/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* Instructions, enums and structures for CTG. * * This file has been generated, do not hand edit. */ #ifndef GFX45_PACK_H #define GFX45_PACK_H #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <assert.h> #include <math.h> #ifndef __gen_validate_value #define __gen_validate_value(x) #endif #ifndef __intel_field_functions #define __intel_field_functions #ifdef NDEBUG #define NDEBUG_UNUSED __attribute__((unused)) #else #define NDEBUG_UNUSED #endif union __intel_value { float f; uint32_t dw; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) uint64_t __gen_mbo(uint32_t start, uint32_t end) { return (~0ull >> (64 - (end - start + 1))) << start; } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) uint64_t __gen_uint(uint64_t v, uint32_t start, NDEBUG_UNUSED uint32_t end) { __gen_validate_value(v); #ifndef NDEBUG const int width = end - start + 1; if (width < 64) { const uint64_t max = (1ull << width) - 1; assert(v <= max); } #endif return v << start; } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) uint64_t __gen_sint(int64_t v, uint32_t start, uint32_t end) { const int width = end - start + 1; __gen_validate_value(v); #ifndef NDEBUG if (width < 64) { const int64_t max = (1ll << (width - 1)) - 1; const int64_t min = -(1ll << (width - 1)); assert(min <= v && v <= max); } #endif const uint64_t mask = ~0ull >> (64 - width); return (v & mask) << start; } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) uint64_t __gen_offset(uint64_t v, NDEBUG_UNUSED uint32_t start, NDEBUG_UNUSED uint32_t end) { __gen_validate_value(v); #ifndef NDEBUG uint64_t mask = (~0ull >> (64 - (end - start + 1))) << start; assert((v & ~mask) == 0); #endif return v; } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) uint64_t __gen_address(__gen_user_data *data, void *location, __gen_address_type address, uint32_t delta, __attribute__((unused)) uint32_t start, uint32_t end) { uint64_t addr_u64 = __gen_combine_address(data, location, address, delta); if (end == 31) { return addr_u64; } else if (end < 63) { const unsigned shift = 63 - end; return (addr_u64 << shift) >> shift; } else { return addr_u64; } } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) uint32_t __gen_float(float v) { __gen_validate_value(v); return ((union __intel_value) { .f = (v) }).dw; } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) uint64_t __gen_sfixed(float v, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, uint32_t fract_bits) { __gen_validate_value(v); const float factor = (1 << fract_bits); #ifndef NDEBUG const float max = ((1 << (end - start)) - 1) / factor; const float min = -(1 << (end - start)) / factor; assert(min <= v && v <= max); #endif const int64_t int_val = llroundf(v * factor); const uint64_t mask = ~0ull >> (64 - (end - start + 1)); return (int_val & mask) << start; } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) uint64_t __gen_ufixed(float v, uint32_t start, NDEBUG_UNUSED uint32_t end, uint32_t fract_bits) { __gen_validate_value(v); const float factor = (1 << fract_bits); #ifndef NDEBUG const float max = ((1 << (end - start + 1)) - 1) / factor; const float min = 0.0f; assert(min <= v && v <= max); #endif const uint64_t uint_val = llroundf(v * factor); return uint_val << start; } #ifndef __gen_address_type #error #define __gen_address_type before including this file #endif #ifndef __gen_user_data #error #define __gen_combine_address before including this file #endif #undef NDEBUG_UNUSED #endif enum GFX45_3D_Color_Buffer_Blend_Factor { BLENDFACTOR_ONE = 1, BLENDFACTOR_SRC_COLOR = 2, BLENDFACTOR_SRC_ALPHA = 3, BLENDFACTOR_DST_ALPHA = 4, BLENDFACTOR_DST_COLOR = 5, BLENDFACTOR_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE = 6, BLENDFACTOR_CONST_COLOR = 7, BLENDFACTOR_CONST_ALPHA = 8, BLENDFACTOR_SRC1_COLOR = 9, BLENDFACTOR_SRC1_ALPHA = 10, BLENDFACTOR_ZERO = 17, BLENDFACTOR_INV_SRC_COLOR = 18, BLENDFACTOR_INV_SRC_ALPHA = 19, BLENDFACTOR_INV_DST_ALPHA = 20, BLENDFACTOR_INV_DST_COLOR = 21, BLENDFACTOR_INV_CONST_COLOR = 23, BLENDFACTOR_INV_CONST_ALPHA = 24, BLENDFACTOR_INV_SRC1_COLOR = 25, BLENDFACTOR_INV_SRC1_ALPHA = 26, }; enum GFX45_3D_Color_Buffer_Blend_Function { BLENDFUNCTION_ADD = 0, BLENDFUNCTION_SUBTRACT = 1, BLENDFUNCTION_REVERSE_SUBTRACT = 2, BLENDFUNCTION_MIN = 3, BLENDFUNCTION_MAX = 4, }; enum GFX45_3D_Compare_Function { COMPAREFUNCTION_ALWAYS = 0, COMPAREFUNCTION_NEVER = 1, COMPAREFUNCTION_LESS = 2, COMPAREFUNCTION_EQUAL = 3, COMPAREFUNCTION_LEQUAL = 4, COMPAREFUNCTION_GREATER = 5, COMPAREFUNCTION_NOTEQUAL = 6, COMPAREFUNCTION_GEQUAL = 7, }; enum GFX45_3D_Logic_Op_Function { LOGICOP_CLEAR = 0, LOGICOP_NOR = 1, LOGICOP_AND_INVERTED = 2, LOGICOP_COPY_INVERTED = 3, LOGICOP_AND_REVERSE = 4, LOGICOP_INVERT = 5, LOGICOP_XOR = 6, LOGICOP_NAND = 7, LOGICOP_AND = 8, LOGICOP_EQUIV = 9, LOGICOP_NOOP = 10, LOGICOP_OR_INVERTED = 11, LOGICOP_COPY = 12, LOGICOP_OR_REVERSE = 13, LOGICOP_OR = 14, LOGICOP_SET = 15, }; enum GFX45_3D_Prim_Topo_Type { _3DPRIM_POINTLIST = 1, _3DPRIM_LINELIST = 2, _3DPRIM_LINESTRIP = 3, _3DPRIM_TRILIST = 4, _3DPRIM_TRISTRIP = 5, _3DPRIM_TRIFAN = 6, _3DPRIM_QUADLIST = 7, _3DPRIM_QUADSTRIP = 8, _3DPRIM_LINELIST_ADJ = 9, _3DPRIM_LINESTRIP_ADJ = 10, _3DPRIM_TRILIST_ADJ = 11, _3DPRIM_TRISTRIP_ADJ = 12, _3DPRIM_TRISTRIP_REVERSE = 13, _3DPRIM_POLYGON = 14, _3DPRIM_RECTLIST = 15, _3DPRIM_LINELOOP = 16, _3DPRIM_POINTLIST_BF = 17, _3DPRIM_LINESTRIP_CONT = 18, _3DPRIM_LINESTRIP_BF = 19, _3DPRIM_LINESTRIP_CONT_BF = 20, _3DPRIM_TRIFAN_NOSTIPPLE = 22, }; enum GFX45_3D_Stencil_Operation { STENCILOP_KEEP = 0, STENCILOP_ZERO = 1, STENCILOP_REPLACE = 2, STENCILOP_INCRSAT = 3, STENCILOP_DECRSAT = 4, STENCILOP_INCR = 5, STENCILOP_DECR = 6, STENCILOP_INVERT = 7, }; enum GFX45_3D_Vertex_Component_Control { VFCOMP_NOSTORE = 0, VFCOMP_STORE_SRC = 1, VFCOMP_STORE_0 = 2, VFCOMP_STORE_1_FP = 3, VFCOMP_STORE_1_INT = 4, VFCOMP_STORE_VID = 5, VFCOMP_STORE_IID = 6, VFCOMP_STORE_PID = 7, }; enum GFX45_Texture_Coordinate_Mode { TCM_WRAP = 0, TCM_MIRROR = 1, TCM_CLAMP = 2, TCM_CUBE = 3, TCM_CLAMP_BORDER = 4, TCM_MIRROR_ONCE = 5, }; #define GFX45_CC_VIEWPORT_length 2 struct GFX45_CC_VIEWPORT { float MinimumDepth; float MaximumDepth; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_CC_VIEWPORT_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_CC_VIEWPORT * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_float(values->MinimumDepth); dw[1] = __gen_float(values->MaximumDepth); } #define GFX45_CLIP_STATE_length 11 struct GFX45_CLIP_STATE { uint32_t GRFRegisterCount; __gen_address_type KernelStartPointer; bool SoftwareExceptionEnable; bool MaskStackExceptionEnable; bool IllegalOpcodeExceptionEnable; uint32_t FloatingPointMode; #define FLOATING_POINT_MODE_IEEE754 0 #define FLOATING_POINT_MODE_Alternate 1 uint32_t ThreadPriority; #define NormalPriority 0 #define HighPriority 1 uint32_t BindingTableEntryCount; bool SingleProgramFlow; uint32_t PerThreadScratchSpace; __gen_address_type ScratchSpaceBasePointer; uint32_t DispatchGRFStartRegisterForURBData; uint32_t VertexURBEntryReadOffset; uint32_t VertexURBEntryReadLength; uint32_t ConstantURBEntryReadOffset; uint32_t ConstantURBEntryReadLength; bool ClipperStatisticsEnable; bool GSOutputObjectStatisticsEnable; uint32_t NumberofURBEntries; uint32_t URBEntryAllocationSize; uint32_t MaximumNumberofThreads; uint32_t ClipMode; #define CLIPMODE_NORMAL 0 #define CLIPMODE_ALL 1 #define CLIPMODE_CLIP_NON_REJECTED 2 #define CLIPMODE_REJECT_ALL 3 #define CLIPMODE_ACCEPT_ALL 4 uint32_t UserClipDistanceClipTestEnableBitmask; bool UserClipFlagsMustClipEnable; bool NegativeWClipTestEnable; bool GuardbandClipTestEnable; bool ViewportZClipTestEnable; bool ViewportXYClipTestEnable; uint32_t VertexPositionSpace; #define VPOS_NDCSPACE 0 #define VPOS_SCREENSPACE 1 uint32_t APIMode; #define APIMODE_OGL 0 #define APIMODE_D3D 1 __gen_address_type ClipperViewportStatePointer; float ScreenSpaceViewportXMin; float ScreenSpaceViewportXMax; float ScreenSpaceViewportYMin; float ScreenSpaceViewportYMax; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_CLIP_STATE_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_CLIP_STATE * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; const uint32_t v0 = __gen_uint(values->GRFRegisterCount, 1, 3); dw[0] = __gen_address(data, &dw[0], values->KernelStartPointer, v0, 6, 31); dw[1] = __gen_uint(values->SoftwareExceptionEnable, 7, 7) | __gen_uint(values->MaskStackExceptionEnable, 11, 11) | __gen_uint(values->IllegalOpcodeExceptionEnable, 13, 13) | __gen_uint(values->FloatingPointMode, 16, 16) | __gen_uint(values->ThreadPriority, 17, 17) | __gen_uint(values->BindingTableEntryCount, 18, 25) | __gen_uint(values->SingleProgramFlow, 31, 31); const uint32_t v2 = __gen_uint(values->PerThreadScratchSpace, 0, 3); dw[2] = __gen_address(data, &dw[2], values->ScratchSpaceBasePointer, v2, 10, 31); dw[3] = __gen_uint(values->DispatchGRFStartRegisterForURBData, 0, 3) | __gen_uint(values->VertexURBEntryReadOffset, 4, 9) | __gen_uint(values->VertexURBEntryReadLength, 11, 16) | __gen_uint(values->ConstantURBEntryReadOffset, 18, 23) | __gen_uint(values->ConstantURBEntryReadLength, 25, 30); dw[4] = __gen_uint(values->ClipperStatisticsEnable, 10, 10) | __gen_uint(values->GSOutputObjectStatisticsEnable, 10, 10) | __gen_uint(values->NumberofURBEntries, 11, 18) | __gen_uint(values->URBEntryAllocationSize, 19, 23) | __gen_uint(values->MaximumNumberofThreads, 25, 30); dw[5] = __gen_uint(values->ClipMode, 13, 15) | __gen_uint(values->UserClipDistanceClipTestEnableBitmask, 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->UserClipFlagsMustClipEnable, 24, 24) | __gen_uint(values->NegativeWClipTestEnable, 25, 25) | __gen_uint(values->GuardbandClipTestEnable, 26, 26) | __gen_uint(values->ViewportZClipTestEnable, 27, 27) | __gen_uint(values->ViewportXYClipTestEnable, 28, 28) | __gen_uint(values->VertexPositionSpace, 29, 29) | __gen_uint(values->APIMode, 30, 30); dw[6] = __gen_address(data, &dw[6], values->ClipperViewportStatePointer, 0, 5, 31); dw[7] = __gen_float(values->ScreenSpaceViewportXMin); dw[8] = __gen_float(values->ScreenSpaceViewportXMax); dw[9] = __gen_float(values->ScreenSpaceViewportYMin); dw[10] = __gen_float(values->ScreenSpaceViewportYMax); } #define GFX45_CLIP_VIEWPORT_length 4 struct GFX45_CLIP_VIEWPORT { float XMinClipGuardband; float XMaxClipGuardband; float