/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* Instructions, enums and structures for RT. * * This file has been generated, do not hand edit. */ #ifndef GFX_PACK_H #define GFX_PACK_H #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <assert.h> #include <math.h> #ifndef __gen_validate_value #define __gen_validate_value(x) #endif #ifndef __intel_field_functions #define __intel_field_functions #ifdef NDEBUG #define NDEBUG_UNUSED __attribute__((unused)) #else #define NDEBUG_UNUSED #endif union __intel_value { float f; uint32_t dw; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) uint64_t __gen_mbo(uint32_t start, uint32_t end) { return (~0ull >> (64 - (end - start + 1))) << start; } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) uint64_t __gen_uint(uint64_t v, uint32_t start, NDEBUG_UNUSED uint32_t end) { __gen_validate_value(v); #ifndef NDEBUG const int width = end - start + 1; if (width < 64) { const uint64_t max = (1ull << width) - 1; assert(v <= max); } #endif return v << start; } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) uint64_t __gen_sint(int64_t v, uint32_t start, uint32_t end) { const int width = end - start + 1; __gen_validate_value(v); #ifndef NDEBUG if (width < 64) { const int64_t max = (1ll << (width - 1)) - 1; const int64_t min = -(1ll << (width - 1)); assert(min <= v && v <= max); } #endif const uint64_t mask = ~0ull >> (64 - width); return (v & mask) << start; } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) uint64_t __gen_offset(uint64_t v, NDEBUG_UNUSED uint32_t start, NDEBUG_UNUSED uint32_t end) { __gen_validate_value(v); #ifndef NDEBUG uint64_t mask = (~0ull >> (64 - (end - start + 1))) << start; assert((v & ~mask) == 0); #endif return v; } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) uint64_t __gen_address(__gen_user_data *data, void *location, __gen_address_type address, uint32_t delta, __attribute__((unused)) uint32_t start, uint32_t end) { uint64_t addr_u64 = __gen_combine_address(data, location, address, delta); if (end == 31) { return addr_u64; } else if (end < 63) { const unsigned shift = 63 - end; return (addr_u64 << shift) >> shift; } else { return addr_u64; } } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) uint32_t __gen_float(float v) { __gen_validate_value(v); return ((union __intel_value) { .f = (v) }).dw; } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) uint64_t __gen_sfixed(float v, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, uint32_t fract_bits) { __gen_validate_value(v); const float factor = (1 << fract_bits); #ifndef NDEBUG const float max = ((1 << (end - start)) - 1) / factor; const float min = -(1 << (end - start)) / factor; assert(min <= v && v <= max); #endif const int64_t int_val = llroundf(v * factor); const uint64_t mask = ~0ull >> (64 - (end - start + 1)); return (int_val & mask) << start; } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) uint64_t __gen_ufixed(float v, uint32_t start, NDEBUG_UNUSED uint32_t end, uint32_t fract_bits) { __gen_validate_value(v); const float factor = (1 << fract_bits); #ifndef NDEBUG const float max = ((1 << (end - start + 1)) - 1) / factor; const float min = 0.0f; assert(min <= v && v <= max); #endif const uint64_t uint_val = llroundf(v * factor); return uint_val << start; } #ifndef __gen_address_type #error #define __gen_address_type before including this file #endif #ifndef __gen_user_data #error #define __gen_combine_address before including this file #endif #undef NDEBUG_UNUSED #endif #define GFX_BINDLESS_SHADER_RECORD_length 2 struct GFX_BINDLESS_SHADER_RECORD { uint32_t OffsetToLocalArguments; uint32_t BindlessShaderDispatchMode; #define RT_SIMD16 0 #define RT_SIMD8 1 uint64_t KernelStartPointer; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX_BINDLESS_SHADER_RECORD_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX_BINDLESS_SHADER_RECORD * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->OffsetToLocalArguments, 0, 2) | __gen_uint(values->BindlessShaderDispatchMode, 4, 4) | __gen_offset(values->KernelStartPointer, 6, 31); dw[1] = 0; } #define GFX_RT_GENERAL_SBT_HANDLE_length 8 struct GFX_RT_GENERAL_SBT_HANDLE { struct GFX_BINDLESS_SHADER_RECORD General; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX_RT_GENERAL_SBT_HANDLE_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX_RT_GENERAL_SBT_HANDLE * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; GFX_BINDLESS_SHADER_RECORD_pack(data, &dw[0], &values->General); dw[2] = 0; dw[3] = 0; dw[4] = 0; dw[5] = 0; dw[6] = 0; dw[7] = 0; } #define GFX_RT_TRIANGLES_SBT_HANDLE_length 8 struct GFX_RT_TRIANGLES_SBT_HANDLE { struct GFX_BINDLESS_SHADER_RECORD ClosestHit; struct GFX_BINDLESS_SHADER_RECORD AnyHit; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX_RT_TRIANGLES_SBT_HANDLE_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX_RT_TRIANGLES_SBT_HANDLE * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; GFX_BINDLESS_SHADER_RECORD_pack(data, &dw[0], &values->ClosestHit); GFX_BINDLESS_SHADER_RECORD_pack(data, &dw[2], &values->AnyHit); dw[4] = 0; dw[5] = 0; dw[6] = 0; dw[7] = 0; } #define GFX_RT_PROCEDURAL_SBT_HANDLE_length 8 struct GFX_RT_PROCEDURAL_SBT_HANDLE { struct GFX_BINDLESS_SHADER_RECORD ClosestHit; struct GFX_BINDLESS_SHADER_RECORD Intersection; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX_RT_PROCEDURAL_SBT_HANDLE_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX_RT_PROCEDURAL_SBT_HANDLE * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; GFX_BINDLESS_SHADER_RECORD_pack(data, &dw[0], &values->ClosestHit); GFX_BINDLESS_SHADER_RECORD_pack(data, &dw[2], &values->Intersection); dw[4] = 0; dw[5] = 0; dw[6] = 0; dw[7] = 0; } #define GFX_RT_SHADER_TABLE_length 2 struct GFX_RT_SHADER_TABLE { __gen_address_type BaseAddress; uint32_t Stride; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX_RT_SHADER_TABLE_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX_RT_SHADER_TABLE * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; const uint64_t v0 = __gen_uint(values->Stride, 48, 63); const uint64_t v0_address = __gen_address(data, &dw[0], values->BaseAddress, v0, 0, 47); dw[0] = v0_address; dw[1] = (v0_address >> 32) | (v0 >> 32); } #define GFX_RT_DISPATCH_GLOBALS_length 20 struct GFX_RT_DISPATCH_GLOBALS { __gen_address_type MemBaseAddress; struct GFX_BINDLESS_SHADER_RECORD CallStackHandler; uint32_t AsyncRTStackSize; uint32_t NumDSSRTStacks; uint32_t MaxBVHLevels; uint32_t Flags; #define RT_DEPTH_TEST_LESS_EQUAL 1 struct GFX_RT_SHADER_TABLE HitGroupTable; struct GFX_RT_SHADER_TABLE