draw_params) {
         struct iris_vertex_buffer_state *state =
         struct iris_resource *res = (void *) ice->draw.derived_draw_params.res;

         iris_pack_state(GENX(VERTEX_BUFFER_STATE), state->state, vb) {
             vb.VertexBufferIndex = count;
            vb.AddressModifyEnable = true;
            vb.BufferPitch = 0;
            vb.BufferSize =
               res->bo->size - ice->draw.derived_draw_params.offset;
            vb.BufferStartingAddress =
               ro_bo(NULL, res->bo->address +
                           (int) ice->draw.derived_draw_params.offset);
            vb.MOCS = iris_mocs(res->bo, &batch->screen->isl_dev,
#if GFX_VER >= 12
            vb.L3BypassDisable       = true;
         dynamic_bound |= 1ull << count;

      if (count) {
#if GFX_VER >= 11
         /* Gfx11+ doesn't need the cache workaround below */
         uint64_t bound = dynamic_bound;
         while (bound) {
            const int i = u_bit_scan64(&bound);
            iris_use_optional_res(batch, genx->vertex_buffers[i].resource,
                                  false, IRIS_DOMAIN_VF_READ);
         /* The VF cache designers cut corners, and made the cache key's
          * <VertexBufferIndex, Memory Address> tuple only consider the bottom
          * 32 bits of the address.  If you have two vertex buffers which get
          * placed exactly 4 GiB apart and use them in back-to-back draw calls,
          * you can get collisions (even within a single batch).
          * So, we need to do a VF cache invalidate if the buffer for a VB
          * slot slot changes [48:32] address bits from the previous time.
         unsigned flush_flags = 0;

         uint64_t bound = dynamic_bound;
         while (bound) {
            const int i = u_bit_scan64(&bound);
            uint16_t high_bits = 0;

            struct iris_resource *res =
               (void *) genx->vertex_buffers[i].resource;
            if (res) {
               iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, res->bo, false, IRIS_DOMAIN_VF_READ);

               high_bits = res->bo->address >> 32ull;
               if (high_bits != ice->state.last_vbo_high_bits[i]) {
                  flush_flags |= PIPE_CONTROL_VF_CACHE_INVALIDATE |
                  ice->state.last_vbo_high_bits[i] = high_bits;

         if (flush_flags) {
                                         "workaround: VF cache 32-bit key [VB]",

         const unsigned vb_dwords = GENX(VERTEX_BUFFER_STATE_length);

         uint32_t *map =
            iris_get_command_space(batch, 4 * (1 + vb_dwords * count));
         _iris_pack_command(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_VERTEX_BUFFERS), map, vb) {
            vb.DWordLength = (vb_dwords * count + 1) - 2;
         map += 1;

         bound = dynamic_bound;
         while (bound) {
            const int i = u_bit_scan64(&bound);
            memcpy(map, genx->vertex_buffers[i].state,
                   sizeof(uint32_t) * vb_dwords);
            map += vb_dwords;

      struct iris_vertex_element_state *cso = ice->state.cso_vertex_elements;
      const unsigned entries = MAX2(cso->count, 1);
      if (!(ice->state.vs_needs_sgvs_element ||
            ice->state.vs_uses_derived_draw_params ||
            ice->state.vs_needs_edge_flag)) {
         iris_batch_emit(batch, cso->vertex_elements, sizeof(uint32_t) *
                         (1 + entries * GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE_length)));
      } else {
         uint32_t dynamic_ves[1 + 33 * GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE_length)];
         const unsigned dyn_count = cso->count +
            ice->state.vs_needs_sgvs_element +

                           &dynamic_ves, ve) {
            ve.DWordLength =
               1 + GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE_length) * dyn_count - 2;
         memcpy(&dynamic_ves[1], &cso->vertex_elements[1],
                (cso->count - ice->state.vs_needs_edge_flag) *
                GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE_length) * sizeof(uint32_t));
         uint32_t *ve_pack_dest =
            &dynamic_ves[1 + (cso->count - ice->state.vs_needs_edge_flag) *

         if (ice->state.vs_needs_sgvs_element) {
            uint32_t base_ctrl = ice->state.vs_uses_draw_params ?
                                 VFCOMP_STORE_SRC : VFCOMP_STORE_0;
            iris_pack_state(GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE), ve_pack_dest, ve) {
               ve.Valid = true;
               ve.VertexBufferIndex =
               ve.SourceElementFormat = ISL_FORMAT_R32G32_UINT;
               ve.Component0Control = base_ctrl;
               ve.Component1Control = base_ctrl;
               ve.Component2Control = VFCOMP_STORE_0;
               ve.Component3Control = VFCOMP_STORE_0;
            ve_pack_dest += GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE_length);
         if (ice->state.vs_uses_derived_draw_params) {
            iris_pack_state(GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE), ve_pack_dest, ve) {
               ve.Valid = true;
               ve.VertexBufferIndex =
                  util_bitcount64(ice->state.bound_vertex_buffers) +
               ve.SourceElementFormat = ISL_FORMAT_R32G32_UINT;
               ve.Component0Control = VFCOMP_STORE_SRC;
               ve.Component1Control = VFCOMP_STORE_SRC;
               ve.Component2Control = VFCOMP_STORE_0;
               ve.Component3Control = VFCOMP_STORE_0;
            ve_pack_dest += GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE_length);
         if (ice->state.vs_needs_edge_flag) {
            for (int i = 0; i < GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE_length);  i++)
               ve_pack_dest[i] = cso->edgeflag_ve[i];

         iris_batch_emit(batch, &dynamic_ves, sizeof(uint32_t) *
                         (1 + dyn_count * GENX(VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE_length)));

      if (!ice->state.vs_needs_edge_flag) {
         iris_batch_emit(batch, cso->vf_instancing, sizeof(uint32_t) *
                         entries * GENX(3DSTATE_VF_INSTANCING_length));
      } else {
         assert(cso->count > 0);
         const unsigned edgeflag_index = cso->count - 1;
         uint32_t dynamic_vfi[33 * GENX(3DSTATE_VF_INSTANCING_length)];
         memcpy(&dynamic_vfi[0], cso->vf_instancing, edgeflag_index *
                GENX(3DSTATE_VF_INSTANCING_length) * sizeof(uint32_t));

         uint32_t *vfi_pack_dest = &dynamic_vfi[0] +
            edgeflag_index * GENX(3DSTATE_VF_INSTANCING_length);
         iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_VF_INSTANCING), vfi_pack_dest, vi) {
            vi.VertexElementIndex = edgeflag_index +
               ice->state.vs_needs_sgvs_element +
         for (int i = 0; i < GENX(3DSTATE_VF_INSTANCING_length);  i++)
            vfi_pack_dest[i] |= cso->edgeflag_vfi[i];

         iris_batch_emit(batch, &dynamic_vfi[0], sizeof(uint32_t) *
                         entries * GENX(3DSTATE_VF_INSTANCING_length));

   if (dirty & IRIS_DIRTY_VF_SGVS) {
      const struct brw_vs_prog_data *vs_prog_data = (void *)
      struct iris_vertex_element_state *cso = ice->state.cso_vertex_elements;

      iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_VF_SGVS), sgv) {
         if (vs_prog_data->uses_vertexid) {
            sgv.VertexIDEnable = true;
            sgv.VertexIDComponentNumber = 2;
            sgv.VertexIDElementOffset =
               cso->count - ice->state.vs_needs_edge_flag;

         if (vs_prog_data->uses_instanceid) {
            sgv.InstanceIDEnable = true;
            sgv.InstanceIDComponentNumber = 3;
            sgv.InstanceIDElementOffset =
               cso->count - ice->state.vs_needs_edge_flag;

   if (dirty & IRIS_DIRTY_VF) {
      iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_VF), vf) {
         if (draw->primitive_restart) {
            vf.IndexedDrawCutIndexEnable = true;
            vf.CutIndex = draw->restart_index;

   if (dirty & IRIS_DIRTY_VF_STATISTICS) {
      iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_VF_STATISTICS), vf) {
         vf.StatisticsEnable = true;

#if GFX_VER == 8
   if (dirty & IRIS_DIRTY_PMA_FIX) {
      bool enable = want_pma_fix(ice);
      genX(update_pma_fix)(ice, batch, enable);

   if (ice->state.current_hash_scale != 1)
      genX(emit_hashing_mode)(ice, batch, UINT_MAX, UINT_MAX, 1);

#if GFX_VER >= 12

static void
flush_vbos(struct iris_context *ice, struct iris_batch *batch)
   struct iris_genx_state *genx = ice->state.genx;
   uint64_t bound = ice->state.bound_vertex_buffers;
   while (bound) {
      const int i = u_bit_scan64(&bound);
      struct iris_bo *bo = iris_resource_bo(genx->vertex_buffers[i].resource);
      iris_emit_buffer_barrier_for(batch, bo, IRIS_DOMAIN_VF_READ);

static void
iris_upload_render_state(struct iris_context *ice,
                         struct iris_batch *batch,
                         const struct pipe_draw_info *draw,
                         unsigned drawid_offset,
                         const struct pipe_draw_indirect_info *indirect,
                         const struct pipe_draw_start_count_bias *sc)
   bool use_predicate = ice->state.predicate == IRIS_PREDICATE_STATE_USE_BIT;

   if (ice->state.dirty & IRIS_DIRTY_VERTEX_BUFFER_FLUSHES)
      flush_vbos(ice, batch);


