/* * Copyright © 2012 Intel Corporation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include "util/ralloc.h" #include "brw_eu.h" #include <gtest/gtest.h> struct CompactParams { unsigned verx10; unsigned align; }; std::string get_compact_params_name(const testing::TestParamInfo<CompactParams> p) { CompactParams params = p.param; std::stringstream ss; ss << params.verx10 << "_"; switch (params.align) { case BRW_ALIGN_1: ss << "Align_1"; break; case BRW_ALIGN_16: ss << "Align_16"; break; default: unreachable("invalid align"); } return ss.str(); } static bool test_compact_instruction(struct brw_codegen *p, brw_inst src) { brw_compact_inst dst; memset(&dst, 0xd0, sizeof(dst)); if (brw_try_compact_instruction(p->devinfo, &dst, &src)) { brw_inst uncompacted; brw_uncompact_instruction(p->devinfo, &uncompacted, &dst); if (memcmp(&uncompacted, &src, sizeof(src))) { brw_debug_compact_uncompact(p->devinfo, &src, &uncompacted); return false; } } else { brw_compact_inst unchanged; memset(&unchanged, 0xd0, sizeof(unchanged)); /* It's not supposed to change dst unless it compacted. */ if (memcmp(&unchanged, &dst, sizeof(dst))) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to compact, but dst changed\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Instruction: "); brw_disassemble_inst(stderr, p->devinfo, &src, false, 0, NULL); return false; } } return true; } /** * When doing fuzz testing, pad bits won't round-trip. * * This sort of a superset of skip_bit, which is testing for changing bits that * aren't worth testing for fuzzing. We also just want to clear bits that * become meaningless once fuzzing twiddles a related bit. */ static void clear_pad_bits(const struct intel_device_info *devinfo, brw_inst *inst) { if (brw_inst_opcode(devinfo, inst) != BRW_OPCODE_SEND && brw_inst_opcode(devinfo, inst) != BRW_OPCODE_SENDC && brw_inst_src0_reg_file(devinfo, inst) != BRW_IMMEDIATE_VALUE && brw_inst_src1_reg_file(devinfo, inst) != BRW_IMMEDIATE_VALUE) { brw_inst_set_bits(inst, 127, 111, 0); } if (devinfo->ver == 8 && !devinfo->is_cherryview && is_3src(devinfo, brw_inst_opcode(devinfo, inst))) { brw_inst_set_bits(inst, 105, 105, 0); brw_inst_set_bits(inst, 84, 84, 0); brw_inst_set_bits(inst, 36, 35, 0); } } static bool skip_bit(const struct intel_device_info *devinfo, brw_inst *src, int bit) { /* pad bit */ if (bit == 7) return true; /* The compact bit -- uncompacted can't have it set. */ if (bit == 29) return true; if (is_3src(devinfo, brw_inst_opcode(devinfo, src))) { if (devinfo->ver >= 9 || devinfo->is_cherryview) { if (bit == 127) return true; } else { if (bit >= 126 && bit <= 127) return true; if (bit == 105) return true; if (bit == 84) return true; if (bit >= 35 && bit <= 36) return true; } } else { if (bit == 47) return true; if (devinfo->ver >= 8) { if (bit == 11) return true; if (bit == 95) return true; } else { if (devinfo->ver < 7 && bit == 90) return true; if (bit >= 91 && bit <= 95) return true; } } /* sometimes these are pad bits. */ if (brw_inst_opcode(devinfo, src) != BRW_OPCODE_SEND && brw_inst_opcode(devinfo, src) != BRW_OPCODE_SENDC && brw_inst_src0_reg_file(devinfo, src) != BRW_IMMEDIATE_VALUE && brw_inst_src1_reg_file(devinfo, src) != BRW_IMMEDIATE_VALUE && bit >= 121) { return true; } return false; } static bool test_fuzz_compact_instruction(struct brw_codegen *p, brw_inst src) { for (int bit0 = 0; bit0 < 128; bit0++) { if (skip_bit(p->devinfo, &src, bit0)) continue; for (int bit1 = 0; bit1 < 128; bit1++) { brw_inst instr = src; uint64_t *bits = instr.data; if (skip_bit(p->devinfo, &src, bit1)) continue; bits[bit0 / 64] ^= (1ull << (bit0 & 63)); bits[bit1 / 64] ^= (1ull << (bit1 & 63)); clear_pad_bits(p->devinfo, &instr); if (!brw_validate_instruction(p->devinfo, &instr, 0, NULL)) continue; if (!test_compact_instruction(p, instr)) { printf(" twiddled bits for fuzzing %d, %d\n", bit0, bit1); return false; } } } return true; } class CompactTestFixture : public