# # partedUtils.py: helper functions for use with parted objects # # Matt Wilson <msw@redhat.com> # Jeremy Katz <katzj@redhat.com> # Mike Fulbright <msf@redhat.com> # Karsten Hopp <karsten@redhat.com> # # Copyright 2002-2003 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # library public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # """Helper functions for use when dealing with parted objects.""" import parted import math import os, sys, string, struct, resource from product import * import fsset import iutil, isys import raid import rhpl import dmraid import block import lvm from flags import flags from partErrors import * from rhpl.translate import _ import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") fsTypes = {} fs_type = parted.file_system_type_get_next () while fs_type: fsTypes[fs_type.name] = fs_type fs_type = parted.file_system_type_get_next (fs_type) def get_flags (part): """Retrieve a list of strings representing the flags on the partition.""" string="" if not part.is_active (): return string first=1 flag = parted.partition_flag_next (0) while flag: if part.get_flag (flag): string = string + parted.partition_flag_get_name (flag) if first: first = 0 else: string = string + ", " flag = parted.partition_flag_next (flag) return string def start_sector_to_cyl(device, sector): """Return the closest cylinder (round down) to sector on device.""" return int(math.floor((float(sector) / (device.heads * device.sectors)) + 1)) def end_sector_to_cyl(device, sector): """Return the closest cylinder (round up) to sector on device.""" return int(math.ceil(float((sector + 1)) / (device.heads * device.sectors))) def start_cyl_to_sector(device, cyl): "Return the sector corresponding to cylinder as a starting cylinder." return long((cyl - 1) * (device.heads * device.sectors)) def end_cyl_to_sector(device, cyl): "Return the sector corresponding to cylinder as a ending cylinder." return long(((cyl) * (device.heads * device.sectors)) - 1) def getPartSize(partition): """Return the size of partition in sectors.""" return partition.geom.length def getPartSizeMB(partition): """Return the size of partition in megabytes.""" return (partition.geom.length * partition.geom.dev.sector_size / 1024.0 / 1024.0) def getDeviceSizeMB(dev): """Return the size of dev in megabytes.""" return (float(dev.heads * dev.cylinders * dev.sectors) / (1024 * 1024) * dev.sector_size) def get_partition_by_name(disks, partname): """Return the parted part object associated with partname. Arguments: disks -- Dictionary of diskname->PedDisk objects partname -- Name of partition to find Return: PedPartition object with name partname. None if no such partition. """ for diskname in disks.keys(): disk = disks[diskname] part = disk.next_partition() while part: if get_partition_name(part) == partname: return part part = disk.next_partition(part) return None def get_partition_name(partition): """Return the device name for the PedPartition partition.""" if (partition.geom.dev.type == parted.DEVICE_DAC960 or partition.geom.dev.type == parted.DEVICE_CPQARRAY): return "%sp%d" % (partition.geom.dev.path[5:], partition.num) if (parted.__dict__.has_key("DEVICE_SX8") and partition.geom.dev.type == parted.DEVICE_SX8): return "%sp%d" % (partition.geom.dev.path[5:], partition.num) drive = partition.geom.dev.path[5:] if (drive.startswith("cciss") or drive.startswith("ida") or drive.startswith("rd") or drive.startswith("sx8") or drive.startswith("mapper")): sep = "p" else: sep = "" return "%s%s%d" % (partition.geom.dev.path[5:], sep, partition.num) def get_partition_file_system_type(part): """Return the file system type of the PedPartition part. Arguments: part -- PedPartition object Return: Filesystem object (as defined in fsset.py) """ if part.fs_type is None and part.native_type == 0x41: ptype = fsset.fileSystemTypeGet("PPC PReP Boot") elif part.fs_type == None: return None elif (part.get_flag(parted.PARTITION_BOOT) == 1 and getPartSizeMB(part) <= 1 and part.fs_type.name == "hfs"): ptype = fsset.fileSystemTypeGet("Apple Bootstrap") elif part.fs_type.name == "linux-swap": ptype = fsset.fileSystemTypeGet("swap") elif (part.fs_type.name == "FAT" or part.fs_type.name == "fat16" or part.fs_type.name == "fat32"): ptype = fsset.fileSystemTypeGet("vfat") else: try: ptype = fsset.fileSystemTypeGet(part.fs_type.name) except: ptype = fsset.fileSystemTypeGet("foreign") return ptype def set_partition_file_system_type(part, fstype): """Set partition type of part to PedFileSystemType implied by fstype.""" if fstype == None: return try: for flag in fstype.getPartedPartitionFlags(): if not part.is_flag_available(flag): raise PartitioningError, ("requested FileSystemType needs " "a flag that is not available.") part.set_flag(flag, 1) part.set_system(fstype.getPartedFileSystemType()) except: print "Failed to set partition type to ",fstype.getName() pass def get_partition_drive(partition): """Return