   /* Always pin the binder.  If we're emitting new binding table pointers,
    * we need it.  If not, we're probably inheriting old tables via the
    * context, and need it anyway.  Since true zero-bindings cases are
    * practically non-existent, just pin it and avoid last_res tracking.
   iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, ice->state.binder.bo, false,

   if (!batch->contains_draw) {
      if (GFX_VER == 12) {
         /* Re-emit constants when starting a new batch buffer in order to
          * work around push constant corruption on context switch.
          * XXX - Provide hardware spec quotation when available.
         ice->state.stage_dirty |= (IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_CONSTANTS_VS  |
                                    IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_CONSTANTS_TCS |
                                    IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_CONSTANTS_TES |
                                    IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_CONSTANTS_GS  |
      batch->contains_draw = true;

   if (!batch->contains_draw_with_next_seqno) {
      iris_restore_render_saved_bos(ice, batch, draw);
      batch->contains_draw_with_next_seqno = true;

   iris_upload_dirty_render_state(ice, batch, draw);

   if (draw->index_size > 0) {
      unsigned offset;

      if (draw->has_user_indices) {
         unsigned start_offset = draw->index_size * sc->start;

         u_upload_data(ice->ctx.const_uploader, start_offset,
                       sc->count * draw->index_size, 4,
                       (char*)draw->index.user + start_offset,
                       &offset, &ice->state.last_res.index_buffer);
         offset -= start_offset;
      } else {
         struct iris_resource *res = (void *) draw->index.resource;
         res->bind_history |= PIPE_BIND_INDEX_BUFFER;

         offset = 0;

         iris_emit_buffer_barrier_for(batch, res->bo, IRIS_DOMAIN_VF_READ);

      struct iris_genx_state *genx = ice->state.genx;
      struct iris_bo *bo = iris_resource_bo(ice->state.last_res.index_buffer);

      uint32_t ib_packet[GENX(3DSTATE_INDEX_BUFFER_length)];
      iris_pack_command(GENX(3DSTATE_INDEX_BUFFER), ib_packet, ib) {
         ib.IndexFormat = draw->index_size >> 1;
         ib.MOCS = iris_mocs(bo, &batch->screen->isl_dev,
         ib.BufferSize = bo->size - offset;
         ib.BufferStartingAddress = ro_bo(NULL, bo->address + offset);
#if GFX_VER >= 12
         ib.L3BypassDisable       = true;

      if (memcmp(genx->last_index_buffer, ib_packet, sizeof(ib_packet)) != 0) {
         memcpy(genx->last_index_buffer, ib_packet, sizeof(ib_packet));
         iris_batch_emit(batch, ib_packet, sizeof(ib_packet));
         iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, bo, false, IRIS_DOMAIN_VF_READ);

#if GFX_VER < 11
      /* The VF cache key only uses 32-bits, see vertex buffer comment above */
      uint16_t high_bits = bo->address >> 32ull;
      if (high_bits != ice->state.last_index_bo_high_bits) {
                                      "workaround: VF cache 32-bit key [IB]",
                                      PIPE_CONTROL_VF_CACHE_INVALIDATE |
         ice->state.last_index_bo_high_bits = high_bits;

#define _3DPRIM_END_OFFSET          0x2420
#define _3DPRIM_START_VERTEX        0x2430
#define _3DPRIM_VERTEX_COUNT        0x2434
#define _3DPRIM_INSTANCE_COUNT      0x2438
#define _3DPRIM_START_INSTANCE      0x243C
#define _3DPRIM_BASE_VERTEX         0x2440

   if (indirect && !indirect->count_from_stream_output) {
      if (indirect->indirect_draw_count) {
         use_predicate = true;

         struct iris_bo *draw_count_bo =
         unsigned draw_count_offset =

         if (ice->state.predicate == IRIS_PREDICATE_STATE_USE_BIT) {
            struct mi_builder b;
            mi_builder_init(&b, &batch->screen->devinfo, batch);

            /* comparison = draw id < draw count */
            struct mi_value comparison =
               mi_ult(&b, mi_imm(drawid_offset),
                          mi_mem32(ro_bo(draw_count_bo, draw_count_offset)));

            /* predicate = comparison & conditional rendering predicate */
            mi_store(&b, mi_reg32(MI_PREDICATE_RESULT),
                         mi_iand(&b, comparison, mi_reg32(CS_GPR(15))));
         } else {
            uint32_t mi_predicate;

            /* Upload the id of the current primitive to MI_PREDICATE_SRC1. */
            iris_load_register_imm64(batch, MI_PREDICATE_SRC1, drawid_offset);
            /* Upload the current draw count from the draw parameters buffer
             * to MI_PREDICATE_SRC0.
            iris_load_register_mem32(batch, MI_PREDICATE_SRC0,
                                     draw_count_bo, draw_count_offset);
            /* Zero the top 32-bits of MI_PREDICATE_SRC0 */
            iris_load_register_imm32(batch, MI_PREDICATE_SRC0 + 4, 0);

            if (drawid_offset == 0) {
               mi_predicate = MI_PREDICATE | MI_PREDICATE_LOADOP_LOADINV |
                              MI_PREDICATE_COMBINEOP_SET |
            } else {
               /* While draw_index < draw_count the predicate's result will be
                *  (draw_index == draw_count) ^ TRUE = TRUE
                * When draw_index == draw_count the result is
                *  (TRUE) ^ TRUE = FALSE
                * After this all results will be:
                *  (FALSE) ^ FALSE = FALSE
               mi_predicate = MI_PREDICATE | MI_PREDICATE_LOADOP_LOAD |
                              MI_PREDICATE_COMBINEOP_XOR |
            iris_batch_emit(batch, &mi_predicate, sizeof(uint32_t));
      struct iris_bo *bo = iris_resource_bo(indirect->buffer);

      iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(MI_LOAD_REGISTER_MEM), lrm) {
         lrm.RegisterAddress = _3DPRIM_VERTEX_COUNT;
         lrm.MemoryAddress = ro_bo(bo, indirect->offset + 0);
      iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(MI_LOAD_REGISTER_MEM), lrm) {
         lrm.RegisterAddress = _3DPRIM_INSTANCE_COUNT;
         lrm.MemoryAddress = ro_bo(bo, indirect->offset + 4);
      iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(MI_LOAD_REGISTER_MEM), lrm) {
         lrm.RegisterAddress = _3DPRIM_START_VERTEX;
         lrm.MemoryAddress = ro_bo(bo, indirect->offset + 8);
      if (draw->index_size) {
         iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(MI_LOAD_REGISTER_MEM), lrm) {
            lrm.RegisterAddress = _3DPRIM_BASE_VERTEX;
            lrm.MemoryAddress = ro_bo(bo, indirect->offset + 12);
         iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(MI_LOAD_REGISTER_MEM), lrm) {
            lrm.RegisterAddress = _3DPRIM_START_INSTANCE;
            lrm.MemoryAddress = ro_bo(bo, indirect->offset + 16);
      } else {
         iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(MI_LOAD_REGISTER_MEM), lrm) {
            lrm.RegisterAddress = _3DPRIM_START_INSTANCE;
            lrm.MemoryAddress = ro_bo(bo, indirect->offset + 12);
         iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(MI_LOAD_REGISTER_IMM), lri) {
            lri.RegisterOffset = _3DPRIM_BASE_VERTEX;
            lri.DataDWord = 0;
   } else if (indirect && indirect->count_from_stream_output) {
      struct iris_stream_output_target *so =
         (void *) indirect->count_from_stream_output;

      /* XXX: Replace with actual cache tracking */
                                   "draw count from stream output stall",

      struct mi_builder b;
      mi_builder_init(&b, &batch->screen->devinfo, batch);

      struct iris_address addr =
         ro_bo(iris_resource_bo(so->offset.res), so->offset.offset);
      struct mi_value offset =
         mi_iadd_imm(&b, mi_mem32(addr), -so->base.buffer_offset);

      mi_store(&b, mi_reg32(_3DPRIM_VERTEX_COUNT),
                   mi_udiv32_imm(&b, offset, so->stride));

      _iris_emit_lri(batch, _3DPRIM_START_VERTEX, 0);
      _iris_emit_lri(batch, _3DPRIM_BASE_VERTEX, 0);
      _iris_emit_lri(batch, _3DPRIM_START_INSTANCE, 0);
      _iris_emit_lri(batch, _3DPRIM_INSTANCE_COUNT, draw->instance_count);

   iris_measure_snapshot(ice, batch, INTEL_SNAPSHOT_DRAW, draw, indirect, sc);

