// If you want non-latin layouts to implicitly include the en_US layout,
// then uncomment the following lines:
//! $nonlatin = af am ara bd bg bt by eg et ge gn gr id il in ir \
//              jp jv kg kh kr kz la lk ma me mk mm mn mv my \
//              pk rs ru sy th tj tz ua uz

// PC models
! $pcmodels = pc86 pc101 pc102 pc104 pc104alt pc105

// Jolla devices and keyboards
! $jollamodels = jollasbj

// Microsoft models (using MS geometry)
! $msmodels = microsoft microsoft4000 microsoft7000 microsoftpro microsoftprousb microsoftprose microsoftsurface

// Nokia devices and keyboards
! $nokiamodels = nokiasu8w nokiarx44 nokiarx51

// TypeMatrix geometries
! $tmgeometries = tm2020 tm2030PS2 tm2030USB tm2030USB-102 tm2030USB-106

// Layouts that provide further specializations for the OLPC
! $olpclayouts = af am ara br ca es et fr it kh kz in mn np ru th tr us 

! $macbooks = macbook78 macbook79
! $maclaptop = ibook powerbook macbook78 macbook79
! $applealu = applealu_ansi applealu_iso applealu_jis
! $macs = macintosh macintosh_old ibook powerbook macbook78 macbook79

! $macvendorlayouts = ch de dk fi fr gb is it latam nl no pt se us

// The countries that predominantly have AZERTY or QWERTZ layouts:
! $azerty = be fr
! $qwertz = al ch cz de hr hu ro si sk

! $thinkpads = thinkpad thinkpad60 thinkpadz60

! $sun = sun_type6_jp sun_type6_usb sun_type6_euro_usb \
         sun_type6_jp_usb sun_type6_unix_usb sun_type7_jp_usb \
         sun_type7_usb sun_type7_euro_usb sun_type7_unix_usb

! $sun_jp = sun_type6_jp sun_type6_jp_usb sun_type7_jp_usb

// Sun Type_6_7 keyboards with custom layouts
! $sun_custom = ara be br ca ch cz de dk \
                ee es fi fr gb gr it jp \
                kr lt lv nl no pl pt ro \
                ru se sk tr tw ua us

! $sun_var =  sun_type6 sun_type6_suncompat sun_type6_de sun_type6_fr \
              sun_type7 sun_type7_suncompat suncompat

! $sun_compat = sun_type6 sun_type6_suncompat sun_type7_suncompat suncompat