the device name for disk that PedPartition partition is on.""" return "%s" %(partition.geom.dev.path[5:]) def get_max_logical_partitions(disk): if not disk.type.check_feature(parted.DISK_TYPE_EXTENDED): return 0 dev = disk.dev.path[5:] for key in max_logical_partition_count.keys(): if dev.startswith(key): return max_logical_partition_count[key] # FIXME: if we don't know about it, should we pretend it can't have # logicals? probably safer to just use something reasonable return 11 def map_foreign_to_fsname(type): """Return the partition type associated with the numeric type.""" if type in allPartitionTypesDict.keys(): return allPartitionTypesDict[type] else: return _("Foreign") def filter_partitions(disk, func): rc = [] part = disk.next_partition () while part: if func(part): rc.append(part) part = disk.next_partition (part) return rc def get_all_partitions(disk): """Return a list of all PedPartition objects on disk.""" func = lambda part: part.is_active() return filter_partitions(disk, func) def get_logical_partitions(disk): """Return a list of logical PedPartition objects on disk.""" func = lambda part: (part.is_active() and part.type & parted.PARTITION_LOGICAL) return filter_partitions(disk, func) def get_primary_partitions(disk): """Return a list of primary PedPartition objects on disk.""" func = lambda part: part.type == parted.PARTITION_PRIMARY return filter_partitions(disk, func) def get_raid_partitions(disk): """Return a list of RAID-type PedPartition objects on disk.""" func = lambda part: (part.is_active() and part.get_flag(parted.PARTITION_RAID) == 1) return filter_partitions(disk, func) def get_lvm_partitions(disk): """Return a list of physical volume-type PedPartition objects on disk.""" func = lambda part: (part.is_active() and part.get_flag(parted.PARTITION_LVM) == 1) return filter_partitions(disk, func) def getDefaultDiskType(): """Get the default partition table type for this architecture.""" if rhpl.getArch() == "i386": return parted.disk_type_get("msdos") elif rhpl.getArch() == "ia64": return parted.disk_type_get("gpt") elif rhpl.getArch() == "s390": # the "default" type is dasd, but we don't really do dasd # formatting with parted and use dasdfmt directly for them # so if we get here, it's an fcp disk and we should write # an msdos partition table (#144199) return parted.disk_type_get("msdos") elif rhpl.getArch() == "alpha": return parted.disk_type_get("bsd") elif rhpl.getArch() == "sparc": return parted.disk_type_get("sun") elif rhpl.getArch() == "ppc": ppcMachine = iutil.getPPCMachine() if ppcMachine == "PMac": return parted.disk_type_get("mac") elif ppcMachine == "Pegasos": return parted.disk_type_get("amiga") else: return parted.disk_type_get("msdos") else: return parted.disk_type_get("msdos") archLabels = {'i386': ['msdos', 'gpt'], 's390': ['dasd', 'msdos'], 'alpha': ['bsd', 'msdos'], 'sparc': ['sun'], 'ia64': ['msdos', 'gpt'], 'ppc': ['msdos', 'mac', 'amiga', 'gpt'], 'x86_64': ['msdos', 'gpt']} def needGPTLabel(dev, label): """ Return gpt label if disk is msdos and size is > 2TiB""" if label.name == 'msdos' and \ dev.length > (2L**41) / dev.sector_size and \ 'gpt' in archLabels[rhpl.getArch()]: label = parted.disk_type_get('gpt') return label def labelDisk(deviceFile, forceLabelType=None): dev = parted.PedDevice.get(deviceFile) if not forceLabelType is None: label = forceLabelType else: label = needGPTLabel(dev, getDefaultDiskType()) # remove metadata from partitions try: disk = parted.PedDisk.new(dev) except parted.error, msg: log.debug("labelDisk parted error: %s" % (msg,)) else: part = disk.next_partition() while part: if (not part.is_active() or (part.type == parted.PARTITION_EXTENDED) or (part.disk.type.name == "mac" and part.num == 1 and part.get_name() == "Apple")): part = disk.next_partition(part) continue device = fsset.PartedPartitionDevice(part).getDevice() log.debug("removing lvm metadata from %s" %(device,)) lvm.pvremove("/dev/%s" % (device,)) part = disk.next_partition(part) log.info("Creating new %s disklabel on %s" % (label.name, deviceFile)) disk = dev.disk_new_fresh(label) disk.commit() return disk # this is kind of crappy, but we don't really want to allow LDL formatted # dasd to be used during the install def checkDasdFmt(disk, intf): if rhpl.getArch() != "s390": return 0 if disk.type.name != "dasd": return 0 # FIXME: there has to be a better way to check LDL vs CDL # how do I test ldl vs cdl? if disk.max_primary_partition_count > 1: return 0 if intf: try: devs = isys.getDasdDevPort() devnode = disk.dev.path[5:] dev = "/dev/%s (%s)" % (devnode, devs[devnode],) except Exception, e: log.critical("exception getting dasd dev ports: %s" %(e,)) dev = "/dev/%s" %(disk.dev.path[5:],) rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Warning"), _("The device %s is LDL formatted instead of " "CDL formatted. LDL formatted DASDs are not " "supported for usage during an install of %s. " "If you wish to use this disk for installation, " "it must be re-initialized causing the loss of " "ALL DATA on this drive.