   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DPRIMITIVE), prim) {
      prim.VertexAccessType = draw->index_size > 0 ? RANDOM : SEQUENTIAL;
      prim.PredicateEnable = use_predicate;

      if (indirect) {
         prim.IndirectParameterEnable = true;
      } else {
         prim.StartInstanceLocation = draw->start_instance;
         prim.InstanceCount = draw->instance_count;
         prim.VertexCountPerInstance = sc->count;

         prim.StartVertexLocation = sc->start;

         if (draw->index_size) {
            prim.BaseVertexLocation += sc->index_bias;


static void
iris_load_indirect_location(struct iris_context *ice,
                            struct iris_batch *batch,
                            const struct pipe_grid_info *grid)


   struct iris_state_ref *grid_size = &ice->state.grid_size;
   struct iris_bo *bo = iris_resource_bo(grid_size->res);
   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(MI_LOAD_REGISTER_MEM), lrm) {
      lrm.RegisterAddress = GPGPU_DISPATCHDIMX;
      lrm.MemoryAddress = ro_bo(bo, grid_size->offset + 0);
   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(MI_LOAD_REGISTER_MEM), lrm) {
      lrm.RegisterAddress = GPGPU_DISPATCHDIMY;
      lrm.MemoryAddress = ro_bo(bo, grid_size->offset + 4);
   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(MI_LOAD_REGISTER_MEM), lrm) {
      lrm.RegisterAddress = GPGPU_DISPATCHDIMZ;
      lrm.MemoryAddress = ro_bo(bo, grid_size->offset + 8);

#if GFX_VERx10 >= 125

static void
iris_upload_compute_walker(struct iris_context *ice,
                           struct iris_batch *batch,
                           const struct pipe_grid_info *grid)
   const uint64_t stage_dirty = ice->state.stage_dirty;
   struct iris_screen *screen = batch->screen;
   const struct intel_device_info *devinfo = &screen->devinfo;
   struct iris_binder *binder = &ice->state.binder;
   struct iris_shader_state *shs = &ice->state.shaders[MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE];
   struct iris_compiled_shader *shader =
   struct brw_stage_prog_data *prog_data = shader->prog_data;
   struct brw_cs_prog_data *cs_prog_data = (void *) prog_data;
   const struct brw_cs_dispatch_info dispatch =
      brw_cs_get_dispatch_info(devinfo, cs_prog_data, grid->block);

   if (stage_dirty & IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_CS) {
      iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(CFE_STATE), cfe) {
         cfe.MaximumNumberofThreads =
            devinfo->max_cs_threads * devinfo->subslice_total - 1;
         if (prog_data->total_scratch > 0) {
            cfe.ScratchSpaceBuffer =
               iris_get_scratch_surf(ice, prog_data->total_scratch)->offset >> 4;

   if (grid->indirect)
      iris_load_indirect_location(ice, batch, grid);

   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(COMPUTE_WALKER), cw) {
      cw.IndirectParameterEnable        = grid->indirect;
      cw.SIMDSize                       = dispatch.simd_size / 16;
      cw.LocalXMaximum                  = grid->block[0] - 1;
      cw.LocalYMaximum                  = grid->block[1] - 1;
      cw.LocalZMaximum                  = grid->block[2] - 1;
      cw.ThreadGroupIDXDimension        = grid->grid[0];
      cw.ThreadGroupIDYDimension        = grid->grid[1];
      cw.ThreadGroupIDZDimension        = grid->grid[2];
      cw.ExecutionMask                  = dispatch.right_mask;

      cw.InterfaceDescriptor = (struct GENX(INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_DATA)) {
         .KernelStartPointer = KSP(shader),
         .NumberofThreadsinGPGPUThreadGroup = dispatch.threads,
         .SharedLocalMemorySize =
            encode_slm_size(GFX_VER, prog_data->total_shared),
         .NumberOfBarriers = cs_prog_data->uses_barrier,
         .SamplerStatePointer = shs->sampler_table.offset,
         .BindingTablePointer = binder->bt_offset[MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE],

      assert(brw_cs_push_const_total_size(cs_prog_data, dispatch.threads) == 0);


#else /* #if GFX_VERx10 >= 125 */

static void
iris_upload_gpgpu_walker(struct iris_context *ice,
                         struct iris_batch *batch,
                         const struct pipe_grid_info *grid)
   const uint64_t stage_dirty = ice->state.stage_dirty;
   struct iris_screen *screen = batch->screen;
   const struct intel_device_info *devinfo = &screen->devinfo;
   struct iris_binder *binder = &ice->state.binder;
   struct iris_shader_state *shs = &ice->state.shaders[MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE];
   struct iris_uncompiled_shader *ish =
   struct iris_compiled_shader *shader =
   struct brw_stage_prog_data *prog_data = shader->prog_data;
   struct brw_cs_prog_data *cs_prog_data = (void *) prog_data;
   const struct brw_cs_dispatch_info dispatch =
      brw_cs_get_dispatch_info(devinfo, cs_prog_data, grid->block);

   if ((stage_dirty & IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_CS) ||
       cs_prog_data->local_size[0] == 0 /* Variable local group size */) {
      /* The MEDIA_VFE_STATE documentation for Gfx8+ says:
       *   "A stalling PIPE_CONTROL is required before MEDIA_VFE_STATE unless
       *    the only bits that are changed are scoreboard related: Scoreboard
       *    Enable, Scoreboard Type, Scoreboard Mask, Scoreboard Delta.  For
       *    these scoreboard related states, a MEDIA_STATE_FLUSH is
       *    sufficient."
                                   "workaround: stall before MEDIA_VFE_STATE",

      iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(MEDIA_VFE_STATE), vfe) {
         if (prog_data->total_scratch) {
            uint32_t scratch_addr =
               pin_scratch_space(ice, batch, prog_data, MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE);

            vfe.PerThreadScratchSpace = ffs(prog_data->total_scratch) - 11;
            vfe.ScratchSpaceBasePointer =
               rw_bo(NULL, scratch_addr, IRIS_DOMAIN_NONE);

         vfe.MaximumNumberofThreads =
            devinfo->max_cs_threads * devinfo->subslice_total - 1;
#if GFX_VER < 11
         vfe.ResetGatewayTimer =
#if GFX_VER == 8
         vfe.BypassGatewayControl = true;
         vfe.NumberofURBEntries = 2;
         vfe.URBEntryAllocationSize = 2;

         vfe.CURBEAllocationSize =
            ALIGN(cs_prog_data->push.per_thread.regs * dispatch.threads +
                  cs_prog_data->push.cross_thread.regs, 2);

   /* TODO: Combine subgroup-id with cbuf0 so we can push regular uniforms */
   if ((stage_dirty & IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_CS) ||
       cs_prog_data->local_size[0] == 0 /* Variable local group size */) {
      uint32_t curbe_data_offset = 0;
      assert(cs_prog_data->push.cross_thread.dwords == 0 &&
             cs_prog_data->push.per_thread.dwords == 1 &&
             cs_prog_data->base.param[0] == BRW_PARAM_BUILTIN_SUBGROUP_ID);
      const unsigned push_const_size =
         brw_cs_push_const_total_size(cs_prog_data, dispatch.threads);
      uint32_t *curbe_data_map =
         stream_state(batch, ice->state.dynamic_uploader,
                      ALIGN(push_const_size, 64), 64,
      memset(curbe_data_map, 0x5a, ALIGN(push_const_size, 64));
      iris_fill_cs_push_const_buffer(cs_prog_data, dispatch.threads,

      iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(MEDIA_CURBE_LOAD), curbe) {
         curbe.CURBETotalDataLength = ALIGN(push_const_size, 64);
         curbe.CURBEDataStartAddress = curbe_data_offset;

   for (unsigned i = 0; i < IRIS_MAX_GLOBAL_BINDINGS; i++) {
      struct pipe_resource *res = ice->state.global_bindings[i];
      if (!res)

      iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, iris_resource_bo(res),
                         true, IRIS_DOMAIN_NONE);

   if (stage_dirty & (IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_SAMPLER_STATES_CS |
                      IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_BINDINGS_CS |
                      IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_CONSTANTS_CS |
                      IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_CS)) {
      uint32_t desc[GENX(INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_DATA_length)];

      iris_pack_state(GENX(INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_DATA), desc, idd) {
         idd.SharedLocalMemorySize =
            encode_slm_size(GFX_VER, ish->kernel_shared_size);
         idd.KernelStartPointer =
            KSP(shader) + brw_cs_prog_data_prog_offset(cs_prog_data,
         idd.SamplerStatePointer = shs->sampler_table.offset;
         idd.BindingTablePointer = binder->bt_offset[MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE];
         idd.NumberofThreadsinGPGPUThreadGroup = dispatch.threads;

      for (int i = 0; i < GENX(INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_DATA_length); i++)
         desc[i] |= ((uint32_t *) shader->derived_data)[i];

      iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(MEDIA_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_LOAD), load) {
         load.InterfaceDescriptorTotalLength =
            GENX(INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_DATA_length) * sizeof(uint32_t);
         load.InterfaceDescriptorDataStartAddress =
            emit_state(batch, ice->state.dynamic_uploader,
                       &ice->state.last_res.cs_desc, desc, sizeof(desc), 64);

   if (grid->indirect)
      iris_load_indirect_location(ice, batch, grid);

   iris_measure_snapshot(ice, batch, INTEL_SNAPSHOT_COMPUTE, NULL, NULL, NULL);