YMinClipGuardband; float YMaxClipGuardband; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_CLIP_VIEWPORT_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_CLIP_VIEWPORT * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_float(values->XMinClipGuardband); dw[1] = __gen_float(values->XMaxClipGuardband); dw[2] = __gen_float(values->YMinClipGuardband); dw[3] = __gen_float(values->YMaxClipGuardband); } #define GFX45_COLOR_CALC_STATE_length 8 struct GFX45_COLOR_CALC_STATE { enum GFX45_3D_Stencil_Operation BackfaceStencilPassDepthPassOp; enum GFX45_3D_Stencil_Operation BackfaceStencilPassDepthFailOp; enum GFX45_3D_Stencil_Operation BackfaceStencilFailOp; enum GFX45_3D_Compare_Function BackfaceStencilTestFunction; bool DoubleSidedStencilEnable; bool StencilBufferWriteEnable; enum GFX45_3D_Stencil_Operation StencilPassDepthPassOp; enum GFX45_3D_Stencil_Operation StencilPassDepthFailOp; enum GFX45_3D_Stencil_Operation StencilFailOp; enum GFX45_3D_Compare_Function StencilTestFunction; bool StencilTestEnable; uint32_t BackfaceStencilReferenceValue; uint32_t StencilWriteMask; uint32_t StencilTestMask; uint32_t StencilReferenceValue; bool LogicOpEnable; bool DepthBufferWriteEnable; enum GFX45_3D_Compare_Function DepthTestFunction; bool DepthTestEnable; uint32_t BackfaceStencilWriteMask; uint32_t BackfaceStencilTestMask; enum GFX45_3D_Compare_Function AlphaTestFunction; bool AlphaTestEnable; bool ColorBufferBlendEnable; bool IndependentAlphaBlendEnable; uint32_t AlphaTestFormat; #define ALPHATEST_UNORM8 0 #define ALPHATEST_FLOAT32 1 __gen_address_type CCViewportStatePointer; enum GFX45_3D_Color_Buffer_Blend_Factor DestinationAlphaBlendFactor; enum GFX45_3D_Color_Buffer_Blend_Factor SourceAlphaBlendFactor; enum GFX45_3D_Color_Buffer_Blend_Function AlphaBlendFunction; bool StatisticsEnable; enum GFX45_3D_Logic_Op_Function LogicOpFunction; bool RoundDisableFunctionDisable; bool ColorDitherEnable; bool PostBlendColorClampEnable; bool PreBlendColorClampEnable; uint32_t ColorClampRange; #define COLORCLAMP_UNORM 0 #define COLORCLAMP_SNORM 1 #define COLORCLAMP_RTFORMAT 2 uint32_t YDitherOffset; uint32_t XDitherOffset; enum GFX45_3D_Color_Buffer_Blend_Factor DestinationBlendFactor; enum GFX45_3D_Color_Buffer_Blend_Factor SourceBlendFactor; enum GFX45_3D_Color_Buffer_Blend_Function ColorBlendFunction; uint32_t AlphaReferenceValueAsUNORM8; float AlphaReferenceValueAsFLOAT32; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_COLOR_CALC_STATE_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_COLOR_CALC_STATE * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->BackfaceStencilPassDepthPassOp, 3, 5) | __gen_uint(values->BackfaceStencilPassDepthFailOp, 6, 8) | __gen_uint(values->BackfaceStencilFailOp, 9, 11) | __gen_uint(values->BackfaceStencilTestFunction, 12, 14) | __gen_uint(values->DoubleSidedStencilEnable, 15, 15) | __gen_uint(values->StencilBufferWriteEnable, 18, 18) | __gen_uint(values->StencilPassDepthPassOp, 19, 21) | __gen_uint(values->StencilPassDepthFailOp, 22, 24) | __gen_uint(values->StencilFailOp, 25, 27) | __gen_uint(values->StencilTestFunction, 28, 30) | __gen_uint(values->StencilTestEnable, 31, 31); dw[1] = __gen_uint(values->BackfaceStencilReferenceValue, 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->StencilWriteMask, 8, 15) | __gen_uint(values->StencilTestMask, 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->StencilReferenceValue, 24, 31); dw[2] = __gen_uint(values->LogicOpEnable, 0, 0) | __gen_uint(values->DepthBufferWriteEnable, 11, 11) | __gen_uint(values->DepthTestFunction, 12, 14) | __gen_uint(values->DepthTestEnable, 15, 15) | __gen_uint(values->BackfaceStencilWriteMask, 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->BackfaceStencilTestMask, 24, 31); dw[3] = __gen_uint(values->AlphaTestFunction, 8, 10) | __gen_uint(values->AlphaTestEnable, 11, 11) | __gen_uint(values->ColorBufferBlendEnable, 12, 12) | __gen_uint(values->IndependentAlphaBlendEnable, 13, 13) | __gen_uint(values->AlphaTestFormat, 15, 15); dw[4] = __gen_address(data, &dw[4], values->CCViewportStatePointer, 0, 5, 31); dw[5] = __gen_uint(values->DestinationAlphaBlendFactor, 2, 6) | __gen_uint(values->SourceAlphaBlendFactor, 7, 11) | __gen_uint(values->AlphaBlendFunction, 12, 14) | __gen_uint(values->StatisticsEnable, 15, 15) | __gen_uint(values->LogicOpFunction, 16, 19) | __gen_uint(values->RoundDisableFunctionDisable, 30, 30) | __gen_uint(values->ColorDitherEnable, 31, 31); dw[6] = __gen_uint(values->PostBlendColorClampEnable, 0, 0) | __gen_uint(values->PreBlendColorClampEnable, 1, 1) | __gen_uint(values->ColorClampRange, 2, 3) | __gen_uint(values->YDitherOffset, 15, 16) | __gen_uint(values->XDitherOffset, 17, 18) | __gen_uint(values->DestinationBlendFactor, 19, 23) | __gen_uint(values->SourceBlendFactor, 24, 28) | __gen_uint(values->ColorBlendFunction, 29, 31); dw[7] = __gen_uint(values->AlphaReferenceValueAsUNORM8, 0, 31) | __gen_float(values->AlphaReferenceValueAsFLOAT32); } #define GFX45_GS_STATE_length 7 struct GFX45_GS_STATE { uint32_t GRFRegisterCount; __gen_address_type KernelStartPointer; bool SoftwareExceptionEnable; bool MaskStackExceptionEnable; bool IllegalOpcodeExceptionEnable; uint32_t FloatingPointMode; #define FLOATING_POINT_MODE_IEEE754 0 #define FLOATING_POINT_MODE_Alternate 1 uint32_t BindingTableEntryCount; bool SingleProgramFlow; uint32_t PerThreadScratchSpace; __gen_address_type ScratchSpaceBasePointer; uint32_t DispatchGRFStartRegisterForURBData; uint32_t VertexURBEntryReadOffset; uint32_t VertexURBEntryReadLength; uint32_t ConstantURBEntryReadOffset; uint32_t ConstantURBEntryReadLength; bool RenderingEnable; bool GSStatisticsEnable; uint32_t NumberofURBEntries; uint32_t URBEntryAllocationSize; uint32_t MaximumNumberofThreads; uint32_t SamplerCount; __gen_address_type SamplerStatePointer; uint32_t MaximumVPIndex; bool DiscardAdjacency; bool ReorderEnable; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_GS_STATE_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_GS_STATE * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; const uint32_t v0 = __gen_uint(values->GRFRegisterCount, 1, 3); dw[0] = __gen_address(data, &dw[0], values->KernelStartPointer, v0, 6, 31); dw[1] = __gen_uint(values->SoftwareExceptionEnable, 7, 7) | __gen_uint(values->MaskStackExceptionEnable, 11, 11) | __gen_uint(values->IllegalOpcodeExceptionEnable, 13, 13) | __gen_uint(values->FloatingPointMode, 16, 16) | __gen_uint(values->BindingTableEntryCount, 18, 25) | __gen_uint(values->SingleProgramFlow, 31, 31); const uint32_t v2 = __gen_uint(values->PerThreadScratchSpace, 0, 3); dw[2] = __gen_address(data, &dw[2], values->ScratchSpaceBasePointer, v2, 10, 31); dw[3] = __gen_uint(values->DispatchGRFStartRegisterForURBData, 0, 3) | __gen_uint(values->VertexURBEntryReadOffset, 4, 9) | __gen_uint(values->VertexURBEntryReadLength, 11, 16) | __gen_uint(values->ConstantURBEntryReadOffset, 18, 23) | __gen_uint(values->ConstantURBEntryReadLength, 25, 30); dw[4] = __gen_uint(values->RenderingEnable, 8, 8) | __gen_uint(values->GSStatisticsEnable, 10, 10) | __gen_uint(values->NumberofURBEntries, 11, 18) | __gen_uint(values->URBEntryAllocationSize, 19, 23) | __gen_uint(values->MaximumNumberofThreads, 25, 30); const uint32_t v5 = __gen_uint(values->SamplerCount, 0, 2); dw[5] = __gen_address(data, &dw[5], values->SamplerStatePointer, v5, 5, 31); dw[6] = __gen_uint(values->MaximumVPIndex, 0, 3) | __gen_uint(values->DiscardAdjacency, 29, 29) | __gen_uint(values->ReorderEnable, 30, 30); } #define GFX45_RENDER_SURFACE_STATE_length 6 struct GFX45_RENDER_SURFACE_STATE { bool CubeFaceEnablePositiveZ; bool CubeFaceEnableNegativeZ; bool CubeFaceEnablePositiveY; bool CubeFaceEnableNegativeY; bool CubeFaceEnablePositiveX; bool CubeFaceEnableNegativeX; uint32_t MediaBoundaryPixelMode; #define NORMAL_MODE 0 #define PROGRESSIVE_FRAME 2 #define INTERLACED_FRAME 3 uint32_t RenderCacheReadWriteMode; #define WRITE_ONLY 0 #define READ_WRITE 1 uint32_t MIPMapLayoutMode; #define MIPLAYOUT_BELOW 0 #define MIPLAYOUT_RIGHT 1 uint32_t VerticalLineStrideOffset; uint32_t VerticalLineStride; bool ColorBlendEnable; uint32_t ColorBufferComponentWriteDisables; #define WRITEDISABLE_ALPHA 8 #define WRITEDISABLE_RED 4 #define WRITEDISABLE_GREEN 2 #define WRITEDISABLE_BLUE 1 uint32_t SurfaceFormat; uint32_t DataReturnFormat; #define DATA_RETURN_FLOAT32 0 #define DATA_RETURN_S114 1 uint32_t SurfaceType; #define SURFTYPE_1D 0 #define SURFTYPE_2D 1 #define SURFTYPE_3D 2 #define SURFTYPE_CUBE 3 #define SURFTYPE_BUFFER 4 #define SURFTYPE_NULL 7 __gen_address_type SurfaceBaseAddress; uint32_t MIPCountLOD; uint32_t Width; uint32_t Height; uint32_t TileWalk; #define TILEWALK_XMAJOR 0 #define TILEWALK_YMAJOR 1 uint32_t TiledSurface; uint32_t SurfacePitch; uint32_t Depth; uint32_t RenderTargetViewExtent; uint32_t MinimumArrayElement; uint32_t SurfaceMinLOD; uint32_t YOffset; uint32_t XOffset; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_RENDER_SURFACE_STATE_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_RENDER_SURFACE_STATE * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->CubeFaceEnablePositiveZ, 0, 0) | __gen_uint(values->CubeFaceEnableNegativeZ, 1, 1) | __gen_uint(values->CubeFaceEnablePositiveY, 2, 2) | __gen_uint(values->CubeFaceEnableNegativeY, 3, 3) | __gen_uint(values->CubeFaceEnablePositiveX, 4, 4) | __gen_uint(values->CubeFaceEnableNegativeX, 5, 5) | __gen_uint(values->MediaBoundaryPixelMode, 6, 7) | __gen_uint(values->RenderCacheReadWriteMode, 8, 8) | __gen_uint(values->MIPMapLayoutMode, 10, 10) | __gen_uint(values->VerticalLineStrideOffset, 11, 11) | __gen_uint(values->VerticalLineStride, 12, 12) | __gen_uint(values->ColorBlendEnable, 13, 13) | __gen_uint(values->ColorBufferComponentWriteDisables, 14, 17) | __gen_uint(values->SurfaceFormat, 18, 26) | __gen_uint(values->DataReturnFormat, 27, 27) | __gen_uint(values->SurfaceType, 29, 31); dw[1] = __gen_address(data, &dw[1], values->SurfaceBaseAddress, 0, 0, 31); dw[2] = __gen_uint(values->MIPCountLOD, 2, 5) | __gen_uint(values->Width, 6, 18) | __gen_uint(values->Height, 19, 31); dw[3] = __gen_uint(values->TileWalk, 0, 0) | __gen_uint(values->TiledSurface, 1, 1) | __gen_uint(values->SurfacePitch, 3, 19) | __gen_uint(values->Depth, 21, 31); dw[4] = __gen_uint(values->RenderTargetViewExtent, 8, 16) | __gen_uint(values->MinimumArrayElement, 17, 