Scientific Linux 309 on i386 October 12 , 2007 This is a Scientific Linux . Please read this entire document before installing. This is based on the rebuilding of RPMS out of SRPMS's from Enterprise 3 AS *including Update 9 Please send bug reports and suggestions to Changes compared to Scientific Linux 3.0.8 are indicated by a "*". Items indicated by a "?" need to be verified. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of contents DOWNLOAD INFO ADDED compared to Enterprise 3 UPDATED compared to Enterprise 3 Installer modifications Site Info /contrib /notsupported SRPMS MISC Notes HARDWARE SPECIFIC ISSUES SOFTWARE ISSUES/BUGS INFO HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS ERRATA _____________________________________________________________________________ DOWNLOAD INFO _____________________________________________________________________________ anon rsync access available . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDED compared to 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- apt-get Scientific Linux is aptable. Both Yum and apt are installed by default. With yum handling the "auto update" function. apt-0.5.15cnc6-4.SL.i386.rpm apt-devel-0.5.15cnc6-4.SL.i386.rpm apt-firstboot-1-5.SL.noarch.rpm synaptic-0.52-1.i386.rpm apt-autoupdate-1-5.SL.noarch.rpm apt-autoupdate provides "auto update" functionality that can be enabled via chkconfig or the "firstboot" questions. apt-scripts-1-5.SL.noarch.rpm apt-scripts provides useful lua scripts. * apt-sourceslist-309-1.SL.i386.rpm apt-sourceslist points to Cluster Suite * clumanager- ipvsadm-1.21-9.ipvs108.i386.rpm * piranha-0.7.11-1.1.i386.rpm * redhat-config-cluster-1.0.8-1.noarch.rpm Developer Suite eclipse-2.1.2-8.i386.rpm eclipse-lomboz-2.1.2-8.i386.rpm eclipse-rhaps-develserver-2.1.2-8.i386.rpm Firefox and Thunderbird * These have been removed from the release * firefox * thunderbird GFS * GFS- * GFS-devel- * GFS-modules- * GFS-modules-hugemem- * GFS-modules-smp- IceWM A small and fast window manager. Good for slower systems or systems with not much memory. It is put it in the graphical login's session list if installed. icewm-1.2.20-2.i386.rpm icewm-l10n-1.2.20-2.i386.rpm java-1.4.2-sun-compat- This package provides JPackage compatibility symlinks and directories for Sun's JDK rpm. j2sdk-1.4.2_08-fcs.i586.rpm This packages is the java sdk from sun. It's license is found at misc/licenses/j2sdk-1.4.2-x.license To have all of it's links (including plugins) setup correctly you should also install java-1.4.2-sun-compat So the easiest thing to do is yum install java-1.4.2-sun-compat as it will automatically pull in j2sdk-1.4.2_08-fcs.i586.rpm Added RedHat Application Server to See README at These are straight from RedHat with the exception of the java-1.4.2-sun-compat- . A yum.conf.rhaps has been added to the yum-conf rpm that points to this area. Korn shell from ATT ksh93-2000.10.31.0-1.i386.rpm mpg321, xmms-mp3, libmad, libid3tag Because of licensing reasons RedHat did not include MP3 support in their distribution. While this does not fill all cases, this does allow some of the more popular music players to use mp3's. libmad and libid3tag were added for dependancy reasons. mpg321-0.2.10-4fr.i386.rpm xmms-mp3-1.2.7-1.i386.rpm MISC Added these rpms because they are important as RedHat removed them. gv-3.5.8-23.i386.rpm from Fedora Core 1 ncurses4-5.0-12.i386.rpm from Fedora Core 1 readline41-4.1-17.i386.rpm from Fedora Core 1 xcdroast-0.98a14-2.i386.rpm from Fedora Core 1 jpilot-0.99.6-1.i386.rpm from Fedora Core 1 sndconfig-0.70-2.i386.rpm from Fedora Core 1 cdda2wav-2.0-11.i386.rpm dependency of xcdroast These rpms have been added as they are