   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(GPGPU_WALKER), ggw) {
      ggw.IndirectParameterEnable    = grid->indirect != NULL;
      ggw.SIMDSize                   = dispatch.simd_size / 16;
      ggw.ThreadDepthCounterMaximum  = 0;
      ggw.ThreadHeightCounterMaximum = 0;
      ggw.ThreadWidthCounterMaximum  = dispatch.threads - 1;
      ggw.ThreadGroupIDXDimension    = grid->grid[0];
      ggw.ThreadGroupIDYDimension    = grid->grid[1];
      ggw.ThreadGroupIDZDimension    = grid->grid[2];
      ggw.RightExecutionMask         = dispatch.right_mask;
      ggw.BottomExecutionMask        = 0xffffffff;

   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(MEDIA_STATE_FLUSH), msf);

#endif /* #if GFX_VERx10 >= 125 */

static void
iris_upload_compute_state(struct iris_context *ice,
                          struct iris_batch *batch,
                          const struct pipe_grid_info *grid)
   const uint64_t stage_dirty = ice->state.stage_dirty;
   struct iris_shader_state *shs = &ice->state.shaders[MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE];
   struct iris_compiled_shader *shader =


   /* Always pin the binder.  If we're emitting new binding table pointers,
    * we need it.  If not, we're probably inheriting old tables via the
    * context, and need it anyway.  Since true zero-bindings cases are
    * practically non-existent, just pin it and avoid last_res tracking.
   iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, ice->state.binder.bo, false, IRIS_DOMAIN_NONE);

   if (((stage_dirty & IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_CONSTANTS_CS) &&
        shs->sysvals_need_upload) ||
       shader->kernel_input_size > 0)
      upload_sysvals(ice, MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE, grid);

   if (stage_dirty & IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_BINDINGS_CS)
      iris_populate_binding_table(ice, batch, MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE, false);

      iris_upload_sampler_states(ice, MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE);

   iris_use_optional_res(batch, shs->sampler_table.res, false,
   iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, iris_resource_bo(shader->assembly.res), false,

   if (ice->state.need_border_colors)
      iris_use_pinned_bo(batch, ice->state.border_color_pool.bo, false,

#if GFX_VER >= 12

#if GFX_VERx10 >= 125
   iris_upload_compute_walker(ice, batch, grid);
   iris_upload_gpgpu_walker(ice, batch, grid);

   if (!batch->contains_draw_with_next_seqno) {
      iris_restore_compute_saved_bos(ice, batch, grid);
      batch->contains_draw_with_next_seqno = batch->contains_draw = true;


 * State module teardown.
static void
iris_destroy_state(struct iris_context *ice)
   struct iris_genx_state *genx = ice->state.genx;

   pipe_resource_reference(&ice->draw.draw_params.res, NULL);
   pipe_resource_reference(&ice->draw.derived_draw_params.res, NULL);

   /* Loop over all VBOs, including ones for draw parameters */
   for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(genx->vertex_buffers); i++) {
      pipe_resource_reference(&genx->vertex_buffers[i].resource, NULL);


   for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      pipe_so_target_reference(&ice->state.so_target[i], NULL);

   for (unsigned i = 0; i < ice->state.framebuffer.nr_cbufs; i++) {
      pipe_surface_reference(&ice->state.framebuffer.cbufs[i], NULL);
   pipe_surface_reference(&ice->state.framebuffer.zsbuf, NULL);

   for (int stage = 0; stage < MESA_SHADER_STAGES; stage++) {
      struct iris_shader_state *shs = &ice->state.shaders[stage];
      pipe_resource_reference(&shs->sampler_table.res, NULL);
      for (int i = 0; i < PIPE_MAX_CONSTANT_BUFFERS; i++) {
         pipe_resource_reference(&shs->constbuf[i].buffer, NULL);
         pipe_resource_reference(&shs->constbuf_surf_state[i].res, NULL);
      for (int i = 0; i < PIPE_MAX_SHADER_IMAGES; i++) {
         pipe_resource_reference(&shs->image[i].base.resource, NULL);
         pipe_resource_reference(&shs->image[i].surface_state.ref.res, NULL);
      for (int i = 0; i < PIPE_MAX_SHADER_BUFFERS; i++) {
         pipe_resource_reference(&shs->ssbo[i].buffer, NULL);
         pipe_resource_reference(&shs->ssbo_surf_state[i].res, NULL);
      for (int i = 0; i < IRIS_MAX_TEXTURE_SAMPLERS; i++) {
         pipe_sampler_view_reference((struct pipe_sampler_view **)
                                     &shs->textures[i], NULL);

   pipe_resource_reference(&ice->state.grid_size.res, NULL);
   pipe_resource_reference(&ice->state.grid_surf_state.res, NULL);

   pipe_resource_reference(&ice->state.null_fb.res, NULL);
   pipe_resource_reference(&ice->state.unbound_tex.res, NULL);

   pipe_resource_reference(&ice->state.last_res.cc_vp, NULL);
   pipe_resource_reference(&ice->state.last_res.sf_cl_vp, NULL);
   pipe_resource_reference(&ice->state.last_res.color_calc, NULL);
   pipe_resource_reference(&ice->state.last_res.scissor, NULL);
   pipe_resource_reference(&ice->state.last_res.blend, NULL);
   pipe_resource_reference(&ice->state.last_res.index_buffer, NULL);
   pipe_resource_reference(&ice->state.last_res.cs_thread_ids, NULL);
   pipe_resource_reference(&ice->state.last_res.cs_desc, NULL);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */

static void
iris_rebind_buffer(struct iris_context *ice,
                   struct iris_resource *res)
   struct pipe_context *ctx = &ice->ctx;
   struct iris_genx_state *genx = ice->state.genx;

   assert(res->base.b.target == PIPE_BUFFER);

   /* Buffers can't be framebuffer attachments, nor display related,
    * and we don't have upstream Clover support.
   assert(!(res->bind_history & (PIPE_BIND_DEPTH_STENCIL |
                                 PIPE_BIND_RENDER_TARGET |
                                 PIPE_BIND_BLENDABLE |
                                 PIPE_BIND_DISPLAY_TARGET |
                                 PIPE_BIND_CURSOR |
                                 PIPE_BIND_COMPUTE_RESOURCE |

   if (res->bind_history & PIPE_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER) {
      uint64_t bound_vbs = ice->state.bound_vertex_buffers;
      while (bound_vbs) {
         const int i = u_bit_scan64(&bound_vbs);
         struct iris_vertex_buffer_state *state = &genx->vertex_buffers[i];

         /* Update the CPU struct */
         STATIC_ASSERT(GENX(VERTEX_BUFFER_STATE_BufferStartingAddress_start) == 32);
         STATIC_ASSERT(GENX(VERTEX_BUFFER_STATE_BufferStartingAddress_bits) == 64);
         uint64_t *addr = (uint64_t *) &state->state[1];
         struct iris_bo *bo = iris_resource_bo(state->resource);

         if (*addr != bo->address + state->offset) {
            *addr = bo->address + state->offset;
            ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_VERTEX_BUFFERS |

   /* We don't need to handle PIPE_BIND_INDEX_BUFFER here: we re-emit
    * the 3DSTATE_INDEX_BUFFER packet whenever the address changes.
    * There is also no need to handle these:
    * - PIPE_BIND_COMMAND_ARGS_BUFFER (emitted for every indirect draw)
    * - PIPE_BIND_QUERY_BUFFER (no persistent state references)

   if (res->bind_history & PIPE_BIND_STREAM_OUTPUT) {
      uint32_t *so_buffers = genx->so_buffers;
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++,
           so_buffers += GENX(3DSTATE_SO_BUFFER_length)) {