MissGroupTable; uint32_t SWStackSize; uint32_t LaunchWidth; uint32_t LaunchHeight; uint32_t LaunchDepth; struct GFX_RT_SHADER_TABLE CallableGroupTable; __gen_address_type ResumeShaderTable; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX_RT_DISPATCH_GLOBALS_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX_RT_DISPATCH_GLOBALS * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; const uint64_t v0_address = __gen_address(data, &dw[0], values->MemBaseAddress, 0, 0, 63); dw[0] = v0_address; dw[1] = v0_address >> 32; GFX_BINDLESS_SHADER_RECORD_pack(data, &dw[2], &values->CallStackHandler); dw[4] = __gen_uint(values->AsyncRTStackSize, 0, 31); dw[5] = __gen_uint(values->NumDSSRTStacks, 0, 15); dw[6] = __gen_uint(values->MaxBVHLevels, 0, 2); dw[7] = __gen_uint(values->Flags, 0, 0); GFX_RT_SHADER_TABLE_pack(data, &dw[8], &values->HitGroupTable); GFX_RT_SHADER_TABLE_pack(data, &dw[10], &values->MissGroupTable); dw[12] = __gen_uint(values->SWStackSize, 0, 31); dw[13] = __gen_uint(values->LaunchWidth, 0, 31); dw[14] = __gen_uint(values->LaunchHeight, 0, 31); dw[15] = __gen_uint(values->LaunchDepth, 0, 31); GFX_RT_SHADER_TABLE_pack(data, &dw[16], &values->CallableGroupTable); const uint64_t v18_address = __gen_address(data, &dw[18], values->ResumeShaderTable, 0, 0, 63); dw[18] = v18_address; dw[19] = v18_address >> 32; } #define GFX_RT_BVH_VEC3_length 3 struct GFX_RT_BVH_VEC3 { float X; float Y; float Z; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX_RT_BVH_VEC3_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX_RT_BVH_VEC3 * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_float(values->X); dw[1] = __gen_float(values->Y); dw[2] = __gen_float(values->Z); } #define GFX_RT_BVH_length 16 struct GFX_RT_BVH { uint64_t RootNodeOffset; struct GFX_RT_BVH_VEC3 BoundsMin; struct GFX_RT_BVH_VEC3 BoundsMax; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX_RT_BVH_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX_RT_BVH * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; const uint64_t v0 = __gen_offset(values->RootNodeOffset, 0, 63); dw[0] = v0; dw[1] = v0 >> 32; GFX_RT_BVH_VEC3_pack(data, &dw[2], &values->BoundsMin); GFX_RT_BVH_VEC3_pack(data, &dw[5], &values->BoundsMax); dw[8] = 0; dw[9] = 0; dw[10] = 0; dw[11] = 0; dw[12] = 0; dw[13] = 0; dw[14] = 0; dw[15] = 0; } #define GFX_RT_BVH_INTERNAL_NODE_length 16 struct GFX_RT_BVH_INTERNAL_NODE { struct GFX_RT_BVH_VEC3 Origin; int32_t ChildOffset; uint32_t NodeType; #define NODE_TYPE_INTERNAL 0 #define NODE_TYPE_INSTANCE 1 #define NODE_TYPE_PROCEDURAL 3 #define NODE_TYPE_QUAD 4 #define NODE_TYPE_INVALID 7 int32_t ChildBoundsExponentX; int32_t ChildBoundsExponentY; int32_t ChildBoundsExponentZ; uint32_t NodeRayMask; uint32_t ChildSize[6]; uint32_t ChildType[6]; uint32_t StartPrimitive[6]; uint32_t ChildLowerXBound[6]; uint32_t ChildUpperXBound[6]; uint32_t ChildLowerYBound[6]; uint32_t ChildUpperYBound[6]; uint32_t ChildLowerZBound[6]; uint32_t ChildUpperZBound[6]; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX_RT_BVH_INTERNAL_NODE_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX_RT_BVH_INTERNAL_NODE * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; GFX_RT_BVH_VEC3_pack(data, &dw[0], &values->Origin); dw[3] = __gen_sint(values->ChildOffset, 