useful. They came from CERN. perl-BSD-Resource-1.24-1.i386.rpm perl-Compress-Zlib-1.16-12.i386.rpm perl-MailTools-1.62-1.noarch.rpm perl-Parse-RecDescent-1.94-1.noarch.rpm perl-Pod-Escapes-1.03-1.noarch.rpm perl-Pod-Simple-2.05-1.noarch.rpm perl-Proc-ProcessTable-0.39-1.i386.rpm perl-SQL-Statement-1.06-1.noarch.rpm perl-TermReadKey-2.20-12.i386.rpm perl-Text-CSV_XS-0.23-1.i386.rpm perl-Text-Template-1.44-1.noarch.rpm perl-TimeDate-2.22-1.noarch.rpm perl-Tk-804.027-1.i386.rpm perl-Tk-HistEntry-0.42-1.noarch.rpm The vendor added the following rpms as part of Update 1 elfutils-libelf-devel-0.91-3.i386.rpm jaf-20030319-1.i386.rpm javamail-20031006-1.i386.rpm junit-3.8.1-1.i386.rpm mtx-1.2.18-1.i386.rpm rh-postgresql-pl-7.3.4-8.i386.rpm rh-postgresql-server-7.3.4-8.i386.rpm rh-postgresql-test-7.3.4-8.i386.rpm The vendor added the following rpms as part of Update 2 net-snmp-perl-5.0.9-2.30E.3.i386.rpm imap-utils-2002d-8.i386.rpm java-javadoc-1.5.33-1jpp_4rh.noarch.rpm jpackage-utils-1.5.33-1jpp_4rh.noarch.rpm laus-0.1-56RHEL3.i386.rpm laus-devel-0.1-56RHEL3.i386.rpm laus-libs-0.1-56RHEL3.i386.rpm pam_passwdqc-0.7.5-1.i386.rpm php-devel-4.3.2-11.ent.i386.rpm rhgb-0.11.2-4.i386.rpm sg3_utils-1.06-2.i386.rpm The vendor added the following rpms as part of Update 3 anacron-2.3-25.1.i386.rpm amtu-0.1-6RHEL.i386.rpm authd-1.4.1-1.rhel3.i386.rpm diskdumputils-0.4.0-1.i386.rpm eal3-certification-0.7-1.noarch.rpm eal3-certification-doc-0.7-1.noarch.rpm evolution-connector-1.4.7-5.i386.rpm nasm-0.98.35-3.i386.rpm nss_db-2.2-20.4.i386.rpm rpm-libs-4.2.3-10.i386.rpm up2date-update-4.2.38-1.i386.rpm bind-libs-9.2.4-EL3_10.i386.rpm bootparamd-0.17-17.i386.rpm gtkglarea-1.2.2-16.i386.rpm joe-2.9.8-5.i386.rpm lynx-2.8.5-11.i386.rpm perl-PDL-2.3.4-4.i386.rpm skkdic-20030211-1.noarch.rpm libglade-0.17-12.1.i386.rpm libglade-devel-0.17-12.1.i386.rpm gsl-1.1.1-5.i386.rpm gsl-devel-1.1.1-5.i386.rpm Gtk-Perl-0.7008-31.i386.rpm The vendor added the following rpms as part of Update 4 aspell-config- iscsi-initiator-utils-3.6.2-4.i386.rpm linuxwacom-0.6.4-7.i386.rpm linuxwacom-devel-0.6.4-7.i386.rpm mailman-2.1.5-23.i386.rpm mikmod-devel-3.1.6-21.2.i386.rpm net-snmp-libs-5.0.9-2.30E.12.i386.rpm perl-Crypt-SSLeay-0.51-4.i386.rpm vim-X11-6.3.029-1.30E.3.i386.rpm The vendor added the following rpms as part of Update 5 jfbterm-0.4.7-1.EL3.1.i386.rpm cscope-15.5-9.RHEL3.i386.rpm The vendor added the following rpms as part of Update 6 OpenIPMI-1.4.14-1.3E.9.i386.rpm OpenIPMI-devel-1.4.14-1.3E.9.i386.rpm OpenIPMI-libs-1.4.14-1.3E.9.i386.rpm OpenIPMI-tools-1.4.14-1.3E.9.i386.rpm emacs-nox-21.3-4.7.i386.rpm The vendor added the following rpms as part of Update 6 bitstream-vera-fonts-1.10-3.el3.noarch.rpm openafs rpm spec file by Stephan Wiesand x86_64 aklog fix - Enrico M.V. Fasanelli put in Chris Wing's patch These are not installed by default, but they can be selected in the installer. openafs-1.2.13-15.17.SL.i386.rpm openafs-client-1.2.13-15.17.SL.i386.rpm openafs-compat-1.2.13-15.17.SL.i386.rpm openafs-debug-1.2.13-15.17.SL.i386.rpm openafs-devel-1.2.13-15.17.SL.i386.rpm openafs-kernel-source-1.2.13-15.17.SL.i386.rpm openafs-kpasswd-1.2.13-15.17.SL.i386.rpm openafs-krb5-1.2.13-15.17.SL.i386.rpm openafs-server-1.2.13-15.17.SL.i386.rpm * kernel-module-openafs-2.4.21-52.EL-1.2.13-15.17.SL.athlon.rpm * kernel-module-openafs-2.4.21-52.EL-1.2.13-15.17.SL.i686.rpm * kernel-module-openafs-2.4.21-52.ELsmp-1.2.13-15.17.SL.athlon.rpm * kernel-module-openafs-2.4.21-52.ELsmp-1.2.13-15.17.SL.i686.rpm removed LSB init info from init script because the "fixed" chkconfig from Update 5 gets it all wrong The openafs-firstboot rpm enables "firstboot" to ask about what AFS cell you want and if