This instruction list is a derivative of Christos' openjdk build howto. It gets one a snapshot of the openjdk7 bsd-port built (provided it builds, of course :). It's not a release (although the openjdk folks are running up to one), handle with care. I needed to fiddle with the source to get a working jar binary, see the patch. The tarballs in this directory are the result of the j2sdk rebuilding itself, so it reaches at least this level of working. No guarantees otherwise. :) + Dependencies for getting the source: - install the package devel/mercurial + build dependencies - install the package devel/nspr - install the package print/cups - install the package archivers/zip - install the package archivers/unzip - install the package graphics/freetype2 - install a jdk (lang/openjdk7-bin if that covers your needs) - install the package devel/apache-ant (this one wants a jdk package; if you have a non-packaged jdk you need to comment out the dependency and set JAVA_HOME and JVM_HOME in the installed files to your jdk) + Fetching the sources: - the openjdk bsd-port source: hg clone cd bsd-port && sh ./ + run the build see + harvest and use: # the result of the build will be in bsd-port/build/bsd-/j2sdk-image # and bsd-port/build/bsd-/j2re-image. Move them somewhere they can stay, # then setenv JAVA_HOME setenv JVM_HOME # enjoy :)