         /* There are no other fields in bits 127:64 */
         uint64_t *addr = (uint64_t *) &so_buffers[2];
         STATIC_ASSERT(GENX(3DSTATE_SO_BUFFER_SurfaceBaseAddress_start) == 66);
         STATIC_ASSERT(GENX(3DSTATE_SO_BUFFER_SurfaceBaseAddress_bits) == 46);

         struct pipe_stream_output_target *tgt = ice->state.so_target[i];
         if (tgt) {
            struct iris_bo *bo = iris_resource_bo(tgt->buffer);
            if (*addr != bo->address + tgt->buffer_offset) {
               *addr = bo->address + tgt->buffer_offset;
               ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_SO_BUFFERS;

   for (int s = MESA_SHADER_VERTEX; s < MESA_SHADER_STAGES; s++) {
      struct iris_shader_state *shs = &ice->state.shaders[s];
      enum pipe_shader_type p_stage = stage_to_pipe(s);

      if (!(res->bind_stages & (1 << s)))

      if (res->bind_history & PIPE_BIND_CONSTANT_BUFFER) {
         /* Skip constant buffer 0, it's for regular uniforms, not UBOs */
         uint32_t bound_cbufs = shs->bound_cbufs & ~1u;
         while (bound_cbufs) {
            const int i = u_bit_scan(&bound_cbufs);
            struct pipe_shader_buffer *cbuf = &shs->constbuf[i];
            struct iris_state_ref *surf_state = &shs->constbuf_surf_state[i];

            if (res->bo == iris_resource_bo(cbuf->buffer)) {
               pipe_resource_reference(&surf_state->res, NULL);
               shs->dirty_cbufs |= 1u << i;
               ice->state.dirty |= (IRIS_DIRTY_RENDER_MISC_BUFFER_FLUSHES |
               ice->state.stage_dirty |= IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_CONSTANTS_VS << s;

      if (res->bind_history & PIPE_BIND_SHADER_BUFFER) {
         uint32_t bound_ssbos = shs->bound_ssbos;
         while (bound_ssbos) {
            const int i = u_bit_scan(&bound_ssbos);
            struct pipe_shader_buffer *ssbo = &shs->ssbo[i];

            if (res->bo == iris_resource_bo(ssbo->buffer)) {
               struct pipe_shader_buffer buf = {
                  .buffer = &res->base.b,
                  .buffer_offset = ssbo->buffer_offset,
                  .buffer_size = ssbo->buffer_size,
               iris_set_shader_buffers(ctx, p_stage, i, 1, &buf,
                                       (shs->writable_ssbos >> i) & 1);

      if (res->bind_history & PIPE_BIND_SAMPLER_VIEW) {
         uint32_t bound_sampler_views = shs->bound_sampler_views;
         while (bound_sampler_views) {
            const int i = u_bit_scan(&bound_sampler_views);
            struct iris_sampler_view *isv = shs->textures[i];
            struct iris_bo *bo = isv->res->bo;

            if (update_surface_state_addrs(ice->state.surface_uploader,
                                           &isv->surface_state, bo)) {
               ice->state.stage_dirty |= IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_BINDINGS_VS << s;

      if (res->bind_history & PIPE_BIND_SHADER_IMAGE) {
         uint32_t bound_image_views = shs->bound_image_views;
         while (bound_image_views) {
            const int i = u_bit_scan(&bound_image_views);
            struct iris_image_view *iv = &shs->image[i];
            struct iris_bo *bo = iris_resource_bo(iv->base.resource);

            if (update_surface_state_addrs(ice->state.surface_uploader,
                                           &iv->surface_state, bo)) {
               ice->state.stage_dirty |= IRIS_STAGE_DIRTY_BINDINGS_VS << s;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * Introduce a batch synchronization boundary, and update its cache coherency
 * status to reflect the execution of a PIPE_CONTROL command with the
 * specified flags.
static void
batch_mark_sync_for_pipe_control(struct iris_batch *batch, uint32_t flags)

   if ((flags & PIPE_CONTROL_CS_STALL)) {
         iris_batch_mark_flush_sync(batch, IRIS_DOMAIN_RENDER_WRITE);

         iris_batch_mark_flush_sync(batch, IRIS_DOMAIN_DEPTH_WRITE);

      if ((flags & PIPE_CONTROL_DATA_CACHE_FLUSH))
         iris_batch_mark_flush_sync(batch, IRIS_DOMAIN_DATA_WRITE);

      if ((flags & PIPE_CONTROL_FLUSH_ENABLE))
         iris_batch_mark_flush_sync(batch, IRIS_DOMAIN_OTHER_WRITE);

      if ((flags & (PIPE_CONTROL_CACHE_FLUSH_BITS |
                    PIPE_CONTROL_STALL_AT_SCOREBOARD))) {
         iris_batch_mark_flush_sync(batch, IRIS_DOMAIN_VF_READ);
         iris_batch_mark_flush_sync(batch, IRIS_DOMAIN_OTHER_READ);

      iris_batch_mark_invalidate_sync(batch, IRIS_DOMAIN_RENDER_WRITE);

      iris_batch_mark_invalidate_sync(batch, IRIS_DOMAIN_DEPTH_WRITE);

      iris_batch_mark_invalidate_sync(batch, IRIS_DOMAIN_DATA_WRITE);

      iris_batch_mark_invalidate_sync(batch, IRIS_DOMAIN_OTHER_WRITE);

      iris_batch_mark_invalidate_sync(batch, IRIS_DOMAIN_VF_READ);

      iris_batch_mark_invalidate_sync(batch, IRIS_DOMAIN_OTHER_READ);

static unsigned
flags_to_post_sync_op(uint32_t flags)
      return WriteImmediateData;

      return WritePSDepthCount;

      return WriteTimestamp;

   return 0;

 * Do the given flags have a Post Sync or LRI Post Sync operation?
static enum pipe_control_flags
get_post_sync_flags(enum pipe_control_flags flags)

   /* Only one "Post Sync Op" is allowed, and it's mutually exclusive with
    * "LRI Post Sync Operation".  So more than one bit set would be illegal.
   assert(util_bitcount(flags) <= 1);

   return flags;

#define IS_COMPUTE_PIPELINE(batch) (batch->name == IRIS_BATCH_COMPUTE)

 * Emit a series of PIPE_CONTROL commands, taking into account any
 * workarounds necessary to actually accomplish the caller's request.
 * Unless otherwise noted, spec quotations in this function come from:
 * Synchronization of the 3D Pipeline > PIPE_CONTROL Command > Programming
 * Restrictions for PIPE_CONTROL.
 * You should not use this function directly.  Use the helpers in
 * iris_pipe_control.c instead, which may split the pipe control further.
static void
iris_emit_raw_pipe_control(struct iris_batch *batch,
                           const char *reason,
                           uint32_t flags,
                           struct iris_bo *bo,
                           uint32_t offset,
                           uint64_t imm)
   UNUSED const struct intel_device_info *devinfo = &batch->screen->devinfo;
   enum pipe_control_flags post_sync_flags = get_post_sync_flags(flags);
   enum pipe_control_flags non_lri_post_sync_flags =
      post_sync_flags & ~PIPE_CONTROL_LRI_POST_SYNC_OP;

   /* Recursive PIPE_CONTROL workarounds --------------------------------
    * (http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/xzibit-yo-dawg)
    * We do these first because we want to look at the original operation,
    * rather than any workarounds we set.
   if (GFX_VER == 9 && (flags & PIPE_CONTROL_VF_CACHE_INVALIDATE)) {
      /* The PIPE_CONTROL "VF Cache Invalidation Enable" bit description
       * lists several workarounds:
       *    "Project: SKL, KBL, BXT
       *     If the VF Cache Invalidation Enable is set to a 1 in a
       *     PIPE_CONTROL, a separate Null PIPE_CONTROL, all bitfields
       *     sets to 0, with the VF Cache Invalidation Enable set to 0
       *     needs to be sent prior to the PIPE_CONTROL with VF Cache
       *     Invalidation Enable set to a 1."
                                 "workaround: recursive VF cache invalidate",
                                 0, NULL, 0, 0);

   /* Wa_1409226450, Wait for EU to be idle before pipe control which
    * invalidates the instruction cache
                                 "workaround: CS stall before instruction "
                                 "cache invalidate",
                                 PIPE_CONTROL_CS_STALL |
                                 PIPE_CONTROL_STALL_AT_SCOREBOARD, bo, offset,

   if ((GFX_VER == 9 || (GFX_VER == 12 && devinfo->revision == 0 /* A0*/)) &&
        IS_COMPUTE_PIPELINE(batch) && post_sync_flags) {
      /* Project: SKL / Argument: LRI Post Sync Operation [23]
       * "PIPECONTROL command with “Command Streamer Stall Enable” must be
       *  programmed prior to programming a PIPECONTROL command with "LRI
       *  Post Sync Operation" in GPGPU mode of operation (i.e when
       *  PIPELINE_SELECT command is set to GPGPU mode of operation)."
       * The same text exists a few rows below for Post Sync Op.
       * On Gfx12 this is Wa_1607156449.
                                 "workaround: CS stall before gpgpu post-sync",
                                 PIPE_CONTROL_CS_STALL, bo, offset, imm);

   /* "Flush Types" workarounds ---------------------------------------------
    * We do these now because they may add post-sync operations or CS stalls.