you want afs started at boot. openafs-firstboot-1.2.11-5.SL.noarch.rpm pine RedHat removed because of license issues . Changes pine.conf to reside in /etc/pine.conf vs /usr/local/ pine-4.58-3.SL.i386.rpm rhgb Remove "Red Hat" from rpm. rhgb-0.11.2-5.SL.i386.rpm SL_afs_no_dynroot-1.0-1.noarch.rpm This package removes the -dynroot option from the openafs config Restarting of afs is needed for this to take effect. This rpm does not restart afs SL_desktop_tweeks-1.1-1.i386.rpm This adds a terminal and mozilla icon to the kicker panel for both KDE and GNOME. Installed by default for both KDE and GNOME. SL_enable_serialconsole Renamed from serialconsole so as to use the new naming convention. This script makes all the changes necessary to send console output to both the serial port and the screen. This also creates a login prompt on the serial port and allows users to login at this prompt. Bug with the default serial number and dealing with a /boot partition were fixed in version 3.1. SL_enable_serialconsole-3.1-3.noarch.rpm SL_firefox_parentlock_fix-1.0-10.noarch.rpm When a users home area is in AFS space, it is possible for firefox, thunderbird, and/or seamonkey to leave a lock file called .parentlock when they are closed. The user is then not able to restart firefox, thunderbird, and/or seamonkey until that lock filei is removed. This puts in a startup script that removes the .parentlock lock file. SL_inittab_change-1.0-4.i386.rpm Changes /etc/inittab to require the root password for single user mode. Not installed by default. SL_libg2c.a_change-3.2.3-1.i386.rpm Creates a missing symbolic link in the gcc-g77 package from /usr/lib/libg2c.a to /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.2.3/libg2c.a Installed with gcc-g77. SL_no_colorls-1.0-1.noarch.rpm Turns off "color" of ls. Not installed by default. SL_sendmail_accept-1.0-2.i386.rpm Changes Sendmail config so that it allows incomming mail. Not installed by default. SL_startkde_afs-1.0-1.i386.rpm By default startkde checks to make sure that a users home area has at least 25K of disk space. A bug in the openafs kernel module for the enterprise kernel causes single cpu machines to only list 1 K of space. This changes the check to only need 1 K of space. The check to make sure kde can actually write to the users home area is still intact. SL_startgnome_afs-1.1-1.noarch.rpm Enables gnome to work better in a afs envirnonment. It closes processes left open by gnome after the user has logged out since these processes will not be able to touch the users home directory anymore. It creates lock files in a local temporary directory. This can allow multiple versions of gnome to run, but it prevents AFS corruption. SL_thunderbird_url_handlers-1-1.noarch.rpm Set the URL settings in thunderbird to point to firefox SL_tweek_pagecache-1.0-1.noarch.rpm For the RedHat kernel 2.4.21-9.EL and above, many people feel that the kernel isn't very responsive on desktops. This tweek changes the pagecache settings. This has been shown to make the kernel seem much more responsive in a desktop enviroment. Values changed to "1 5 10" for /proc/sys/vm/pagecache . This parameter has three values : Minimum percent of memory used for page cache. Default is 1%. The initial amount of memory for cache. Default is 15%. Maximum percent of memory used for page cache. Default is 100% Yum yum-2.0.7-12.SL.noarch.rpm yum-2.0.7-12 fixed the problem with yum not working with the inbuilt ftp server in the bluearc . yum-2.0.7-8 added support for ia32e. yum-2.0.7-9 fixed kernel-module hangups, as well as installs kernel-modules for multiple kernels yum-2.0.7-7 contains a patch that allows yum to be able to handle