27) | __gen_uint(values->SurfaceMinLOD, 28, 31); dw[5] = __gen_uint(values->YOffset, 20, 23) | __gen_uint(values->XOffset, 25, 31); } #define GFX45_SAMPLER_BORDER_COLOR_STATE_length 12 struct GFX45_SAMPLER_BORDER_COLOR_STATE { float BorderColorRed; float BorderColorGreen; float BorderColorBlue; float BorderColorAlpha; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_SAMPLER_BORDER_COLOR_STATE_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_SAMPLER_BORDER_COLOR_STATE * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_float(values->BorderColorRed); dw[1] = __gen_float(values->BorderColorGreen); dw[2] = __gen_float(values->BorderColorBlue); dw[3] = __gen_float(values->BorderColorAlpha); dw[4] = 0; dw[5] = 0; dw[6] = 0; dw[7] = 0; dw[8] = 0; dw[9] = 0; dw[10] = 0; dw[11] = 0; } #define GFX45_SAMPLER_STATE_length 4 struct GFX45_SAMPLER_STATE { uint32_t ShadowFunction; #define PREFILTEROP_ALWAYS 0 #define PREFILTEROP_NEVER 1 #define PREFILTEROP_LESS 2 #define PREFILTEROP_EQUAL 3 #define PREFILTEROP_LEQUAL 4 #define PREFILTEROP_GREATER 5 #define PREFILTEROP_NOTEQUAL 6 #define PREFILTEROP_GEQUAL 7 float TextureLODBias; uint32_t MinModeFilter; uint32_t MagModeFilter; #define MAPFILTER_NEAREST 0 #define MAPFILTER_LINEAR 1 #define MAPFILTER_ANISOTROPIC 2 #define MAPFILTER_MONO 6 uint32_t MipModeFilter; #define MIPFILTER_NONE 0 #define MIPFILTER_NEAREST 1 #define MIPFILTER_LINEAR 3 float BaseMipLevel; bool LODPreClampEnable; bool SamplerDisable; enum GFX45_Texture_Coordinate_Mode TCZAddressControlMode; enum GFX45_Texture_Coordinate_Mode TCYAddressControlMode; enum GFX45_Texture_Coordinate_Mode TCXAddressControlMode; uint32_t CubeSurfaceControlMode; #define CUBECTRLMODE_PROGRAMMED 0 #define CUBECTRLMODE_OVERRIDE 1 float MaxLOD; float MinLOD; __gen_address_type BorderColorPointer; bool RAddressMinFilterRoundingEnable; bool RAddressMagFilterRoundingEnable; bool VAddressMinFilterRoundingEnable; bool VAddressMagFilterRoundingEnable; bool UAddressMinFilterRoundingEnable; bool UAddressMagFilterRoundingEnable; uint32_t MaximumAnisotropy; #define RATIO21 0 #define RATIO41 1 #define RATIO61 2 #define RATIO81 3 #define RATIO101 4 #define RATIO121 5 #define RATIO141 6 #define RATIO161 7 uint32_t ChromaKeyMode; #define KEYFILTER_KILL_ON_ANY_MATCH 0 #define KEYFILTER_REPLACE_BLACK 1 uint32_t ChromaKeyIndex; bool ChromaKeyEnable; uint32_t MonochromeFilterWidth; uint32_t MonochromeFilterHeight; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_SAMPLER_STATE_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_SAMPLER_STATE * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->ShadowFunction, 0, 2) | __gen_sfixed(values->TextureLODBias, 3, 13, 6) | __gen_uint(values->MinModeFilter, 14, 16) | __gen_uint(values->MagModeFilter, 17, 19) | __gen_uint(values->MipModeFilter, 20, 21) | __gen_ufixed(values->BaseMipLevel, 22, 26, 1) | __gen_uint(values->LODPreClampEnable, 28, 28) | __gen_uint(values->SamplerDisable, 31, 31); dw[1] = __gen_uint(values->TCZAddressControlMode, 0, 2) | __gen_uint(values->TCYAddressControlMode, 3, 5) | __gen_uint(values->TCXAddressControlMode, 6, 8) | __gen_uint(values->CubeSurfaceControlMode, 9, 9) | __gen_ufixed(values->MaxLOD, 12, 21, 6) | __gen_ufixed(values->MinLOD, 22, 31, 6); dw[2] = __gen_address(data, &dw[2], values->BorderColorPointer, 0, 5, 31); dw[3] = __gen_uint(values->RAddressMinFilterRoundingEnable, 13, 13) | __gen_uint(values->RAddressMagFilterRoundingEnable, 14, 14) | __gen_uint(values->VAddressMinFilterRoundingEnable, 15, 15) | __gen_uint(values->VAddressMagFilterRoundingEnable, 16, 16) | __gen_uint(values->UAddressMinFilterRoundingEnable, 17, 17) | __gen_uint(values->UAddressMagFilterRoundingEnable, 18, 18) | __gen_uint(values->MaximumAnisotropy, 19, 21) | __gen_uint(values->ChromaKeyMode, 22, 22) | __gen_uint(values->ChromaKeyIndex, 23, 24) | __gen_uint(values->ChromaKeyEnable, 25, 25) | __gen_uint(values->MonochromeFilterWidth, 26, 28) | __gen_uint(values->MonochromeFilterHeight, 29, 31); } #define GFX45_SCISSOR_RECT_length 2 struct GFX45_SCISSOR_RECT { uint32_t ScissorRectangleXMin; uint32_t ScissorRectangleYMin; uint32_t ScissorRectangleXMax; uint32_t ScissorRectangleYMax; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_SCISSOR_RECT_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_SCISSOR_RECT * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->ScissorRectangleXMin, 0, 15) | __gen_uint(values->ScissorRectangleYMin, 16, 31); dw[1] = __gen_uint(values->ScissorRectangleXMax, 0, 15) | __gen_uint(values->ScissorRectangleYMax, 16, 31); } #define GFX45_SF_STATE_length 8 struct GFX45_SF_STATE { uint32_t GRFRegisterCount; __gen_address_type KernelStartPointer; bool SoftwareExceptionEnable; bool MaskStackExceptionEnable; bool IllegalOpcodeExceptionEnable; uint32_t FloatingPointMode; #define FLOATING_POINT_MODE_IEEE754 0 #define FLOATING_POINT_MODE_Alternate 1 uint32_t ThreadPriority; #define NormalPriority 0 #define HighPriority 1 uint32_t BindingTableEntryCount; bool SingleProgramFlow; uint32_t PerThreadScratchSpace; __gen_address_type ScratchSpaceBasePointer; uint32_t DispatchGRFStartRegisterForURBData; uint32_t VertexURBEntryReadOffset; uint32_t VertexURBEntryReadLength; uint32_t ConstantURBEntryReadOffset; uint32_t ConstantURBEntryReadLength; bool StatisticsEnable; uint32_t NumberofURBEntries; uint32_t URBEntryAllocationSize; uint32_t MaximumNumberofThreads; uint32_t FrontWinding; #define FRONTWINDING_CW 0 #define FRONTWINDING_CCW 1 bool ViewportTransformEnable; __gen_address_type SetupViewportStateOffset; float DestinationOriginVerticalBias; float DestinationOriginHorizontalBias; bool ScissorRectangleEnable; bool _2x2PixelTriangleFilterDisable; bool ZeroPixelTriangleFilterDisable; uint32_t PointRasterizationRule; #define RASTRULE_UPPER_LEFT 0 #define RASTRULE_UPPER_RIGHT 1 uint32_t LineEndCapAntialiasingRegionWidth; #define _05pixels 0 #define _10pixels 1 #define _20pixels 2 #define _40pixels 3 float LineWidth; bool FastScissorClipDisable; uint32_t CullMode; #define CULLMODE_BOTH 0 #define CULLMODE_NONE 1 #define CULLMODE_FRONT 2 #define CULLMODE_BACK 3 bool AntialiasingEnable; float PointWidth; uint32_t PointWidthSource; #define Vertex 0 #define State 1 uint32_t VertexSubPixelPrecisionSelect; #define _8SubPixelPrecisionBits 0 #define _4SubPixelPrecisionBits 1 bool SpritePointEnable; uint32_t AALineDistanceMode; #define AALINEDISTANCE_MANHATTAN 0 #define AALINEDISTANCE_TRUE 1 uint32_t TriangleFanProvokingVertexSelect; #define Vertex0 0 #define Vertex1 1 #define Vertex2 2 uint32_t LineStripListProvokingVertexSelect; #define Vertex0 0 #define Vertex1 1 uint32_t TriangleStripListProvokingVertexSelect; #define Vertex0 0 #define Vertex1 1 #define Vertex2 2 bool LastPixelEnable; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_SF_STATE_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_SF_STATE * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; const uint32_t v0 = __gen_uint(values->GRFRegisterCount, 1, 3); dw[0] = __gen_address(data, &dw[0], values->KernelStartPointer, v0, 6, 31); dw[1] = __gen_uint(values->SoftwareExceptionEnable, 7, 7) | __gen_uint(values->MaskStackExceptionEnable, 11, 11) | __gen_uint(values->IllegalOpcodeExceptionEnable, 13, 13) | __gen_uint(values->FloatingPointMode, 16, 16) | __gen_uint(values->ThreadPriority, 17, 17) | __gen_uint(values->BindingTableEntryCount, 18, 25) | __gen_uint(values->SingleProgramFlow, 31, 31); const uint32_t v2 = __gen_uint(values->PerThreadScratchSpace, 0, 3); dw[2] = __gen_address(data, &dw[2], values->ScratchSpaceBasePointer, v2, 10, 31); dw[3] = __gen_uint(values->DispatchGRFStartRegisterForURBData, 0, 3) | __gen_uint(values->VertexURBEntryReadOffset, 4, 9) | __gen_uint(values->VertexURBEntryReadLength, 11, 16) | __gen_uint(values->ConstantURBEntryReadOffset, 18, 23) | __gen_uint(values->ConstantURBEntryReadLength, 25, 30); dw[4] = __gen_uint(values->StatisticsEnable, 10, 10) | __gen_uint(values->NumberofURBEntries, 11, 18) | __gen_uint(values->URBEntryAllocationSize, 19, 23) | __gen_uint(values->MaximumNumberofThreads, 25, 30); const uint32_t v5 = __gen_uint(values->FrontWinding, 0, 0) | __gen_uint(values->ViewportTransformEnable, 1, 1); dw[5] = __gen_address(data, &dw[5], values->SetupViewportStateOffset, v5, 5, 31); dw[6] = __gen_ufixed(values->DestinationOriginVerticalBias, 9, 12, 4) | __gen_ufixed(values->DestinationOriginHorizontalBias, 13, 16, 4) | __gen_uint(values->ScissorRectangleEnable, 17, 17) | __gen_uint(values->_2x2PixelTriangleFilterDisable, 18, 18) | __gen_uint(values->ZeroPixelTriangleFilterDisable, 19, 19) | __gen_uint(values->PointRasterizationRule, 20, 21) | __gen_uint(values->LineEndCapAntialiasingRegionWidth, 22, 23) | __gen_ufixed(values->LineWidth, 24, 27, 1) | __gen_uint(values->FastScissorClipDisable, 28, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CullMode, 29, 30) | __gen_uint(values->AntialiasingEnable, 31, 31); dw[7] = __gen_ufixed(values->PointWidth, 0, 10, 3) | __gen_uint(values->PointWidthSource, 11, 11) | __gen_uint(values->VertexSubPixelPrecisionSelect, 12, 12) | __gen_uint(values->SpritePointEnable, 13, 13) | __gen_uint(values->AALineDistanceMode, 14, 14) | __gen_uint(values->TriangleFanProvokingVertexSelect, 25, 26) | __gen_uint(values->LineStripListProvokingVertexSelect, 27, 28) | __gen_uint(values->TriangleStripListProvokingVertexSelect, 29, 30) | __gen_uint(values->LastPixelEnable, 31, 31); } #define GFX45_SF_VIEWPORT_length 8 struct GFX45_SF_VIEWPORT { float ViewportMatrixElementm00; float ViewportMatrixElementm11; float ViewportMatrixElementm22; float ViewportMatrixElementm30; float ViewportMatrixElementm31; float ViewportMatrixElementm32; struct GFX45_SCISSOR_RECT ScissorRectangle; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_SF_VIEWPORT_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_SF_VIEWPORT * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_float(values->ViewportMatrixElementm00); dw[1] = __gen_float(values->ViewportMatrixElementm11); dw[2] = __gen_float(values->ViewportMatrixElementm22); dw[3] = __gen_float(values->ViewportMatrixElementm30); dw[4] = __gen_float(values->ViewportMatrixElementm31); dw[5] = __gen_float(values->ViewportMatrixElementm32); GFX45_SCISSOR_RECT_pack(data, &dw[6], &values->ScissorRectangle); } #define GFX45_VERTEX_BUFFER_STATE_length 4 struct GFX45_VERTEX_BUFFER_STATE { uint32_t BufferPitch; uint32_t