      /* Project: BDW, SKL+ (stopping at CNL) / Argument: VF Invalidate
       * "'Post Sync Operation' must be enabled to 'Write Immediate Data' or
       *  'Write PS Depth Count' or 'Write Timestamp'."
      if (!bo) {
         post_sync_flags |= PIPE_CONTROL_WRITE_IMMEDIATE;
         non_lri_post_sync_flags |= PIPE_CONTROL_WRITE_IMMEDIATE;
         bo = batch->screen->workaround_address.bo;
         offset = batch->screen->workaround_address.offset;

   if (flags & PIPE_CONTROL_DEPTH_STALL) {
      /* From the PIPE_CONTROL instruction table, bit 13 (Depth Stall Enable):
       *    "This bit must be DISABLED for operations other than writing
       *     PS_DEPTH_COUNT."
       * This seems like nonsense.  An Ivybridge workaround requires us to
       * emit a PIPE_CONTROL with a depth stall and write immediate post-sync
       * operation.  Gfx8+ requires us to emit depth stalls and depth cache
       * flushes together.  So, it's hard to imagine this means anything other
       * than "we originally intended this to be used for PS_DEPTH_COUNT".
       * We ignore the supposed restriction and do nothing.

      /* From the PIPE_CONTROL instruction table, bit 12 and bit 1:
       *    "This bit must be DISABLED for End-of-pipe (Read) fences,
       *     PS_DEPTH_COUNT or TIMESTAMP queries."
       * TODO: Implement end-of-pipe checking.
      assert(!(post_sync_flags & (PIPE_CONTROL_WRITE_DEPTH_COUNT |

   if (GFX_VER < 11 && (flags & PIPE_CONTROL_STALL_AT_SCOREBOARD)) {
      /* From the PIPE_CONTROL instruction table, bit 1:
       *    "This bit is ignored if Depth Stall Enable is set.
       *     Further, the render cache is not flushed even if Write Cache
       *     Flush Enable bit is set."
       * We assert that the caller doesn't do this combination, to try and
       * prevent mistakes.  It shouldn't hurt the GPU, though.
       * We skip this check on Gfx11+ as the "Stall at Pixel Scoreboard"
       * and "Render Target Flush" combo is explicitly required for BTI
       * update workarounds.
      assert(!(flags & (PIPE_CONTROL_DEPTH_STALL |

   /* PIPE_CONTROL page workarounds ------------------------------------- */

      /* From the PIPE_CONTROL page itself:
       *    "IVB, HSW, BDW
       *     Restriction: Pipe_control with CS-stall bit set must be issued
       *     before a pipe-control command that has the State Cache
       *     Invalidate bit set."
      flags |= PIPE_CONTROL_CS_STALL;

   if (flags & PIPE_CONTROL_FLUSH_LLC) {
      /* From the PIPE_CONTROL instruction table, bit 26 (Flush LLC):
       *    "Project: ALL
       *     SW must always program Post-Sync Operation to "Write Immediate
       *     Data" when Flush LLC is set."
       * For now, we just require the caller to do it.
      assert(flags & PIPE_CONTROL_WRITE_IMMEDIATE);

   /* "Post-Sync Operation" workarounds -------------------------------- */

   /* Project: All / Argument: Global Snapshot Count Reset [19]
    * "This bit must not be exercised on any product.
    *  Requires stall bit ([20] of DW1) set."
    * We don't use this, so we just assert that it isn't used.  The
    * PIPE_CONTROL instruction page indicates that they intended this
    * as a debug feature and don't think it is useful in production,
    * but it may actually be usable, should we ever want to.

      /* Project: All / Arguments:
       * - Generic Media State Clear [16]
       * - Indirect State Pointers Disable [16]
       *    "Requires stall bit ([20] of DW1) set."
       * Also, the PIPE_CONTROL instruction table, bit 16 (Generic Media
       * State Clear) says:
       *    "PIPECONTROL command with “Command Streamer Stall Enable” must be
       *     programmed prior to programming a PIPECONTROL command with "Media
       *     State Clear" set in GPGPU mode of operation"
       * This is a subset of the earlier rule, so there's nothing to do.
      flags |= PIPE_CONTROL_CS_STALL;

      /* Project: All / Argument: Store Data Index
       * "Post-Sync Operation ([15:14] of DW1) must be set to something other
       *  than '0'."
       * For now, we just assert that the caller does this.  We might want to
       * automatically add a write to the workaround BO...
      assert(non_lri_post_sync_flags != 0);

   if (flags & PIPE_CONTROL_SYNC_GFDT) {
      /* Project: All / Argument: Sync GFDT
       * "Post-Sync Operation ([15:14] of DW1) must be set to something other
       *  than '0' or 0x2520[13] must be set."
       * For now, we just assert that the caller does this.
      assert(non_lri_post_sync_flags != 0);

      /* Project: IVB+ / Argument: TLB inv
       *    "Requires stall bit ([20] of DW1) set."
       * Also, from the PIPE_CONTROL instruction table:
       *    "Project: SKL+
       *     Post Sync Operation or CS stall must be set to ensure a TLB
       *     invalidation occurs.  Otherwise no cycle will occur to the TLB
       *     cache to invalidate."
       * This is not a subset of the earlier rule, so there's nothing to do.
      flags |= PIPE_CONTROL_CS_STALL;

   if (GFX_VER == 9 && devinfo->gt == 4) {
      /* TODO: The big Skylake GT4 post sync op workaround */

   /* "GPGPU specific workarounds" (both post-sync and flush) ------------ */

   if (IS_COMPUTE_PIPELINE(batch)) {
         /* Project: SKL+ / Argument: Tex Invalidate
          * "Requires stall bit ([20] of DW) set for all GPGPU Workloads."
         flags |= PIPE_CONTROL_CS_STALL;

      if (GFX_VER == 8 && (post_sync_flags ||
                           (flags & (PIPE_CONTROL_NOTIFY_ENABLE |
                                     PIPE_CONTROL_DEPTH_STALL |
                                     PIPE_CONTROL_RENDER_TARGET_FLUSH |
                                     PIPE_CONTROL_DEPTH_CACHE_FLUSH |
                                     PIPE_CONTROL_DATA_CACHE_FLUSH)))) {
         /* Project: BDW / Arguments:
          * - LRI Post Sync Operation   [23]
          * - Post Sync Op              [15:14]
          * - Notify En                 [8]
          * - Depth Stall               [13]
          * - Render Target Cache Flush [12]
          * - Depth Cache Flush         [0]
          * - DC Flush Enable           [5]
          *    "Requires stall bit ([20] of DW) set for all GPGPU and Media
          *     Workloads."
         flags |= PIPE_CONTROL_CS_STALL;

         /* Also, from the PIPE_CONTROL instruction table, bit 20:
          *    "Project: BDW
          *     This bit must be always set when PIPE_CONTROL command is
          *     programmed by GPGPU and MEDIA workloads, except for the cases
          *     when only Read Only Cache Invalidation bits are set (State
          *     Cache Invalidation Enable, Instruction cache Invalidation
          *     Enable, Texture Cache Invalidation Enable, Constant Cache
          *     Invalidation Enable). This is to WA FFDOP CG issue, this WA
          *     need not implemented when FF_DOP_CG is disable via "Fixed
          *     Function DOP Clock Gate Disable" bit in RC_PSMI_CTRL register."
          * It sounds like we could avoid CS stalls in some cases, but we
          * don't currently bother.  This list isn't exactly the list above,
          * either...

   /* "Stall" workarounds ----------------------------------------------
    * These have to come after the earlier ones because we may have added
    * some additional CS stalls above.

   if (GFX_VER < 9 && (flags & PIPE_CONTROL_CS_STALL)) {
      /* Project: PRE-SKL, VLV, CHV
       * "[All Stepping][All SKUs]:
       *  One of the following must also be set:
       *  - Render Target Cache Flush Enable ([12] of DW1)
       *  - Depth Cache Flush Enable ([0] of DW1)
       *  - Stall at Pixel Scoreboard ([1] of DW1)
       *  - Depth Stall ([13] of DW1)
       *  - Post-Sync Operation ([13] of DW1)
       *  - DC Flush Enable ([5] of DW1)"
       * If we don't already have one of those bits set, we choose to add
       * "Stall at Pixel Scoreboard".  Some of the other bits require a
       * CS stall as a workaround (see above), which would send us into
       * an infinite recursion of PIPE_CONTROLs.  "Stall at Pixel Scoreboard"
       * appears to be safe, so we choose that.
      const uint32_t wa_bits = PIPE_CONTROL_RENDER_TARGET_FLUSH |
                               PIPE_CONTROL_DEPTH_CACHE_FLUSH |
                               PIPE_CONTROL_WRITE_IMMEDIATE |
                               PIPE_CONTROL_WRITE_DEPTH_COUNT |
                               PIPE_CONTROL_WRITE_TIMESTAMP |
                               PIPE_CONTROL_STALL_AT_SCOREBOARD |
                               PIPE_CONTROL_DEPTH_STALL |
      if (!(flags & wa_bits))

   if (GFX_VER >= 12 && (flags & PIPE_CONTROL_DEPTH_CACHE_FLUSH)) {
      /* Wa_1409600907:
       * "PIPE_CONTROL with Depth Stall Enable bit must be set
       * with any PIPE_CONTROL with Depth Flush Enable bit set.