0, 31); dw[4] = __gen_uint(values->NodeType, 0, 7) | __gen_sint(values->ChildBoundsExponentX, 16, 23) | __gen_sint(values->ChildBoundsExponentY, 24, 31); dw[5] = __gen_sint(values->ChildBoundsExponentZ, 0, 8) | __gen_uint(values->NodeRayMask, 8, 15) | __gen_uint(values->ChildSize[0], 16, 17) | __gen_uint(values->ChildType[0], 18, 21) | __gen_uint(values->StartPrimitive[0], 18, 21) | __gen_uint(values->ChildSize[1], 24, 25) | __gen_uint(values->ChildType[1], 26, 29) | __gen_uint(values->StartPrimitive[1], 26, 29); dw[6] = __gen_uint(values->ChildSize[2], 0, 1) | __gen_uint(values->ChildType[2], 2, 5) | __gen_uint(values->StartPrimitive[2], 2, 5) | __gen_uint(values->ChildSize[3], 8, 9) | __gen_uint(values->ChildType[3], 10, 13) | __gen_uint(values->StartPrimitive[3], 10, 13) | __gen_uint(values->ChildSize[4], 16, 17) | __gen_uint(values->ChildType[4], 18, 21) | __gen_uint(values->StartPrimitive[4], 18, 21) | __gen_uint(values->ChildSize[5], 24, 25) | __gen_uint(values->ChildType[5], 26, 29) | __gen_uint(values->StartPrimitive[5], 26, 29); dw[7] = __gen_uint(values->ChildLowerXBound[0], 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->ChildLowerXBound[1], 8, 15) | __gen_uint(values->ChildLowerXBound[2], 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->ChildLowerXBound[3], 24, 31); dw[8] = __gen_uint(values->ChildLowerXBound[4], 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->ChildLowerXBound[5], 8, 15) | __gen_uint(values->ChildUpperXBound[0], 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->ChildUpperXBound[1], 24, 31); dw[9] = __gen_uint(values->ChildUpperXBound[2], 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->ChildUpperXBound[3], 8, 15) | __gen_uint(values->ChildUpperXBound[4], 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->ChildUpperXBound[5], 24, 31); dw[10] = __gen_uint(values->ChildLowerYBound[0], 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->ChildLowerYBound[1], 8, 15) | __gen_uint(values->ChildLowerYBound[2], 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->ChildLowerYBound[3], 24, 31); dw[11] = __gen_uint(values->ChildLowerYBound[4], 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->ChildLowerYBound[5], 8, 15) | __gen_uint(values->ChildUpperYBound[0], 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->ChildUpperYBound[1], 24, 31); dw[12] = __gen_uint(values->ChildUpperYBound[2], 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->ChildUpperYBound[3], 8, 15) | __gen_uint(values->ChildUpperYBound[4], 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->ChildUpperYBound[5], 24, 31); dw[13] = __gen_uint(values->ChildLowerZBound[0], 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->ChildLowerZBound[1], 8, 15) | __gen_uint(values->ChildLowerZBound[2], 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->ChildLowerZBound[3], 24, 31); dw[14] = __gen_uint(values->ChildLowerZBound[4], 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->ChildLowerZBound[5], 8, 15) | __gen_uint(values->ChildUpperZBound[0], 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->ChildUpperZBound[1], 24, 31); dw[15] = __gen_uint(values->ChildUpperZBound[2], 0, 7) | __gen_uint(values->ChildUpperZBound[3], 8, 15) | __gen_uint(values->ChildUpperZBound[4], 