BufferAccessType; #define VERTEXDATA 0 #define INSTANCEDATA 1 uint32_t VertexBufferIndex; __gen_address_type BufferStartingAddress; uint32_t MaxIndex; uint32_t InstanceDataStepRate; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_VERTEX_BUFFER_STATE_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_VERTEX_BUFFER_STATE * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->BufferPitch, 0, 10) | __gen_uint(values->BufferAccessType, 26, 26) | __gen_uint(values->VertexBufferIndex, 27, 31); dw[1] = __gen_address(data, &dw[1], values->BufferStartingAddress, 0, 0, 31); dw[2] = __gen_uint(values->MaxIndex, 0, 31); dw[3] = __gen_uint(values->InstanceDataStepRate, 0, 31); } #define GFX45_VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE_length 2 struct GFX45_VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE { uint32_t SourceElementOffset; uint32_t SourceElementFormat; bool Valid; uint32_t VertexBufferIndex; uint32_t DestinationElementOffset; enum GFX45_3D_Vertex_Component_Control Component3Control; enum GFX45_3D_Vertex_Component_Control Component2Control; enum GFX45_3D_Vertex_Component_Control Component1Control; enum GFX45_3D_Vertex_Component_Control Component0Control; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_VERTEX_ELEMENT_STATE * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->SourceElementOffset, 0, 10) | __gen_uint(values->SourceElementFormat, 16, 24) | __gen_uint(values->Valid, 26, 26) | __gen_uint(values->VertexBufferIndex, 27, 31); dw[1] = __gen_uint(values->DestinationElementOffset, 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->Component3Control, 16, 18) | __gen_uint(values->Component2Control, 20, 22) | __gen_uint(values->Component1Control, 24, 26) | __gen_uint(values->Component0Control, 28, 30); } #define GFX45_VS_STATE_length 7 struct GFX45_VS_STATE { uint32_t GRFRegisterCount; __gen_address_type KernelStartPointer; bool SoftwareExceptionEnable; bool MaskStackExceptionEnable; bool IllegalOpcodeExceptionEnable; uint32_t FloatingPointMode; #define FLOATING_POINT_MODE_IEEE754 0 #define FLOATING_POINT_MODE_Alternate 1 uint32_t ThreadPriority; #define NormalPriority 0 #define HighPriority 1 uint32_t BindingTableEntryCount; bool SingleProgramFlow; uint32_t PerThreadScratchSpace; __gen_address_type ScratchSpaceBasePointer; uint32_t DispatchGRFStartRegisterForURBData; uint32_t VertexURBEntryReadOffset; uint32_t VertexURBEntryReadLength; uint32_t ConstantURBEntryReadOffset; uint32_t ConstantURBEntryReadLength; bool StatisticsEnable; uint32_t NumberofURBEntries; uint32_t URBEntryAllocationSize; uint32_t MaximumNumberofThreads; uint32_t SamplerCount; __gen_address_type SamplerStatePointer; bool Enable; bool VertexCacheDisable; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_VS_STATE_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_VS_STATE * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; const uint32_t v0 = __gen_uint(values->GRFRegisterCount, 1, 3); dw[0] = __gen_address(data, &dw[0], values->KernelStartPointer, v0, 6, 31); dw[1] = __gen_uint(values->SoftwareExceptionEnable, 7, 7) | __gen_uint(values->MaskStackExceptionEnable, 11, 11) | __gen_uint(values->IllegalOpcodeExceptionEnable, 13, 13) | __gen_uint(values->FloatingPointMode, 16, 16) | __gen_uint(values->ThreadPriority, 17, 17) | __gen_uint(values->BindingTableEntryCount, 18, 25) | __gen_uint(values->SingleProgramFlow, 31, 31); const uint32_t v2 = __gen_uint(values->PerThreadScratchSpace, 0, 3); dw[2] = __gen_address(data, &dw[2], values->ScratchSpaceBasePointer, v2, 10, 31); dw[3] = __gen_uint(values->DispatchGRFStartRegisterForURBData, 0, 3) | __gen_uint(values->VertexURBEntryReadOffset, 4, 9) | __gen_uint(values->VertexURBEntryReadLength, 11, 16) | __gen_uint(values->ConstantURBEntryReadOffset, 18, 23) | __gen_uint(values->ConstantURBEntryReadLength, 25, 30); dw[4] = __gen_uint(values->StatisticsEnable, 10, 10) | __gen_uint(values->NumberofURBEntries, 11, 18) | __gen_uint(values->URBEntryAllocationSize, 19, 23) | __gen_uint(values->MaximumNumberofThreads, 25, 30); const uint32_t v5 = __gen_uint(values->SamplerCount, 0, 2); dw[5] = __gen_address(data, &dw[5], values->SamplerStatePointer, v5, 5, 31); dw[6] = __gen_uint(values->Enable, 0, 0) | __gen_uint(values->VertexCacheDisable, 1, 1); } #define GFX45_WM_STATE_length 8 struct GFX45_WM_STATE { uint32_t GRFRegisterCount0; __gen_address_type KernelStartPointer0; bool SoftwareExceptionEnable; bool MaskStackExceptionEnable; bool IllegalOpcodeExceptionEnable; uint32_t DepthCoefficientURBReadOffset; uint32_t FloatingPointMode; #define FLOATING_POINT_MODE_IEEE754 0 #define FLOATING_POINT_MODE_Alternate 1 uint32_t ThreadPriority; #define Normal 0 #define High 1 uint32_t BindingTableEntryCount; bool SingleProgramFlow; uint32_t PerThreadScratchSpace; __gen_address_type ScratchSpaceBasePointer; uint32_t DispatchGRFStartRegisterForConstantSetupData0; uint32_t SetupURBEntryReadOffset; uint32_t SetupURBEntryReadLength; uint32_t ConstantURBEntryReadOffset; uint32_t ConstantURBEntryReadLength; bool StatisticsEnable; uint32_t SamplerCount; __gen_address_type SamplerStatePointer; bool _8PixelDispatchEnable; bool _16PixelDispatchEnable; bool _32PixelDispatchEnable; bool Contiguous32PixelDispatchEnable; bool Contiguous64PixelDispatchEnable; bool LegacyGlobalDepthBiasEnable; bool LineStippleEnable; bool GlobalDepthOffsetEnable; bool PolygonStippleEnable; uint32_t LineAntialiasingRegionWidth; #define _05pixels 0 #define _10pixels 1 #define _20pixels 2 #define _40pixels 3 uint32_t LineEndCapAntialiasingRegionWidth; #define _05pixels 0 #define _10pixels 1 #define _20pixels 2 #define _40pixels 3 bool EarlyDepthTestEnable; bool ThreadDispatchEnable; bool PixelShaderUsesSourceDepth; bool PixelShaderComputedDepth; bool PixelShaderKillsPixel; bool LegacyDiamondLineRasterization; uint32_t MaximumNumberofThreads; float GlobalDepthOffsetConstant; float GlobalDepthOffsetScale; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_WM_STATE_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_WM_STATE * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; const uint32_t v0 = __gen_uint(values->GRFRegisterCount0, 1, 3); dw[0] = __gen_address(data, &dw[0], values->KernelStartPointer0, v0, 6, 31); dw[1] = __gen_uint(values->SoftwareExceptionEnable, 1, 1) | __gen_uint(values->MaskStackExceptionEnable, 2, 2) | __gen_uint(values->IllegalOpcodeExceptionEnable, 4, 4) | __gen_uint(values->DepthCoefficientURBReadOffset, 8, 13) | __gen_uint(values->FloatingPointMode, 16, 16) | __gen_uint(values->ThreadPriority, 17, 17) | __gen_uint(values->BindingTableEntryCount, 18, 25) | __gen_uint(values->SingleProgramFlow, 31, 31); const uint32_t v2 = __gen_uint(values->PerThreadScratchSpace, 0, 3); dw[2] = __gen_address(data, &dw[2], values->ScratchSpaceBasePointer, v2, 10, 31); dw[3] = __gen_uint(values->DispatchGRFStartRegisterForConstantSetupData0, 0, 3) | __gen_uint(values->SetupURBEntryReadOffset, 4, 9) | __gen_uint(values->SetupURBEntryReadLength, 11, 16) | __gen_uint(values->ConstantURBEntryReadOffset, 18, 23) | __gen_uint(values->ConstantURBEntryReadLength, 25, 30); const uint32_t v4 = __gen_uint(values->StatisticsEnable, 0, 0) | __gen_uint(values->SamplerCount, 2, 4); dw[4] = __gen_address(data, &dw[4], values->SamplerStatePointer, v4, 5, 31); dw[5] = __gen_uint(values->_8PixelDispatchEnable, 0, 0) | __gen_uint(values->_16PixelDispatchEnable, 1, 1) | __gen_uint(values->_32PixelDispatchEnable, 2, 2) | __gen_uint(values->Contiguous32PixelDispatchEnable, 3, 3) | __gen_uint(values->Contiguous64PixelDispatchEnable, 4, 4) | __gen_uint(values->LegacyGlobalDepthBiasEnable, 10, 10) | __gen_uint(values->LineStippleEnable, 11, 11) | __gen_uint(values->GlobalDepthOffsetEnable, 12, 12) | __gen_uint(values->PolygonStippleEnable, 13, 13) | __gen_uint(values->LineAntialiasingRegionWidth, 14, 15) | __gen_uint(values->LineEndCapAntialiasingRegionWidth, 16, 17) | __gen_uint(values->EarlyDepthTestEnable, 18, 18) | __gen_uint(values->ThreadDispatchEnable, 19, 19) | __gen_uint(values->PixelShaderUsesSourceDepth, 20, 20) | __gen_uint(values->PixelShaderComputedDepth, 21, 21) | __gen_uint(values->PixelShaderKillsPixel, 22, 22) | __gen_uint(values->LegacyDiamondLineRasterization, 23, 23) | __gen_uint(values->MaximumNumberofThreads, 25, 31); dw[6] = __gen_float(values->GlobalDepthOffsetConstant); dw[7] = __gen_float(values->GlobalDepthOffsetScale); } #define GFX45_3DPRIMITIVE_length 6 #define GFX45_3DPRIMITIVE_length_bias 2 #define GFX45_3DPRIMITIVE_header \ .DWordLength = 4, \ ._3DCommandSubOpcode = 0, \ ._3DCommandOpcode = 3, \ .CommandSubType = 3, \ .CommandType = 3 struct GFX45_3DPRIMITIVE { uint32_t DWordLength; uint32_t IndirectVertexCount; enum GFX45_3D_Prim_Topo_Type PrimitiveTopologyType; uint32_t VertexAccessType; #define SEQUENTIAL 0 #define RANDOM 1 uint32_t _3DCommandSubOpcode; uint32_t _3DCommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandSubType; uint32_t CommandType; uint32_t VertexCountPerInstance; uint32_t StartVertexLocation; uint32_t InstanceCount; uint32_t StartInstanceLocation; int32_t BaseVertexLocation; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_3DPRIMITIVE_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_3DPRIMITIVE * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->DWordLength, 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->IndirectVertexCount, 9, 9) | __gen_uint(values->PrimitiveTopologyType, 10, 14) | __gen_uint(values->VertexAccessType, 15, 15) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandSubOpcode, 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandOpcode, 24, 26) | __gen_uint(values->CommandSubType, 27, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); dw[1] = __gen_uint(values->VertexCountPerInstance, 0, 31); dw[2] = __gen_uint(values->StartVertexLocation, 0, 31); dw[3] = __gen_uint(values->InstanceCount, 0, 31); dw[4] = __gen_uint(values->StartInstanceLocation, 0, 31); dw[5] = __gen_sint(values->BaseVertexLocation, 0, 31); } #define GFX45_3DSTATE_AA_LINE_PARAMETERS_length 3 #define GFX45_3DSTATE_AA_LINE_PARAMETERS_length_bias 2 #define GFX45_3DSTATE_AA_LINE_PARAMETERS_header \ .DWordLength = 1, \ ._3DCommandSubOpcode = 10, \ ._3DCommandOpcode = 1, \ .CommandSubType = 3, \ .CommandType = 3 struct GFX45_3DSTATE_AA_LINE_PARAMETERS { uint32_t DWordLength; uint32_t _3DCommandSubOpcode; uint32_t _3DCommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandSubType; uint32_t CommandType; float AACoverageSlope; float AACoverageBias; float AACoverageEndCapSlope; float AACoverageEndCapBias; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_3DSTATE_AA_LINE_PARAMETERS_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_3DSTATE_AA_LINE_PARAMETERS * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->DWordLength, 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandSubOpcode, 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandOpcode, 24, 26) | __gen_uint(values->CommandSubType, 27, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); dw[1] = __gen_ufixed(values->AACoverageSlope, 0, 7, 8) | __gen_ufixed(values->AACoverageBias, 16, 23, 8); dw[2] = __gen_ufixed(values->AACoverageEndCapSlope, 0, 7, 8) | __gen_ufixed(values->AACoverageEndCapBias, 16, 23, 8); } #define GFX45_3DSTATE_BINDING_TABLE_POINTERS_length 6 #define GFX45_3DSTATE_BINDING_TABLE_POINTERS_length_bias 2 #define GFX45_3DSTATE_BINDING_TABLE_POINTERS_header\ .DWordLength = 4, \ ._3DCommandSubOpcode = 1, \ ._3DCommandOpcode = 0, \ .CommandSubType = 3, \ .CommandType = 3 struct GFX45_3DSTATE_BINDING_TABLE_POINTERS { uint32_t DWordLength; uint32_t _3DCommandSubOpcode; uint32_t _3DCommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandSubType; uint32_t CommandType; uint64_t PointertoVSBindingTable; uint64_t PointertoGSBindingTable; uint64_t PointertoCLIPBindingTable; uint64_t PointertoSFBindingTable; uint64_t PointertoPSBindingTable; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_3DSTATE_BINDING_TABLE_POINTERS_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_3DSTATE_BINDING_TABLE_POINTERS * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->DWordLength, 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandSubOpcode, 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandOpcode, 24, 26) | __gen_uint(values->CommandSubType, 27, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); dw[1] = __gen_offset(values->PointertoVSBindingTable, 5, 31); dw[2] = __gen_offset(values->PointertoGSBindingTable, 5, 31); dw[3] = __gen_offset(values->PointertoCLIPBindingTable, 5, 31); dw[4] = __gen_offset(values->PointertoSFBindingTable, 5, 31); dw[5] = __gen_offset(values->PointertoPSBindingTable, 5, 31); } #define GFX45_3DSTATE_CONSTANT_COLOR_length 5 #define GFX45_3DSTATE_CONSTANT_COLOR_length_bias 2 #define GFX45_3DSTATE_CONSTANT_COLOR_header \ .DWordLength = 3, \ ._3DCommandSubOpcode = 1, \ ._3DCommandOpcode = 1, \ .CommandSubType = 3, \ .CommandType = 3 struct GFX45_3DSTATE_CONSTANT_COLOR { uint32_t DWordLength; uint32_t _3DCommandSubOpcode; uint32_t _3DCommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandSubType; uint32_t CommandType; float BlendConstantColorRed; float BlendConstantColorGreen; float BlendConstantColorBlue; float BlendConstantColorAlpha; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_3DSTATE_CONSTANT_COLOR_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_3DSTATE_CONSTANT_COLOR * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->DWordLength, 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandSubOpcode, 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandOpcode, 24, 26) | __gen_uint(values->CommandSubType, 27, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); dw[1] = __gen_float(values->BlendConstantColorRed); dw[2] = __gen_float(values->BlendConstantColorGreen); dw[3] = __gen_float(values->BlendConstantColorBlue); dw[4] = __gen_float(values->BlendConstantColorAlpha); } #define GFX45_3DSTATE_DEPTH_BUFFER_length 6 #define GFX45_3DSTATE_DEPTH_BUFFER_length_bias 2 #define GFX45_3DSTATE_DEPTH_BUFFER_header \ .DWordLength = 4, \ ._3DCommandSubOpcode = 5, \ ._3DCommandOpcode = 1, \ .CommandSubType = 3, \ .CommandType = 3 struct GFX45_3DSTATE_DEPTH_BUFFER { uint32_t DWordLength; uint32_t _3DCommandSubOpcode; uint32_t _3DCommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandSubType; uint32_t CommandType; uint32_t SurfacePitch; uint32_t SurfaceFormat; #define D32_FLOAT_S8X24_UINT 0 #define D32_FLOAT 1 #define D24_UNORM_S8_UINT 2 #define D24_UNORM_X8_UINT 3 #define D16_UNORM 5 uint32_t SoftwareTiledRenderingMode; #define NORMAL 0 #define STR1 1 #define STR2 3 bool DepthBufferCoordinateOffsetDisable; uint32_t TileWalk; #define TILEWALK_YMAJOR 1 bool TiledSurface; uint32_t SurfaceType; #define SURFTYPE_1D 0 #define SURFTYPE_2D 1 #define SURFTYPE_3D 2 #define SURFTYPE_CUBE 3 #define SURFTYPE_NULL 7 __gen_address_type SurfaceBaseAddress; uint32_t MIPMapLayoutMode; #define MIPLAYOUT_BELOW 0 #define MIPLAYOUT_RIGHT 1 uint32_t LOD; uint32_t Width; uint32_t Height; #define SURFTYPE_1Dmustbezero 0 uint32_t RenderTargetViewExtent; uint32_t MinimumArrayElement; uint32_t Depth; #define SURFTYPE_CUBEmustbezero 0 int32_t DepthCoordinateOffsetX; int32_t DepthCoordinateOffsetY; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_3DSTATE_DEPTH_BUFFER_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_3DSTATE_DEPTH_BUFFER * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->DWordLength, 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandSubOpcode, 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandOpcode, 24, 26) | __gen_uint(values->CommandSubType, 27, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); dw[1] = __gen_uint(values->SurfacePitch, 0, 16) | __gen_uint(values->SurfaceFormat, 18, 20) | __gen_uint(values->SoftwareTiledRenderingMode, 23, 24) | __gen_uint(values->DepthBufferCoordinateOffsetDisable, 25, 25) | __gen_uint(values->TileWalk, 26, 26) | __gen_uint(values->TiledSurface, 27, 27) | __gen_uint(values->SurfaceType, 29, 31); dw[2] = __gen_address(data, &dw[2], values->SurfaceBaseAddress, 0, 0, 31); dw[3] = __gen_uint(values->MIPMapLayoutMode, 1, 1) | __gen_uint(values->LOD, 2, 5) | __gen_uint(values->Width, 6, 18) | __gen_uint(values->Height, 19, 31); dw[4] = __gen_uint(values->RenderTargetViewExtent, 1, 9) | __gen_uint(values->MinimumArrayElement, 10, 20) | __gen_uint(values->Depth, 21, 31); dw[5] = __gen_sint(values->DepthCoordinateOffsetX, 0, 15) | __gen_sint(values->DepthCoordinateOffsetY, 16, 31); } #define GFX45_3DSTATE_DRAWING_RECTANGLE_length 4 #define GFX45_3DSTATE_DRAWING_RECTANGLE_length_bias 2 #define GFX45_3DSTATE_DRAWING_RECTANGLE_header \ .DWordLength = 2, \ ._3DCommandSubOpcode = 0, \ ._3DCommandOpcode = 1, \ .CommandSubType = 3, \ .CommandType = 3 struct GFX45_3DSTATE_DRAWING_RECTANGLE { uint32_t DWordLength; uint32_t _3DCommandSubOpcode; uint32_t _3DCommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandSubType; uint32_t CommandType; uint32_t ClippedDrawingRectangleXMin; uint32_t ClippedDrawingRectangleYMin; uint32_t ClippedDrawingRectangleXMax; uint32_t ClippedDrawingRectangleYMax; int32_t DrawingRectangleOriginX; int32_t DrawingRectangleOriginY; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_3DSTATE_DRAWING_RECTANGLE_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_3DSTATE_DRAWING_RECTANGLE * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->DWordLength, 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandSubOpcode, 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandOpcode, 24, 26) | __gen_uint(values->CommandSubType, 27, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); dw[1] = __gen_uint(values->ClippedDrawingRectangleXMin, 0, 15) | __gen_uint(values->ClippedDrawingRectangleYMin, 16, 31); dw[2] = __gen_uint(values->ClippedDrawingRectangleXMax, 0, 15) | __gen_uint(values->ClippedDrawingRectangleYMax, 16, 31); dw[3] = __gen_sint(values->DrawingRectangleOriginX, 0, 15) | __gen_sint(values->DrawingRectangleOriginY, 16, 31); } #define GFX45_3DSTATE_GLOBAL_DEPTH_OFFSET_CLAMP_length 2 #define GFX45_3DSTATE_GLOBAL_DEPTH_OFFSET_CLAMP_length_bias 2 #define GFX45_3DSTATE_GLOBAL_DEPTH_OFFSET_CLAMP_header\ .DWordLength = 0, \ ._3DCommandSubOpcode = 9, \ ._3DCommandOpcode = 1, \ .CommandSubType = 3, \ .CommandType = 3 struct GFX45_3DSTATE_GLOBAL_DEPTH_OFFSET_CLAMP { uint32_t DWordLength; uint32_t _3DCommandSubOpcode; uint32_t _3DCommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandSubType; uint32_t CommandType; float GlobalDepthOffsetClamp; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_3DSTATE_GLOBAL_DEPTH_OFFSET_CLAMP_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_3DSTATE_GLOBAL_DEPTH_OFFSET_CLAMP * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->DWordLength, 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandSubOpcode, 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandOpcode, 24, 26) | __gen_uint(values->CommandSubType, 27, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); dw[1] = __gen_float(values->GlobalDepthOffsetClamp); } #define GFX45_3DSTATE_INDEX_BUFFER_length 3 #define GFX45_3DSTATE_INDEX_BUFFER_length_bias 2 #define GFX45_3DSTATE_INDEX_BUFFER_header \ .DWordLength = 1, \ ._3DCommandSubOpcode = 10, \ ._3DCommandOpcode = 0, \ .CommandSubType = 3, \ .CommandType = 3 struct GFX45_3DSTATE_INDEX_BUFFER { uint32_t DWordLength; uint32_t IndexFormat; #define INDEX_BYTE 0 #define INDEX_WORD 1 #define INDEX_DWORD 2 bool CutIndexEnable; uint32_t _3DCommandSubOpcode; uint32_t _3DCommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandSubType; uint32_t CommandType; __gen_address_type BufferStartingAddress; __gen_address_type BufferEndingAddress; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_3DSTATE_INDEX_BUFFER_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_3DSTATE_INDEX_BUFFER * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->DWordLength, 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->IndexFormat, 8, 9) | __gen_uint(values->CutIndexEnable, 10, 10) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandSubOpcode, 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandOpcode, 24, 26) | __gen_uint(values->CommandSubType, 27, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); dw[1] = __gen_address(data, &dw[1], values->BufferStartingAddress, 0, 0, 31); dw[2] = __gen_address(data, &dw[2], values->BufferEndingAddress, 0, 0, 31); } #define GFX45_3DSTATE_LINE_STIPPLE_length 3 #define GFX45_3DSTATE_LINE_STIPPLE_length_bias 2 #define GFX45_3DSTATE_LINE_STIPPLE_header \ .DWordLength = 1, \ ._3DCommandSubOpcode = 8, \ ._3DCommandOpcode = 1, \ .CommandSubType = 3, \ .CommandType = 3 struct GFX45_3DSTATE_LINE_STIPPLE { uint32_t DWordLength; uint32_t _3DCommandSubOpcode; uint32_t _3DCommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandSubType; uint32_t CommandType; uint32_t LineStipplePattern; uint32_t CurrentStippleIndex; uint32_t CurrentRepeatCounter; bool ModifyEnableCurrentRepeatCounterCurrentStippleIndex; uint32_t LineStippleRepeatCount; float LineStippleInverseRepeatCount; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_3DSTATE_LINE_STIPPLE_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_3DSTATE_LINE_STIPPLE * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->DWordLength, 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandSubOpcode, 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandOpcode, 24, 26) | __gen_uint(values->CommandSubType, 27, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); dw[1] = __gen_uint(values->LineStipplePattern, 0, 15) | __gen_uint(values->CurrentStippleIndex, 16, 19) | __gen_uint(values->CurrentRepeatCounter, 21, 29) | __gen_uint(values->ModifyEnableCurrentRepeatCounterCurrentStippleIndex, 31, 31); dw[2] = __gen_uint(values->LineStippleRepeatCount, 0, 8) | __gen_ufixed(values->LineStippleInverseRepeatCount, 16, 31, 13); } #define GFX45_3DSTATE_PIPELINED_POINTERS_length 7 #define GFX45_3DSTATE_PIPELINED_POINTERS_length_bias 2 #define GFX45_3DSTATE_PIPELINED_POINTERS_header \ .DWordLength = 5, \ ._3DCommandSubOpcode = 0, \ ._3DCommandOpcode = 0, \ .CommandSubType = 3, \ .CommandType = 3 struct GFX45_3DSTATE_PIPELINED_POINTERS { uint32_t DWordLength; uint32_t _3DCommandSubOpcode; uint32_t _3DCommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandSubType; uint32_t CommandType; __gen_address_type PointertoVSState; bool GSEnable; __gen_address_type PointertoGSState; bool ClipEnable; __gen_address_type PointertoCLIPState; __gen_address_type PointertoSFState; __gen_address_type PointertoWMState; __gen_address_type PointertoColorCalcState; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_3DSTATE_PIPELINED_POINTERS_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_3DSTATE_PIPELINED_POINTERS * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->DWordLength, 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandSubOpcode, 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandOpcode, 24, 26) | __gen_uint(values->CommandSubType, 27, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); dw[1] = __gen_address(data, &dw[1], values->PointertoVSState, 0, 5, 31); const uint32_t v2 = __gen_uint(values->GSEnable, 0, 0); dw[2] = __gen_address(data, &dw[2], values->PointertoGSState, v2, 5, 31); const uint32_t v3 = __gen_uint(values->ClipEnable, 0, 0); dw[3] = __gen_address(data, &dw[3], values->PointertoCLIPState, v3, 5, 31); dw[4] = __gen_address(data, &dw[4], values->PointertoSFState, 0, 5, 31); dw[5] = __gen_address(data, &dw[5], values->PointertoWMState, 0, 5, 31); dw[6] = __gen_address(data, &dw[6], values->PointertoColorCalcState, 0, 5, 31); } #define GFX45_3DSTATE_POLY_STIPPLE_OFFSET_length 2 #define GFX45_3DSTATE_POLY_STIPPLE_OFFSET_length_bias 2 #define GFX45_3DSTATE_POLY_STIPPLE_OFFSET_header\ .DWordLength = 0, \ ._3DCommandSubOpcode = 6, \ ._3DCommandOpcode = 1, \ .CommandSubType = 3, \ .CommandType = 3 struct GFX45_3DSTATE_POLY_STIPPLE_OFFSET { uint32_t DWordLength; uint32_t _3DCommandSubOpcode; uint32_t _3DCommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandSubType; uint32_t CommandType; uint32_t PolygonStippleYOffset; uint32_t PolygonStippleXOffset; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_3DSTATE_POLY_STIPPLE_OFFSET_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_3DSTATE_POLY_STIPPLE_OFFSET * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->DWordLength, 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandSubOpcode, 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandOpcode, 24, 26) | __gen_uint(values->CommandSubType, 27, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); dw[1] = __gen_uint(values->PolygonStippleYOffset, 0, 4) | __gen_uint(values->PolygonStippleXOffset, 8, 12); } #define GFX45_3DSTATE_POLY_STIPPLE_PATTERN_length 33 #define GFX45_3DSTATE_POLY_STIPPLE_PATTERN_length_bias 2 #define GFX45_3DSTATE_POLY_STIPPLE_PATTERN_header\ .DWordLength = 31, \ ._3DCommandSubOpcode = 7, \ ._3DCommandOpcode = 1, \ .CommandSubType = 3, \ .CommandType = 3 struct GFX45_3DSTATE_POLY_STIPPLE_PATTERN { uint32_t DWordLength; uint32_t _3DCommandSubOpcode; uint32_t _3DCommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandSubType; uint32_t CommandType; uint32_t PatternRow[32]; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_3DSTATE_POLY_STIPPLE_PATTERN_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_3DSTATE_POLY_STIPPLE_PATTERN * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->DWordLength, 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandSubOpcode, 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandOpcode, 24, 26) | __gen_uint(values->CommandSubType, 27, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); dw[1] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[0], 0, 31); dw[2] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[1], 0, 31); dw[3] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[2], 0, 31); dw[4] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[3], 0, 31); dw[5] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[4], 0, 31); dw[6] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[5], 0, 31); dw[7] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[6], 0, 31); dw[8] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[7], 0, 31); dw[9] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[8], 0, 31); dw[10] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[9], 0, 31); dw[11] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[10], 0, 31); dw[12] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[11], 0, 31); dw[13] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[12], 0, 31); dw[14] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[13], 0, 31); dw[15] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[14], 0, 31); dw[16] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[15], 0, 31); dw[17] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[16], 0, 31); dw[18] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[17], 0, 31); dw[19] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[18], 0, 31); dw[20] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[19], 0, 31); dw[21] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[20], 0, 31); dw[22] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[21], 0, 31); dw[23] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[22], 0, 31); dw[24] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[23], 0, 31); dw[25] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[24], 0, 31); dw[26] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[25], 0, 31); dw[27] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[26], 0, 31); dw[28] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[27], 0, 31); dw[29] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[28], 0, 31); dw[30] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[29], 0, 31); dw[31] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[30], 0, 31); dw[32] = __gen_uint(values->PatternRow[31], 0, 31); } #define GFX45_3DSTATE_VERTEX_BUFFERS_length_bias 2 #define GFX45_3DSTATE_VERTEX_BUFFERS_header \ .DWordLength = 3, \ ._3DCommandSubOpcode = 8, \ ._3DCommandOpcode = 0, \ .CommandSubType = 3, \ .CommandType = 3 struct GFX45_3DSTATE_VERTEX_BUFFERS { uint32_t DWordLength; uint32_t _3DCommandSubOpcode; uint32_t _3DCommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandSubType; uint32_t CommandType; /* variable length fields follow */ }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_3DSTATE_VERTEX_BUFFERS_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_3DSTATE_VERTEX_BUFFERS * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->DWordLength, 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandSubOpcode, 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandOpcode, 24, 26) | __gen_uint(values->CommandSubType, 27, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); } #define GFX45_3DSTATE_VERTEX_ELEMENTS_length_bias 2 #define GFX45_3DSTATE_VERTEX_ELEMENTS_header \ .DWordLength = 1, \ ._3DCommandSubOpcode = 9, \ ._3DCommandOpcode = 0, \ .CommandSubType = 3, \ .CommandType = 3 struct GFX45_3DSTATE_VERTEX_ELEMENTS { uint32_t DWordLength; uint32_t _3DCommandSubOpcode; uint32_t _3DCommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandSubType; uint32_t CommandType; /* variable length fields follow */ }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_3DSTATE_VERTEX_ELEMENTS_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_3DSTATE_VERTEX_ELEMENTS * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->DWordLength, 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandSubOpcode, 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandOpcode, 24, 26) | __gen_uint(values->CommandSubType, 27, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); } #define GFX45_3DSTATE_VF_STATISTICS_length 1 #define GFX45_3DSTATE_VF_STATISTICS_length_bias 1 #define GFX45_3DSTATE_VF_STATISTICS_header \ ._3DCommandSubOpcode = 11, \ ._3DCommandOpcode = 0, \ .CommandSubType = 1, \ .CommandType = 3 struct GFX45_3DSTATE_VF_STATISTICS { bool StatisticsEnable; uint32_t _3DCommandSubOpcode; uint32_t _3DCommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandSubType; uint32_t CommandType; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_3DSTATE_VF_STATISTICS_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_3DSTATE_VF_STATISTICS * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->StatisticsEnable, 0, 0) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandSubOpcode, 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandOpcode, 24, 26) | __gen_uint(values->CommandSubType, 27, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); } #define GFX45_CONSTANT_BUFFER_length 2 #define GFX45_CONSTANT_BUFFER_length_bias 2 #define GFX45_CONSTANT_BUFFER_header \ .DWordLength = 0, \ .Valid = 0, \ ._3DCommandSubOpcode = 2, \ ._3DCommandOpcode = 0, \ .CommandSubType = 0, \ .CommandType = 3 struct GFX45_CONSTANT_BUFFER { uint32_t DWordLength; bool Valid; uint32_t _3DCommandSubOpcode; uint32_t _3DCommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandSubType; uint32_t CommandType; uint32_t BufferLength; __gen_address_type BufferStartingAddress; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_CONSTANT_BUFFER_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_CONSTANT_BUFFER * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->DWordLength, 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->Valid, 8, 8) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandSubOpcode, 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandOpcode, 24, 26) | __gen_uint(values->CommandSubType, 27, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); const uint32_t v1 = __gen_uint(values->BufferLength, 0, 5); dw[1] = __gen_address(data, &dw[1], values->BufferStartingAddress, v1, 6, 31); } #define GFX45_CS_URB_STATE_length 2 #define GFX45_CS_URB_STATE_length_bias 2 #define GFX45_CS_URB_STATE_header \ .DWordLength = 0, \ ._3DCommandSubOpcode = 1, \ ._3DCommandOpcode = 0, \ .CommandSubType = 0, \ .CommandType = 3 struct GFX45_CS_URB_STATE { uint32_t DWordLength; uint32_t _3DCommandSubOpcode; uint32_t _3DCommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandSubType; uint32_t CommandType; uint32_t NumberofURBEntries; uint32_t URBEntryAllocationSize; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_CS_URB_STATE_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_CS_URB_STATE * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->DWordLength, 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandSubOpcode, 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandOpcode, 24, 26) | __gen_uint(values->CommandSubType, 27, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); dw[1] = __gen_uint(values->NumberofURBEntries, 0, 2) | __gen_uint(values->URBEntryAllocationSize, 4, 8); } #define GFX45_MI_FLUSH_length 1 #define GFX45_MI_FLUSH_length_bias 1 #define GFX45_MI_FLUSH_header \ .MICommandOpcode = 4, \ .CommandType = 0 struct GFX45_MI_FLUSH { uint32_t StateInstructionCacheInvalidate; #define DontInvalidate 0 #define Invalidate 1 uint32_t RenderCacheFlushInhibit; #define Flush 0 #define DontFlush 1 uint32_t GlobalSnapshotCountReset; #define DontReset 0 #define Reset 1 uint32_t MICommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandType; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_MI_FLUSH_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_MI_FLUSH * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->StateInstructionCacheInvalidate, 1, 1) | __gen_uint(values->RenderCacheFlushInhibit, 2, 2) | __gen_uint(values->GlobalSnapshotCountReset, 3, 3) | __gen_uint(values->MICommandOpcode, 23, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); } #define GFX45_MI_LOAD_REGISTER_IMM_length 3 #define GFX45_MI_LOAD_REGISTER_IMM_length_bias 2 #define GFX45_MI_LOAD_REGISTER_IMM_header \ .DWordLength = 1, \ .MICommandOpcode = 34, \ .CommandType = 0 struct GFX45_MI_LOAD_REGISTER_IMM { uint32_t DWordLength; uint32_t ByteWriteDisables; uint32_t MICommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandType; uint64_t RegisterOffset; uint32_t DataDWord; /* variable length fields follow */ }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_MI_LOAD_REGISTER_IMM_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_MI_LOAD_REGISTER_IMM * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->DWordLength, 0, 5) | __gen_uint(values->ByteWriteDisables, 8, 11) | __gen_uint(values->MICommandOpcode, 23, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); dw[1] = __gen_offset(values->RegisterOffset, 2, 31); dw[2] = __gen_uint(values->DataDWord, 0, 31); } #define GFX45_MI_STORE_DATA_IMM_length 5 #define GFX45_MI_STORE_DATA_IMM_length_bias 2 #define GFX45_MI_STORE_DATA_IMM_header \ .DWordLength = 2, \ .MICommandOpcode = 32, \ .CommandType = 0 struct GFX45_MI_STORE_DATA_IMM { uint32_t DWordLength; uint32_t BitFieldName; bool MemoryAddressType; uint32_t MICommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandType; __gen_address_type PhysicalStartAddressExtension; __gen_address_type Address; uint64_t ImmediateData; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_MI_STORE_DATA_IMM_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_MI_STORE_DATA_IMM * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->DWordLength, 0, 5) | __gen_uint(values->BitFieldName, 21, 21) | __gen_uint(values->MemoryAddressType, 22, 22) | __gen_uint(values->MICommandOpcode, 23, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); dw[1] = __gen_address(data, &dw[1], values->PhysicalStartAddressExtension, 0, 0, 3); dw[2] = __gen_address(data, &dw[2], values->Address, 0, 2, 31); const uint64_t v3 = __gen_uint(values->ImmediateData, 0, 63); dw[3] = v3; dw[4] = v3 >> 32; } #define GFX45_MI_STORE_REGISTER_MEM_length 3 #define GFX45_MI_STORE_REGISTER_MEM_length_bias 2 #define GFX45_MI_STORE_REGISTER_MEM_header \ .DWordLength = 1, \ .MICommandOpcode = 36, \ .CommandType = 0 struct GFX45_MI_STORE_REGISTER_MEM { uint32_t DWordLength; bool UseGlobalGTT; uint32_t MICommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandType; uint64_t RegisterAddress; __gen_address_type PhysicalStartAddressExtension; __gen_address_type MemoryAddress; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_MI_STORE_REGISTER_MEM_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_MI_STORE_REGISTER_MEM * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->DWordLength, 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->UseGlobalGTT, 22, 22) | __gen_uint(values->MICommandOpcode, 23, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); const uint32_t v1 = __gen_offset(values->RegisterAddress, 2, 22); dw[1] = __gen_address(data, &dw[1], values->PhysicalStartAddressExtension, v1, 28, 31); dw[2] = __gen_address(data, &dw[2], values->MemoryAddress, 0, 2, 31); } #define GFX45_PIPELINE_SELECT_length 1 #define GFX45_PIPELINE_SELECT_length_bias 1 #define GFX45_PIPELINE_SELECT_header \ ._3DCommandSubOpcode = 4, \ ._3DCommandOpcode = 1, \ .CommandSubType = 1, \ .CommandType = 3 struct GFX45_PIPELINE_SELECT { uint32_t PipelineSelection; #define _3D 0 #define Media 1 uint32_t _3DCommandSubOpcode; uint32_t _3DCommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandSubType; uint32_t CommandType; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_PIPELINE_SELECT_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_PIPELINE_SELECT * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->PipelineSelection, 0, 1) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandSubOpcode, 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandOpcode, 24, 26) | __gen_uint(values->CommandSubType, 27, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); } #define GFX45_PIPE_CONTROL_length 4 #define GFX45_PIPE_CONTROL_length_bias 2 #define GFX45_PIPE_CONTROL_header \ .DWordLength = 2, \ ._3DCommandSubOpcode = 0, \ ._3DCommandOpcode = 2, \ .CommandSubType = 3, \ .CommandType = 3 struct GFX45_PIPE_CONTROL { uint32_t DWordLength; bool NotifyEnable; bool IndirectStatePointersDisable; bool TextureCacheFlushEnable; bool InstructionCacheInvalidateEnable; bool WriteCacheFlush; bool DepthStallEnable; uint32_t PostSyncOperation; #define NoWrite 0 #define WriteImmediateData 1 #define WritePSDepthCount 2 #define WriteTimestamp 3 uint32_t _3DCommandSubOpcode; uint32_t _3DCommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandSubType; uint32_t CommandType; uint32_t DestinationAddressType; #define DAT_PGTT 0 #define DAT_GGTT 1 __gen_address_type Address; uint64_t ImmediateData; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_PIPE_CONTROL_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_PIPE_CONTROL * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->DWordLength, 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->NotifyEnable, 8, 8) | __gen_uint(values->IndirectStatePointersDisable, 9, 9) | __gen_uint(values->TextureCacheFlushEnable, 10, 10) | __gen_uint(values->InstructionCacheInvalidateEnable, 11, 11) | __gen_uint(values->WriteCacheFlush, 12, 12) | __gen_uint(values->DepthStallEnable, 13, 13) | __gen_uint(values->PostSyncOperation, 14, 15) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandSubOpcode, 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandOpcode, 24, 26) | __gen_uint(values->CommandSubType, 27, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); const uint32_t v1 = __gen_uint(values->DestinationAddressType, 2, 2); dw[1] = __gen_address(data, &dw[1], values->Address, v1, 3, 31); const uint64_t v2 = __gen_uint(values->ImmediateData, 0, 63); dw[2] = v2; dw[3] = v2 >> 32; } #define GFX45_STATE_BASE_ADDRESS_length 6 #define GFX45_STATE_BASE_ADDRESS_length_bias 2 #define GFX45_STATE_BASE_ADDRESS_header \ .DWordLength = 4, \ ._3DCommandSubOpcode = 1, \ ._3DCommandOpcode = 1, \ .CommandSubType = 0, \ .CommandType = 3 struct GFX45_STATE_BASE_ADDRESS { uint32_t DWordLength; uint32_t _3DCommandSubOpcode; uint32_t _3DCommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandSubType; uint32_t CommandType; bool GeneralStateBaseAddressModifyEnable; __gen_address_type GeneralStateBaseAddress; bool SurfaceStateBaseAddressModifyEnable; __gen_address_type SurfaceStateBaseAddress; bool IndirectObjectBaseAddressModifyEnable; __gen_address_type IndirectObjectBaseAddress; bool GeneralStateAccessUpperBoundModifyEnable; __gen_address_type GeneralStateAccessUpperBound; bool IndirectObjectAccessUpperBoundModifyEnable; __gen_address_type IndirectObjectAccessUpperBound; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_STATE_BASE_ADDRESS_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_STATE_BASE_ADDRESS * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->DWordLength, 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandSubOpcode, 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandOpcode, 24, 26) | __gen_uint(values->CommandSubType, 27, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); const uint32_t v1 = __gen_uint(values->GeneralStateBaseAddressModifyEnable, 0, 0); dw[1] = __gen_address(data, &dw[1], values->GeneralStateBaseAddress, v1, 12, 31); const uint32_t v2 = __gen_uint(values->SurfaceStateBaseAddressModifyEnable, 0, 0); dw[2] = __gen_address(data, &dw[2], values->SurfaceStateBaseAddress, v2, 12, 31); const uint32_t v3 = __gen_uint(values->IndirectObjectBaseAddressModifyEnable, 0, 