   /* Emit --------------------------------------------------------------- */

              "  PC [%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%"PRIx64"]: %s\n",
              (flags & PIPE_CONTROL_FLUSH_ENABLE) ? "PipeCon " : "",
              (flags & PIPE_CONTROL_CS_STALL) ? "CS " : "",
              (flags & PIPE_CONTROL_STALL_AT_SCOREBOARD) ? "Scoreboard " : "",
              (flags & PIPE_CONTROL_VF_CACHE_INVALIDATE) ? "VF " : "",
              (flags & PIPE_CONTROL_RENDER_TARGET_FLUSH) ? "RT " : "",
              (flags & PIPE_CONTROL_CONST_CACHE_INVALIDATE) ? "Const " : "",
              (flags & PIPE_CONTROL_TEXTURE_CACHE_INVALIDATE) ? "TC " : "",
              (flags & PIPE_CONTROL_DATA_CACHE_FLUSH) ? "DC " : "",
              (flags & PIPE_CONTROL_DEPTH_CACHE_FLUSH) ? "ZFlush " : "",
              (flags & PIPE_CONTROL_TILE_CACHE_FLUSH) ? "Tile " : "",
              (flags & PIPE_CONTROL_DEPTH_STALL) ? "ZStall " : "",
              (flags & PIPE_CONTROL_STATE_CACHE_INVALIDATE) ? "State " : "",
              (flags & PIPE_CONTROL_TLB_INVALIDATE) ? "TLB " : "",
              (flags & PIPE_CONTROL_INSTRUCTION_INVALIDATE) ? "Inst " : "",
              (flags & PIPE_CONTROL_MEDIA_STATE_CLEAR) ? "MediaClear " : "",
              (flags & PIPE_CONTROL_NOTIFY_ENABLE) ? "Notify " : "",
                 "SnapRes" : "",
                  "ISPDis" : "",
              (flags & PIPE_CONTROL_WRITE_IMMEDIATE) ? "WriteImm " : "",
              (flags & PIPE_CONTROL_WRITE_DEPTH_COUNT) ? "WriteZCount " : "",
              (flags & PIPE_CONTROL_WRITE_TIMESTAMP) ? "WriteTimestamp " : "",
              (flags & PIPE_CONTROL_FLUSH_HDC) ? "HDC " : "",
              imm, reason);

   batch_mark_sync_for_pipe_control(batch, flags);

   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(PIPE_CONTROL), pc) {
#if GFX_VER >= 12
      pc.TileCacheFlushEnable = flags & PIPE_CONTROL_TILE_CACHE_FLUSH;
#if GFX_VER >= 11
      pc.HDCPipelineFlushEnable = flags & PIPE_CONTROL_FLUSH_HDC;
      pc.LRIPostSyncOperation = NoLRIOperation;
      pc.PipeControlFlushEnable = flags & PIPE_CONTROL_FLUSH_ENABLE;
      pc.DCFlushEnable = flags & PIPE_CONTROL_DATA_CACHE_FLUSH;
      pc.StoreDataIndex = 0;
      pc.CommandStreamerStallEnable = flags & PIPE_CONTROL_CS_STALL;
      pc.GlobalSnapshotCountReset =
      pc.TLBInvalidate = flags & PIPE_CONTROL_TLB_INVALIDATE;
      pc.GenericMediaStateClear = flags & PIPE_CONTROL_MEDIA_STATE_CLEAR;
      pc.StallAtPixelScoreboard = flags & PIPE_CONTROL_STALL_AT_SCOREBOARD;
      pc.RenderTargetCacheFlushEnable =
      pc.DepthCacheFlushEnable = flags & PIPE_CONTROL_DEPTH_CACHE_FLUSH;
      pc.StateCacheInvalidationEnable =
#if GFX_VER >= 12
      /* Invalidates the L3 cache part in which index & vertex data is loaded
       * when VERTEX_BUFFER_STATE::L3BypassDisable is set.
      pc.L3ReadOnlyCacheInvalidationEnable =
      pc.VFCacheInvalidationEnable = flags & PIPE_CONTROL_VF_CACHE_INVALIDATE;
      pc.ConstantCacheInvalidationEnable =
      pc.PostSyncOperation = flags_to_post_sync_op(flags);
      pc.DepthStallEnable = flags & PIPE_CONTROL_DEPTH_STALL;
      pc.InstructionCacheInvalidateEnable =
      pc.NotifyEnable = flags & PIPE_CONTROL_NOTIFY_ENABLE;
      pc.IndirectStatePointersDisable =
      pc.TextureCacheInvalidationEnable =
      pc.Address = rw_bo(bo, offset, IRIS_DOMAIN_OTHER_WRITE);
      pc.ImmediateData = imm;


#if GFX_VER == 9
 * Preemption on Gfx9 has to be enabled or disabled in various cases.
 * See these workarounds for preemption:
 *  - WaDisableMidObjectPreemptionForGSLineStripAdj
 *  - WaDisableMidObjectPreemptionForTrifanOrPolygon
 *  - WaDisableMidObjectPreemptionForLineLoop
 *  - WA#0798
 * We don't put this in the vtable because it's only used on Gfx9.
gfx9_toggle_preemption(struct iris_context *ice,
                       struct iris_batch *batch,
                       const struct pipe_draw_info *draw)
   struct iris_genx_state *genx = ice->state.genx;
   bool object_preemption = true;

   /* WaDisableMidObjectPreemptionForGSLineStripAdj
    *    "WA: Disable mid-draw preemption when draw-call is a linestrip_adj
    *     and GS is enabled."
   if (draw->mode == PIPE_PRIM_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY &&
      object_preemption = false;

   /* WaDisableMidObjectPreemptionForTrifanOrPolygon
    *    "TriFan miscompare in Execlist Preemption test. Cut index that is
    *     on a previous context. End the previous, the resume another context
    *     with a tri-fan or polygon, and the vertex count is corrupted. If we
    *     prempt again we will cause corruption.
    *     WA: Disable mid-draw preemption when draw-call has a tri-fan."
   if (draw->mode == PIPE_PRIM_TRIANGLE_FAN)
      object_preemption = false;

   /* WaDisableMidObjectPreemptionForLineLoop
    *    "VF Stats Counters Missing a vertex when preemption enabled.
    *     WA: Disable mid-draw preemption when the draw uses a lineloop
    *     topology."
   if (draw->mode == PIPE_PRIM_LINE_LOOP)
      object_preemption = false;

   /* WA#0798
    *    "VF is corrupting GAFS data when preempted on an instance boundary
    *     and replayed with instancing enabled.
    *     WA: Disable preemption when using instanceing."
   if (draw->instance_count > 1)
      object_preemption = false;

   if (genx->object_preemption != object_preemption) {
      iris_enable_obj_preemption(batch, object_preemption);
      genx->object_preemption = object_preemption;

static void
iris_lost_genx_state(struct iris_context *ice, struct iris_batch *batch)
   struct iris_genx_state *genx = ice->state.genx;

#if GFX_VERx10 == 120
   genx->depth_reg_mode = IRIS_DEPTH_REG_MODE_UNKNOWN;

   memset(genx->last_index_buffer, 0, sizeof(genx->last_index_buffer));

static void
iris_emit_mi_report_perf_count(struct iris_batch *batch,
                               struct iris_bo *bo,
                               uint32_t offset_in_bytes,
                               uint32_t report_id)
   iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(MI_REPORT_PERF_COUNT), mi_rpc) {
      mi_rpc.MemoryAddress = rw_bo(bo, offset_in_bytes,
      mi_rpc.ReportID = report_id;

 * Update the pixel hashing modes that determine the balancing of PS threads
 * across subslices and slices.
 * \param width Width bound of the rendering area (already scaled down if \p
 *              scale is greater than 1).
 * \param height Height bound of the rendering area (already scaled down if \p
 *               scale is greater than 1).
 * \param scale The number of framebuffer samples that could potentially be
 *              affected by an individual channel of the PS thread.  This is
 *              typically one for single-sampled rendering, but for operations
 *              like CCS resolves and fast clears a single PS invocation may
 *              update a huge number of pixels, in which case a finer
 *              balancing is desirable in order to maximally utilize the
 *              bandwidth available.  UINT_MAX can be used as shorthand for
 *              "finest hashing mode available".
genX(emit_hashing_mode)(struct iris_context *ice, struct iris_batch *batch,
                        unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned scale)
#if GFX_VER == 9
   const struct intel_device_info *devinfo = &batch->screen->devinfo;
   const unsigned slice_hashing[] = {
      /* Because all Gfx9 platforms with more than one slice require
       * three-way subslice hashing, a single "normal" 16x16 slice hashing
       * block is guaranteed to suffer from substantial imbalance, with one
       * subslice receiving twice as much work as the other two in the
       * slice.
       * The performance impact of that would be particularly severe when
       * three-way hashing is also in use for slice balancing (which is the
       * case for all Gfx9 GT4 platforms), because one of the slices
       * receives one every three 16x16 blocks in either direction, which
       * is roughly the periodicity of the underlying subslice imbalance
       * pattern ("roughly" because in reality the hardware's
       * implementation of three-way hashing doesn't do exact modulo 3
       * arithmetic, which somewhat decreases the magnitude of this effect
       * in practice).  This leads to a systematic subslice imbalance
       * within that slice regardless of the size of the primitive.  The
       * 32x32 hashing mode guarantees that the subslice imbalance within a
       * single slice hashing block is minimal, largely eliminating this
       * effect.
      /* Finest slice hashing mode available. */
   const unsigned subslice_hashing[] = {
      /* 16x16 would provide a slight cache locality benefit especially
       * visible in the sampler L1 cache efficiency of low-bandwidth
       * non-LLC platforms, but it comes at the cost of greater subslice
       * imbalance for primitives of dimensions approximately intermediate
       * between 16x4 and 16x16.
      /* Finest subslice hashing mode available. */
   /* Dimensions of the smallest hashing block of a given hashing mode.  If
    * the rendering area is smaller than this there can't possibly be any
    * benefit from switching to this mode, so we optimize out the
    * transition.
   const unsigned min_size[][2] = {
      { 16, 4 },
      { 8, 4 }
   const unsigned idx = scale > 1;