kernel-module-<product> rpm's. yum 2.0.7 contains minor bug fixes along with the feature of yum [action] package.somearch support added for erase/remove, install, update and upgrade * yum-conf-309-1.SL.noarch.rpm * yum-conf-3x-1-1.SL.noarch.rpm * yum.cron now uses /etc/yum.conf for a template for it's configuration * file. If /etc/yum.conf has an excludes line, it will append the * excludes in /etc/yum.d/yum.cron.excludes. If /etc/yum.conf does * not have an excludes line, it will add the one from * /etc/yum.d/yum.cron.excludes * yum-conf-3x was created for those users who want to be at the latest * stable release. It is always pointing at the 3x area. yum.cron now checks to see how long the machine is been up If it is up less than 20 hours, it doesn't wait, but does the update. This uptime check was done to help laptops and other machines that might not be on long enough to wait for the random time. There is a fastbug repo area to correspond to the vendors fasttrack This is not on by default. Made it easier for users to change where their repository is. For yum.cron you now only have to change the files /etc/yum.d/yum.cron.primary and/or yum.cron.secondary You can add multiple repository in either file, or leave either blank. The servers in primary will be used in the order they are in the file. The servers in secondary will be used randomly. So if you are concerned about overloading your one server, leave the primary blank, and list all your servers in secondary, where they will be used randomly The vendor decided to include the following rpms. We had included them in /notsupported/RPMS before. Since there were not many rpms left we moved all of /notsupported/RPMS/ alchemist-devel-1.0.27-1.i386.rpm db4-java-4.1.25-8.i386.rpm amanda-devel-2.4.4p1-0.3E.i386.rpm beecrypt-devel-3.0.1-0.20030630.i386.rpm bind-chroot-9.2.4-EL3_10.i386.rpm bind-devel-9.2.4-EL3_10.i386.rpm bogl-devel-0.1.9-27.i386.rpm busybox-0.60.5-8.i386.rpm Canna-devel-3.6-20.i386.rpm cdparanoia-devel-alpha9.8-15.i386.rpm cdrecord-devel-2.01.0.a32-0.EL3.1.i386.rpm evolution-devel-1.4.5-1.i386.rpm expect-devel-5.38.0-92.2.i386.rpm finger-server-0.17-18.i386.rpm gimp-devel-1.2.3-20.1.i386.rpm gimp-perl-1.2.3-20.1.i386.rpm gimp-print-devel-4.2.4-5.i386.rpm Glide3-devel-20010520-25.i386.rpm gnome-pilot-devel-2.0.10-1.i386.rpm gnome-python2-applet-1.99.14-5.i386.rpm gphoto2-devel-2.1.0-7.i386.rpm FreeWnn-devel-1.11-36.3.i386.rpm ghostscript-devel-7.05-32.1.8.i386.rpm gtkhtml3-devel-3.0.9-7.i386.rpm guile-devel-1.6.4-8.i386.rpm ImageMagick-c++-5.5.6-5.1.i386.rpm ImageMagick-c++-devel-5.5.6-5.1.i386.rpm ImageMagick-devel-5.5.6-5.1.i386.rpm ImageMagick-perl-5.5.6-5.1.i386.rpm imap-devel-2002d-9.i386.rpm kdegames-devel-3.1.3-3.2.i386.rpm kdemultimedia-devel-3.1.3-3.1.i386.rpm libgal2-devel-1.99.10-1.i386.rpm libgsf-devel-1.6.0-4.i386.rpm libgtop2-devel-2.0.2-3.i386.rpm libmrproject-devel-0.9-5.i386.rpm libpng10-devel-1.0.13-15.i386.rpm libsoup-devel-1.99.26-1.i386.rpm libtabe-devel-0.2.6-5.1.i386.rpm libwnck-devel-2.2.1-3.i386.rpm libwvstreams-devel-3.70-10.i386.rpm libxml-devel-1.8.17-9.1.i386.rpm mod_perl-devel-1.99_09-10.ent.i386.rpm openh323-devel-1.11.2-4.1E.i386.rpm openssl-perl-0.9.7a-33.12.i386.rpm parted-devel-1.6.3-29.3.i386.rpm perl-suidperl-5.8.0-88.7.i386.rpm pump-devel-0.8.19-1.i386.rpm pwlib-devel-1.4.7-7.EL.i386.rpm pyorbit-devel-1.99.3-5.i386.rpm python-tools-2.2.3-5.i386.rpm qt-ODBC-3.1.2-13.4.i386.rpm samba-swat-3.0.6-2.3E.i386.rpm sendmail-devel-8.12.11-4.RHEL3.1.i386.rpm sox-devel-12.17.4-4.3.i386.rpm tcl-devel-8.3.5-92.2.i386.rpm VFlib2-devel-2.25.6-17.i386.rpm w3c-libwww-devel-5.4.0-5.i386.rpm Xaw3d-devel-1.5-18.i386.rpm XFree86-sdk-4.3.0-68.EL.i386.rpm