0); dw[3] = __gen_address(data, &dw[3], values->IndirectObjectBaseAddress, v3, 12, 31); const uint32_t v4 = __gen_uint(values->GeneralStateAccessUpperBoundModifyEnable, 0, 0); dw[4] = __gen_address(data, &dw[4], values->GeneralStateAccessUpperBound, v4, 12, 31); const uint32_t v5 = __gen_uint(values->IndirectObjectAccessUpperBoundModifyEnable, 0, 0); dw[5] = __gen_address(data, &dw[5], values->IndirectObjectAccessUpperBound, v5, 12, 31); } #define GFX45_STATE_SIP_length 2 #define GFX45_STATE_SIP_length_bias 2 #define GFX45_STATE_SIP_header \ .DWordLength = 0, \ ._3DCommandSubOpcode = 2, \ ._3DCommandOpcode = 1, \ .CommandSubType = 0, \ .CommandType = 3 struct GFX45_STATE_SIP { uint32_t DWordLength; uint32_t _3DCommandSubOpcode; uint32_t _3DCommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandSubType; uint32_t CommandType; uint64_t SystemInstructionPointer; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_STATE_SIP_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_STATE_SIP * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->DWordLength, 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandSubOpcode, 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandOpcode, 24, 26) | __gen_uint(values->CommandSubType, 27, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); dw[1] = __gen_offset(values->SystemInstructionPointer, 4, 31); } #define GFX45_URB_FENCE_length 3 #define GFX45_URB_FENCE_length_bias 2 #define GFX45_URB_FENCE_header \ .DWordLength = 1, \ ._3DCommandSubOpcode = 0, \ ._3DCommandOpcode = 0, \ .CommandSubType = 0, \ .CommandType = 3 struct GFX45_URB_FENCE { uint32_t DWordLength; bool VSUnitURBReallocationRequest; bool GSUnitURBReallocationRequest; bool CLIPUnitURBReallocationRequest; bool SFUnitURBReallocationRequest; bool VFEUnitURBReallocationRequest; bool CSUnitURBReallocationRequest; uint32_t _3DCommandSubOpcode; uint32_t _3DCommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandSubType; uint32_t CommandType; uint32_t VSFence; uint32_t GSFence; uint32_t CLIPFence; uint32_t SFFence; uint32_t VFEFence; uint32_t CSFence; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_URB_FENCE_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_URB_FENCE * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->DWordLength, 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->VSUnitURBReallocationRequest, 8, 8) | __gen_uint(values->GSUnitURBReallocationRequest, 9, 9) | __gen_uint(values->CLIPUnitURBReallocationRequest, 10, 10) | __gen_uint(values->SFUnitURBReallocationRequest, 11, 11) | __gen_uint(values->VFEUnitURBReallocationRequest, 12, 12) | __gen_uint(values->CSUnitURBReallocationRequest, 13, 13) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandSubOpcode, 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->_3DCommandOpcode, 24, 26) | __gen_uint(values->CommandSubType, 27, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); dw[1] = __gen_uint(values->VSFence, 0, 9) | __gen_uint(values->GSFence, 10, 19) | __gen_uint(values->CLIPFence, 20, 29); dw[2] = __gen_uint(values->SFFence, 0, 9) | __gen_uint(values->VFEFence, 10, 19) | __gen_uint(values->CSFence, 20, 30); } #define GFX45_XY_COLOR_BLT_length 6 #define GFX45_XY_COLOR_BLT_length_bias 2 #define GFX45_XY_COLOR_BLT_header \ .DWordLength = 4, \ ._2DCommandOpcode = 80, \ .CommandType = 2 struct GFX45_XY_COLOR_BLT { uint32_t DWordLength; bool TilingEnable; uint32_t _32bppByteMask; uint32_t _2DCommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandType; int32_t DestinationPitch; uint32_t RasterOperation; uint32_t ColorDepth; #define COLOR_DEPTH__8bit 0 #define COLOR_DEPTH__565 1 #define COLOR_DEPTH__1555 2 #define COLOR_DEPTH__32bit 3 bool ClippingEnabled; int32_t DestinationX1Coordinate; int32_t DestinationY1Coordinate; int32_t DestinationX2Coordinate; int32_t DestinationY2Coordinate; __gen_address_type DestinationBaseAddress; int32_t SolidPatternColor; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_XY_COLOR_BLT_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_XY_COLOR_BLT * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->DWordLength, 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->TilingEnable, 11, 11) | __gen_uint(values->_32bppByteMask, 20, 21) | __gen_uint(values->_2DCommandOpcode, 22, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); dw[1] = __gen_sint(values->DestinationPitch, 0, 15) | __gen_uint(values->RasterOperation, 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->ColorDepth, 24, 25) | __gen_uint(values->ClippingEnabled, 30, 30); dw[2] = __gen_sint(values->DestinationX1Coordinate, 0, 15) | __gen_sint(values->DestinationY1Coordinate, 16, 31); dw[3] = __gen_sint(values->DestinationX2Coordinate, 0, 15) | __gen_sint(values->DestinationY2Coordinate, 16, 31); dw[4] = __gen_address(data, &dw[4], values->DestinationBaseAddress, 0, 0, 31); dw[5] = __gen_sint(values->SolidPatternColor, 0, 31); } #define GFX45_XY_SETUP_BLT_length 8 #define GFX45_XY_SETUP_BLT_length_bias 2 #define GFX45_XY_SETUP_BLT_header \ .DWordLength = 6, \ ._2DCommandOpcode = 1, \ .CommandType = 2 struct GFX45_XY_SETUP_BLT { uint32_t DWordLength; bool TilingEnable; uint32_t _32bppByteMask; uint32_t _2DCommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandType; int32_t DestinationPitch; uint32_t RasterOperation; uint32_t ColorDepth; #define COLOR_DEPTH__8bit 0 #define COLOR_DEPTH__565 1 #define COLOR_DEPTH__1555 2 #define COLOR_DEPTH__32bit 3 bool MonoSourceTransparencyMode; bool ClippingEnabled; int32_t ClipRectX1Coordinate; int32_t ClipRectY1Coordinate; int32_t ClipRectX2Coordinate; int32_t ClipRectY2Coordinate; __gen_address_type DestinationBaseAddress; uint32_t BackgroundColor; uint32_t ForegroundColor; uint32_t PatternBaseAddress; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_XY_SETUP_BLT_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_XY_SETUP_BLT * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->DWordLength, 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->TilingEnable, 11, 11) | __gen_uint(values->_32bppByteMask, 20, 21) | __gen_uint(values->_2DCommandOpcode, 22, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); dw[1] = __gen_sint(values->DestinationPitch, 0, 15) | __gen_uint(values->RasterOperation, 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->ColorDepth, 24, 25) | __gen_uint(values->MonoSourceTransparencyMode, 29, 29) | __gen_uint(values->ClippingEnabled, 30, 30); dw[2] = __gen_sint(values->ClipRectX1Coordinate, 0, 15) | __gen_sint(values->ClipRectY1Coordinate, 16, 31); dw[3] = __gen_sint(values->ClipRectX2Coordinate, 0, 15) | __gen_sint(values->ClipRectY2Coordinate, 16, 31); dw[4] = __gen_address(data, &dw[4], values->DestinationBaseAddress, 0, 0, 31); dw[5] = __gen_uint(values->BackgroundColor, 0, 31); dw[6] = __gen_uint(values->ForegroundColor, 0, 31); dw[7] = __gen_uint(values->PatternBaseAddress, 0, 31); } #define GFX45_XY_SRC_COPY_BLT_length 8 #define GFX45_XY_SRC_COPY_BLT_length_bias 2 #define GFX45_XY_SRC_COPY_BLT_header \ .DWordLength = 6, \ ._2DCommandOpcode = 83, \ .CommandType = 2 struct GFX45_XY_SRC_COPY_BLT { uint32_t DWordLength; bool DestinationTilingEnable; bool SourceTilingEnable; uint32_t _32bppByteMask; uint32_t _2DCommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandType; int32_t DestinationPitch; uint32_t RasterOperation; uint32_t ColorDepth; #define COLOR_DEPTH__8bit 0 #define COLOR_DEPTH__565 1 #define COLOR_DEPTH__1555 2 #define COLOR_DEPTH__32bit 3 bool ClippingEnabled; int32_t DestinationX1Coordinate; int32_t DestinationY1Coordinate; int32_t DestinationX2Coordinate; int32_t DestinationY2Coordinate; __gen_address_type DestinationBaseAddress; int32_t SourceX1Coordinate; int32_t SourceY1Coordinate; int32_t SourcePitch; __gen_address_type SourceBaseAddress; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_XY_SRC_COPY_BLT_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_XY_SRC_COPY_BLT * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->DWordLength, 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->DestinationTilingEnable, 11, 11) | __gen_uint(values->SourceTilingEnable, 15, 15) | __gen_uint(values->_32bppByteMask, 20, 21) | __gen_uint(values->_2DCommandOpcode, 22, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); dw[1] = __gen_sint(values->DestinationPitch, 0, 15) | __gen_uint(values->RasterOperation, 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->ColorDepth, 24, 25) | __gen_uint(values->ClippingEnabled, 30, 30); dw[2] = __gen_sint(values->DestinationX1Coordinate, 0, 15) | __gen_sint(values->DestinationY1Coordinate, 16, 31); dw[3] = __gen_sint(values->DestinationX2Coordinate, 0, 15) | __gen_sint(values->DestinationY2Coordinate, 16, 31); dw[4] = __gen_address(data, &dw[4], values->DestinationBaseAddress, 0, 0, 31); dw[5] = __gen_sint(values->SourceX1Coordinate, 0, 15) | __gen_sint(values->SourceY1Coordinate, 16, 31); dw[6] = __gen_sint(values->SourcePitch, 0, 15); dw[7] = __gen_address(data, &dw[7], values->SourceBaseAddress, 0, 0, 31); } #define GFX45_XY_TEXT_IMMEDIATE_BLT_length 3 #define GFX45_XY_TEXT_IMMEDIATE_BLT_length_bias 2 #define GFX45_XY_TEXT_IMMEDIATE_BLT_header \ .DWordLength = 1, \ ._2DCommandOpcode = 49, \ .CommandType = 2 struct GFX45_XY_TEXT_IMMEDIATE_BLT { uint32_t DWordLength; bool TilingEnable; uint32_t Packing; #define BitPacked 0 #define BytePacked 1 uint32_t _32bppByteMask; uint32_t _2DCommandOpcode; uint32_t CommandType; int32_t DestinationPitch; int32_t DestinationX1Coordinate; int32_t DestinationY1Coordinate; int32_t DestinationX2Coordinate; int32_t DestinationY2Coordinate; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX45_XY_TEXT_IMMEDIATE_BLT_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX45_XY_TEXT_IMMEDIATE_BLT * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->DWordLength, 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->TilingEnable, 11, 11) | __gen_uint(values->Packing, 16, 16) | __gen_uint(values->_32bppByteMask, 20, 21) | __gen_uint(values->_2DCommandOpcode, 22, 28) | __gen_uint(values->CommandType, 29, 31); dw[1] = __gen_sint(values->DestinationPitch, 0, 15) | __gen_sint(values->DestinationX1Coordinate, 0, 15) | __gen_sint(values->DestinationY1Coordinate, 16, 31); dw[2] = __gen_sint(values->DestinationX2Coordinate, 0, 15) | __gen_sint(values->DestinationY2Coordinate, 16, 31); } #endif /* GFX45_PACK_H */