16, 23) | __gen_uint(values->ChildUpperZBound[5], 24, 31); } #define GFX_RT_BVH_PRIMITIVE_LEAF_DESCRIPTOR_length 2 struct GFX_RT_BVH_PRIMITIVE_LEAF_DESCRIPTOR { uint32_t ShaderIndex; uint32_t GeometryRayMask; uint32_t GeometryIndex; uint32_t LeafType; #define TYPE_QUAD 0 #define TYPE_OPAQUE_CULLING_ENABLED 0 #define TYPE_OPAQUE_CULLING_DISABLED 1 uint32_t GeometryFlags; #define GEOMETRY_OPAQUE 1 }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX_RT_BVH_PRIMITIVE_LEAF_DESCRIPTOR_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX_RT_BVH_PRIMITIVE_LEAF_DESCRIPTOR * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->ShaderIndex, 0, 23) | __gen_uint(values->GeometryRayMask, 24, 31); dw[1] = __gen_uint(values->GeometryIndex, 0, 28) | __gen_uint(values->LeafType, 29, 29) | __gen_uint(values->GeometryFlags, 30, 31); } #define GFX_RT_BVH_QUAD_LEAF_length 16 struct GFX_RT_BVH_QUAD_LEAF { struct GFX_RT_BVH_PRIMITIVE_LEAF_DESCRIPTOR LeafDescriptor; uint32_t PrimitiveIndex0; uint32_t PrimitiveIndex1Delta; uint32_t j0; uint32_t j1; uint32_t j2; bool LastQuad; struct GFX_RT_BVH_VEC3 QuadVertex[4]; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX_RT_BVH_QUAD_LEAF_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX_RT_BVH_QUAD_LEAF * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; GFX_RT_BVH_PRIMITIVE_LEAF_DESCRIPTOR_pack(data, &dw[0], &values->LeafDescriptor); dw[2] = __gen_uint(values->PrimitiveIndex0, 0, 31); dw[3] = __gen_uint(values->PrimitiveIndex1Delta, 0, 16) | __gen_uint(values->j0, 16, 17) | __gen_uint(values->j1, 18, 19) | __gen_uint(values->j2, 20, 21) | __gen_uint(values->LastQuad, 22, 22); GFX_RT_BVH_VEC3_pack(data, &dw[4], &values->QuadVertex[0]); GFX_RT_BVH_VEC3_pack(data, &dw[7], &values->QuadVertex[1]); GFX_RT_BVH_VEC3_pack(data, &dw[10], &values->QuadVertex[2]); GFX_RT_BVH_VEC3_pack(data, &dw[13], &values->QuadVertex[3]); } #define GFX_RT_BVH_INSTANCE_LEAF_length 32 struct GFX_RT_BVH_INSTANCE_LEAF { uint32_t ShaderIndex; uint32_t GeometryRayMask; uint32_t InstanceContributionToHitGroupIndex; uint32_t LeafType; #define TYPE_OPAQUE_CULLING_ENABLED 0 #define TYPE_OPAQUE_CULLING_DISABLED 1 uint32_t GeometryFlags; #define GEOMETRY_OPAQUE 1 __gen_address_type StartNodeAddress; uint32_t InstanceFlags; #define TRIANGLE_CULL_DISABLE 1 #define TRIANGLE_FRONT_COUNTERCLOCKWISE 2 #define FORCE_OPAQUE 4 #define FORCE_NON_OPAQUE 8 float WorldToObjectm00; float WorldToObjectm01; float WorldToObjectm02; float WorldToObjectm10; float WorldToObjectm11; float WorldToObjectm12; float WorldToObjectm20; float WorldToObjectm21; float WorldToObjectm22; float ObjectToWorldm30; float ObjectToWorldm31; float ObjectToWorldm32; __gen_address_type BVHAddress; uint32_t InstanceID; uint32_t InstanceIndex; float ObjectToWorldm00; float ObjectToWorldm01; float ObjectToWorldm02; float ObjectToWorldm10; float ObjectToWorldm11; float ObjectToWorldm12; float ObjectToWorldm20; float ObjectToWorldm21; float ObjectToWorldm22; float WorldToObjectm30; float WorldToObjectm31; float WorldToObjectm32; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX_RT_BVH_INSTANCE_LEAF_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX_RT_BVH_INSTANCE_LEAF * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; dw[0] = __gen_uint(values->ShaderIndex, 