xmms-devel-1.2.7-22.1.p.i386.rpm Documentation Documentation in /sites/example/build/documentation on how to make new "sites" including scripts to create site iso images. rhel-ig-x8664-multi-en-3-3.noarch.rpm rhel-isa-en-3-3.noarch.rpm rhel-rg-en-3-3.noarch.rpm rhel-sag-en-3-3.noarch.rpm rhel-sg-en-3-3.noarch.rpm rhel-devtools-en-3-3.noarch.rpm rh-cs-en-3-2.noarch.rpm --------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATED compared to 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- KERNEL Note the "unsupported" kernel rpms. These contain modules that are not in the "default kernel rpms". These are now installed by default. RedHat EULA required changes RedHat requires that the following rpms be changed as part of their EULA (End User License Agreement) anaconda-images redhat-artwork redhat-logos anaconda-help indexhtml sl-release and redhat-lsb were changed to make S.L. lsb compliant sl-release now includes the SL.releasenote * sl-release now has the default bookmarks for seamonkey * sl-release-3.0.9-7.9.noarch.rpm * redhat-lsb-1.3-3.1.SL.309.i386.rpm findutils-4.1.7-9.1.SL.i386.rpm Issues with rebuilding with afs. *Http/apache * * Changed default html page to not have RedHat info. * * httpd-2.0.46-68.sl3.i386.rpm * httpd-devel-2.0.46-68.sl3.i386.rpm * mod_ssl-2.0.46-68.sl3.i386.rpm NEDIT Nedit was found to have a bug preventing it from opening files. Rebuilding from source did not clear up the problem. It also showed a comment that STRONGLY suggested just getting the binaries from We followed this advice, and we packaged the binaries from, into an rpm nedit-5.4-1.i386.rpm Fixes to misc RPMS firstboot-1.1.33-1SL.noarch.rpm Removed the module Added "Requires" of coreutils so that it will install during the install gstreamer-0.6.0-5f1.i386.rpm gstreamer-tools-0.6.0-5f1.i386.rpm fixed by gstreamer-plugins-0.6.0-18.i386.rpm gstreamer-plugins-devel-0.6.0-18.i386.rpm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installer modifications --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anaconda (installer) * anaconda- * anaconda-runtime- Excluded the following RPMS from the "Everything" install GFS was excluded as it needs configuration to not complain ksh93 is excluded because it has some of the same files as pdksh up2date* is excluded as it causes firstboot to not work rhn-applet has a dependency on up2date *openafs* because it needs configuration and it has kernel modules Install kernel*-unsupported by default. It does not conflict with other kernel rpms as it installs into into it's own directory Note that it just contains kernel-modules. Fixed a bug that RedHat introduced in loader2/method.c which broke specifying the install method on the command line. Added code to support "site" customizations which include Custom installer kernel(needs nptl) Custom installer(anaconda) including graphics Added RPMS ability to select packages to install by default via "comps.xml" Modified/replaced RPMS (ability to upgrade or downgrade version) see /sites Made a "Packages added to SL" group so that you could select any of these added RPMS during the install anaconda-help-9.1-3.SL.noarch.rpm Changed to reflect SL vs redhat. Included "generic" installer graphics RedHat requires us as part of their "EULA" that we replace the images in "anaconda-images" with our own. anaconda-images --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Site Info --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /sites/example/ README Now just says to read docs in /sites/example/documentation build/documentation/ README Describes files and directories in /sites/example/ README.steps Step by step of what is needed to make a new site README.images