\n\n" "Would you like to reformat this DASD using CDL " "format?") %(dev, productName), type = "yesno") if rc == 0: return 1 else: return -1 else: return 1 def checkDiskLabel(disk, intf): """Check that the disk label on disk is valid for this machine type.""" arch = rhpl.getArch() if arch in archLabels.keys(): if disk.type.name in archLabels[arch]: # this is kind of a hack since we don't want LDL to be used return checkDasdFmt(disk, intf) else: if disk.type.name == "msdos": return 0 if intf: rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Warning"), _("/dev/%s currently has a %s partition " "layout. To use this disk for " "the installation of %s, it must be " "re-initialized, causing the loss of " "ALL DATA on this drive.\n\n" "Would you like to format this " "drive?") %(disk.dev.path[5:], disk.type.name, productName), type="custom", custom_buttons = [ _("_Ignore drive"), _("_Format drive") ], custom_icon="question") if rc == 0: return 1 else: return -1 else: return 1 def hasProtectedPartitions(drive, anaconda): rc = False if anaconda is None: return rc try: for protected in anaconda.method.protectedPartitions(): if protected.startswith(drive): part = protected[len(drive):] if part[0] == "p": part = part[1:] if part.isdigit(): rc = True break except: pass return rc # attempt to associate a parted filesystem type on a partition that # didn't probe as one type or another. def validateFsType(part): # we only care about primary and logical partitions if not part.type in (parted.PARTITION_PRIMARY, parted.PARTITION_LOGICAL): return # if the partition already has a type, no need to search if part.fs_type: return # first fsystem to probe wins, so sort the types into a preferred # order. fsnames = fsTypes.keys() goodTypes = ['ext3', 'ext2'] badTypes = ['linux-swap',] for fstype in goodTypes: fsnames.remove(fstype) fsnames = goodTypes + fsnames for fstype in badTypes: fsnames.remove(fstype) fsnames.extend(badTypes) # now check each type, and set the partition system accordingly. for fsname in fsnames: fstype = fsTypes[fsname] if fstype.probe_specific(part.geom) != None: # XXX verify that this will not modify system type # in the case where a user does not modify partitions part.set_system(fstype) return def isLinuxNativeByNumtype(numtype): """Check if the type is a 'Linux native' filesystem.""" linuxtypes = [0x82, 0x83, 0x8e, 0xfd] for t in linuxtypes: if int(numtype) == t: return 1 return 0 def sniffFilesystemType(device): """Sniff to determine the type of fs on device. device - name of device to sniff. we try to create it if it doesn't exist. """ if os.access(device, os.O_RDONLY): dev = device else: dev = "/tmp/" + device if not os.access(dev, os.O_RDONLY): try: isys.makeDevInode(device, dev) except: pass pagesize = resource.getpagesize() if pagesize > 2048: num = pagesize else: num = 2048 try: fd = os.open(dev, os.O_RDONLY) buf = os.read(fd, num) os.close(fd) except: return None if len(buf) < pagesize: try: log.error("Tried to read pagesize for %s in sniffFilesystemType and only read %s", dev, len(buf)) except: pass return None # physical volumes start with HM (see linux/lvm.h # and LVM/ver/tools/lib/pv_copy.c) if buf.startswith("HM"): return "physical volume (LVM)" # sniff for LVM2 label. see LVM/ver/lib/label/label.[ch] for a # description of the label and LVM/ver/lib/format_text/layout.h for sec in range(0, 4): off = (sec * 512) + 24 if buf[off:].startswith("LVM2"): return "physical volume (LVM)" try: isys.raidsbFromDevice(dev) return "software RAID" except: pass # ext2 check if struct.unpack("<H", buf[1080:1082]) == (0xef53,): if isys.ext2HasJournal(dev, makeDevNode = 0): if fsset.ext4FileSystem.probe(dev): return "ext4" else: return "ext3" else: return "ext2" # xfs signature if buf.startswith("XFSB"): return "xfs" # 2.6 doesn't support version 0, so we don't like SWAP-SPACE if (buf[pagesize - 10:] == "SWAPSPACE2"): return "swap" if fsset.isValidReiserFS(dev): return "reiserfs" if fsset.isValidJFS(dev): return "jfs" # FIXME: we don't look for vfat return None def getReleaseString(mountpoint): if os.access(mountpoint + "/etc/redhat-release", os.R_OK): f = open(mountpoint + "/etc/redhat-release", "r") try: lines = f.readlines() except IOError: try: f.close() except: pass return "" f.close() # return the first line with the newline at the end stripped if len(lines) == 0: return "" relstr = string.strip(lines[0][:-1]) # get the release name and version # assumes that form is something # like "Red Hat Linux release 6.2 (Zoot)" if relstr.find("release") != -1: try: idx = relstr.find("release") prod = relstr[:idx - 1] ver = "" for a in relstr[idx + 8:]: if a in string.digits + ".": ver = ver + a else: break relstr = prod + " " + ver except: pass # don't worry, just use the relstr as we have it return relstr return "" def