   if (width > min_size[idx][0] || height > min_size[idx][1]) {
                                 "workaround: CS stall before GT_MODE LRI",
                                 PIPE_CONTROL_STALL_AT_SCOREBOARD |
                                 NULL, 0, 0);

      iris_emit_reg(batch, GENX(GT_MODE), reg) {
         reg.SliceHashing = (devinfo->num_slices > 1 ? slice_hashing[idx] : 0);
         reg.SliceHashingMask = (devinfo->num_slices > 1 ? -1 : 0);
         reg.SubsliceHashing = subslice_hashing[idx];
         reg.SubsliceHashingMask = -1;

      ice->state.current_hash_scale = scale;

static void
iris_set_frontend_noop(struct pipe_context *ctx, bool enable)
   struct iris_context *ice = (struct iris_context *) ctx;

   if (iris_batch_prepare_noop(&ice->batches[IRIS_BATCH_RENDER], enable)) {
      ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_ALL_DIRTY_FOR_RENDER;
      ice->state.stage_dirty |= IRIS_ALL_STAGE_DIRTY_FOR_RENDER;

   if (iris_batch_prepare_noop(&ice->batches[IRIS_BATCH_COMPUTE], enable)) {
      ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_ALL_DIRTY_FOR_COMPUTE;
      ice->state.stage_dirty |= IRIS_ALL_STAGE_DIRTY_FOR_COMPUTE;

genX(init_screen_state)(struct iris_screen *screen)
   assert(screen->devinfo.verx10 == GFX_VERx10);
   screen->vtbl.destroy_state = iris_destroy_state;
   screen->vtbl.init_render_context = iris_init_render_context;
   screen->vtbl.init_compute_context = iris_init_compute_context;
   screen->vtbl.upload_render_state = iris_upload_render_state;
   screen->vtbl.update_surface_base_address = iris_update_surface_base_address;
   screen->vtbl.upload_compute_state = iris_upload_compute_state;
   screen->vtbl.emit_raw_pipe_control = iris_emit_raw_pipe_control;
   screen->vtbl.emit_mi_report_perf_count = iris_emit_mi_report_perf_count;
   screen->vtbl.rebind_buffer = iris_rebind_buffer;
   screen->vtbl.load_register_reg32 = iris_load_register_reg32;
   screen->vtbl.load_register_reg64 = iris_load_register_reg64;
   screen->vtbl.load_register_imm32 = iris_load_register_imm32;
   screen->vtbl.load_register_imm64 = iris_load_register_imm64;
   screen->vtbl.load_register_mem32 = iris_load_register_mem32;
   screen->vtbl.load_register_mem64 = iris_load_register_mem64;
   screen->vtbl.store_register_mem32 = iris_store_register_mem32;
   screen->vtbl.store_register_mem64 = iris_store_register_mem64;
   screen->vtbl.store_data_imm32 = iris_store_data_imm32;
   screen->vtbl.store_data_imm64 = iris_store_data_imm64;
   screen->vtbl.copy_mem_mem = iris_copy_mem_mem;
   screen->vtbl.derived_program_state_size = iris_derived_program_state_size;
   screen->vtbl.store_derived_program_state = iris_store_derived_program_state;
   screen->vtbl.create_so_decl_list = iris_create_so_decl_list;
   screen->vtbl.populate_vs_key = iris_populate_vs_key;
   screen->vtbl.populate_tcs_key = iris_populate_tcs_key;
   screen->vtbl.populate_tes_key = iris_populate_tes_key;
   screen->vtbl.populate_gs_key = iris_populate_gs_key;
   screen->vtbl.populate_fs_key = iris_populate_fs_key;
   screen->vtbl.populate_cs_key = iris_populate_cs_key;
   screen->vtbl.lost_genx_state = iris_lost_genx_state;

genX(init_state)(struct iris_context *ice)
   struct pipe_context *ctx = &ice->ctx;
   struct iris_screen *screen = (struct iris_screen *)ctx->screen;

   ctx->create_blend_state = iris_create_blend_state;
   ctx->create_depth_stencil_alpha_state = iris_create_zsa_state;
   ctx->create_rasterizer_state = iris_create_rasterizer_state;
   ctx->create_sampler_state = iris_create_sampler_state;
   ctx->create_sampler_view = iris_create_sampler_view;
   ctx->create_surface = iris_create_surface;
   ctx->create_vertex_elements_state = iris_create_vertex_elements;
   ctx->bind_blend_state = iris_bind_blend_state;
   ctx->bind_depth_stencil_alpha_state = iris_bind_zsa_state;
   ctx->bind_sampler_states = iris_bind_sampler_states;
   ctx->bind_rasterizer_state = iris_bind_rasterizer_state;
   ctx->bind_vertex_elements_state = iris_bind_vertex_elements_state;
   ctx->delete_blend_state = iris_delete_state;
   ctx->delete_depth_stencil_alpha_state = iris_delete_state;
   ctx->delete_rasterizer_state = iris_delete_state;
   ctx->delete_sampler_state = iris_delete_state;
   ctx->delete_vertex_elements_state = iris_delete_state;
   ctx->set_blend_color = iris_set_blend_color;
   ctx->set_clip_state = iris_set_clip_state;
   ctx->set_constant_buffer = iris_set_constant_buffer;
   ctx->set_shader_buffers = iris_set_shader_buffers;
   ctx->set_shader_images = iris_set_shader_images;
   ctx->set_sampler_views = iris_set_sampler_views;
   ctx->set_compute_resources = iris_set_compute_resources;
   ctx->set_global_binding = iris_set_global_binding;
   ctx->set_tess_state = iris_set_tess_state;
   ctx->set_patch_vertices = iris_set_patch_vertices;
   ctx->set_framebuffer_state = iris_set_framebuffer_state;
   ctx->set_polygon_stipple = iris_set_polygon_stipple;
   ctx->set_sample_mask = iris_set_sample_mask;
   ctx->set_scissor_states = iris_set_scissor_states;
   ctx->set_stencil_ref = iris_set_stencil_ref;
   ctx->set_vertex_buffers = iris_set_vertex_buffers;
   ctx->set_viewport_states = iris_set_viewport_states;
   ctx->sampler_view_destroy = iris_sampler_view_destroy;
   ctx->surface_destroy = iris_surface_destroy;
   ctx->draw_vbo = iris_draw_vbo;
   ctx->launch_grid = iris_launch_grid;
   ctx->create_stream_output_target = iris_create_stream_output_target;
   ctx->stream_output_target_destroy = iris_stream_output_target_destroy;
   ctx->set_stream_output_targets = iris_set_stream_output_targets;
   ctx->set_frontend_noop = iris_set_frontend_noop;

   ice->state.dirty = ~0ull;
   ice->state.stage_dirty = ~0ull;

   ice->state.statistics_counters_enabled = true;

   ice->state.sample_mask = 0xffff;
   ice->state.num_viewports = 1;
   ice->state.prim_mode = PIPE_PRIM_MAX;
   ice->state.genx = calloc(1, sizeof(struct iris_genx_state));
   ice->draw.derived_params.drawid = -1;

   /* Make a 1x1x1 null surface for unbound textures */
   void *null_surf_map =
      upload_state(ice->state.surface_uploader, &ice->state.unbound_tex,
                   4 * GENX(RENDER_SURFACE_STATE_length), 64);
   isl_null_fill_state(&screen->isl_dev, null_surf_map,
                       .size = isl_extent3d(1, 1, 1));
   ice->state.unbound_tex.offset +=

   /* Default all scissor rectangles to be empty regions. */
   for (int i = 0; i < IRIS_MAX_VIEWPORTS; i++) {
      ice->state.scissors[i] = (struct pipe_scissor_state) {
         .minx = 1, .maxx = 0, .miny = 1, .maxy = 0,