Info on how to change the graphics used during the install /sites/example/build/scripts/ Script that does all the steps of README.steps except the original copying of the example tree over to the new site Script that will take a Enterprise 3 tree and make a site out of it. Tested with cel3(CERN) and Fermi Linux . Called by Script that will take either a Enterprise 3 tree or the example site and make a site out of it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /contrib/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The packges in this section have been contributed by various people. They are presented AS IS and there is no guarantee of them working. These packages are NOT supported by us. They will only get security updates if the contributor provides them. If you have questions about them then ask the contributor. There are some rules to follow to be able to contribute to this area. These rules might adjust some. 1- Contract Troy Dawson <> with the rpm's that you wish to contribute. If Troy doesn't personally know you, be prepared with some some way to show him that you can be trusted. He is a nice guy but he also is very concerned that this contrib section doesn't get abused. 2- The contributed rpm's must be able to go into a standard Scientific Linux 3.0.x release without any extra outside rpms. If extra rpm's are required, they must be supplied. All extra rpm's supplied must meet the same criteria as the main rpm's. 3- For each rpm, the source rpm (src.rpm) must be provided. 4- For each source rpm, you must provide where you got it. 5- Both rpm's and srpm's must be digitally signed. 6- Rpms must be freely distributable. We understand this sounds like alot of work, but once you do it once, it becomes much easier. RPMS See --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /notsupported/RPMS/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are now included in the main tree. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /../SRPMS/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Contains the SRPMS for what we added or changed. /vendor/ /errata SRPMS from vendor for errata. /original SRPMS from vendor for originally released Enterpise 3 . sites/<sites>/SRPMS SRPMS for site --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISC NOTES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upgrades from prior versions. UPDATES are NOT supported for all versions of SL . This is NOT something that we changed. Future releases may support upgrading from SL 3.0.1 to future version of SL 3.0.x. UPDATES will NOT work from anything except RedHat AS 2.1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HARDWARE SPECIFIC ISSUES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATI 9600/9700/9800 Video card The version of X included here does NOT support these video cards very well. If you have one of these cards then you should do a text install and at the "X" screen select "vesa". This should be enough to get installed. You can either stay with the "vesa" driver or download and install the "X" driver from . See See bug id 111948 Ethernet devices based on "Marvell Technology Group Ltd. Yakou Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000Base-T Adapter" do not work out of the box. A driver is available from Cisco Aironet 350 wireless ethernet card If you install Windows patch xxx in addition to upgrading the windows driver it also upgrades the firmware in the Cisco 350 wireless card. Info from Cisco follows. The "good" firmware is 4.25.30 or 1.6.7 or 1.5 . If it is 5.20.17 then it is the BAD firmware. I got these firmware versions from the Cisco website. "Recommended repair is a firmware down-grade of