0, 23) | __gen_uint(values->GeometryRayMask, 24, 31); dw[1] = __gen_uint(values->InstanceContributionToHitGroupIndex, 0, 23) | __gen_uint(values->LeafType, 29, 29) | __gen_uint(values->GeometryFlags, 30, 31); const uint64_t v2 = __gen_uint(values->InstanceFlags, 48, 55); const uint64_t v2_address = __gen_address(data, &dw[2], values->StartNodeAddress, v2, 0, 47); dw[2] = v2_address; dw[3] = (v2_address >> 32) | (v2 >> 32); dw[4] = __gen_float(values->WorldToObjectm00); dw[5] = __gen_float(values->WorldToObjectm01); dw[6] = __gen_float(values->WorldToObjectm02); dw[7] = __gen_float(values->WorldToObjectm10); dw[8] = __gen_float(values->WorldToObjectm11); dw[9] = __gen_float(values->WorldToObjectm12); dw[10] = __gen_float(values->WorldToObjectm20); dw[11] = __gen_float(values->WorldToObjectm21); dw[12] = __gen_float(values->WorldToObjectm22); dw[13] = __gen_float(values->ObjectToWorldm30); dw[14] = __gen_float(values->ObjectToWorldm31); dw[15] = __gen_float(values->ObjectToWorldm32); const uint64_t v16_address = __gen_address(data, &dw[16], values->BVHAddress, 0, 0, 47); dw[16] = v16_address; dw[17] = v16_address >> 32; dw[18] = __gen_uint(values->InstanceID, 0, 31); dw[19] = __gen_uint(values->InstanceIndex, 0, 31); dw[20] = __gen_float(values->ObjectToWorldm00); dw[21] = __gen_float(values->ObjectToWorldm01); dw[22] = __gen_float(values->ObjectToWorldm02); dw[23] = __gen_float(values->ObjectToWorldm10); dw[24] = __gen_float(values->ObjectToWorldm11); dw[25] = __gen_float(values->ObjectToWorldm12); dw[26] = __gen_float(values->ObjectToWorldm20); dw[27] = __gen_float(values->ObjectToWorldm21); dw[28] = __gen_float(values->ObjectToWorldm22); dw[29] = __gen_float(values->WorldToObjectm30); dw[30] = __gen_float(values->WorldToObjectm31); dw[31] = __gen_float(values->WorldToObjectm32); } #define GFX_RT_BVH_PROCEDURAL_LEAF_length 16 struct GFX_RT_BVH_PROCEDURAL_LEAF { struct GFX_RT_BVH_PRIMITIVE_LEAF_DESCRIPTOR LeafDescriptor; uint32_t NumPrimitives; uint32_t LastPrimitive; uint32_t PrimitiveIndex[13]; }; static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void GFX_RT_BVH_PROCEDURAL_LEAF_pack(__attribute__((unused)) __gen_user_data *data, __attribute__((unused)) void * restrict dst, __attribute__((unused)) const struct GFX_RT_BVH_PROCEDURAL_LEAF * restrict values) { uint32_t * restrict dw = (uint32_t * restrict) dst; GFX_RT_BVH_PRIMITIVE_LEAF_DESCRIPTOR_pack(data, &dw[0], &values->LeafDescriptor); dw[2] = __gen_uint(values->NumPrimitives, 0, 3) | __gen_uint(values->LastPrimitive, 19, 31); dw[3] = __gen_uint(values->PrimitiveIndex[0], 0, 31); dw[4] = __gen_uint(values->PrimitiveIndex[1], 0, 31); dw[5] = __gen_uint(values->PrimitiveIndex[2], 0, 31); dw[6] = __gen_uint(values->PrimitiveIndex[3], 0, 31); dw[7] = __gen_uint(values->PrimitiveIndex[4], 0, 31); dw[8] = __gen_uint(values->PrimitiveIndex[5], 0, 31); dw[9] = __gen_uint(values->PrimitiveIndex[6], 0, 31); dw[10] = __gen_uint(values->PrimitiveIndex[7], 0, 31); dw[11] = __gen_uint(values->PrimitiveIndex[8], 0, 31); dw[12] = __gen_uint(values->PrimitiveIndex[9], 0, 31); dw[13] = __gen_uint(values->PrimitiveIndex[10], 0, 31); dw[14] = __gen_uint(values->PrimitiveIndex[11], 0, 31); dw[15] = __gen_uint(values->PrimitiveIndex[12], 0, 31); } #endif /* GFX_PACK_H */