# Here is a generic script that makes a Sun2 boot tape using
# the files in this directory.  The tape layout is:
#   segment 0:  tapeboot
#   segment 1:  netbsd (RAMDISK)
#   segment 3:  miniroot image
# $NetBSD: MakeBootTape,v 1.4 2002/11/18 12:39:55 lukem Exp $


# Entertain...
set -x

# Make sure we start at the beginning.
mt -f $T rewind

# Segment 1 is the tapeboot program.
dd if=tapeboot of=$T obs=8k conv=sync

# Segment 2 is the Sun2 ramdisk kernel.
gzip -d -c ../../binary/kernel/netbsd-RAMDISK.gz |
  dd of=$T obs=8k conv=sync

# Segment 3 is the miniroot image, unzipped!
gzip -d -c ../miniroot/miniroot.fs.gz |
  dd of=$T obs=8k

# Done!
mt -f $T rewind