testing::TestWithParam<CompactParams> { protected: virtual void SetUp() { CompactParams params = GetParam(); mem_ctx = ralloc_context(NULL); devinfo = rzalloc(mem_ctx, intel_device_info); p = rzalloc(mem_ctx, brw_codegen); devinfo->verx10 = params.verx10; devinfo->ver = devinfo->verx10 / 10; brw_init_codegen(devinfo, p, p); brw_set_default_predicate_control(p, BRW_PREDICATE_NONE); brw_set_default_access_mode(p, params.align); }; virtual void TearDown() { EXPECT_EQ(p->nr_insn, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(test_compact_instruction(p, p->store[0])); EXPECT_TRUE(test_fuzz_compact_instruction(p, p->store[0])); ralloc_free(mem_ctx); }; void *mem_ctx; intel_device_info *devinfo; brw_codegen *p; }; class Instructions : public CompactTestFixture {}; INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P( CompactTest, Instructions, testing::Values( CompactParams{ 50, BRW_ALIGN_1 }, CompactParams{ 50, BRW_ALIGN_16 }, CompactParams{ 60, BRW_ALIGN_1 }, CompactParams{ 60, BRW_ALIGN_16 }, CompactParams{ 70, BRW_ALIGN_1 }, CompactParams{ 70, BRW_ALIGN_16 }, CompactParams{ 75, BRW_ALIGN_1 }, CompactParams{ 75, BRW_ALIGN_16 }, CompactParams{ 80, BRW_ALIGN_1 }, CompactParams{ 80, BRW_ALIGN_16 }, CompactParams{ 90, BRW_ALIGN_1 }, CompactParams{ 90, BRW_ALIGN_16 }, CompactParams{ 110, BRW_ALIGN_1 }, CompactParams{ 120, BRW_ALIGN_1 }, CompactParams{ 125, BRW_ALIGN_1 } ), get_compact_params_name); class InstructionsBeforeIvyBridge : public CompactTestFixture {}; INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P( CompactTest, InstructionsBeforeIvyBridge, testing::Values( CompactParams{ 50, BRW_ALIGN_1 }, CompactParams{ 50, BRW_ALIGN_16 }, CompactParams{ 60, BRW_ALIGN_1 }, CompactParams{ 60, BRW_ALIGN_16 } ), get_compact_params_name); TEST_P(Instructions, ADD_GRF_GRF_GRF) { struct brw_reg g0 = brw_vec8_grf(0, 0); struct brw_reg g2 = brw_vec8_grf(2, 0); struct brw_reg g4 = brw_vec8_grf(4, 0); brw_ADD(p, g0, g2, g4); } TEST_P(Instructions, ADD_GRF_GRF_IMM) { struct brw_reg g0 = brw_vec8_grf(0, 0); struct brw_reg g2 = brw_vec8_grf(2, 0); brw_ADD(p, g0, g2, brw_imm_f(1.0)); } TEST_P(Instructions, ADD_GRF_GRF_IMM_d) { struct brw_reg g0 = retype(brw_vec8_grf(0, 0), BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_D); struct brw_reg g2 = retype(brw_vec8_grf(2, 0), BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_D); brw_ADD(p, g0, g2, brw_imm_d(1)); } TEST_P(Instructions, MOV_GRF_GRF) { struct brw_reg g0 = brw_vec8_grf(0, 0); struct brw_reg g2 = brw_vec8_grf(2, 0); brw_MOV(p, g0, g2); } TEST_P(InstructionsBeforeIvyBridge, ADD_MRF_GRF_GRF) { struct brw_reg m6 = brw_vec8_reg(BRW_MESSAGE_REGISTER_FILE, 6, 0); struct brw_reg g2 = brw_vec8_grf(2, 0); struct brw_reg g4 = brw_vec8_grf(4, 0); brw_ADD(p, m6, g2, g4); } TEST_P(Instructions, ADD_vec1_GRF_GRF_GRF) { struct brw_reg g0 = brw_vec1_grf(0, 0); struct brw_reg g2 = brw_vec1_grf(2, 0); struct brw_reg g4 = brw_vec1_grf(4, 0); brw_ADD(p, g0, g2, g4); } TEST_P(InstructionsBeforeIvyBridge, PLN_MRF_GRF_GRF) { struct brw_reg m6 = brw_vec8_reg(BRW_MESSAGE_REGISTER_FILE, 6, 0); struct brw_reg interp = brw_vec1_grf(2, 0); struct brw_reg g4 = brw_vec8_grf(4, 0); brw_PLN(p, m6, interp, g4); } TEST_P(Instructions, f0_0_MOV_GRF_GRF) { struct brw_reg g0 = brw_vec8_grf(0, 0); struct brw_reg g2 = brw_vec8_grf(2, 0); brw_push_insn_state(p); brw_set_default_predicate_control(p, BRW_PREDICATE_NORMAL); brw_MOV(p, g0, g2); brw_pop_insn_state(p); } /* The handling of f0.1 vs f0.0 changes between gfx6 and gfx7. Explicitly test * it, so that we run the fuzzing can run over all the other bits that might * interact with it. */ TEST_P(Instructions, f0_1_MOV_GRF_GRF) { struct brw_reg g0 = brw_vec8_grf(0, 0); struct brw_reg g2 = brw_vec8_grf(2, 0); brw_push_insn_state(p); brw_set_default_predicate_control(p, BRW_PREDICATE_NORMAL); brw_inst *mov = brw_MOV(p, g0, g2); brw_inst_set_flag_subreg_nr(p->devinfo, mov, 1); brw_pop_insn_state(p); }