productMatches(oldproduct, newproduct): """Determine if this is a reasonable product to upgrade old product""" log.info("oldproduct:%s , newproduct:%s" % (oldproduct,newproduct,)) if oldproduct.startswith(newproduct): return 1 productUpgrades = { "Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS": ("Red Hat Linux Advanced Server", ), "Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS": ("Red Hat Linux Advanced Workstation",), # FIXME: this probably shouldn't be in a release... "Red Hat Enterprise Linux": ("Red Hat Linux Advanced Server", "Red Hat Linux Advanced Workstation", "Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS", "Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES", "Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS"), "Scientific Linux 51 (Fermi)": ( "Scientific Linux SL", "Scientific Linux Fermi LTS", "Scientific Linux SLF"), "Scientific Linux 52 (Fermi)": ( "Scientific Linux SL", "Scientific Linux Fermi LTS", "Scientific Linux SLF"), "Scientific Linux 53 (Fermi)": ( "Scientific Linux SL", "Scientific Linux Fermi LTS", "Scientific Linux SLF"), "Scientific Linux 54 (Fermi)": ( "Scientific Linux SL", "Scientific Linux Fermi LTS", "Scientific Linux SLF"), "Scientific Linux 55 (Fermi)": ( "Scientific Linux SL", "Scientific Linux Fermi LTS", "Scientific Linux SLF"), "Scientific Linux 56 (Fermi)": ( "Scientific Linux SL", "Scientific Linux Fermi LTS", "Scientific Linux SLF"), "Scientific Linux 57 (Fermi)": ( "Scientific Linux SL", "Scientific Linux Fermi LTS", "Scientific Linux SLF"), "Scientific Linux 58 (Fermi)": ( "Scientific Linux SL", "Scientific Linux Fermi LTS", "Scientific Linux SLF"), "Scientific Linux 59 (Fermi)": ( "Scientific Linux SL", "Scientific Linux Fermi LTS", "Scientific Linux SLF"), "Scientific Linux 510 (Fermi)": ( "Scientific Linux SL", "Scientific Linux Fermi LTS", "Scientific Linux SLF"), "Scientific Linux 511 (Fermi)": ( "Scientific Linux SL", "Scientific Linux Fermi LTS", "Scientific Linux SLF"), "Fedora Core": ("Red Hat Linux",) } if productUpgrades.has_key(newproduct): acceptable = productUpgrades[newproduct] else: acceptable = () for p in acceptable: log.info("oldproduct: %s , p: %s" % (oldproduct,p,)) if oldproduct.startswith(p): log.info("Upgrade is allowed for oldproduct %s " % (oldproduct,)) return 1 return 0 def dmNodeNameOfLV(volgroup, logvol): return "mapper/%s-%s" % (volgroup.replace("-", "--"), logvol.replace("-", "--")) class DiskSet: """The disks in the system.""" skippedDisks = [] exclusiveDisks = [] mdList = [] dmList = None mpList = None clearedDisks = [] def __init__ (self, anaconda = None): self.disks = {} self.initializedDisks = {} self.onlyPrimary = None self.anaconda = anaconda def onlyPrimaryParts(self): for disk in self.disks.values(): if disk.type.check_feature(parted.DISK_TYPE_EXTENDED): return 0 return 1 def startMPath(self): """Start all of the dm multipath devices associated with the DiskSet.""" if not DiskSet.mpList is None and DiskSet.mpList.__len__() > 0: return log.debug("starting mpaths") log.debug("self.driveList(): %s" % (self.driveList(),)) log.debug("DiskSet.skippedDisks: %s" % (DiskSet.skippedDisks,)) driveList = filter(lambda x: x not in DiskSet.skippedDisks, self.driveList()) log.debug("DiskSet.skippedDisks: %s" % (DiskSet.skippedDisks,)) mpList = dmraid.startAllMPath(driveList) DiskSet.mpList = mpList log.debug("done starting mpaths. Drivelist: %s" % \ (self.driveList(),)) def renameMPath(self, mp, name): dmraid.renameMPath(mp, name) def stopMPath(self): """Stop all of the mpath devices associated with the DiskSet.""" if DiskSet.mpList: dmraid.stopAllMPath(DiskSet.mpList) DiskSet.mpList = None def startDmRaid(self): """Start all of the dmraid devices associated with the DiskSet.""" if rhpl.getArch() in ('s390', 's390x'): return if not DiskSet.dmList is None: return log.debug("starting dmraids") log.debug("self.driveList(): %s" % (self.driveList(),)) log.debug("DiskSet.skippedDisks: %s" % (DiskSet.skippedDisks,)) driveList = filter(lambda x: x not in DiskSet.skippedDisks, self.driveList()) log.debug("DiskSet.skippedDisks: %s" % (DiskSet.skippedDisks,)) dmList = dmraid.startAllRaid(driveList) DiskSet.dmList = dmList log.debug("done starting dmraids. Drivelist: %s" % \ (self.driveList(),)) def renameDmRaid(self, rs, name): if rhpl.getArch() in ('s390', 's390x'): return dmraid.renameRaidSet(rs, name) def stopDmRaid(self): """Stop all of the dmraid devices associated with the DiskSet.""" if rhpl.getArch() in ('s390', 's390x'): return if DiskSet.dmList or []: dmraid.stopAllRaid(DiskSet.dmList) DiskSet.dmList = None def startMdRaid(self): """Start all of the md raid devices associated with the DiskSet.""" testList = [] testList.extend(DiskSet.skippedDisks) for mp in DiskSet.mpList or []: for m in mp.members: disk = m.split('/')[-1] testList.append(disk) if not rhpl.getArch() in ('s390','s390x'): for rs in DiskSet.dmList or []: for m in rs.members: if