
That is only a brief overview of tests in ISC DHCP. For more thorough
description, see ISC DHCP Developer's Guide. You can generate it, by
having Doxygen installed and doing:

 cd doc
 make devel

and then opening doc/html/index.html

Tests Overview

In DHCP, a unit test exercises a particular piece of code in
isolation. There is a separate unit test per module or API. Each unit
test lives in a directory beneath the code it is designed to exercise.
So, we (will eventually) have:


And so on.

We are using ATF (Automated Test Framework) as a framework to run our
unit tests. See ISC DHCP Developer's Guide for much more thorough
description of unit-test and ATF framework in general.

Installing ATF
ATF sources can be downloaded from ATF
must be configured, compiled and then installed to be available during
the DHCP configure procedure. Please follow INSTALL file supplied with
ATF sources (it's essentially the typical ./configure && make &&
make install procedure).

Beginning with ATF version 0.16, it is necessary to include the following
options --enable-tools and --disable-shared when configuring ATF:

    configure --prefix=<prefix> --enable-tools --disable-shared

ISC DHCP unittests will run with ATF releases upto 0.19.  Beginning with
ATF 0.20, the tools, atf-run and atf-report required by ISC DHCP, were
deprecated and are no longer included with ATF.

Running Unit Tests

In order to run the unit tests for DHCP, enable ATF support during configure:

$ ./configure --with-atf{=<atf-path>}

    where <atf-path> is the path into which ATF was installed.  This would
    be same value used for --prefix when ATF was configured (default is

And then build ISC_DHCP with:

$ make

Finally build and run unit tests with:

$ make check

This will traverse the source tree running the unit tests in each unit test
subdirectory.  Note that if one or more tests in a unit test subdirectory fail
the make process will stop.  To run all of the tests regardless of outcome,

$ make -k check

You can run a single test by going to the appropriate test directory
and invoking the test directly:

$ cd server/tests
$ make check

Adding a New Unit Test

See ISC DHCP Developer's Guide.

Adding a New Unit Test Program

See ISC DHCP Developer's Guide.