#!/bin/bash # arm/build # Build wrapper for ap/linuxdoc-tools on Slackware ARM # Stuart Winter <mozes@slackware.com> # source /usr/share/slackdev/buildkit.sh # Package metadata: export PKGNAM=linuxdoc-tools export VERSION=${VERSION:-0.9.83} export BUILD=${BUILD:-1} export PKGSERIES=${PKGSERIES:-ap} export SLACKPACKAGE=$PKGNAM-$VERSION-$PKGARCH-$BUILD.txz export PKGEXT=${PKGEXT:-txz} # Ensure base ARM packages are installed first: slackbasedeps # Ensure $PKGNAM isn't already installed: slackfailpkgdeps $PKGNAM || removepkg $PKGNAM # Ensure specific build dependencies - libraries and development tools. # There are many more dependencies but these are the core ones I picked out # as I was building the software included within this package. # #slackcheckpkgdeps libxml2 || installpkg $PKGSTORE/l/libxml2-*.t?z # to unpack some SRPMs: #slackcheckpkgdeps rpm || installpkg $PKGSTORE/ap/rpm-*.t?z # for OpenJade: #slackcheckpkgdeps tetex || installpkg $PKGSTORE/t/tetex-[0-9]*.t?z # for AsciiDoc: #slackcheckpkgdeps python || installpkg $PKGSTORE/d/python-[0-9]*.t?z # Ensure the packages are installed; exit if not. #slackcheckpkgdeps python,libxml2,rpm,tetex || exit 99 # Stop daemons/processes which tend to modify the contents of the filesystem: altertrackprep # Launch the package build script: BUILDLOG=$( basename $SLACKPACKAGE .t?z ).build.log # ( ./$PKGNAM.SlackBuild ) >& /dev/stdout | tee $BUILDLOG ( ./trackbuild.$PKGNAM ) >& /dev/stdout | tee $BUILDLOG # Compress the build log: bzip2 -9fvz $BUILDLOG