isinstance(m, block.RaidDev): disk = m.rd.device.path.split('/')[-1] testList.append(disk) driveList = filter(lambda x: x not in testList, self.driveList()) if DiskSet.exclusiveDisks != []: driveList = filter(lambda x: x in DiskSet.exclusiveDisks, driveList) DiskSet.mdList.extend(raid.startAllRaid(driveList)) def stopMdRaid(self): """Stop all of the md raid devices associated with the DiskSet.""" raid.stopAllRaid(DiskSet.mdList) while DiskSet.mdList: DiskSet.mdList.pop() def getLabels(self): """Return a list of all of the labels used on partitions.""" labels = {} try: encryptedDevices = self.anaconda.id.partitions.encryptedDevices except: encryptedDevices = {} drives = self.disks.keys() drives.sort() for drive in drives: if drive in DiskSet.clearedDisks: continue disk = self.disks[drive] func = lambda part: (part.is_active() and not (part.get_flag(parted.PARTITION_RAID) or part.get_flag(parted.PARTITION_LVM))) parts = filter_partitions(disk, func) for part in parts: node = get_partition_name(part) crypto = encryptedDevices.get(node) mknode = 1 prefix = "" if crypto and not crypto.openDevice(): node = crypto.getDevice() mknode = 0 prefix = "/dev/" label = isys.readFSLabel(prefix + node, makeDevNode = mknode) if label: labels[node] = label if crypto: crypto.closeDevice() # not doing this right now, because we should _always_ have a # partition table of some kind on dmraid. if False: for rs in DiskSet.dmList or [] + DiskSet.mpList or []: label = isys.readFSLabel(rs.name) if label: labels[rs.name] = label for dev, devices, level, numActive in DiskSet.mdList: crypto = encryptedDevices.get(dev) mknode = 1 prefix = "" if crypto and not crypto.openDevice(): dev = crypto.getDevice() mknode = 0 prefix = "/dev/" label = isys.readFSLabel(prefix + dev, makeDevNode = mknode) if label: labels[dev] = label if crypto: crypto.closeDevice() for (vg, lv, size, lvorigin) in lvm.lvlist(): if lvorigin: continue prefix = "/dev/" dev = "%s/%s" % (vg, lv) crypto = encryptedDevices.get(dmNodeNameOfLV(vg, lv)) if crypto and not crypto.openDevice(): dev = crypto.getDevice() label = isys.readFSLabel(prefix + dev, makeDevNode = 0) if label: labels[dev] = label if crypto: crypto.closeDevice() return labels def findExistingRootPartitions(self, upgradeany = 0): """Return a list of all of the partitions which look like a root fs.""" rootparts = [] self.startMPath() self.startDmRaid() self.startMdRaid() for dev, crypto in self.anaconda.id.partitions.encryptedDevices.items(): # FIXME: order these so LVM and RAID always work on the first try if crypto.openDevice(): log.error("failed to open encrypted device %s" % (dev,)) if flags.cmdline.has_key("upgradeany"): upgradeany = 1 for dev, devices, level, numActive in self.mdList: (errno, msg) = (None, None) found = 0 theDev = "/dev/%s" % (dev,) crypto = self.anaconda.id.partitions.encryptedDevices.get(dev) if crypto and not crypto.openDevice(): theDev = "/dev/%s" % (crypto.getDevice(),) elif crypto: log.error("failed to open encrypted device %s" % dev) crypto = None for fs in fsset.getFStoTry(theDev): try: isys.mount(theDev, self.anaconda.rootPath, fs, readOnly = 1) found = 1 break except SystemError, (errno, msg): pass if found: if os.access (self.anaconda.rootPath + '/etc/fstab', os.R_OK): relstr = getReleaseString(self.anaconda.rootPath) if ((upgradeany == 1) or (productMatches(relstr, productName))): try: label = isys.readFSLabel(theDev, makeDevNode=0) except: label = None rootparts.append ((theDev, fs, relstr, label)) isys.umount(self.anaconda.rootPath) # now, look for candidate lvm roots lvm.vgscan() lvm.vgactivate() for dev, crypto in self.anaconda.id.partitions.encryptedDevices.items(): # FIXME: order these so LVM and RAID always work on the first try if crypto.openDevice(): log.error("failed to open encrypted device %s" % (dev,)) for (vg, lv, size, lvorigin) in lvm.lvlist(): if lvorigin: continue theDev = "/dev/%s/%s" %(vg, lv) found = 0 dmnode = "mapper/%s-%s" % (vg, lv) crypto = self.anaconda.id.partitions.encryptedDevices.get(dmnode) if crypto and not crypto.openDevice(): theDev = "/dev/%s" % (crypto.getDevice(),) elif crypto: log.error("failed to open encrypted device %s" % dev) crypto = None for fs in fsset.getFStoTry(theDev): try: isys.mount(theDev, self.anaconda.rootPath, fs, readOnly = 1) found = 1 break except SystemError: pass if found: if os.access (self.anaconda.rootPath + '/etc/fstab', os.R_OK): relstr = getReleaseString(self.anaconda.rootPath) if ((upgradeany == 1) or (productMatches(relstr, productName))): try: label = isys.readFSLabel(theDev, makeDevNode=0) except: label = None rootparts.append ((theDev, fs, relstr, label)) isys.umount(self.anaconda.rootPath) lvm.vgdeactivate() # don't stop raid until after we've looked for lvm on top of it self.stopMdRaid() drives = self.disks.keys() drives.sort() for drive in drives: disk = self.disks[drive] part = disk.next_partition () while part: node = get_partition_name(part) crypto = self.anaconda.id.partitions.encryptedDevices.get(node) if (part.is_active() and (part.get_flag(parted.PARTITION_RAID) or part.get_flag(parted.PARTITION_LVM))): pass elif part.fs_type or crypto: theDev = node if part.fs_type: fstype = part.fs_type.name else: fstype = None # parted doesn't tell ext4 from ext3 for us if fstype == "ext3": fstype = sniffFilesystemType("/dev/%s" % theDev) if crypto and not crypto.openDevice(): theDev = crypto.getDevice() fstype = sniffFilesystemType("/dev/%s" % theDev) elif crypto: log.error("failed to open encrypted device %s" % node) crypto = None if not fstype or fstype not in fsset.getUsableLinuxFs(): part = disk.next_partition(part) continue # In hard drive ISO method, don't try to mount the # protected partitions because that'll throw up a # useless error message. protected = self.anaconda.method.protectedPartitions() if protected and theDev in protected: part = disk.next_partition(part) continue try: isys.mount(theDev, self.anaconda.rootPath, fstype) except SystemError, (errno, msg): part = disk.next_partition(part) continue if os.access (self.anaconda.rootPath + '/etc/fstab', os.R_OK): relstr = getReleaseString(self.anaconda.rootPath) if ((upgradeany == 1) or (productMatches(relstr, productName))): try: label = isys.readFSLabel("/dev/%s" % theDev, makeDevNode=0) except: label = None rootparts.append ((theDev, fstype, relstr, label)) isys.umount(self.anaconda.rootPath) part = disk.next_partition(part) return rootparts def driveList (self): """Return the list of drives on the system.""" drives = isys.hardDriveDict().keys() drives.sort (isys.compareDrives) return drives def drivesByName (self): """Return a dictionary of the drives on the system.""" return isys.hardDriveDict() def addPartition (self, device, type, spec): """Add a new partition to the device. - UNUSED.""" if not self.disks.has_key (device): raise PartitioningError, ("unknown device passed to " "addPartition: %s" % (device,)) disk = self.disks[device] part = disk.next_partition () status = 0 while part: if (part.type == parted.PARTITION_FREESPACE and part.geom.length >= spec.size): newp = disk.partition_new (type, spec.fs_type, part.geom.start, part.geom.start + spec.size) constraint = disk.dev.constraint_any () try: disk.add_partition (newp, constraint) status = 1 break except parted.error, msg: raise PartitioningError, msg part = disk.next_partition (part) if not status: raise PartitioningError, ("Not enough free space on %s to create " "new partition" % (device,)) return newp def deleteAllPartitions (self): """Delete all partitions from all disks. - UNUSED.""" for disk in self.disks.values(): disk.delete_all () def savePartitions (self): """Write the partition tables out to the disks.""" for disk in self.disks.values(): log.info("disk.commit() for %s" % (disk.dev.path,)) try: disk.commit() except: # if this fails, remove the disk so we don't use it later # Basically if we get here, badness has happened and we want # to prevent tracebacks from ruining the day any more. del disk continue # FIXME: this belongs in parted itself, but let's do a hack... if iutil.isMactel() and disk.type.name == "gpt" and \ os.path.exists("/usr/sbin/gptsync"): iutil.execWithRedirect("/usr/sbin/gptsync", [disk.dev.path], stdout="/dev/tty5", stderr="/dev/tty5") del disk self.refreshDevices() def _addDisk(self, drive, disk): log.debug("adding drive %s to disk list" % (drive,)) self.initializedDisks[drive] = True self.disks[drive] = disk def _removeDisk(self, drive, addSkip=True): msg = "removing drive %s from disk lists" % (drive,) if addSkip: msg += "; adding to skip list" log.debug(msg) if self.disks.has_key(drive): del self.disks[drive] if addSkip: if self.initializedDisks.has_key(drive): del self.initializedDisks[drive] DiskSet.skippedDisks.append(drive) def refreshDevices (self): """Reread the state of the disks as they are on disk.""" self.closeDevices() self.disks = {} self.openDevices() def closeDevices (self): """Close all of the disks which are open.""" self.stopDmRaid() self.stopMPath() for drive in self.disks.keys(): #self.disks[drive].close() self._removeDisk(drive, addSkip=False) def isDisciplineFBA (self, drive): if rhpl.getArch() != "s390": return False drive = drive.replace('/dev/', '') if drive.startswith("dasd"): discipline = "/sys/block/%s/device/discipline" % (drive,) if os.path.isfile(discipline): try: fp = open(discipline, "r") lines = fp.readlines() fp.close() if len(lines) == 1: if lines[0].strip() == "FBA": return True except: log.error("failed to check discipline of %s" % (drive,)) pass return False def dasdFmt (self, drive = None): """Format dasd devices (s390).""" if self.disks.has_key(drive): self._removeDisk(drive, addSkip=False) w = self.anaconda.intf.progressWindow (_("Initializing"), _("Please wait while formatting drive %s...