/* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. Distributed under MIT license. See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ /* Bit reading helpers */ #include "./bit_reader.h" #include "../common/platform.h" #include <brotli/types.h> #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) extern "C" { #endif const uint32_t kBrotliBitMask[33] = { 0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x00000003, 0x00000007, 0x0000000F, 0x0000001F, 0x0000003F, 0x0000007F, 0x000000FF, 0x000001FF, 0x000003FF, 0x000007FF, 0x00000FFF, 0x00001FFF, 0x00003FFF, 0x00007FFF, 0x0000FFFF, 0x0001FFFF, 0x0003FFFF, 0x0007FFFF, 0x000FFFFF, 0x001FFFFF, 0x003FFFFF, 0x007FFFFF, 0x00FFFFFF, 0x01FFFFFF, 0x03FFFFFF, 0x07FFFFFF, 0x0FFFFFFF, 0x1FFFFFFF, 0x3FFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF }; void BrotliInitBitReader(BrotliBitReader* const br) { br->val_ = 0; br->bit_pos_ = sizeof(br->val_) << 3; } BROTLI_BOOL BrotliWarmupBitReader(BrotliBitReader* const br) { size_t aligned_read_mask = (sizeof(br->val_) >> 1) - 1; /* Fixing alignment after unaligned BrotliFillWindow would result accumulator overflow. If unalignment is caused by BrotliSafeReadBits, then there is enough space in accumulator to fix alignment. */ if (!BROTLI_ALIGNED_READ) { aligned_read_mask = 0; } if (BrotliGetAvailableBits(br) == 0) { if (!BrotliPullByte(br)) { return BROTLI_FALSE; } } while ((((size_t)br->next_in) & aligned_read_mask) != 0) { if (!BrotliPullByte(br)) { /* If we consumed all the input, we don't care about the alignment. */ return BROTLI_TRUE; } } return BROTLI_TRUE; } BROTLI_BOOL BrotliSafeReadBits32Slow(BrotliBitReader* const br, uint32_t n_bits, uint32_t* val) { uint32_t low_val; uint32_t high_val; BrotliBitReaderState memento; BROTLI_DCHECK(n_bits <= 32); BROTLI_DCHECK(n_bits > 24); BrotliBitReaderSaveState(br, &memento); if (!BrotliSafeReadBits(br, 16, &low_val) || !BrotliSafeReadBits(br, n_bits - 16, &high_val)) { BrotliBitReaderRestoreState(br, &memento); return BROTLI_FALSE; } *val = low_val | (high_val << 16); return BROTLI_TRUE; } #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) } /* extern "C" */ #endif