the Cisco Aironet 350 PCMCIA network interface card as Cisco has not released a updated Linux for the upgraded firmware as of yet." 3com 905 ethernet (Not the A or B or C version) Seems like orginal 905 does not work but 905a does. Make sure Plug-n-Play if OFF in your bios. This has made some 905's work. Also seems like there is a kernel bug tickled by kudzu. So to get this card to work you will need to turn kudzu off. chkconfig --level 35 kudzu off Intel 965 based motherboards Intel does not include a PATA(IDE) controller on the 965 chipset. Most motherboard vendors are including a PATA(IDE) controller but some are not compatible with the 308 kernel. You can try the "all-generic-ide" kernel boot option. It has worked with some pata controllers. Some motherboard vendors are using a non intel sata controller that is not compatible with the 308 kernel. Some motherboard vendors are using a non intel ethernet controller that is not compatible with the 308 kernel. So research this issue before buying a Intel 965 based motherboard. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOFTWARE ISSUES/BUGS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XFree86 and ATI After the successful install (again using the graphical X-windows install) and after what appears to be a successful boot up, I get a blank screen and just sits there. Both the Radeon and Nvidia driver in this XFree86 4.3.0 release does not detect that you are using the digital port of flat panel monitors. The easy thing to do is plug into the analog port until you can get past the install. sgi_fam with tcpwrappers(/etc/hosts.deny) Error messages /var/log/secure such as Jan 22 12:33:33 systemname xinetd[25122]: FAIL: sgi_fam libwrap from=<no address> Jan 22 12:33:33 systemname xinetd[3819]: START: sgi_fam pid=25123 from=<no address>Jan 22 12:33:33 systemname xinetd[25123]: FAIL: sgi_fam libwrap from=<no address> Only solution so far is to change /etc/hosts.allow to allow sgi_fam with fam: ALL This could be a security risk so you must decide. redhat-config-packages This rpm only installs packages via cdrom. It is not useful. It does NOT work so do NOT try to use it. Use yum instead. It is useful. It is only included here because rpms have dependencies on it and I do not want to change those to remove the dependencies. /usr/X11R6/lib The "final link" to each of the libraries is missing. Should be <- <- But is <- Solution is to install Xfree86-devel. This rpm will make the missing links. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Web Site FTP Mailing Lists Development of Scientific Linux Users of Scientific Linux supporting each other Announcements concerning Scientific Linux Announcements of Security Errata _____________________________________________________________________________ HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS _____________________________________________________________________________ The following information represents the minimum hardware requirements necessary to successfully install Scientific Linux : - Minimum: Pentium-pro class, but in reality at least a Pentium II - Recommended for text-mode: - Minimum of 400 MHz Pentium-II - Minimum of 256MB Memory - Recommended for graphical: - Minimum of 400 MHz Pentium II - Minimum of 256MB Hard Disk Space (NOTE: Additional space will be required for user data): - Common "Generic Desktop" Installation : 4.0GB --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERRATA included - rebuilt from SRPMS /errata/SL/RPMS/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERRATA released after Update 9 * gimp-perl-1.2.3-20.9.el3.i386.rpm * kernel-2.4.21-52.EL.athlon.rpm * kernel-2.4.21-52.EL.i686.rpm * kernel-BOOT-2.4.21-52.EL.i386.rpm * kernel-doc-2.4.21-52.EL.i386.rpm * kernel-hugemem-2.4.21-52.EL.i686.rpm * kernel-hugemem-unsupported-2.4.21-52.EL.i686.rpm * kernel-smp-2.4.21-52.EL.athlon.rpm * kernel-smp-2.4.21-52.EL.i686.rpm * kernel-smp-unsupported-2.4.21-52.EL.athlon.rpm * kernel-smp-unsupported-2.4.21-52.EL.i686.rpm * kernel-source-2.4.21-52.EL.i386.rpm * kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-52.EL.athlon.rpm * kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-52.EL.i686.rpm * php-4.3.2-43.ent.i386.rpm * php-devel-4.3.2-43.ent.i386.rpm * php-imap-4.3.2-43.ent.i386.rpm * php-ldap-4.3.2-43.ent.i386.rpm * php-mysql-4.3.2-43.ent.i386.rpm * php-odbc-4.3.2-43.ent.i386.rpm * php-pgsql-4.3.2-43.ent.i386.rpm * libvorbis-1.0-8.el3.i386.rpm * libvorbis-devel-1.0-8.el3.i386.rpm * * * * bind-9.2.4-21.el3.i386.rpm * bind-chroot-9.2.4-21.el3.i386.rpm * bind-devel-9.2.4-21.el3.i386.rpm * bind-libs-9.2.4-21.el3.i386.rpm * bind-utils-9.2.4-21.el3.i386.rpm * cups-1.1.17-13.3.45.i386.rpm * cups-devel-1.1.17-13.3.45.i386.rpm * cups-libs-1.1.17-13.3.45.i386.rpm * cyrus-sasl-2.1.15-15.i386.rpm * cyrus-sasl-devel-2.1.15-15.i386.rpm * cyrus-sasl-gssapi-2.1.15-15.i386.rpm * cyrus-sasl-md5-2.1.15-15.i386.rpm * cyrus-sasl-plain-2.1.15-15.i386.rpm * GFS- * GFS-devel- * GFS-modules- * GFS-modules-hugemem- * GFS-modules-smp- * glibc-2.3.2-95.50.i386.rpm * glibc-2.3.2-95.50.i686.rpm * glibc-common-2.3.2-95.50.i386.rpm * glibc-debug-2.3.2-95.50.i386.rpm * glibc-devel-2.3.2-95.50.i386.rpm * glibc-headers-2.3.2-95.50.i386.rpm * glibc-profile-2.3.2-95.50.i386.rpm * glibc-utils-2.3.2-95.50.i386.rpm * httpd-2.0.46-68.sl3.i386.rpm * httpd-devel-2.0.46-68.sl3.i386.rpm * kernel-2.4.21-51.EL.athlon.rpm * kernel-2.4.21-51.EL.i686.rpm * kernel-BOOT-2.4.21-51.EL.i386.rpm * kernel-doc-2.4.21-51.EL.i386.rpm * kernel-hugemem-2.4.21-51.EL.i686.rpm * kernel-hugemem-unsupported-2.4.21-51.EL.i686.rpm * kernel-module-openafs-2.4.21-51.EL-1.2.13-15.17.SL.athlon.rpm * kernel-module-openafs-2.4.21-51.EL-1.2.13-15.17.SL.i686.rpm * kernel-module-openafs-2.4.21-51.ELsmp-1.2.13-15.17.SL.athlon.rpm * kernel-module-openafs-2.4.21-51.ELsmp-1.2.13-15.17.SL.i686.rpm * kernel-smp-2.4.21-51.EL.athlon.rpm * kernel-smp-2.4.21-51.EL.i686.rpm * kernel-smp-unsupported-2.4.21-51.EL.athlon.rpm * kernel-smp-unsupported-2.4.21-51.EL.i686.rpm * kernel-source-2.4.21-51.EL.i386.rpm * kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-51.EL.athlon.rpm * kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-51.EL.i686.rpm * mod_ssl-2.0.46-68.sl3.i386.rpm * nptl-devel-2.3.2-95.50.i686.rpm * nscd-2.3.2-95.50.i386.rpm * perl-Net-DNS-0.31-4.el3.noarch.rpm * qt-3.1.2-17.RHEL3.i386.rpm * qt-config-3.1.2-17.RHEL3.i386.rpm * qt-designer-3.1.2-17.RHEL3.i386.rpm * qt-devel-3.1.2-17.RHEL3.i386.rpm * qt-MySQL-3.1.2-17.RHEL3.i386.rpm * qt-ODBC-3.1.2-17.RHEL3.i386.rpm * qt-PostgreSQL-3.1.2-17.RHEL3.i386.rpm * seamonkey-1.0.9-0.3.SL3.i386.rpm * seamonkey-chat-1.0.9-0.3.SL3.i386.rpm * seamonkey-devel-1.0.9-0.3.SL3.i386.rpm * seamonkey-dom-inspector-1.0.9-0.3.SL3.i386.rpm * seamonkey-js-debugger-1.0.9-0.3.SL3.i386.rpm * seamonkey-mail-1.0.9-0.3.SL3.i386.rpm * seamonkey-nspr-1.0.9-0.3.SL3.i386.rpm * seamonkey-nspr-devel-1.0.9-0.3.SL3.i386.rpm * seamonkey-nss-1.0.9-0.3.SL3.i386.rpm * seamonkey-nss-devel-1.0.9-0.3.SL3.i386.rpm * squid-2.5.STABLE3-7.3E.i386.rpm * star-1.5a08-5.i386.rpm * sysreport- * tetex-1.0.7-67.10.i386.rpm * tetex-afm-1.0.7-67.10.i386.rpm * tetex-doc-1.0.7-67.10.i386.rpm * tetex-dvips-1.0.7-67.10.i386.rpm * tetex-fonts-1.0.7-67.10.i386.rpm * tetex-latex-1.0.7-67.10.i386.rpm * tetex-xdvi-1.0.7-67.10.i386.rpm * vsftpd-1.2.1-3E.14.i386.rpm * xpdf-2.02-10.RHEL3.i386.rpm