# Copyright (c) 1992 Universities Research Association, Inc.        
#       All Rights Reserved                                                    
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# @(#) stdprofile 1.7 Delta: 96/03/21 15:07:41 Extraction 96/03/26 10:56:32 @(#)

# .profile default settings for all users
# Execute fermi.profile first!
if [ -r /usr/local/etc/fermi.profile ]
  . /usr/local/etc/fermi.profile
# PS1 sets prompt to <machine_name>
# PS2 sets secondary prompt to <more>
export PS1;		PS1="<${MACH_ID}> "
export PS2;		PS2="<more> "
# HISTSIZE is the number of commands retained in history
export HISTSIZE;	HISTSIZE=20       #retain the last 20 commands
# EDITOR is used as your default editor, emacs or vi typically
# VISUAL is used as your command line editor, emacs or vi typically
# To use the emacs version, comment out or remove the vi references
# and uncomment the emacs verisons...
#export EDITOR;		EDITOR=emacs
#export VISUAL;		VISUAL=emacs
export EDITOR;		EDITOR=vi
export VISUAL;		VISUAL=vi
# The standard fermi.profile does not attempt to include /usr/5bin
# (in SunOS) in your PATH.  /usr/5bin contains the UNIX System V version
# of several commands.  By including /usr/5bin first, you will get the 
# System V version before the BSD version.  Uncomment one of the following
# if you so desire:
# PATH=/usr/5bin:$PATH
# PATH=$PATH:/usr/5bin
# ENV is the location of your shell alias file
export ENV;		ENV=~/.shrc
# Uncomment the following to change...
#if tty -s
	#stty kill    # sets line kill to <ctrl>U
	#stty erase   # sets erase to backspace
	#stty intr    # sets interrupt to delete
if [ "`basename $SHELL|sed 's/[0-9]//'`" != "ksh" ] && [ -r $HOME/.shrc ]
  . $HOME/.shrc