\n" ) % (drive,), 100) try: isys.makeDevInode(drive, '/tmp/' + drive) except: pass argList = [ "/sbin/dasdfmt", "-y", "-b", "4096", "-d", "cdl", "-F", "-f", "/tmp/%s" % drive] fd = os.open("/dev/null", os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_APPEND) p = os.pipe() childpid = os.fork() if not childpid: os.close(p[0]) os.dup2(p[1], 1) os.dup2(fd, 2) os.close(p[1]) os.close(fd) os.execv(argList[0], argList) log.critical("failed to exec %s", argList) os._exit(1) os.close(p[1]) num = '' sync = 0 s = 'a' while s: try: s = os.read(p[0], 1) os.write(fd, s) if s != '\n': try: num = num + s except: pass else: if num: val = string.split(num) if (val[0] == 'cyl'): # printf("cyl %5d of %5d | %3d%%\n", val = int(val[5][:-1]) w and w.set(val) # sync every 10% if sync + 10 <= val: isys.sync() sync = val num = '' except OSError, args: (errno, str) = args if (errno != 4): raise IOError, args try: (pid, status) = os.waitpid(childpid, 0) except OSError, (num, msg): print __name__, "waitpid:", msg os.close(fd) w and w.pop() if os.WIFEXITED(status) and (os.WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0): return 0 return 1 def _askForLabelPermission(self, intf, drive, clearDevs, initAll, ks): # if anaconda is None here, we are called from labelFactory # XXX FIXME this test is terrible. if self.anaconda is not None: rc = 0 if (ks and (drive in clearDevs) and initAll) or \ self.isDisciplineFBA(drive): rc = 1 else: if not intf: self._removeDisk(drive) return False if rhpl.getArch() == "s390" \ and drive[:4] == "dasd" \ and isys.getDasdState(drive): devs = isys.getDasdDevPort() msg = \ _("The partition table on device %s (%s) was unreadable. " "To create new partitions it must be initialized, " "causing the loss of ALL DATA on this drive.\n\n" "This operation will override any previous " "installation choices about which drives to " "ignore.\n\n" "Would you like to initialize this drive, " "erasing ALL DATA?") % (drive, devs[drive]) else: deviceFile = isys.makeDevInode(drive, "/dev/" + drive) dev = parted.PedDevice.get(deviceFile) msg = _("The partition table on device %s (%s %-0.f MB) was unreadable.\n" "To create new partitions it must be initialized, " "causing the loss of ALL DATA on this drive.\n\n" "This operation will override any previous " "installation choices about which drives to " "ignore.\n\n" "Would you like to initialize this drive, " "erasing ALL DATA?") % (drive, dev.model, getDeviceSizeMB (dev),) rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Warning"), msg, type="yesno") if rc != 0: return True self._removeDisk(drive) return False def _labelDevice(self, drive): log.info("Reinitializing label for drive %s" % (drive,)) deviceFile = isys.makeDevInode(drive, "/dev/" + drive) try: try: # FIXME: need the right fix for z/VM formatted dasd if rhpl.getArch() == "s390" and drive[:4] == "dasd" and \ not self.isDisciplineFBA(drive): if self.dasdFmt(drive): raise LabelError, drive dev = parted.PedDevice.get(deviceFile) disk = parted.PedDisk.new(dev) else: disk = labelDisk(deviceFile) except parted.error, msg: log.debug("_labelDevice parted error: %s" % (msg,)) raise except: self._removeDisk(drive) raise LabelError, drive self._addDisk(drive, disk) return disk, dev def openDevices (self): """Open the disks on the system and skip unopenable devices.""" if self.disks: return self.startMPath() self.startDmRaid() if self.anaconda is None: intf = None zeroMbr = None else: intf = self.anaconda.intf zeroMbr = self.anaconda.id.partitions.zeroMbr for drive in self.driveList(): # ignoredisk takes precedence over clearpart (#186438). if (DiskSet.exclusiveDisks != [] and drive not in DiskSet.exclusiveDisks) or drive in DiskSet.skippedDisks: continue deviceFile = isys.makeDevInode(drive, "/dev/" + drive) if not isys.mediaPresent(drive) or isys.deviceIsReadOnly(drive): self._removeDisk(drive) continue disk = None dev = None if self.initializedDisks.has_key(drive): if not self.disks.has_key(drive): try: dev = parted.PedDevice.get(deviceFile) disk = parted.PedDisk.new(dev) self._addDisk(drive, disk) except parted.error, msg: self._removeDisk(drive) continue ks = False clearDevs = [] initAll = False if self.anaconda is not None: if self.anaconda.isKickstart: ks = True clearDevs = self.anaconda.id.ksdata.clearpart["drives"] initAll = self.anaconda.id.ksdata.clearpart["initAll"] # FIXME: need the right fix for z/VM formatted dasd if rhpl.getArch() == "s390" \ and drive[:4] == "dasd" \ and isys.getDasdState(drive): try: if not self._askForLabelPermission(intf, drive, clearDevs, initAll, ks): raise LabelError, drive disk, dev = self._labelDevice(drive) except: continue if initAll and ((clearDevs is None) or (len(clearDevs) == 0) \ or (drive in clearDevs)) and not flags.test \ and not hasProtectedPartitions(drive, self.anaconda): try: DiskSet.clearedDisks.append(drive) disk, dev = self._labelDevice(drive) except: continue try: if not dev: dev = parted.PedDevice.get(deviceFile) disk = None except parted.error, msg: log.debug("openDevices parted error: %s" % (msg,)) self._removeDisk(drive, disk) continue try: if not disk: disk = parted.PedDisk.new(dev) self._addDisk(drive, disk) except parted.error, msg: recreate = 0 if zeroMbr: log.error("zeroMBR was set and invalid partition table " "found on %s" % (dev.path[5:])) recreate = 1 else: if not self._askForLabelPermission(intf, drive, clearDevs, initAll, ks): continue recreate = 1 if recreate == 1 and not flags.test: try: DiskSet.clearedDisks.append(drive) disk, dev = self._labelDevice(drive) except: continue filter_partitions(disk, validateFsType) # check for more than 15 partitions (libata limit) if drive.startswith('sd') and disk.get_last_partition_num() > 15: msg = _("The drive /dev/%s has more than 15 " "partitions on it. The SCSI " "subsystem in the Linux kernel does " "not allow for more than 15 partitons " "at this time. You will not be able " "to make changes to the partitioning " "of this disk or use any partitions " "beyond /dev/%s15 in %s") % (drive, drive, productName) if intf: rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Warning"), msg, type="custom", custom_buttons = [_("_Reboot"), _("_Continue")], custom_icon="warning") if rc == 0: sys.exit(0) else: # no interface instance to show warning with, just log it # and continue log.warning(msg) # check that their partition table is valid for their architecture ret = checkDiskLabel(disk, intf) if ret == 1: self._removeDisk(drive) elif ret == -1: try: DiskSet.clearedDisks.append(drive) disk, dev = self._labelDevice(drive) except: pass def partitionTypes (self): """Return list of (partition, partition type) tuples for all parts.""" rc = [] drives = self.disks.keys() drives.sort() for drive in drives: disk = self.disks[drive] part = disk.next_partition () while part: if part.type in (parted.PARTITION_PRIMARY, parted.PARTITION_LOGICAL): device = get_partition_name(part) if part.fs_type: ptype = part.fs_type.name else: ptype = None rc.append((device, ptype)) part = disk.next_partition (part) return rc def diskState (self): """Print out current disk state. DEBUG.""" rc = "" for disk in self.disks.values(): rc = rc + ("%s: %s length %ld, maximum " "primary partitions: %d\n" % (disk.dev.path, disk.dev.model, disk.dev.length, disk.max_primary_partition_count)) part = disk.next_partition() if part: rc = rc + ("Device Type Filesystem Start " "End Length Flags\n") rc = rc + ("------ ---- ---------- ----- " "--- ------ -----\n") while part: if not part.type & parted.PARTITION_METADATA: device = "" fs_type_name = "" if part.num > 0: device = get_partition_name(part) if part.fs_type: fs_type_name = part.fs_type.name partFlags = get_flags (part) rc = rc + ("%-9s %-12s %-12s %-10ld %-10ld %-10ld %7s\n" % (device, part.type_name, fs_type_name, part.geom.start, part.geom.end, part.geom.length, partFlags)) part = disk.next_partition(part) return rc def checkNoDisks(self): """Check that there are valid disk devices.""" if len(self.disks.keys()) == 0: self.anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("No Drives Found"), _("An error has occurred - no valid devices were " "found on which to create new file systems. " "Please check your hardware for the cause " "of this problem.")) return True return False # XXX is this all of the possibilities? dosPartitionTypes = [ 1, 6, 7, 11, 12, 14, 15 ] # master list of partition types allPartitionTypesDict = { 0 : "Empty", 1: "DOS 12-bit FAT", 2: "XENIX root", 3: "XENIX usr", 4: "DOS 16-bit <32M", 5: "Extended", 6: "DOS 16-bit >=32M", 7: "NTFS/HPFS", 8: "AIX", 9: "AIX bootable", 10: "OS/2 Boot Manager", 0xb: "Win95 FAT32", 0xc: "Win95 FAT32", 0xe: "Win95 FAT16", 0xf: "Win95 Ext'd", 0x10: "OPUS", 0x11: "Hidden FAT12", 0x12: "Compaq Setup", 0x14: "Hidden FAT16 <32M", 0x16: "Hidden FAT16", 0x17: "Hidden HPFS/NTFS", 0x18: "AST SmartSleep", 0x1b: "Hidden Win95 FAT32", 0x1c: "Hidden Win95 FAT32 (LBA)", 0x1e: "Hidden Win95 FAT16 (LBA)", 0x24: "NEC_DOS", 0x39: "Plan 9", 0x40: "Venix 80286", 0x41: "PPC_PReP Boot", 0x42: "SFS", 0x4d: "QNX4.x", 0x4e: "QNX4.x 2nd part", 0x4f: "QNX4.x 2nd part", 0x51: "Novell?", 0x52: "Microport", 0x63: "GNU HURD", 0x64: "Novell Netware 286", 0x65: "Novell Netware 386", 0x75: "PC/IX", 0x80: "Old MINIX", 0x81: "Linux/MINIX", 0x82: "Linux swap", 0x83: "Linux native", 0x84: "OS/2 hidden C:", 0x85: "Linux Extended", 0x86: "NTFS volume set", 0x87: "NTFS volume set", 0x8e: "Linux LVM", 0x93: "Amoeba", 0x94: "Amoeba BBT", 0x9f: "BSD/OS", 0xa0: "IBM Thinkpad hibernation", 0xa5: "BSD/386", 0xa6: "OpenBSD", 0xb7: "BSDI fs", 0xb8: "BSDI swap", 0xbf: "Solaris", 0xc7: "Syrinx", 0xdb: "CP/M", 0xde: "Dell Utility", 0xe1: "DOS access", 0xe3: "DOS R/O", 0xeb: "BEOS", 0xee: "EFI GPT", 0xef: "EFI (FAT-12/16/32)", 0xf2: "DOS secondary", 0xfd: "Linux RAID", 0xff: "BBT" } max_logical_partition_count = { "hd": 59, "sd": 11, "ataraid/": 11, "rd/": 3, "cciss/": 11, "i2o/": 11, "iseries/vd": 3, "ida/": 11, "sx8/": 11, "xvd": 11, "vd": 11, }